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rourke750 edited this page Nov 19, 2015 · 1 revision

Player Inventories

BetterShards solves the issue of syncing player data between servers. By connecting it to the MySQL Database it will automatically save player data directly to the database as well as add preexisting player data directly into the db. It does this by overriding Minecraft's player save class and forces it to use MySQL instead of flat files.

Pros of this System

The benefit of doing it this was it that all player data will be saved and there are no rooms of missing data due to Minecraft using NBT to save the data to the MySQL database instead of a flatfile.

Negatives of this System

The negatives of doing it this way is that is version locks this plugin to what ever version it supports. This could mean that updating to future versions may not happen right away as well as not supporting legacy versions of Minecraft.


BetterShards does portals through cuboids. This means that any cuboid type object can be converted into a Portal that allows transfer to other Portals.

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