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A blog app made with Angular.js (front-end) and Flask Python Microframework (back-end).

To run it on your local machine:

  1. Clone this repo

  2. Install all the necessary packages (best done inside of a virtual environment)

    pip install -r requirements.txt

    In case you get an error 'failed building wheel for pillow' or smth similar and you're on Debian or Ubuntu you probably need to install Python’s development libraries for Pillow via

    sudo apt-get install python-dev python-setuptools

    and then install Pillow again with

    pip install pillow

    More info:

  3. Copy the file and rename it to in the instance folder. This file is for dev configuration and should be kept out of version control as it contains some sensitive information (e.g. SECRET_KEY). More on using instance folders: Also here you can choose which databse to use in developemnt (default is SQLite).

  4. Run the app


  5. Initialize the db (the server must still be running, so open a new terminal window first)

    python init_db

    (this will create a 'posts' db with one sample post and a user 'Admin' with email '' and password '111111')

  6. Install necessary JavaScript packages (you'd also separately install gulp globally)

    npm install

  7. Bundle all the necessary files (this will create a 'dist' directory in the 'static' folder)

    gulp build

  8. Start watching JS files for changes to automatically re-bundle them (note that this only watches your custom JS files, if you're adding an Angular module or other third-party libs you need to manually add the path to it to 'bundle-vendor.config.js' and call 'gulp bundle-vendor' to update the vendor.js file).

    gulp watch

  9. The site should be ready and running at http://localhost:5000/