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Christian Cuevas edited this page Jan 11, 2021 · 5 revisions

Voxel-Core v3.x.x Wiki

Welcome to the official wiki for Voxel-Core, the free and open source voxel plugin for the Godot game engine!

If you are new to Voxel-Core, I recommend that you read the README file of this repository for an overview of what Voxel-Core offers.

On this wiki you will find descriptions, tips, and how-tos on the many features offered by Voxel-Core. However, specific details about the objects (e.g. signals, properties, methods, etc.) aren't provided here, so if you are looking for a more technical description, check the source code. The source code follows the GDScript style guide and most things offer a comment or two, there may be cases where the source code documentation is more up to date than the wiki.

The table of contents in the sidebar should let you easily navigate the wiki for your topic of interest. If you feel something is missing, outdated or needs improving don't hesitate to make a issue, tagged documentation, sharing your thoughts.

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