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My understanding of Unreal Engine 4's GameplayAbilitySystem plugin with a simple multiplayer sample project.


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本文档是针对[原英文文档](./的中文译作,目的是以中文还原、学习和传播作者针对GAS的独到理解。翻译的过程会结合[虚幻官方文档]( 中使用的术语标准,但是针对一些通用的概念,核心类,以及一些从业人员需要掌握的基础英文词汇,译者在做一些简单的解释后,还是会偏向于直接使用英文原单词 

这是我的一个简单多人案例项目,其中蕴含了我对虚幻引擎中Gameplay技能系统(Gameplay Ability System,简称GAS)插件的理解。首先需要说明的是,这并不是一份官方文档,这个项目以及我本身都并不归属于Epic Games。出于这点考虑,我并不会保障这篇文档中涉及到的信息的准确性。

这篇文档的目的是去解释GAS中的核心概念和类,并且从我对GAS的经验为出发点提一些额外的论述。关于GAS,用户社区已经积攒了大量的tribal knowledge(译者注:直译作部落知识,指的是那些一些无法言传的技能或者知识,是书本中获取不到的东西,也是通过工作者在大量实践和探索所得的心得和体会),而我在这里就是想分享一些属于我的理解。




Table of Contents

  1. Intro to the GameplayAbilitySystem Plugin
  2. Sample Project
  3. Setting Up a Project Using GAS
  4. Concepts
    4.1 Ability System Component
          4.1.1 Replication Mode
          4.1.2 Setup and Initialization
    4.2 Gameplay Tags
          4.2.1 Responding to Changes in Gameplay Tags
    4.3 Attributes
          4.3.1 Attribute Definition
          4.3.2 BaseValue vs CurrentValue
          4.3.3 Meta Attributes
          4.3.4 Responding to Attribute Changes
          4.3.5 Derived Attributes
    4.4 Attribute Set
          4.4.1 Attribute Set Definition
          4.4.2 Attribute Set Design
       Subcomponents with Individual Attributes
       Adding and Removing AttributeSets at Runtime
       Item Attributes (Weapon Ammo)
             Plain Floats on the Item
             AttributeSet on the Item
             ASC on the Item
          4.4.3 Defining Attributes
          4.4.4 Initializing Attributes
          4.4.5 PreAttributeChange()
          4.4.6 PostGameplayEffectExecute()
          4.4.7 OnAttributeAggregatorCreated()
    4.5 Gameplay Effects
          4.5.1 Gameplay Effect Definition
          4.5.2 Applying Gameplay Effects
          4.5.3 Removing Gameplay Effects
          4.5.4 Gameplay Effect Modifiers
       Multiply and Divide Modifiers
       Gameplay Tags on Modifiers
          4.5.5 Stacking Gameplay Effects
          4.5.6 Granted Abilities
          4.5.7 Gameplay Effect Tags
          4.5.8 Immunity
          4.5.9 Gameplay Effect Spec
          4.5.10 Gameplay Effect Context
          4.5.11 Modifier Magnitude Calculation
          4.5.12 Gameplay Effect Execution Calculation
       Sending Data to Execution Calculations
             Backing Data Attribute Calculation Modifier
             Backing Data Temporary Variable Calculation Modifier
             Gameplay Effect Context
          4.5.13 Custom Application Requirement
          4.5.14 Cost Gameplay Effect
          4.5.15 Cooldown Gameplay Effect
       Get the Cooldown Gameplay Effect's Remaining Time
       Listening for Cooldown Begin and End
       Predicting Cooldowns
          4.5.16 Changing Active Gameplay Effect Duration
          4.5.17 Creating Dynamic Gameplay Effects at Runtime
          4.5.18 Gameplay Effect Containers
    4.6 Gameplay Abilities
          4.6.1 Gameplay Ability Definition
       Replication Policy
       Server Respects Remote Ability Cancellation
       Replicate Input Directly
          4.6.2 Binding Input to the ASC
       Binding to Input without Activating Abilities
          4.6.3 Granting Abilities
          4.6.4 Activating Abilities
       Passive Abilities
          4.6.5 Canceling Abilities
          4.6.6 Getting Active Abilities
          4.6.7 Instancing Policy
          4.6.8 Net Execution Policy
          4.6.9 Ability Tags
          4.6.10 Gameplay Ability Spec
          4.6.11 Passing Data to Abilities
          4.6.12 Ability Cost and Cooldown
          4.6.13 Leveling Up Abilities
          4.6.14 Ability Sets
          4.6.15 Ability Batching
          4.6.16 Net Security Policy
    4.7 Ability Tasks
          4.7.1 Ability Task Definition
          4.7.2 Custom Ability Tasks
          4.7.3 Using Ability Tasks
          4.7.4 Root Motion Source Ability Tasks
    4.8 Gameplay Cues
          4.8.1 Gameplay Cue Definition
          4.8.2 Triggering Gameplay Cues
          4.8.3 Local Gameplay Cues
          4.8.4 Gameplay Cue Parameters
          4.8.5 Gameplay Cue Manager
          4.8.6 Prevent Gameplay Cues from Firing
          4.8.7 Gameplay Cue Batching
       Manual RPC
       Multiple GCs on one GE
          4.8.8 Gameplay Cue Events
          4.8.9 Gameplay Cue Reliability
    4.9 Ability System Globals
          4.9.1 InitGlobalData()
    4.10 Prediction
          4.10.1 Prediction Key
          4.10.2 Creating New Prediction Windows in Abilities
          4.10.3 Predictively Spawning Actors
          4.10.4 Future of Prediction in GAS
          4.10.5 Network Prediction Plugin
    4.11 Targeting
          4.11.1 Target Data
          4.11.2 Target Actors
          4.11.3 Target Data Filters
          4.11.4 Gameplay Ability World Reticles
          4.11.5 Gameplay Effect Containers Targeting
  5. Commonly Implemented Abilities and Effects
    5.1 Stun
    5.2 Sprint
    5.3 Aim Down Sights
    5.4 Lifesteal
    5.5 Generating a Random Number on Client and Server
    5.6 Critical Hits
    5.7 Non-Stacking Gameplay Effects but Only the Greatest Magnitude Actually Affects the Target
    5.8 Generate Target Data While Game is Paused
    5.9 One Button Interaction System
  6. Debugging GAS
    6.1 showdebug abilitysystem
    6.2 Gameplay Debugger
    6.3 GAS Logging
  7. Optimizations
    7.1 Ability Batching
    7.2 Gameplay Cue Batching
    7.3 AbilitySystemComponent Replication Mode
    7.4 Attribute Proxy Replication
    7.5 ASC Lazy Loading
  8. Quality of Life Suggestions
    8.1 Gameplay Effect Containers
    8.2 Blueprint AsyncTasks to Bind to ASC Delegates
  9. Troubleshooting
    9.1 LogAbilitySystem: Warning: Can't activate LocalOnly or LocalPredicted ability %s when not local!
    9.2 ScriptStructCache errors
    9.3 Animation Montages are not replicating to clients
    9.4 Duplicating Blueprint Actors is setting AttributeSets to nullptr
  10. Common GAS Acronyms
  11. Other Resources
    11.1 Q&A With Epic Game's Dave Ratti
          11.1.1 Community Questions 1
          11.1.2 Community Questions 2
  12. GAS Changelog

1. Gameplay技能系统(GAS)插件介绍



GAS插件是由Epic Games开发,并随着Unreal Engine 4一并推出的。其用法已经在3A级商业游戏(比如Paragon和Fortnite等)中进行了测试和验证。


  • 实现了基于等级的角色能力或技能,并可以配置相应的消耗和冷却时间(参见GameplayAbilities
  • 操作actor的 Attributes (属性,参见Attributes
  • 为actor施加状态效果(参见GameplayEffects
  • 为actor标记GameplayTags(Gameplay标签,参见GameplayTags
  • 生成视觉或是声音效果(参见GameplayCues
  • 对上述所有内容的复制

在多人游戏中,GAS针对客户端预测(client-side prediction )也做了一些方面的支持:

  • 技能的激活
  • 播放动画蒙太奇
  • 修改Attributes
  • 应用GameplayTags
  • 生成GameplayCues
  • 通过连接到 CharacterMovementComponentRootMotionSource函数进行运动



  • GameplayEffect延迟调节(不能预测技能冷却时间而导致高延迟的玩家与低延迟的玩家相比,其低冷却的技能频率是更低的)
  • 无法预测GameplayEffect的移除操作。但是,我们可以预测添加GameplayEffects的操作,从而预测其反向效果,从而高效得对效果进行清除。但这也并不总总是是合理或可行的,所以这一块目前仍然是一个问题。
  • 缺少规范性的模板,多人游戏的示例,以及相应的文档。希望本文能够有助于解决这个问题。


2. 示例项目

本文档中还包含一个多人第三人称射击的示例项目,可以作为读者去熟悉GAS插件的途径,但是不推荐还没有熟悉Unreal Engine 4的读者直接上手。我希望文档的读者用户已经了解了C++、蓝图、UMG、网络复制以及其他一些的有关UE4的课题内容。这个项目提供了一个示例,旨在说明如何设置一个基本的多人第三人称射击游戏项目,包括为玩家或是AI控制的英雄角色配置位于PlayerState类上的AbilitySystemComponentASC) ,以及为AI控制的小兵角色配置位于Character类上的ASC



  • PlayerState上的ASC vs Character上的ASC
  • Attributes的网络复制
  • 动画蒙太奇的网络复制
  • GameplayTags
  • GameplayAbilities的内部或外部应用和删除GameplayEffects
  • 应用盔甲削弱的伤害来改变角色的生命值
  • GameplayEffectExecutionCalculations
  • 眩晕效果
  • 死亡和重生
  • 在服务器上由技能生成actor(如子弹)
  • 预测性地改变本地玩家在瞄准和冲刺时速度
  • 不断消耗体力进行冲刺
  • 消耗魔法来使用技能
  • 被动技能
  • 堆叠 GameplayEffects
  • 瞄准actor
  • 由蓝图创建的GameplayAbilities
  • 由C++创建的GameplayAbilities
  • 实例化的GameplayAbilities
  • 非实例化的GameplayAbilities(如跳跃)
  • 静态GameplayCues (火枪子弹的冲击粒子特效)
  • Actor GameplayCues (冲刺和眩晕的粒子特效)


技能 输入绑定 是否可预测 C++ / Blueprint 描述
Jump Space Bar Yes C++ 英雄跳跃。
Gun Left Mouse Button No C++ 从英雄的枪里射出子弹。动画可以预测但是子弹不行。
Aim Down Sights Right Mouse Button Yes Blueprint 当按钮持续按下时,英雄走得会更加缓慢,相机会放大,从而得以更精确地进行射击。
Sprint Left Shift Yes Blueprint 当按钮持续按下时,英雄可以跑得更快,同时消耗体力。
Forward Dash Q Yes Blueprint 英雄以一定的体力为代价向前冲刺。
Passive Armor Stacks Passive No Blueprint 每过4秒英雄会获得一层护甲的叠加,最多叠加4层。受到伤害时会损失一层护甲。
Meteor R No Blueprint 玩家指定一个位置来向敌人发射流星,造成伤害并且会施加眩晕。目标指定是可以预测的而生成流星则不是。





前缀 资产类型
GA_ GameplayAbility
GC_ GameplayCue
GE_ GameplayEffect


3. GAS项目设置


  1. 在编辑器中激活Gameplay Ability System插件
  2. 编辑YourProjectName.Build.cs脚本,添加"GameplayAbilities", "GameplayTags", "GameplayTasks"PrivateDependencyModuleNames
  3. 重新生成你的Visual Studio项目文件
  4. 从4.24版本开始,引擎强制要求调用UAbilitySystemGlobals::Get().InitGlobalData()来使用TargetData。示例项目中是在UAssetManager::StartInitialLoading()中进行的调用。更多信息参考InitGlobalData()(位于后续Ability System Global章节)。



4. 核心概念 - Concepts


4.1 Ability System Component
4.2 Gameplay Tags
4.3 Attributes
4.4 Attribute Set
4.5 Gameplay Effects
4.6 Gameplay Abilities
4.7 Ability Tasks
4.8 Gameplay Cues
4.9 Ability System Globals
4.10 Prediction

4.1 技能系统组件 - Ability System Component



**注意:**如果你的ASCPlayerState上,那么你可能会需要去增加PlayerStateNetUpdateFrequency。原本PlayerState里该值在默认情况下是很低的,可能会导致Attributes或者GameplayTags在客户端上的延迟。如果是这样的话,确保激活Adaptive Network Update Frequency,这也是Fortnite(堡垒之夜)中的解决办法。

如果OwnerActorAvatarActor是不同的Actor,那么两者都应该去实现接口IAbilitySystemInterface。这个接口只有一个需要重写的方法UAbilitySystemComponent* GetAbilitySystemComponent() const,会返回一个指针指向它的ASC组件。在系统内部,ASC互相之间就是通过寻找这个接口函数来进行相互之间的交互。

ASC存有当前处于激活状态的GameplayEffects,具体就位于FActiveGameplayEffectsContainer ActiveGameplayEffects

ASC存有它所赋予的Gameplay Abilities,具体就位于FGameplayAbilitySpecContainer ActivatableAbilities。无论何时,当你想要遍历ActivatableAbilities.Items,请一定在你的循环之前添加ABILITYLIST_SCOPE_LOCK();语句,以锁定其中的内容以防对其中内容的修改(意外删除某项技能)。ABILITYLIST_SCOPE_LOCK();本质上是在作用范围内增加AbilityScopeLockCount然后当离开作用范围时相应的减少。不要尝试在ABILITYLIST_SCOPE_LOCK();的作用范围内移除某项技能(清除技能的函数会在内部检查AbilityScopeLockCount,从而防止在内容被锁定的情况下移除技能)。

4.1.1 复制模式 - Replication Mode


复制模式 使用情景 描述
Full 单人 GameplayEffect会被复制到所有客户端
Mixed 多人和玩家控制的Actors GameplayEffects仅被复制到拥有者客户端。只有GameplayTagsGameplayCues会被复制到所有客户端
Minimal 多人和AI控制的Actors GameplayEffects不会复制到任何客户端。只有GameplayTagsGameplayCues会被复制到所有客户端



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4.1.2 设置和初始化 - Setup and Initialization


	// Create ability system component, and set it to be explicitly replicated
	AbilitySystemComponent = CreateDefaultSubobject<UGDAbilitySystemComponent>(TEXT("AbilitySystemComponent"));



void APACharacterBase::PossessedBy(AController * NewController)

	if (AbilitySystemComponent)
		AbilitySystemComponent->InitAbilityActorInfo(this, this);

	// ASC MixedMode replication requires that the ASC Owner's Owner be the Controller.
void APAPlayerControllerBase::AcknowledgePossession(APawn* P)

	APACharacterBase* CharacterBase = Cast<APACharacterBase>(P);
	if (CharacterBase)
		CharacterBase->GetAbilitySystemComponent()->InitAbilityActorInfo(CharacterBase, CharacterBase);



// Server only
void AGDHeroCharacter::PossessedBy(AController * NewController)

	AGDPlayerState* PS = GetPlayerState<AGDPlayerState>();
	if (PS)
		// Set the ASC on the Server. Clients do this in OnRep_PlayerState()
		AbilitySystemComponent = Cast<UGDAbilitySystemComponent>(PS->GetAbilitySystemComponent());

		// AI won't have PlayerControllers so we can init again here just to be sure. No harm in initing twice for heroes that have PlayerControllers.
		PS->GetAbilitySystemComponent()->InitAbilityActorInfo(PS, this);

// Client only
void AGDHeroCharacter::OnRep_PlayerState()

	AGDPlayerState* PS = GetPlayerState<AGDPlayerState>();
	if (PS)
		// Set the ASC for clients. Server does this in PossessedBy.
		AbilitySystemComponent = Cast<UGDAbilitySystemComponent>(PS->GetAbilitySystemComponent());

		// Init ASC Actor Info for clients. Server will init its ASC when it possesses a new Actor.
		AbilitySystemComponent->InitAbilityActorInfo(PS, this);

	// ...

如果你得到如下的错误反馈LogAbilitySystem: Warning: Can't activate LocalOnly or LocalPredicted ability %s when not local!,那说明你并没有在客户端上初始化你的ASC

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4.2 游戏标签 - Gameplay Tags




多个GameplayTags可以存储在一个FGameplayTagContainer里。这里通常我们更偏向于使用GameplayTagContainer而不是TArray<FGameplayTag>,因为GameplayTagContainers中有一些高效的工具。因为标签本质上就是标准的FName,如果项目设置中的Fast Replication处于激活状态的话,他们可以被高效得打包在一起到FGameplayTagContainers中,以方便网络复制的使用。Fast Replication要求服务器和客户端们有着相同的GameplayTags列表。这通常并不会有什么问题,所以你尽管激活这个选项就好了。GameplayTagContainers在遍历时也可以一返回到一个TArray<FGameplayTag>数组。



GameplayTag Editor in Project Settings

查找GameplayTag的引用将会在编辑器内打开一个类似Reference Viewer的图形界面,其中展示了所有引用GameplayTag的资产。当然,不包括任何C++类。


除了Fast ReplicationGameplayTag编辑器中有一个选项可以选择常用的网络复制的GameplayTag,从而进一步实现优化。

如果GameplayTag是由GameplayEffect添加的话,那他们就会被复制。ASC可以让你添加不会被复制并且必须手动管理的LooseGameplayTags。示例项目使用LooseGameplayTag来作为State.Dead,这样所属客户端在他们的hp降为0后就能够立即响应。重生的时候需要手动得将TagMapCount设置回0。仅在使用LooseGameplayTags时才会用到手动调整TagMapCount。我偏向于使用UAbilitySystemComponent::AddLooseGameplayTag()UAbilitySystemComponent::RemoveLooseGameplayTag() 这两个函数,而不是直接手动调整TagMapCount




GameplayTagsGameplayTagContainers可以通过UPROPERTY中的说明符Meta = (Categories = "GameplayCue")来过滤蓝图中的标签,从而仅显示父级标签为GameplayCue的那些GameplayTags。当你知道那些仅用于GameplayCuesGameplayTag或者GameplayTagContainer变量时这样的操作就非常有用处了。


如果你想在一个函数中过滤GameplayTag参数时,可以使用UFUNCTION中的说明符Meta = (GameplayTagFilter = "GameplayCue")。而函数中的GameplayTagContainer参数是不可以被过滤的(译者注:现在已经支持过滤的特性,但是后续翻译时仍然保留了相关描述,目的是让大家了解相关特性是如何通过元数据进行支持的)。如果你想要让你的引擎支持这个特性,参考Engine\Plugins\Editor\GameplayTagsEditor\Source\GameplayTagsEditor\Private\SGameplayTagGraphPin.cpp中的函数SGameplayTagGraphPin::ParseDefaultValueData()是怎样调用FilterString = UGameplayTagsManager::Get().GetCategoriesMetaFromField(PinStructType);并且在函数SGameplayTagGraphPin::GetListContent()中传递FilterStringSGameplayTagWidgetEngine\Plugins\Editor\GameplayTagsEditor\Source\GameplayTagsEditor\Private\SGameplayTagContainerGraphPin.cpp中的GameplayTagContainer相关函数并没有检查元字段属性并代入过滤器。


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4.2.1 响应游戏标签的变化 - Responding to Changes in Gameplay Tags


AbilitySystemComponent->RegisterGameplayTagEvent(FGameplayTag::RequestGameplayTag(FName("State.Debuff.Stun")), EGameplayTagEventType::NewOrRemoved).AddUObject(this, &AGDPlayerState::StunTagChanged);


virtual void StunTagChanged(const FGameplayTag CallbackTag, int32 NewCount);

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4.3 属性 - Attributes

4.3.1 属性的定义 - Attribute Definition



**小贴士:**如果你不想要某个Attribute显示在编辑器的Attributes列表中,可以使用Meta = (HideInDetailsView)这样的属性说明符(Property Specifier)。

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4.3.2 基本值和当前值 - BaseValue vs CurrentValue

每个属性Attribute都由两个值组成——基本值BaseValue和当前值CurrentValueBaseValueAttribute的一个恒定值,而CurrentValue则是BaseValue再叠加上来自GameplayEffects的临时修改后的结果。例如,你的Character可能会有一个移动速度Attribute,其BaseValue为600u/s(译者注:单位虚幻距离每秒)。此时还没有施加任何的影响移动速度相关的GameplayEffectsCurrentValue也就还是600u/s。如果角色被施加了一个50u/s的移速buff,BaseValue还仍然是600u/s,而CurrentValue此时则是600 + 50 = 650u/s。当移速的buff消失后吗,CurrentValue会恢复到BaseValue的值,也就是600u/s。

GAS的新手经常会把BaseValueAttribute的最大值搞混,把两者当作同一个东西。这种认知并不正确。Attributes的最大值也会发生改变,它会和技能或者UI相关联,应该作为一个单独的Attributes来处理。对于硬编码的最大值和最小值,有一种方式可以通过FAttributeMetaDataDataTable来定义(其中有关于最大值和最小值设置的内容),但是Epic对于这个结构体注释道:work in progress,也就是该功能目前还没有稳定下来,可能还会进行修改。详细内容请参阅AttributeSet.h。为了防止混淆,我建议是将那些和技能或者UI关联的最大值作为一个单独的Attributes来对待——硬编码的最大值和最小值仅用于限定AttributeSet中的Attributes的上下限的限定。Attributes的上下限的限制的讨论后面还会继续进行,具体是在GameplayEffects为属性施加影响时,比如PreAttributeChange()中对CurrentValue可以发生的变化的限制,又比如PostGameplayEffectExecute()中对BaseValue可以发生的变化的限制。


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4.3.3 元属性 - Meta Attributes

一些Attributes会作为和其他Attributes作交互的临时值的占位数据,这一类的属性被称为是元属性Meta Attributes。例如,我们通常会去将伤害值定义为Meta Attribute。我们使用伤害值的Meta Attribute作为占位数据,而不是使用GameplayEffect直接改变我们的生命值的Attribute。这样,伤害值就可以通过 GameplayEffectExecutionCalculation中的buff和debuff等进行修改,也可以在AttributeSet中作进一步处理,例如让伤害值减去当前的护甲的Attribute,然后再让生命值的Attribute减去前面的结果。伤害值的Meta Attribute在多个GameplayEffects之间并不是恒定的,可以被任意一个覆盖重写。Meta Attributes通常不会被复制。

像我们经常会说:“我造成了多少的伤害”,“这个伤害值怎么处理”之类的,Meta Attributes为此(伤害和治疗这类的属性)提供了一个良好的逻辑分离。这里的逻辑分离意思是我们的Gameplay EffectsExecution Calculations并不需要知道目标是如何处理这个伤害值的。继续我们关于伤害的话题,Gameplay Effect决定了伤害值的多少,然后AttributeSet去具体处理这个值。并不是所有的角色都有着相同的Attributes,特别是当你拓展AttributeSets的子类时。基类AttributeSet可能仅有生命值一个Attribute,其子类可能添加了一个护盾的Attribute。那自然的,基类和子类在处理这个伤害值的时候就不同了。

即便Meta Attributes是一个良好的设计模式,但是这并不意味着非得用它不可。如果你仅有一个Execution Calculation用来处理所有的伤害值,且所有角色共享着同一个Attribute Set,那么你就可以直接在Execution Calculation中来作伤害值、生命值和护盾值的计算和修改。这样做的代价自然就是牺牲掉一定的灵活性,这中间的权衡全在于你。

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4.3.4 响应属性的变化 - Responding to Attribute Changes

要监听某个Attribute的变化从而更新UI或者其他游玩部分,可以使用UAbilitySystemComponent::GetGameplayAttributeValueChangeDelegate(FGameplayAttribute Attribute)。这个方法返回一个委托,你可以自由绑定相应的回调,当对应的Attribute发生变化时就会自动执行这个回调。这个委托提供了一个FOnAttributeChangeData参数,有NewValueOldValue以及FGameplayEffectModCallbackData注意:FGameplayEffectModCallbackData只能够在服务器进行设置。

AbilitySystemComponent->GetGameplayAttributeValueChangeDelegate(AttributeSetBase->GetHealthAttribute()).AddUObject(this, &AGDPlayerState::HealthChanged);
virtual void HealthChanged(const FOnAttributeChangeData& Data);


在示例项目中还包含一个使用异步任务ASyncTask将所有这些封装起来的自定义蓝图节点。它被用在名为UI_HUDUMG Widget用来更新生命值,魔法值以及体力值。这个AsyncTask会一直存在直到手动调用了EndTask(),我们一般会在UMG WidgetDestruct事件中去调用。参阅AsyncTaskAttributeChanged.h/cpp获取更多内容。

Listen for Attribute Change BP Node

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4.3.5 衍生属性 - Derived Attributes

要令某个Attribute的值是从其他某个或者某些Attributes的值衍生过来,需要使用Infinite类型的GameplayEffect,以及一个或多个Attribute Based或者MMCModifiersDerived Attribute将会自动根据其依赖的Attribute的更新而进行更新。

Derived Attribute上的所有Modifiers的最终公式与Modifier Aggregators的公式是同一个。如果你需要依照一定的顺序进行计算,需要在MMC内完成所有的操作。

((CurrentValue + Additive) * Multiplicitive) / Division

**注意:**如果在PIE中运行多个客户端时,你需要在编辑器偏好界面中禁用Run Under One Process,否则处第一个客户端以外的其他客户端将不会更新Derived Attributes

这里我们举个例子,我们有一个Infinite类型的GameplayEffect,其会根据TestAttrBTestAttrC的值来推导TestAttrA的值。公式具体为TestAttrA = (TestAttrA + TestAttrB) * ( 2 * TestAttrC)。无论何时,当TestAttrBTestAttrC中的任意一个属性更新时,那么TestAttrA将会自动根据上面的公式进行计算。

Derived Attribute Example

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4.4 属性集 - Attribute Set

4.4.1 属性集的定义 - Attribute Set Definition


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4.4.2 属性集的设计 - Attribute Set Design





虽然你可以使用多个AttributeSet,但是源自同一类的AttributeSet最多只能有一个(比如某个AttributeSet和某个继承自该AttributeSetAttributeSet就算是同一个,因为他们源自同一个类)。如果你有多个源自同一个类的AttributeSet,系统就不知道你要调用的是哪一个AttributeSet而去随机(译者注:属于不可预测的行为,C++代码的原则是要规避不可预测的编码)的选择一个。 具备独立属性的子组件 - Subcomponents with Individual Attributes


如果你的子组件每个上面都需要很多个的Attributes,或者这个数量是未知的,亦或者子组件会被从现有个体上卸载然后被其他玩家使用(比如说你的角色死亡后掉落的武器被别人拾取),总之不管什么原因前面提到的方法无法完全解决你的问题,我的建议是直接使用老办法,即不用Attributes系统来做而改用老办法,即单独创建一些float类型的值之类的(译者注:因为此时情况的复杂性再使用Attributes来强行拓展已经是弊大于利了)。参阅Item Attributes 运行时添加和删除属性集 - Adding and Removing AttributeSets at Runtime





AbilitySystemComponent->ForceReplication(); 物品的属性(武器弹药) - Item Attributes (Weapon Ammo)


  1. 在物品上完全都用float来处理 (推荐)
  2. 为物品分别分配独立的AttributeSet
  3. 为物品分别分配独立的ASC 在物品上完全都用浮点数来处理 - Plain Floats on the Item

即直接在物品类实例上使用浮点值而不是Attributes。Fortnite和GASShooter都是用这种方式来处理弹药的。对于枪械,具体就是存储最大的弹夹数量,当前弹夹中的弹药数量,后备弹药等等,把这些都以支持复制的浮点数(COND_OwnerOnly)形式存在枪械实例上。如果武器可以共享后备弹药,也就是说所有的武器都是使用的同一种弹药,那么你可以为Character添加一个代表后备弹药的Attribute及其相应的AttributeSet(重新加载能力时可以使用一个Cost GE来从后备弹药中抽取然后装填到枪械的弹夹中)。因为你的当前弹夹弹药并没有用Attributes来表示,你可能需要重写UGameplayAbility中的某些函数来检查和修改枪械上对应的float类型值。在授予技能时,令枪械作为GameplayAbilitySpec中的SourceObject,这样你才可以在技能中去访问枪械的相应数据。


void AGSWeapon::PreReplication(IRepChangedPropertyTracker& ChangedPropertyTracker)

	DOREPLIFETIME_ACTIVE_OVERRIDE(AGSWeapon, PrimaryClipAmmo, (IsValid(AbilitySystemComponent) && !AbilitySystemComponent->HasMatchingGameplayTag(WeaponIsFiringTag)));
	DOREPLIFETIME_ACTIVE_OVERRIDE(AGSWeapon, SecondaryClipAmmo, (IsValid(AbilitySystemComponent) && !AbilitySystemComponent->HasMatchingGameplayTag(WeaponIsFiringTag)));


  1. 避免了使用AttributeSets的局限性(后面会有详细内容)


  1. 无法使用现有的GameplayEffect的工作流(比如以Cost GEs来处理弹药的使用,等等)
  2. 需要进一步拓展UGameplayAbility(重写其中一些函数),来检查和处理弹药的消耗(从而应对float类型而非Attribute 为物品分别分配独立的属性集 - AttributeSet on the Item



void AGSWeapon::BeginPlay()
	if (!AttributeSet)
		AttributeSet = NewObject<UGSWeaponAttributeSet>(this);

参见 older version of GASShooter.


  1. 可以使用现有GameplayAbilityGameplayEffect的工作流 workflow(比如以Cost GEs来处理弹药的使用,等等)
  2. 在物品不多时比较容易设置


  1. 对于每种武器类型都需要去定制一个新的AttributeSet类。ASCs只能够保存一个AttributeSet类的实例,因为对某个Attribute的修改会去在ASCSpawnedAttributes数组中查找他们AttributeSet类的第一个实例。额外的同一个或者同源的AttributeSet类会被忽略掉。
  2. 出于上面的原因,那么同种类型的装备你就只能装备一把了。
  3. 移除掉某个AttributeSet是危险的行为。比如说在GASShooter里,如果玩家用火箭筒杀掉自己,玩家会立即卸载掉火箭筒这件装备(并从ASC中卸载AttributeSet)。当服务器去复制火箭筒弹药这个Attribute的变化时,客户端上的ASC上已经没有AttributeSet,这样游戏就奔溃了。 为物品分别分配独立的ASC - ASC on the Item


Is it viable to have several AbilitySystemComponents which have the same owner but different avatars (e.g. on pawn and weapon/items/projectiles with Owner set to PlayerState)?

The first problem I see there would be implementing the IGameplayTagAssetInterface and IAbilitySystemInterface on the owning actor. The former may be possible: just aggregate the tags from all all ASCs (but watch out -HasAllMatchingGameplayTags may be met only via cross ASC aggregation. It wouldn't be enough to just forward that calls to each ASC and OR the results together). But the later is even trickier: which ASC is the authoritative one? If someone wants to apply a GE -which one should receive it? Maybe you can work these out but this side of the problem will be the hardest: owners will multiple ASCs beneath them.

Separate ASCs on the pawn and the weapon can make sense on its own though. E.g, distinguishing between tags the describe the weapon vs those that describe the owning pawn. Maybe it does make sense that tags granted to the weapon also “apply” to the owner and nothing else (E.g, attributes and GEs are independent but the owner will aggregate the owned tags like I describe above). This could work out, I am sure. But having multiple ASCs with the same owner may get dicey.

Dave Ratti from Epic's answer to community questions #6


  1. 可以使用现有的GameplayAbilityGameplayEffect的工作流(比如以Cost GEs来处理弹药的使用,等等)
  2. 可以重用AttributeSet类(在每个武器的ASC上重复使用)


  1. 为止的工作量
  2. 可行性

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4.4.3 定义属性 - Defining Attributes


// Uses macros from AttributeSet.h
#define ATTRIBUTE_ACCESSORS(ClassName, PropertyName) \


UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "Health", ReplicatedUsing = OnRep_Health)
FGameplayAttributeData Health;


virtual void OnRep_Health(const FGameplayAttributeData& OldHealth);


void UGDAttributeSetBase::OnRep_Health(const FGameplayAttributeData& OldHealth)


void UGDAttributeSetBase::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps(TArray<FLifetimeProperty>& OutLifetimeProps) const



如果某个Attribute不需要复制,类似Meta Attribute,那么OnRepGetLifetimeReplicatedProps这两步的设置是可以跳过的。

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4.4.4 初始化属性 - Initializing Attributes




// InitHealth(float InitialValue) is an automatically generated function for an Attribute 'Health' defined with the `ATTRIBUTE_ACCESSORS` macro


注意: 在版本4.42之前,FAttributeSetInitterDiscreteLevels是和FGameplayAttributeData无法协调的。它是在Attributes还是原始浮点数时创建,并且嫌弃FGameplayAttributeData不是Plain Old DataPOD)。在4.24版本之后这个问题就被修复掉了。

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4.4.5 PreAttributeChange()

PreAttributeChange(const FGameplayAttribute& Attribute, float& NewValue)AttributeSet中重要的函数方法之一,主要是响应Attribute中的CurrentValue的修改发生之前的调用。这里最好就是去做一些对输入的限制和调整,利用NewValue来将可能会被应用到CurrentValue上的修改限制到某个合理的区间范围。


if (Attribute == GetMoveSpeedAttribute())
	// Cannot slow less than 150 units/s and cannot boost more than 1000 units/s
	NewValue = FMath::Clamp<float>(NewValue, 150, 1000);

其中GetMoveSpeedAttribute()函数是前面我们提到的宏代码块生成的函数之一(Defining Attributes)。

任何对Attributes的修改都会先调用这个方法,无论是使用Attribute的设置器(setters)(Defining Attributes)亦或是使用GameplayEffects


注意Epic的对PreAttributeChange()的注释提到,不要去使用它来处理游玩相关的事件,而只是把它用作数值的修正和处理。监听Attribute的变化而产生的和游玩相关的事件(译者注:比如说生命值、弹药数等属性的UI响应事件)的推荐的处理方案是使用UAbilitySystemComponent::GetGameplayAttributeValueChangeDelegate(FGameplayAttribute Attribute)Responding to Attribute Changes)。

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4.4.6 PostGameplayEffectExecute()

PostGameplayEffectExecute(const FGameplayEffectModCallbackData & Data)只是在由Instant类型的GameplayEffect对某个AttributeBaseValue修改之后才会触发。这里可以进一步做一些Attribute相关的操作。

例如,在示例项目中我们令生命值的Attribute减去最终伤害值的Meta Attribute。如果有护盾的Attribute的话,我们可以在这里先让护盾值减去伤害值,然后再把剩余伤害(如果还有的话)应用到生命值上。示例项目也在这个位置来应用受击动画,显示伤害飘字,并且为击杀者赋予经验和金币奖励。从设计上说,伤害值的Meta Attribute将始终通过Instant类型的GameplayEffect来设置,并且永远不需要通过Attribute的设置器(setter)来设置。



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4.4.7 OnAttributeAggregatorCreated()

OnAttributeAggregatorCreated(const FGameplayAttribute& Attribute, FAggregator* NewAggregator)会在AttributeSet中的某个Attribute的聚合器Aggregator创建时进行触发。这里可以自定义设置FAggregatorEvaluateMetaDataAggregator使用AggregatorEvaluateMetaData,基于所有应用到当前AttributeModifiers来计算该Attribute的的CurrentValue。默认为情况下,Aggregator使用AggregatorEvaluateMetaData来确定哪些Modifiers符合MostNegativeMod_AllPositiveMods的要求,而MostNegativeMod_AllPositiveMods允许所有的正面的Modifiers后仅仅最负面的Modifiers。Paragon(虚幻争霸)中使用的就是这种方式,对于负面的减速效果的话在某个具体的时间点不管施加多少个只应用最负面的那个,而所有的正面的加速效果则全盘应用。没有通过要求的Modifiers仍然会存在于ASC上,只是不会进一步汇总到CurrentValue里。当某些情况发生变化后,他们可能又有可能性来通过验证,比如说之前影响最大的减速效果结束了,那么就会从还没超时的Modifier(如果还有的话)中挑一个减速效果最强的应用。


virtual void OnAttributeAggregatorCreated(const FGameplayAttribute& Attribute, FAggregator* NewAggregator) const override;
void UGSAttributeSetBase::OnAttributeAggregatorCreated(const FGameplayAttribute& Attribute, FAggregator* NewAggregator) const
	Super::OnAttributeAggregatorCreated(Attribute, NewAggregator);

	if (!NewAggregator)

	if (Attribute == GetMoveSpeedAttribute())
		NewAggregator->EvaluationMetaData = &FAggregatorEvaluateMetaDataLibrary::MostNegativeMod_AllPositiveMods;


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4.5 游戏效果 - Gameplay Effects

4.5.1 游戏效果的定义 - Gameplay Effect Definition


GameplayEffects是通过ModifiersExecutions (GameplayEffectExecutionCalculation)来对Attributes进行修改和调整的。



持续类型 GameplayCue事件 使用时机
Instant Execute 用于永久性的、立即的对AttributeBaseValue的修改。GameplayTags将不会被应用,即便是一帧都没有。
Duration Add & Remove 用于临时的对AttributeCurrentValue的修改并且应用GameplayTags,该GameplayTags会随着GameplayEffect的到期而被移除(或者自行手动删除)。具体的持续时间可以在UGameplayEffect类/Blueprint中进行指定。
Infinite Add & Remove 用于临时的对AttributeCurrentValue的修改并且应用GameplayTags,该GameplayTags会随着GameplayEffect被移除时一起移除。他们永远不会过期,所以必须通过技能或者ASC手动移除掉。

DurationInfinite类型的GameplayEffects中可以通过一个选项来应用周期性的效果Periodic Effects,在它里面可以通过定义Period来周期性得每X秒就调用一次它的ModifiersExecutionsPeriodic Effects可以作为Instant类型的GameplayEffects来对待,即它会修改AttributeBaseValue并且执行GameplayCues。这对于实现DOT伤害(持续性伤害)非常有效果。注意:Periodic Effects无法进行预测

可以依据DurationInfinite类型的GameplayEffectsOngoing Tag Requirements选项是否符合Gameplay Effect Tags来临时对该GameplayEffects进行关闭或开启。关闭一个GameplayEffect将会移除掉它的Modifiers的效果并且应用GameplayTags,但是并不会移除掉该GameplayEffect。将GameplayEffect再开启会再应用它的ModifiersGameplayTags

如果你需要手动重新计算DurationInfinite类型的GameplayEffectsModifiers(假设你有一个MMC,而其使用的数据并不是从Attributes里来的),你可以去调用UAbilitySystemComponent::ActiveGameplayEffects.SetActiveGameplayEffectLevel(FActiveGameplayEffectHandle ActiveHandle, int32 NewLevel),其中的NewLevel参数可以通过UAbilitySystemComponent::ActiveGameplayEffects.GetActiveGameplayEffect(ActiveHandle).Spec.GetLevel()来得到。基于自动AttributesModifiers会随着Attributes更新而进行更新。用来更新ModifierSetActiveGameplayEffectLevel()的内部的关键函数有:

// Private function otherwise we'd call these three functions without needing to set the level to what it already is


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4.5.2 应用游戏效果 - Applying Gameplay Effects




AbilitySystemComponent->OnActiveGameplayEffectAddedDelegateToSelf.AddUObject(this, &APACharacterBase::OnActiveGameplayEffectAddedCallback);

The callback function:

virtual void OnActiveGameplayEffectAddedCallback(UAbilitySystemComponent* Target, const FGameplayEffectSpec& SpecApplied, FActiveGameplayEffectHandle ActiveHandle);

无论何种复制模式下服务器都会去调用这个函数。当复制模式为FullMixed,自主代理会为复制的GameplayEffects调用此方法。只有当replication modeFull时,模拟代理才会调用这个方法。

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4.5.3 移除游戏效果 - Removing Gameplay Effects




AbilitySystemComponent->OnAnyGameplayEffectRemovedDelegate().AddUObject(this, &APACharacterBase::OnRemoveGameplayEffectCallback);


virtual void OnRemoveGameplayEffectCallback(const FActiveGameplayEffect& EffectRemoved);

无论何种复制模式下服务器都会去调用这个函数。当复制模式为FullMixed,自主代理会为复制的GameplayEffects调用此方法。只有当replication modeFull时,模拟代理才会调用这个方法。

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4.5.4 游戏效果的修改器 - Gameplay Effect Modifiers


操作 描述
Add 将结果加到Modifier的指定的Attribute上,减法就是使用相应的负值即可。
Multiply 将结果乘以Modifier的指定的Attribute
Divide 将结果除以Modifier的指定的Attribute
Override 将结果直接替换掉Modifier的指定的Attribute


((InlineBaseValue + Additive) * Multiplicitive) / Division




共有四种类型的ModifiersScalable FloatAttribute BasedCustom Calculation Class,以及Set By Caller。他们都会生成一些浮点值,然后基于Modifier的操作类型利用值对Attribute进行修改。。

Modifier类型 描述
Scalable Float FScalableFloats是一种能够指向Data Table的结构,其中Data Table是将变量作为行、将等级作为列。Scalable Floats将会自动根据技能的当前等级(或者是在GameplayEffectSpec中重写的等级)读取指定行的值。这个值可以进一步用一个系数相乘。如果没有指定Data Table/行,该值会被当做是1,从而使用一个单独的硬编码的值作为所有等级的值。ScalableFloat
Attribute Based Attribute Based类型的Modifiers会获取SourceGameplayEffectSpec的创建者)或者TargetGameplayEffectSpec的接收者)上的AttributeCurrentValue或者BaseValue,然后进一步对其使用系数以及一些前/后处理来进行修改。快照Snapshotting意味着会在GameplayEffectSpec被创建时对Attribute进行捕捉,而no snapshotting则意味着在GameplayEffectSpec应用时来对Attribute进行捕捉。
Custom Calculation Class Custom Calculation Class为复杂Modifiers提供了最大的灵活性。这类Modifier需要一个ModifierMagnitudeCalculation类,然后可以通过系数和以及一些前/后处理来修改结果值。
Set By Caller SetByCaller类型的Modifiers由技能在运行时在GameplayEffect之外设置或者由GameplayEffectSpec的创建者进行设置。例如,如果你希望根据玩家按压按钮来对技能进行充能的时间来设置伤害值,那么你就可以使用SetByCallerSetByCallers本质上是一个TMap<FGameplayTag, float>,存在于GameplayEffectSpecModifier只是告诉Aggregator去通过提供的GameplayTag来查找SetByCaller值。Modifiers使用的SetByCallers只能使用GameplayTag而不能使用FName。如果Modifier被设置为SetByCaller,但是相应GameplayTagSetByCaller并不存在于GameplayEffectSpec里的话,游戏就会抛出一个运行时的错误并返回0。这样如果是Divide运算的话就会出问题了。参阅SetByCallers获取更多关于如何使用SetByCallers的信息。

⬆ Back to Top 乘法和除法类型的修改器 - Multiply and Divide Modifiers


float FAggregatorModChannel::EvaluateWithBase(float InlineBaseValue, const FAggregatorEvaluateParameters& Parameters) const
	float Additive = SumMods(Mods[EGameplayModOp::Additive], GameplayEffectUtilities::GetModifierBiasByModifierOp(EGameplayModOp::Additive), Parameters);
	float Multiplicitive = SumMods(Mods[EGameplayModOp::Multiplicitive], GameplayEffectUtilities::GetModifierBiasByModifierOp(EGameplayModOp::Multiplicitive), Parameters);
	float Division = SumMods(Mods[EGameplayModOp::Division], GameplayEffectUtilities::GetModifierBiasByModifierOp(EGameplayModOp::Division), Parameters);
	return ((InlineBaseValue + Additive) * Multiplicitive) / Division;
float FAggregatorModChannel::SumMods(const TArray<FAggregatorMod>& InMods, float Bias, const FAggregatorEvaluateParameters& Parameters)
	float Sum = Bias;

	for (const FAggregatorMod& Mod : InMods)
		if (Mod.Qualifies())
			Sum += (Mod.EvaluatedMagnitude - Bias);

	return Sum;

from GameplayEffectAggregator.cpp


1 + (Mod1.Magnitude - 1) + (Mod2.Magnitude - 1) + ...

这样的公式会导致一些无法预料的结果。首先,这个公式会在将其应用到BaseValue之前把所有的Modifiers加到一起。大部分人的想法是将他们一起进行乘或者除。例如如果你有两个为1.5Multiply,大部分人对BaseValue的计算方式是1.5 x 1.5 = 2.25。而实际上的计算是BaseValue乘以2BaseValue具有50%的增长 + BaseValue具有50%的增长 = 100%的增长)。这也是GameplayPrediction.h中使用的方式,500的基础速度外加10%速度buff就得到550的速度。再施加另一个10%的速度buff则是600(500 + 50 x 10% + 50 x 10%)。



  • (小于1的值不超过1个) 和 ([1, 2)范围内的值可以有任意个)
  • 或者 (有一个值 >= 2)

公式中的Bias基本上是减去[1, 2)范围内的整数。第一个ModifierBias从起始的Sum值(设置为循环前的Bias)中减去,这就是为什么任何值本身都有效,为什么一个<1的值与范围[1,2)内的数字有效的原因。

1 + (0.5 - 1) = 0.5,正确

乘数:0.5, 0.5
1 + (0.5 - 1) + (0.5 - 1) = 0,而不是预期的10.5 + 0.5)。小于1的值有多个,这时直接将乘数相加并没有意义。Paragon设计上只使用最大的负值用作Multiply计算类型的Modifiers,因此最多只有一个小于1乘以BaseValue

乘数:1.1, 0.5
1 + (0.5 - 1) + (1.1 - 1) = 0.6,正确

乘数:5, 5
1 + (5 - 1) + (5 - 1) = 9,而不是预期的105 + 5)。结果总是sum of the Modifiers - number of Modifiers + 1


float FAggregatorModChannel::EvaluateWithBase(float InlineBaseValue, const FAggregatorEvaluateParameters& Parameters) const
	float Multiplicitive = MultiplyMods(Mods[EGameplayModOp::Multiplicitive], Parameters);

	return ((InlineBaseValue + Additive) * Multiplicitive) / Division;
float FAggregatorModChannel::MultiplyMods(const TArray<FAggregatorMod>& InMods, const FAggregatorEvaluateParameters& Parameters)
	float Multiplier = 1.0f;

	for (const FAggregatorMod& Mod : InMods)
		if (Mod.Qualifies())
			Multiplier *= Mod.EvaluatedMagnitude;

	return Multiplier;

⬆ Back to Top 修改器上的游戏标签 - Gameplay Tags on Modifiers

每个Modifier都可以设置SourceTagsTargetTags。他们的工作原理与GameplayEffectApplication Tag requirements是一样的。因此标签只有在效果应用时才会被考虑。即,当有一个周期性的无限持续时间的效果时,他们只在第一次效果应用时考虑而不是在每个执行周期都被重新考虑。

Attribute Based类型的Modifiers也可以设置SourceTagFilterTargetTagFilter。当确定作为Attribute BasedModifier的来源的属性的具体大小时,这些过滤器会用于排除该属性的某些Modifier。那些source或者target没有所有过滤器标签的Modifiers将会被排除在外。

更详细来讲:作为sourceASC和作为targetASC的标签会被GameplayEffects捕捉。作为sourceASC的标签会在GameplayEffectSpec创建时被捕捉, 作为targetASC的标签则是在效果执行时被捕捉。当确定无限持续时间的或者持续一定时间的效果的Modifier是否合格(即其Aggregator聚合器符合要求),并且设置这些过滤器时,被捕获的标签将会与过滤器进行比较。

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4.5.5 堆叠游戏效果 - Stacking Gameplay Effects



堆叠类型 描述
源聚合 目标上每一个不同源的ASC都有一个自己的单独的栈实例。每个源都能够应用X数目个栈。
目标聚合 无论有多少源,目标上仅有一个栈实例。每一个源能够应用栈的上限不能超过共享栈限制。


示例项目中包括了一个自定义的蓝图节点用来监听GameplayEffect栈的变化。HUD使用它来更新玩家的被动护甲叠加数。这一异步任务AsyncTask将会一直持续,知道手动调用EndTask(),这一步我们会在UMG Widget的Destruct事件中来做。参阅AsyncTaskEffectStackChanged.h/cpp

Listen for GameplayEffect Stack Change BP Node

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4.5.6 赋予技能 - Granted Abilities


一个常见的用法就是当你想要强制玩家做某些事情,比如将他们击退或者拉近,你就可以给他们一个GameplayEffect来赋予他们一些自动激活的技能(参阅Passive Abilities获得更多关于如何在赋予技能后进度进行激活的内容),令他们能够做我们想让他们做的事情。。


移除机制 描述
Cancel Ability Immediately 立即取消技能 GameplayEffect被从目标上移除时,立即取消并移除相应被赋予的技能。
Remove Ability on End 结束后移除技能 被赋予的技能可以自然执行直到结束,然后从目标上移除。
Do Nothing 什么都不做 从目标上移除GameplayEffect并不会影响相应被赋予的技能。目标可以一直拥有对应的能力直到手动移除。

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4.5.7 游戏效果标签 - Gameplay Effect Tags

GameplayEffects带有多个GameplayTagContainers。设计师可以为每个类别编辑相应的AddedRemovedGameplayTagContainers,对应的结果会在编译后展现在CombinedGameplayTagContainer中。 Added的标签是指这个GameplayEffect新添加的父类之前所没有的标签。Removed的标签则是父类拥有而子类没有的。

种类 描述
Gameplay Effect Asset Tags GameplayEffect所具有的标签。他们本身并不执行任何函数,仅用于描述GameplayEffect.
Granted Tags 存在于GameplayEffect上的标签,但也会给到GameplayEffect应用到的目标的ASC上。当GameplayEffect移除时他们也会被一并从ASC上移除。仅用于DurationInfinite类型的GameplayEffects
Ongoing Tag Requirements 一旦应用,这些标签将决定GameplayEffect是开还是关。GameplayEffect可以被应用时仍然时关闭状态的。如果GameplayEffect没有满足Ongoing Tag Requirements的就会被关闭,当条件满足时,它又会被再次打开并重新应用它的修改器。仅用于DurationInfinite类型的`GameplayEffects。
Application Tag Requirements 指那些在目标上的标签,它们会决定GameplayEffect是否可以被应用到目标上。如果相应的要求没有满足,那么GameplayEffect则不会应用。
Remove Gameplay Effects with Tags 目标上的GameplayEffects如果在Asset TagsGranted Tags里有任何这种类型的标签的话,将会被从目标上移除。

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4.5.8 免疫效果 - Immunity

GameplayEffects能够赋予免疫的能力,即基于GameplayTags高效得阻止其他GameplayEffects的应用。虽然免疫的效果也可以通过其他方式实现,比如前面提到的Application Tag Requirements,但是这里介绍的方法会提供一个委托UAbilitySystemComponent::OnImmunityBlockGameplayEffectDelegate,从而监听GameplayEffects被免疫掉的这一事件。


Granted Application Immunity Query会检查GameplayEffectSpec判断其是否匹配从而决定是阻止还是放行。


⬆ Back to Top

4.5.9 Gameplay Effect Spec

The GameplayEffectSpec (GESpec)可以认为是GameplayEffects的实例化。他会保存一个指向他们所表示的GameplayEffect类的引用,创建它时给定的等级,以及是谁创建了它。这些内容都可以在应用前运行时进行自由得创建和修改,这一点和GameplayEffects不一样(GameplayEffects需要在允许之前由设计师先行创建配置好。在应用一个GameplayEffect时,会先从GameplayEffect中创建一个GameplayEffectSpec出来,然后实际上是把GameplayEffectSpec应用给目标。



  • GameplayEffectSpec创建所依据的GameplayEffect类。
  • GameplayEffectSpec的等级。通常和创建这个GameplayEffectSpec的技能的等级相同,当然也可以不同。
  • GameplayEffectSpec的持续时间。默认是GameplayEffect的持续时间,当然也可以不同。
  • GameplayEffectSpec用于周期效果时,其周期。默认是GameplayEffect的周期,当然也可以不同。
  • GameplayEffectSpec的当前的堆叠数量。具体的堆叠限制在GameplayEffect上。
  • GameplayEffectContextHandle告诉我们是由谁创建的这个GameplayEffectSpec
  • GameplayEffectSpec创建时所对Attributes进行的快照。
  • GameplayEffectSpec赋予目标的DynamicGrantedTags,这个是在GameplayEffect赋予的GameplayTags之外的部分。
  • GameplayEffectSpec赋予目标的DynamicAssetTags,这个是在GameplayEffect赋予的AssetTags之外的部分。
  • SetByCaller``TMaps.

⬆ Back to Top SetByCallers

SetByCallers允许GameplayEffectSpec去带一个和GameplayTagFName关联的浮点值。他们分别存储在各自对应的TMaps里:在GameplayEffectSpec上的TMap<FGameplayTag, float>TMap<FName, float>里。他们可以像是GameplayEffect上的Modifiers那样来用或者更加普遍的就是运送浮点值。常常会利用SetByCallers技能中生成的数值传递给GameplayEffectExecutionCalculations或者ModifierMagnitudeCalculations

SetByCaller的使用 注意
Modifiers 必须在GameplayEffect类中提前定义。只能使用GameplayTag(译者注:对应着不能使用FName)。如果在GameplayEffect类里定义了,但是GameplayEffectSpec并没有对应的标签和浮点值对,游戏将会报一个运行时的错误并返回0。Divide运算可能会有一些潜在的问题。参阅Modifiers
其他地方 不需要提前进行定义。去读取GameplayEffectSpec上不存在的SetByCaller会返回一个开发者定义的默认值以及可以配置的警告内容。


Assigning SetByCaller

要在蓝图中读取SetByCaller的值,你需要在Blueprint Library中实现自定义的节点。


void FGameplayEffectSpec::SetSetByCallerMagnitude(FName DataName, float Magnitude);
void FGameplayEffectSpec::SetSetByCallerMagnitude(FGameplayTag DataTag, float Magnitude);


float GetSetByCallerMagnitude(FName DataName, bool WarnIfNotFound = true, float DefaultIfNotFound = 0.f) const;
float GetSetByCallerMagnitude(FGameplayTag DataTag, bool WarnIfNotFound = true, float DefaultIfNotFound = 0.f) const;


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4.5.10 游戏效果的上下文 - Gameplay Effect Context

GameplayEffectContext这个结构体中保存了GameplayEffectSpec的发起者和TargetData的一些信息。这个结构也可以稍作拓展用来在ModifierMagnitudeCalculations / GameplayEffectExecutionCalculationsAttributeSets以及GameplayCues之间传递数据。


  1. 实现FGameplayEffectContext的派生结构
  2. 重写FGameplayEffectContext::GetScriptStruct()
  3. 重写FGameplayEffectContext::Duplicate()
  4. 重写FGameplayEffectContext::NetSerialize(),如果你有一些新的数据需要复制的话
  5. 仿照父类结构FGameplayEffectContext实现派生类中的TStructOpsTypeTraits
  6. 在你的AbilitySystemGlobals类中重写AllocGameplayEffectContext()来返回你所建的派生类对象。


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4.5.11 修改器的幅值计算 - Modifier Magnitude Calculation


MMC可以用于任何持续时间的GameplayEffects - InstantDurationInfinite亦或是Periodic


快照 Source 或是 Target GameplayEffectSpec上被捕捉的时机 AttributeInfiniteDuration类型的GE修改时自动更新
Yes Source Creation No
Yes Target Application No
No Source Application Yes
No Target Application Yes




	//ManaDef defined in header FGameplayEffectAttributeCaptureDefinition ManaDef;
	ManaDef.AttributeToCapture = UPAAttributeSetBase::GetManaAttribute();
	ManaDef.AttributeSource = EGameplayEffectAttributeCaptureSource::Target;
	ManaDef.bSnapshot = false;

	//MaxManaDef defined in header FGameplayEffectAttributeCaptureDefinition MaxManaDef;
	MaxManaDef.AttributeToCapture = UPAAttributeSetBase::GetMaxManaAttribute();
	MaxManaDef.AttributeSource = EGameplayEffectAttributeCaptureSource::Target;
	MaxManaDef.bSnapshot = false;


float UPAMMC_PoisonMana::CalculateBaseMagnitude_Implementation(const FGameplayEffectSpec & Spec) const
	// Gather the tags from the source and target as that can affect which buffs should be used
	const FGameplayTagContainer* SourceTags = Spec.CapturedSourceTags.GetAggregatedTags();
	const FGameplayTagContainer* TargetTags = Spec.CapturedTargetTags.GetAggregatedTags();

	FAggregatorEvaluateParameters EvaluationParameters;
	EvaluationParameters.SourceTags = SourceTags;
	EvaluationParameters.TargetTags = TargetTags;

	float Mana = 0.f;
	GetCapturedAttributeMagnitude(ManaDef, Spec, EvaluationParameters, Mana);
	Mana = FMath::Max<float>(Mana, 0.0f);

	float MaxMana = 0.f;
	GetCapturedAttributeMagnitude(MaxManaDef, Spec, EvaluationParameters, MaxMana);
	MaxMana = FMath::Max<float>(MaxMana, 1.0f); // Avoid divide by zero

	float Reduction = -20.0f;
	if (Mana / MaxMana > 0.5f)
		// Double the effect if the target has more than half their mana
		Reduction *= 2;

	if (TargetTags->HasTagExact(FGameplayTag::RequestGameplayTag(FName("Status.WeakToPoisonMana"))))
		// Double the effect if the target is weak to PoisonMana
		Reduction *= 2;

	return Reduction;

如果你没有在MMC的构建方法中将FGameplayEffectAttributeCaptureDefinition添加到RelevantAttributesToCapture中,在尝试去捕捉Attributes时你会在得到一个missing Spec相关的错误信息。如果你不需要捕捉Attributes,那么就不需要上面提到的那一步操作。

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4.5.12 游戏效果执行的计算 - Gameplay Effect Execution Calculation

GameplayEffectExecutionCalculationsExecutionCalculationExecution(在插件源码中你会经常看到这个的术语),亦或是 ExecCalc),是GameplayEffects修改ASC的最强有力的一种方式。与ModifierMagnitudeCalculations类似,GameplayEffectExecutionCalculations可以捕捉Attributes并且可以对属性们进行快照。而与MMCs不同的是,他们可以改版不止一个Attribute,并且高效得执行编程者想要的任何事。当然强大和灵活也伴随着代价,GameplayEffectExecutionCalculations的代价就是其不支持预测,并且他们也必须在C++中进行实现。


快照会在创建GameplayEffectSpec时捕捉Attribute,而非快照会在GameplayEffectSpec应用时对Attribute进行捕捉。捕捉Attributes会去根据ASC上存在的修改器而重新计算他们的CurrentValue。这个重计算不会执行AbilitySet里的PreAttributeChange() ,所以这里需要再做一次数值的处理(截取)。

Snapshot Source or Target Captured on GameplayEffectSpec
Yes Source Creation
Yes Target Application
No Source Application
No Target Application


对于Local PredictedServer Only以及Server InitiatedGameplayAbilitiesExecCalc仅在服务器上进行调用。


⬆ Back to Top 发送数据到Execution Calculations

除了捕捉Attributes之外,还有一些其他的方式去发送数据到ExecutionCalculation中。 SetByCaller


const FGameplayEffectSpec& Spec = ExecutionParams.GetOwningSpec();
float Damage = FMath::Max<float>(Spec.GetSetByCallerMagnitude(FGameplayTag::RequestGameplayTag(FName("Data.Damage")), false, -1.0f), 0.0f); 后备数据的属性计算修改器 - Backing Data Attribute Calculation Modifier



Backing Data Attribute Calculation Modifier


float Damage = 0.0f;
// Capture optional damage value set on the damage GE as a CalculationModifier under the ExecutionCalculation
ExecutionParams.AttemptCalculateCapturedAttributeMagnitude(DamageStatics().DamageDef, EvaluationParameters, Damage); 后备数据临时变量计算修改器 - Backing Data Temporary Variable Calculation Modifier

如果你想要将值硬编码到GameplayEffect中,你可以使用一个CalculationModifier将他们传入,这个CalculationModifier会使用一个Temporary Variable或者Transient Aggregator,就像在C++中调用的那样。Temporary Variable是和GameplayTag相关联的。

在截屏所示的例子中,我们使用Data.DamageGameplayTagTemporary Variable添加了50。

Backing Data Temporary Variable Calculation Modifier

添加后备的Temporary VariablesExecutionCalculation的构造函数中:



float Damage = 0.0f;
ExecutionParams.AttemptCalculateTransientAggregatorMagnitude(FGameplayTag::RequestGameplayTag("Data.Damage"), EvaluationParameters, Damage); 游戏效果上下文 - Gameplay Effect Context



const FGameplayEffectSpec& Spec = ExecutionParams.GetOwningSpec();
FGSGameplayEffectContext* ContextHandle = static_cast<FGSGameplayEffectContext*>(Spec.GetContext().Get());


FGameplayEffectSpec* MutableSpec = ExecutionParams.GetOwningSpecForPreExecuteMod();
FGSGameplayEffectContext* ContextHandle = static_cast<FGSGameplayEffectContext*>(MutableSpec->GetContext().Get());


/** Non const access. Be careful with this, especially when modifying a spec after attribute capture. */
FGameplayEffectSpec* GetOwningSpecForPreExecuteMod() const;

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4.5.13 自定义应用的要求 - Custom Application Requirement



  • Target需要有一定数量的Attribute
  • Target需要GameplayEffect堆叠到一定数目


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4.5.14 消耗的游戏效果 - Cost Gameplay Effect

GameplayAbilities中有一种GameplayEffect专门设计用来处理技能的消耗。Costs就是ASC激活某个GameplayAbility所需要的某个Attribute的多少。如果某个GA无法负担对应的Cost GE,那么它就无法被激活使用。这个Cost GE需要是一个Instant类型的GameplayEffect,具备一个或者多个Modifiers,用于对Attributes进行消耗。默认情况下,Cost GEs是支持预测的,建议是不要使用ExecutionCalculations(译者注:上面提到过,ExecutionCalculations不支持预测)。所以最好是只使用MMCs来进行对应的消耗计算。

刚开始时,你可能会为每个有消耗的GA来配备一个单独的Cost GE。更高级一点的做法是为多个GAs重用一个Cost GE,只要根据GA的指定数据修改从Cost GE创建的GameplayEffectSpec(消耗值一般定义在GA上)。这只能用于Instanced的技能。

两种重用Cost GE的技术:

  1. **使用MMC。**这是最简单的方法。创建一个MMC,从GameplayAbility示例中读取消耗值(具体是从GameplayEffectSpec得到)。
float UPGMMC_HeroAbilityCost::CalculateBaseMagnitude_Implementation(const FGameplayEffectSpec & Spec) const
	const UPGGameplayAbility* Ability = Cast<UPGGameplayAbility>(Spec.GetContext().GetAbilityInstance_NotReplicated());

	if (!Ability)
		return 0.0f;

	return Ability->Cost.GetValueAtLevel(Ability->GetAbilityLevel());


UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, EditAnywhere, Category = "Cost")
FScalableFloat Cost;

Cost GE With MMC

  1. **重写UGameplayAbility::GetCostGameplayEffect()。**重写该函数,并且在运行时创建GameplayEffect,从而读取GameplayAbility的消耗值。

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4.5.15 冷却的游戏效果 - Cooldown Gameplay Effect

GameplayAbilities中可以有一种专门设计用来处理技能的冷却的GameplayEffect。冷却指的就是某个技能被施放后直到可以再次施放所需的时间。如果某个GA仍然出于冷却过程中的话,即意味着它无法被激活。这个Cooldown GE应是一个Duration类型的GameplayEffect,无Modifiers,并且在GameplayEffectGrantedTagsCooldown Tag)中配置代表每个GameplayAbility或每个技能插槽(如果你的游戏具有分配给共享冷却时间的插槽的可互换技能)的唯一的一个GameplayTag。实际上GA会检查Cooldown Tag是否存在,而不是Cooldown GE的存在。默认情况下,Cooldown GEs是支持预测的,故而在冷却计算时最好不去使用ExecutionCalculations(译者注:上面提到过,ExecutionCalculations不支持预测)。所以最好是只使用MMCs来进行对应的冷却计算。

刚开始时,你可能会为每个拥有冷却的GA来配备一个单独的Cooldown GE。更高级一点的做法是为多个GAs重用一个Cooldown GE,只要根据GA的指定数据修改从Cooldown GE创建的GameplayEffectSpec(冷却的持续时间和Cooldown Tag是定义在GA上)。这只能用于Instanced的技能。

两种重用Cooldown GE的技术:

  1. **使用SetByCaller。**这是最简单快捷的方法。通过带有GameplayTagSetByCaller设置Cooldown GE的持续时间。可以在你的GameplayAbility的子类中,定义一个float/FScalableFloat作为持续时间,定义一个FGameplayTagContainer作为唯一的Cooldown Tag,定义一个临时FGameplayTagContainer用来返回Cooldown TagCooldown GE的标签集合。
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, EditAnywhere, Category = "Cooldown")
FScalableFloat CooldownDuration;

UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, EditAnywhere, Category = "Cooldown")
FGameplayTagContainer CooldownTags;

// Temp container that we will return the pointer to in GetCooldownTags().
// This will be a union of our CooldownTags and the Cooldown GE's cooldown tags.
FGameplayTagContainer TempCooldownTags;

然后重写UGameplayAbility::GetCooldownTags(),返回Cooldown TagsCooldown GE标签。

const FGameplayTagContainer * UPGGameplayAbility::GetCooldownTags() const
	FGameplayTagContainer* MutableTags = const_cast<FGameplayTagContainer*>(&TempCooldownTags);
	MutableTags->Reset(); // MutableTags writes to the TempCooldownTags on the CDO so clear it in case the ability cooldown tags change (moved to a different slot)
	const FGameplayTagContainer* ParentTags = Super::GetCooldownTags();
	if (ParentTags)
	return MutableTags;

最后,重写UGameplayAbility::ApplyCooldown()注入Cooldown Tags并且添加SetByCaller到冷却的GameplayEffectSpec

void UPGGameplayAbility::ApplyCooldown(const FGameplayAbilitySpecHandle Handle, const FGameplayAbilityActorInfo * ActorInfo, const FGameplayAbilityActivationInfo ActivationInfo) const
	UGameplayEffect* CooldownGE = GetCooldownGameplayEffect();
	if (CooldownGE)
		FGameplayEffectSpecHandle SpecHandle = MakeOutgoingGameplayEffectSpec(CooldownGE->GetClass(), GetAbilityLevel());
		SpecHandle.Data.Get()->SetSetByCallerMagnitude(FGameplayTag::RequestGameplayTag(FName(  OurSetByCallerTag  )), CooldownDuration.GetValueAtLevel(GetAbilityLevel()));
		ApplyGameplayEffectSpecToOwner(Handle, ActorInfo, ActivationInfo, SpecHandle);

在下图中,冷却持续时间的Modifier是由SetByCaller通过一个Data.CooldownData Tag来进行设置。Data.Cooldown即是上面代码中的OurSetByCallerTag

Cooldown GE with SetByCaller

  1. **使用MMC。**这基本上与上面的设置类似,除了在ApplyCooldown中设置SetByCaller作为Cooldown GE上的冷却持续时间,相对的,而是设置Custom Calculation Class并且指向我们创建的新的MMC
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, EditAnywhere, Category = "Cooldown")
FScalableFloat CooldownDuration;

UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, EditAnywhere, Category = "Cooldown")
FGameplayTagContainer CooldownTags;

// Temp container that we will return the pointer to in GetCooldownTags().
// This will be a union of our CooldownTags and the Cooldown GE's cooldown tags.
FGameplayTagContainer TempCooldownTags;

然后重写UGameplayAbility::GetCooldownTags(),返回Cooldown TagsCooldown GE标签。

const FGameplayTagContainer * UPGGameplayAbility::GetCooldownTags() const
	FGameplayTagContainer* MutableTags = const_cast<FGameplayTagContainer*>(&TempCooldownTags);
	MutableTags->Reset(); // MutableTags writes to the TempCooldownTags on the CDO so clear it in case the ability cooldown tags change (moved to a different slot)
	const FGameplayTagContainer* ParentTags = Super::GetCooldownTags();
	if (ParentTags)
	return MutableTags;

最后,重写UGameplayAbility::ApplyCooldown()注入Cooldown Tags并且添加SetByCaller到冷却的GameplayEffectSpec

void UPGGameplayAbility::ApplyCooldown(const FGameplayAbilitySpecHandle Handle, const FGameplayAbilityActorInfo * ActorInfo, const FGameplayAbilityActivationInfo ActivationInfo) const
	UGameplayEffect* CooldownGE = GetCooldownGameplayEffect();
	if (CooldownGE)
		FGameplayEffectSpecHandle SpecHandle = MakeOutgoingGameplayEffectSpec(CooldownGE->GetClass(), GetAbilityLevel());
		ApplyGameplayEffectSpecToOwner(Handle, ActorInfo, ActivationInfo, SpecHandle);
float UPGMMC_HeroAbilityCooldown::CalculateBaseMagnitude_Implementation(const FGameplayEffectSpec & Spec) const
	const UPGGameplayAbility* Ability = Cast<UPGGameplayAbility>(Spec.GetContext().GetAbilityInstance_NotReplicated());

	if (!Ability)
		return 0.0f;

	return Ability->CooldownDuration.GetValueAtLevel(Ability->GetAbilityLevel());

Cooldown GE with MMC

⬆ Back to Top 获取冷却的游戏效果的剩余时间 - Get the Cooldown Gameplay Effect's Remaining Time
bool APGPlayerState::GetCooldownRemainingForTag(FGameplayTagContainer CooldownTags, float & TimeRemaining, float & CooldownDuration)
	if (AbilitySystemComponent && CooldownTags.Num() > 0)
		TimeRemaining = 0.f;
		CooldownDuration = 0.f;

		FGameplayEffectQuery const Query = FGameplayEffectQuery::MakeQuery_MatchAnyOwningTags(CooldownTags);
		TArray< TPair<float, float> > DurationAndTimeRemaining = AbilitySystemComponent->GetActiveEffectsTimeRemainingAndDuration(Query);
		if (DurationAndTimeRemaining.Num() > 0)
			int32 BestIdx = 0;
			float LongestTime = DurationAndTimeRemaining[0].Key;
			for (int32 Idx = 1; Idx < DurationAndTimeRemaining.Num(); ++Idx)
				if (DurationAndTimeRemaining[Idx].Key > LongestTime)
					LongestTime = DurationAndTimeRemaining[Idx].Key;
					BestIdx = Idx;

			TimeRemaining = DurationAndTimeRemaining[BestIdx].Key;
			CooldownDuration = DurationAndTimeRemaining[BestIdx].Value;

			return true;

	return false;

**注意:**在客户端上查询剩余冷却时间是需要客户端能够接收到复制的GameplayEffects,这也依赖于他们ASCreplication mode 监听冷却的开始和结束 - Listening for Cooldown Begin and End

要监听冷却的开始,你既可以绑定AbilitySystemComponent->OnActiveGameplayEffectAddedDelegateToSelf,从而响应Cooldown GE的应用;或者,可以绑定AbilitySystemComponent->RegisterGameplayTagEvent(CooldownTag, EGameplayTagEventType::NewOrRemoved),从而响应Cooldown Tag的新增。我的建议是使用前者,因为此时你也可以访问应用到其上的GameplayEffectSpec。这样,你可以判断Cooldown GE是本地预测的那个还是服务器矫正过的那个。

要监听冷却的结束,你既可以绑定AbilitySystemComponent->OnAnyGameplayEffectRemovedDelegate(),从而响应Cooldown GE的移除;或者,可以绑定AbilitySystemComponent->RegisterGameplayTagEvent(CooldownTag, EGameplayTagEventType::NewOrRemoved),从而响应Cooldown Tag的移除。我的建议是使用后者,因为当服务器矫正的Cooldown GE到达时,它会移除我们本地预测的那个,从而触发OnAnyGameplayEffectRemovedDelegate(),即便我们此时仍然出于冷却过程中。在预测的Cooldown GE的移除过程和服务器矫正的Cooldown GE的应用过程中,Cooldown Tag也不会发生变化。

**注意:**监听GameplayEffect在客户端上的添加和移除要求,客户端们可以接收复制的GameplayEffects。这也依赖于他们ASCreplication mode

示例项目中包含了一个自定义的蓝图节点,用来监听冷却的开始和结束。HUD UMG Widget使用它依照Meteor技能的冷却来更新剩余时间。这个AsyncTask会一直持续,直到手动调用EndTask(),这具体也是在UMG Widget的Destruct时间中调用的。参阅AsyncTaskCooldownChanged.h/cpp

Listen for Cooldown Change BP Node 冷却效果的预测 - Predicting Cooldowns

目前冷却并不能够真正得被预测。我们可以在本地预测的Cooldown GE应用时开始UI上的冷却计数器,但是GameplayAbility的实际冷却却与服务器的剩余冷却时间挂钩。由于玩家可能会存在延迟,本地的预测冷却可能已经结束,但是在服务器上GameplayAbility却依然出于冷却,这就会去阻止技能的施放直到服务器端的冷却结束。

示例项目解决这个问题是通过在本地预测的冷却开始时将Meteor技能的图标置灰,然后在服务器矫正的Cooldown GE到达时开启冷却计时器。



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4.5.16 改变激活的游戏效果的持续时间 - Changing Active Gameplay Effect Duration

为了改变某个Cooldown GE或者任意Duration类型的GameplayEffect的剩余时间,我们需要改变GameplayEffectSpecDuration,更新它的StartServerWorldTimeCachedStartServerWorldTimeStartWorldTime,并且使用CheckDuration()重新检查持续时间。在服务器上执行上面的步骤,并且将FActiveGameplayEffect标记为dirty将会把变化复制到客户端。 **注意:**这里会涉及到一个const_cast的使用,值得一说的是,这并不是Epic官方预想的修改持续时间的方式,但是目前为止使用它并无不可。

bool UPAAbilitySystemComponent::SetGameplayEffectDurationHandle(FActiveGameplayEffectHandle Handle, float NewDuration)
	if (!Handle.IsValid())
		return false;

	const FActiveGameplayEffect* ActiveGameplayEffect = GetActiveGameplayEffect(Handle);
	if (!ActiveGameplayEffect)
		return false;

	FActiveGameplayEffect* AGE = const_cast<FActiveGameplayEffect*>(ActiveGameplayEffect);
	if (NewDuration > 0)
		AGE->Spec.Duration = NewDuration;
		AGE->Spec.Duration = 0.01f;

	AGE->StartServerWorldTime = ActiveGameplayEffects.GetServerWorldTime();
	AGE->CachedStartServerWorldTime = AGE->StartServerWorldTime;
	AGE->StartWorldTime = ActiveGameplayEffects.GetWorldTime();

	AGE->EventSet.OnTimeChanged.Broadcast(AGE->Handle, AGE->StartWorldTime, AGE->GetDuration());

	return true;

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4.5.17 运行时创建动态游戏效果 - Creating Dynamic Gameplay Effects at Runtime






// Create a dynamic instant Gameplay Effect to give the bounties
UGameplayEffect* GEBounty = NewObject<UGameplayEffect>(GetTransientPackage(), FName(TEXT("Bounty")));
GEBounty->DurationPolicy = EGameplayEffectDurationType::Instant;

int32 Idx = GEBounty->Modifiers.Num();
GEBounty->Modifiers.SetNum(Idx + 2);

FGameplayModifierInfo& InfoXP = GEBounty->Modifiers[Idx];
InfoXP.ModifierMagnitude = FScalableFloat(GetXPBounty());
InfoXP.ModifierOp = EGameplayModOp::Additive;
InfoXP.Attribute = UGDAttributeSetBase::GetXPAttribute();

FGameplayModifierInfo& InfoGold = GEBounty->Modifiers[Idx + 1];
InfoGold.ModifierMagnitude = FScalableFloat(GetGoldBounty());
InfoGold.ModifierOp = EGameplayModOp::Additive;
InfoGold.Attribute = UGDAttributeSetBase::GetGoldAttribute();

Source->ApplyGameplayEffectToSelf(GEBounty, 1.0f, Source->MakeEffectContext());


	NetExecutionPolicy = EGameplayAbilityNetExecutionPolicy::LocalPredicted;

void UGameplayAbilityRuntimeGE::ActivateAbility(const FGameplayAbilitySpecHandle Handle, const FGameplayAbilityActorInfo* ActorInfo, const FGameplayAbilityActivationInfo ActivationInfo, const FGameplayEventData* TriggerEventData)
	if (HasAuthorityOrPredictionKey(ActorInfo, &ActivationInfo))
		if (!CommitAbility(Handle, ActorInfo, ActivationInfo))
			EndAbility(Handle, ActorInfo, ActivationInfo, true, true);

		// Create the GE at runtime.
		UGameplayEffect* GameplayEffect = NewObject<UGameplayEffect>(GetTransientPackage(), TEXT("RuntimeInstantGE"));
		GameplayEffect->DurationPolicy = EGameplayEffectDurationType::Instant; // Only instant works with runtime GE.

		// Add a simple scalable float modifier, which overrides MyAttribute with 42.
		// In real world applications, consume information passed via TriggerEventData.
		const int32 Idx = GameplayEffect->Modifiers.Num();
		GameplayEffect->Modifiers.SetNum(Idx + 1);
		FGameplayModifierInfo& ModifierInfo = GameplayEffect->Modifiers[Idx];
		ModifierInfo.ModifierMagnitude = FScalableFloat(42.f);
		ModifierInfo.ModifierOp = EGameplayModOp::Override;

		// Apply the GE.

		// Create the GESpec here to avoid the behavior of ASC to create GESpecs from the GE class default object.
		// Since we have a dynamic GE here, this would create a GESpec with the base GameplayEffect class, so we
		// would lose our modifiers. Attention: It is unknown, if this "hack" done here can have drawbacks!
		// The spec prevents the GE object being collected by the GarbageCollector, since the GE is a UPROPERTY on the spec.
		FGameplayEffectSpec* GESpec = new FGameplayEffectSpec(GameplayEffect, {}, 0.f); // "new", since lifetime is managed by a shared ptr within the handle
		ApplyGameplayEffectSpecToOwner(Handle, ActorInfo, ActivationInfo, FGameplayEffectSpecHandle(GESpec));
	EndAbility(Handle, ActorInfo, ActivationInfo, false, false);

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4.5.18 游戏效果容器 - Gameplay Effect Containers

Epic的Action RPG Sample Project项目实现了一个名为FGameplayEffectContainer的结构。他们并不存在于默认GAS框架内,但是对于存储GameplayEffectsTargetData是极为好用的。它为一些效果实现了自动化,比如从GameplayEffects创建GameplayEffectSpecs,并在它的GameplayEffectContext中设置其默认值。在GameplayAbility中构建GameplayEffectContainer,并且将其传递给生成的子弹,这一些列操作是非常简单直接的。我并没有在示例项目中选择去实现GameplayEffectContainers,这也失去了为你展示如何将寻常GAS项目进行拓展,但是我还是强烈建议在你的项目中去使用这个。


SetByCaller with a GameplayEffectContainer


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4.6 游戏技能 - Gameplay Abilities

4.6.1 游戏技能的定义 - Gameplay Ability Definition



  • Jumping - 跳跃
  • Sprinting - 冲刺
  • Shooting a gun - 持枪射击
  • Passively blocking an attack every X number of seconds - 每X秒被动阻挡一次攻击
  • Using a potion - 使用药水
  • Opening a door - 开门(机关)
  • Collecting a resource - 收集资源
  • Constructing a building - 构建建筑


  • Basic movement input - 基本移动输入
  • Some interactions with UIs - 一些UI相关的交互,建议不要使用GameplayAbility来实现商店购买相关的功能。



GameplayAbilities会在所属客户端上运行,而在服务端则会根据Net Execution Policy(而不是模拟代理节点)来决定是否也运行。Net Execution Policy决定了GameplayAbility是否进行本地的预测。对optional cost and cooldown GameplayEffects他们会包含一些默认的行为。GameplayAbilities使用AbilityTasks来处理那些会持续一段时间的动作,比如等待某个事件,等待某个属性变化,等待玩家选择某个目标,或者通过Root Motion Source来移动某个Character模拟的客户端将不会运行GameplayAbilities。相对应的,当服务器运行技能时,任何需要在模拟代理上可视化呈现的部分(如播放动画蒙太奇)都将通过AbilityTasks或者GameplayCues(负责声音和粒子部分)来复制或者远程过程调用。


简单的GameplayAbility流程图: Simple GameplayAbility Flowchart

稍微复杂一些的GameplayAbility流程图: Complex GameplayAbility Flowchart

复杂的技能也可以使用多个互相之间交互(激活、取消等)的GameplayAbilities来实现。 复制策略 - Replication Policy

不要使用这个选项。本身这个名字存在一定的误导性,你要知道其实你并不需要关心这个。默认情况下GameplayAbilitySpecs就会被从服务端复制到所属服务器。上面也提到过,GameplayAbilities不会在模拟代理上运行。他们使用AbilityTasksGameplayCues来复制或者远程过程调用可视化的变化到模拟代理。Epic的Dave Ratti也表明他希望能够在未来删除这个选项. 服务器端远程技能取消 - Server Respects Remote Ability Cancellation

这个选项常常会引发一些麻烦。即,如果客户端的GameplayAbility因为取消或者自然完成而结束,它会强制服务器也去结束(无论在服务器是否也完成)。这个问题很重要,特别是针对使用本地预测的GameplayAbilities高延迟的玩家来说。通常你最好禁用这个选项。 直接对输入的复制 - Replicate Input Directly

启用这个选项将会一直把输入的按下和释放事件复制给服务器。Epic并不建议这样使用,取而代之的,最好使用内置到已存在的输入相关的AbilityTasksGeneric Replicated Events,前提是你已经将你的输入绑定到ASC


/** Direct Input state replication. These will be called if bReplicateInputDirectly is true on the ability and is generally not a good thing to use. (Instead, prefer to use Generic Replicated Events). */

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4.6.2 绑定输入到技能系统组件 - Binding Input to the ASC


除了指定输入动作从而激活GameplayAbilities外,ASC还可以接受通用的ConfirmCancel输入。这些特殊的输入由AbilityTasks来使用,从而进行一些操作的确认以及取消,比如Target Actors,即目标的选取和取消选取。



enum class EGDAbilityInputID : uint8
	// 0 None
	None			UMETA(DisplayName = "None"),
	// 1 Confirm
	Confirm			UMETA(DisplayName = "Confirm"),
	// 2 Cancel
	Cancel			UMETA(DisplayName = "Cancel"),
	// 3 LMB
	Ability1		UMETA(DisplayName = "Ability1"),
	// 4 RMB
	Ability2		UMETA(DisplayName = "Ability2"),
	// 5 Q
	Ability3		UMETA(DisplayName = "Ability3"),
	// 6 E
	Ability4		UMETA(DisplayName = "Ability4"),
	// 7 R
	Ability5		UMETA(DisplayName = "Ability5"),
	// 8 Sprint
	Sprint			UMETA(DisplayName = "Sprint"),
	// 9 Jump
	Jump			UMETA(DisplayName = "Jump")


// Bind to AbilitySystemComponent
AbilitySystemComponent->BindAbilityActivationToInputComponent(PlayerInputComponent, FGameplayAbilityInputBinds(FString("ConfirmTarget"), FString("CancelTarget"), FString("EGDAbilityInputID"), static_cast<int32>(EGDAbilityInputID::Confirm), static_cast<int32>(EGDAbilityInputID::Cancel)));


**注意:**示例项目中枚举的ConfirmCancel并没有和项目配置里的输入动作的名称匹配(ConfirmTarget and CancelTarget),但是我们在BindAbilityActivationToInputComponent()进行了他们之间映射的构建。这里我们只是针对他们利用映射构建做了一下特殊处理,所以他们才不需要名称相同,当然他们也可以去进行依据名称的匹配。枚举中的其他输入都必须与项目设置中的输入动作名称相匹配。

对于只会被通过一个输入来激活的GameplayAbilities(比如MOBA游戏中,技能始终都在一个固定的技能槽中),我偏向于在UGameplayAbility的子类里添加一个变量,利用它来定义输入。然后我可以在赋予技能时从ClassDefaultObject里读取这个变量。 在不激活技能的情况下绑定到输入 - Binding to Input without Activating Abilities


void UGSAbilitySystemComponent::AbilityLocalInputPressed(int32 InputID)
	// Consume the input if this InputID is overloaded with GenericConfirm/Cancel and the GenericConfim/Cancel callback is bound
	if (IsGenericConfirmInputBound(InputID))

	if (IsGenericCancelInputBound(InputID))

	// ---------------------------------------------------------

	for (FGameplayAbilitySpec& Spec : ActivatableAbilities.Items)
		if (Spec.InputID == InputID)
			if (Spec.Ability)
				Spec.InputPressed = true;
				if (Spec.IsActive())
					if (Spec.Ability->bReplicateInputDirectly && IsOwnerActorAuthoritative() == false)


					// Invoke the InputPressed event. This is not replicated here. If someone is listening, they may replicate the InputPressed event to the server.
					InvokeReplicatedEvent(EAbilityGenericReplicatedEvent::InputPressed, Spec.Handle, Spec.ActivationInfo.GetActivationPredictionKey());
					UGSGameplayAbility* GA = Cast<UGSGameplayAbility>(Spec.Ability);
					if (GA && GA->bActivateOnInput)
						// Ability is not active, so try to activate it

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4.6.3 赋予技能 - Granting Abilities

赋予GameplayAbility到某个ASC,是将其添加到ASCActivatableAbilities列表之中,并在满足GameplayTag requirements时根据意愿允许其激活。



void AGDCharacterBase::AddCharacterAbilities()
	// Grant abilities, but only on the server
	if (Role != ROLE_Authority || !AbilitySystemComponent.IsValid() || AbilitySystemComponent->CharacterAbilitiesGiven)

	for (TSubclassOf<UGDGameplayAbility>& StartupAbility : CharacterAbilities)
			FGameplayAbilitySpec(StartupAbility, GetAbilityLevel(StartupAbility.GetDefaultObject()->AbilityID), static_cast<int32>(StartupAbility.GetDefaultObject()->AbilityInputID), this));

	AbilitySystemComponent->CharacterAbilitiesGiven = true;


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4.6.4 激活技能 - Activating Abilities


UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Abilities")
bool TryActivateAbilitiesByTag(const FGameplayTagContainer& GameplayTagContainer, bool bAllowRemoteActivation = true);

UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Abilities")
bool TryActivateAbilityByClass(TSubclassOf<UGameplayAbility> InAbilityToActivate, bool bAllowRemoteActivation = true);

bool TryActivateAbility(FGameplayAbilitySpecHandle AbilityToActivate, bool bAllowRemoteActivation = true);

bool TriggerAbilityFromGameplayEvent(FGameplayAbilitySpecHandle AbilityToTrigger, FGameplayAbilityActorInfo* ActorInfo, FGameplayTag Tag, const FGameplayEventData* Payload, UAbilitySystemComponent& Component);

FGameplayAbilitySpecHandle GiveAbilityAndActivateOnce(const FGameplayAbilitySpec& AbilitySpec);

要想通过事件激活一个GameplayAbility,必须在GameplayAbility里对其Triggers进行配置,并指定一个GameplayTag和选择一个GameplayEvent。为了将事件发送出去,可以使用函数UAbilitySystemBlueprintLibrary::SendGameplayEventToActor(AActor* Actor, FGameplayTag EventTag, FGameplayEventData Payload)。通过事件激活一个GameplayAbility允许你传入一定量的数据。


注意: 当在蓝图中通过事件激活某个GameplayAbility,你必须使用ActivateAbilityFromEvent节点,同时标准ActivateAbility节点必须不能在你的蓝图中出现。如果ActivateAbility节点存在的话,则会忽略ActivateAbilityFromEvent节点。



  1. 所属客户端 调用TryActivateAbility()
  2. 调用InternalTryActivateAbility()
  3. 调用CanActivateAbility(),返回值是去检查GameplayTag的要求是否满足,ASC是否能够承受消耗,GameplayAbility是否出于冷却状态,以及是否当前有其他实例出于激活状态
  4. 调用CallServerTryActivateAbility(),并且传递生成好的Prediction Key
  5. 调用CallActivateAbility()
  6. 调用PreActivate(),Epic将这个称为例行公事
  7. 调用ActivateAbility(),即最终激活这个技能


  1. 调用ServerTryActivateAbility()
  2. 调用InternalServerTryActivateAbility()
  3. 调用InternalTryActivateAbility()
  4. 调用CanActivateAbility(),并且返回:GameplayTag的要求是否得到满足,ASC是否能够承受消耗,GameplayAbility是否出于冷却状态,以及是否当前有其他实例出于激活状态
  5. 调用ClientActivateAbilitySucceed(),如果成功的话,更新其ActivationInfo,表明其激活行为已被服务器确认,并且广播OnConfirmDelegate委托。这和输入的确认是不同的两回事。
  6. 调用CallActivateAbility()
  7. 调用PreActivate(),Epic将这个称为例行公事
  8. 调用ActivateAbility(),即最终激活这个技能

无论任何时候服务器激活失败,它会去调用ClientActivateAbilityFailed(),立即结束客户端的GameplayAbility并且撤销任何可以预测的变化。 被动技能 - Passive Abilities



被动的GameplayAbilities通常会将Net Execution Policy设置为Server Only

void UGDGameplayAbility::OnAvatarSet(const FGameplayAbilityActorInfo * ActorInfo, const FGameplayAbilitySpec & Spec)
	Super::OnAvatarSet(ActorInfo, Spec);

	if (ActivateAbilityOnGranted)
		bool ActivatedAbility = ActorInfo->AbilitySystemComponent->TryActivateAbility(Spec.Handle, false);


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4.6.5 取消技能 - Canceling Abilities



/** Cancels the specified ability CDO. */
void CancelAbility(UGameplayAbility* Ability);

/** Cancels the ability indicated by passed in spec handle. If handle is not found among reactivated abilities nothing happens. */
void CancelAbilityHandle(const FGameplayAbilitySpecHandle& AbilityHandle);

/** Cancel all abilities with the specified tags. Will not cancel the Ignore instance */
void CancelAbilities(const FGameplayTagContainer* WithTags=nullptr, const FGameplayTagContainer* WithoutTags=nullptr, UGameplayAbility* Ignore=nullptr);

/** Cancels all abilities regardless of tags. Will not cancel the ignore instance */
void CancelAllAbilities(UGameplayAbility* Ignore=nullptr);

/** Cancels all abilities and kills any remaining instanced abilities */
virtual void DestroyActiveState();

注意: 我发现如果你有一个 Non-InstancedGameplayAbilities时,CancelAllAbilities似乎并无法正常起作用。它似乎是在遇到Non-InstancedGameplayAbility时会取消掉。CancelAbilities在处理Non-InstancedGameplayAbilities时候表现更加良好,示例项目中也是用的这种处理方式(跳跃就是用的Non-InstancedGameplayAbilities来做的)。当然这方面你的做法可以是不同的。

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4.6.6 获取处于激活状态的技能 - Getting Active Abilities

新手经常会提一些类似“我怎么获取到激活的技能”这样类似的问题,希望可能去操作其上的变量或者是去取消掉这个技能。某一个事件点上可以同时有多个GameplayAbility处于激活状态,所以并不会有某个所谓的“active ability”让你去获取。取而代之的,你必须在ASC的名为ActivatableAbilities的列表(ASC上存储赋予的GameplayAbilities的位置)中去查询,去尝试寻找匹配你所寻找的Asset或者GrantedGameplayTag的技能。



UAbilitySystemComponent::GetActivatableGameplayAbilitySpecsByAllMatchingTags(const FGameplayTagContainer& GameplayTagContainer, TArray < struct FGameplayAbilitySpec* >& MatchingGameplayAbilities, bool bOnlyAbilitiesThatSatisfyTagRequirements = true)


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4.6.7 实例化的策略 - Instancing Policy

GameplayAbilityInstancing Policy决定了当GameplayAbility激活时是否去进行实例化以及如何实例化的问题。

Instancing Policy 描述 何时使用举例
Instanced Per Actor 每个ASC只有一个GameplayAbility的实例,在技能的重复激活时进行复用。 这可能是你使用的最多的Instancing Policy。你可以在任何技能上使用它,并且在技能的重复激活期间提供持久性。设计者需要负责在激活时去手动重置需要的变量。
Instanced Per Execution 每次激活一个GameplayAbility,就会去创建一个新的GameplayAbility的实例。 这种做法的好处是你每次激活GameplayAbilities时都会去重置所有变量(不需要手动)。相对于上面的Instanced Per Actor这种做法开销非常大,因为每当激活一个新的GameplayAbilities都需要进行一次实例化。示例项目种并没有使用这个。
Non-Instanced GameplayAbility在它的ClassDefaultObject上进行操作。不会去创建任何的实例。 在三个做法之中这种做法开销最小,但是其使用起来颇为严苛,且限制颇多。Non-InstancedGameplayAbilities不能存储状态,意味着不能有动态变量且不能绑定AbilityTask的委托。这个的最佳用途是频繁使用的简单技能,例如MOBA或者RTS游戏种小兵的普通攻击。示例项目中跳跃的GameplayAbility就是Non-Instanced

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4.6.8 网络执行策略 - Net Execution Policy

GameplayAbilityNet Execution Policy决定了谁来运行GameplayAbility以及以什么样的顺序来运行。

Net Execution Policy 描述
Local Only GameplayAbility只运行在所属客户端上。这个对于那些只会有本地的视觉等装饰性的变化的技能来说是非常好用的。单人游戏应该使用Server Only
Local Predicted Local PredictedGameplayAbilities首先在所属客户端上激活,然后才是服务器。服务器那边将会修正客户端预测的不正确的部分。参考Prediction
Server Only GameplayAbility只在服务器上运行。被动的GameplayAbilities通常是Server Only。。
Server Initiated Server InitiatedGameplayAbilities首先在服务器上进行激活,然后才是所属客户端。我个人不太使用这个。。

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4.6.9 技能标签 - Ability Tags


GameplayTag Container 描述
Ability Tags GameplayAbility所拥有的GameplayTags。这些只是用来描述GameplayAbilityGameplayTags
Cancel Abilities with Tag 当这个GameplayAbility激活时,如果还有其他GameplayAbilitiesAbility Tags也有这种GameplayTags的话,那么这些其他的技能就会被取消掉。
Block Abilities with Tag 当这个GameplayAbility激活时,如果还有其他GameplayAbilitiesAbility Tags也有这种GameplayTags的话,那么就会阻止其他的这些技能的激活。
Activation Owned Tags GameplayAbility激活时,这些GameplayTags会被给到GameplayAbility的所有者。再次强调这些不会被进行复制。
Activation Required Tags 仅当所有者拥有所有这些GameplayTags时,GameplayAbility才能够被激活。
Activation Blocked Tags 如果所有者有这些GameplayTags中的任意一些,那么GameplayAbility就不能够被激活。
Source Required Tags 仅当Source拥有所有这些GameplayTags时,这个GameplayAbility才能够被激活。SourceGameplayTags仅在 事件触发GameplayAbility时进行设置。
Source Blocked Tags 如果Source拥有这些GameplayTags中的任意一些,那么GameplayAbility就不能够被激活。SourceGameplayTags仅在 事件触发GameplayAbility时进行设置。
Target Required Tags 仅当Target拥有所有这些GameplayTags时,这个GameplayAbility才能够被激活。TargetGameplayTags仅在 事件触发GameplayAbility时进行设置。
Target Blocked Tags 如果Target拥有这些GameplayTags中的任意一些,那么GameplayAbility就不能够被激活。TargetGameplayTags仅在 事件触发GameplayAbility时进行设置。

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4.6.10 Gameplay Ability Spec

在技能被赋予后,GameplayAbilitySpec就会存在于ASC,其定义了处于可被激活状态的GameplayAbility —— 根据GameplayAbility类,等级,输入绑定,以及运行时状态。


激活一个GameplayAbilitySpec将会依照其Instancing Policy创建一个GameplayAbility的实例(如果是Non-InstancedGameplayAbilities则并不会创建相应的实例)。

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4.6.11 传递数据到技能 - Passing Data to Abilities

GameplayAbilities的一般的使用流程是Activate->Generate Data->Apply->End。有些时候你需要在已有数据上做一些操作。GAS为将外部数据传入到GameplayAbilities内部这样的操作提供了一些可选项:

方法 描述
通过事件激活GameplayAbility 可以在通过事件对GameplayAbility进行激活时包含一定量的数据。对于本地预测的GameplayAbilities,事件的数据们将会从客户端复制到服务端。如果有些数据无法利用已存在的变量去处理,这时可以使用Optional Object或者TargetData两种变量。这样做的不便之处是就无法利用输入绑定来激活技能了。要通过事件激活GameplayAbilityGameplayAbility本身必须配置好Triggers,指定GameplayTag并且选定GameplayEvent的选项。要发送事件,可以使用函数UAbilitySystemBlueprintLibrary::SendGameplayEventToActor(AActor* Actor, FGameplayTag EventTag, FGameplayEventData Payload)
使用WaitGameplayEventAbilityTask GameplayAbility激活之后,使用WaitGameplayEvent这个AbilityTask去通知GameplayAbility监听带有数据的事件。这个事件和发送过程和通过事件去激活GameplayAbilities是一样的。这样做的不便之处是事件并不是由AbilityTask来进行复制,只能用于Local OnlyServer OnlyGameplayAbilities。你可以编写自己的AbilityTask,来支持复制带数据的事件。
使用TargetData 使用一个自定义的TargetData结构是一个在客户端和服务端之间传递数据的好办法。
将数据存储到OwnerActor或是AvatarActor 使用那些存储在OwnerActorAvatarActor或者任何其他你可以引用得到的对象的复制变量。这个方法是最灵活,且能够支持通过输入绑定来激活GameplayAbilities。但是,这个方式并不能保证在使用时复制来的数据一定的同步的。 你必须保证提前性——即如果你设置一个复制变量,然后立即激活GameplayAbility,那么由于可能的潜在的丢包问题就无法保证接收者上面的顺序。

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4.6.12 技能的消耗和冷却 - Ability Cost and Cooldown

GameplayAbilities会带有可选的消耗和冷却的功能。技能消耗是为了激活由Instant类型的 GameplayEffect Cost GE)实现的GameplayAbility,所预定义的所需某些Attributes的数量。技能冷却则是为了控制GameplayAbility的重新激活所设定的计时器,其实现是通过一个Duration类型的GameplayEffectCooldown GE)。


GameplayAbility调用Activate()之后,可选地,他可以使用UGameplayAbility::CommitAbility()在任意时间点提交消耗和冷却,其内部实现实际上是去分别调用UGameplayAbility::CommitCost()UGameplayAbility::CommitCooldown()。设计者可能会根据实际需求去选择单独调用CommitCost()或是CommitCooldown()。提交消耗和冷却会去再一次调用CheckCost()以及CheckCooldown(),这也是GameplayAbility去根据自身信息检查是否能够激活的最后一道保险。所属的ASCAttributes可能在GameplayAbility激活之后就会发生变化,从而在技能提交时无法满足消耗。技能和冷却的提交可以是locally predicted,前提是prediction key在提交时是合法的。


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4.6.13 升级技能 - Leveling Up Abilities


技能等级提升的方法 描述
根据新的等级,剥离然后重新赋予技能 ASC中剥离(删除)掉GameplayAbility,然后在服务器上以新的等级重新进行赋予。这种做法下,如果当时技能正处于激活状态,那么他就会立即被结束掉。
提升GameplayAbilitySpec的等级 在服务器上,查找到GameplayAbilitySpec,增加其等级,然后将其标记为dirty,这样就可以将其复制到所属的客户端了。这种做法之下,如果当时技能正处于激活状态下,是不会将其打断或者结束的。


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4.6.14 技能组 - Ability Sets



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4.6.15 技能批处理 - Ability Batching

传统的Gameplay Ability的声明周期包含了至少两到三次的从客户端到服务端的RPC,即:

  1. CallServerTryActivateAbility()
  2. ServerSetReplicatedTargetData()(不是必须的)
  3. ServerEndAbility()

如果GameplayAbility在一帧中的一个原子组内执行所有这些操作的话,我们可以将这两个到三个的RPC打包成一个RPC进而优化操作。GAS中将这种针对RPC的优化称为是Ability Batching,即技能的批处理。Ability Batching常见的一个使用情况就是扫射的枪械。枪械激活,执行一个射线检测,发送TargetData到服务器,然后在一帧的一个原子组中结束技能。GASShooter示例工程中演示了这项技术的使用。


全自动/爆破枪械可以将第一发子弹的CallServerTryActivateAbility()ServerSetReplicatedTargetData()打包到一个RPC里而不是单独的两个RPC。后续的每发子弹则是它自己的ServerSetReplicatedTargetData()的RPC。最后,ServerEndAbility()则是作为一个单独的RPC,在枪械停火后发送。这种情况并不十分美好,我们仅仅在第一发子弹上节省了一个RPC。相对的,针对这种情况还有另外一种做法,即通过Gameplay Event来进行技能的激活,从而将子弹的TargetData放在EventPayload里从客户端发送到服务端。后面这种方法的不便之处就是TargetData其实是在技能之外生成的,而批处理的方法则是在技能里进行的生成过程。

Ability Batching默认在ASC上是关闭的。想要激活Ability Batching,需要重载ShouldDoServerAbilityRPCBatch()并返回true:

virtual bool ShouldDoServerAbilityRPCBatch() const override { return true; }

现在Ability Batching已经被激活了,在激活你希望批处理的技能之前,你必须预先创建一个FScopedServerAbilityRPCBatcher。这个特殊的结构体将会试着去打包在其作用域内的任何技能。一旦FScopedServerAbilityRPCBatcher超出范围,其他任何技能都不会打包进去。FScopedServerAbilityRPCBatcher的工作原理是在每个可批处理的函数中都有特殊的代码,这些特殊代码可拦截发送RPC的调用,并将消息打包为批处理结构。当FScopedServerAbilityRPCBatcher超出作用域,它会自动 在UAbilitySystemComponent::EndServerAbilityRPCBatch()中将这个批结构发送到服务器。服务器会在UAbilitySystemComponent::ServerAbilityRPCBatch_Internal(FServerAbilityRPCBatch& BatchInfo)中接收这个批RPC。BatchInfo参数包含了一些标签:技能是否应该结束,输入是否在激活时已经按下,是否包含TargetData。如果你想想调试你的批处理是否正常工作,这里是个打断点的好地方。另外,可以使用控制台程序输入AbilitySystem.ServerRPCBatching.Log 1来激活特定的技能批处理的日志。


bool UGSAbilitySystemComponent::BatchRPCTryActivateAbility(FGameplayAbilitySpecHandle InAbilityHandle, bool EndAbilityImmediately)
	bool AbilityActivated = false;
	if (InAbilityHandle.IsValid())
		FScopedServerAbilityRPCBatcher GSAbilityRPCBatcher(this, InAbilityHandle);
		AbilityActivated = TryActivateAbility(InAbilityHandle, true);

		if (EndAbilityImmediately)
			FGameplayAbilitySpec* AbilitySpec = FindAbilitySpecFromHandle(InAbilityHandle);
			if (AbilitySpec)
				UGSGameplayAbility* GSAbility = Cast<UGSGameplayAbility>(AbilitySpec->GetPrimaryInstance());

		return AbilityActivated;

	return AbilityActivated;

GASShooter项目对半自动枪械和全自动枪械都是用了相同的批处理GameplayAbility,其并不是会直接调用EndAbility()来进行技能的结束(它是由技能外部的另外一个本地技能来管理,具体就是根据当前的开火模式来管理玩家的输入以及技能的批处理调用)。因为所有的RPC必须被在FScopedServerAbilityRPCBatcher的作用域内调用,我提供了一个EndAbilityImmediately参数,从而令本地的控制/管理能够指出这个技能是否应该打包 EndAbility()调用(半自动),亦或是不打包EndAbility()调用(全自动),这样它可以在后面的某个时间用自己的RPC来发送EndAbility()


Activate Batched Ability

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4.6.16 网络安全策略 - Net Security Policy


NetSecurityPolicy 描述
ClientOrServer 没有安全要求。客户端和服务端可以自由得执行和结束技能。
ServerOnlyExecution 服务端会忽略客户端发起的技能执行的请求。客户端仍然可以发起请求,令服务端取消或者结束这个技能。
ServerOnlyTermination 服务端会忽略客户端发起的技能的取消和结束请求。客户端仍然可以发起技能执行的请求。
ServerOnly 服务端控制技能的执行和结束。发起请求的客户端会被忽略。

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4.7 技能任务 - Ability Tasks

4.7.1 技能任务的定义 - Ability Task Definition



  • 基于RootMotionSource的用于角色移动的Task
  • 播放动画蒙太奇的Task
  • 响应Attribute的变化的Task
  • 响应GameplayEffect的变化的Task
  • 响应玩家输入的Task
  • 等等


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4.7.2 自定义技能任务 - Custom Ability Tasks


  1. PlayMontageAndWaitForEvent是将默认的PlayMontageAndWaitWaitGameplayEvent两种AbilityTasks进行了结合。这可以使用动画蒙太奇利用AnimNotifies给播放他们的GameplayAbility发送事件。使用这种方式在动画蒙太奇播放过程中的特定时间点来触发指定的行为。
  2. WaitReceiveDamage会监听OwnerActor接收伤害的事件。被动护甲的GameplayAbility在英雄接收到伤害时移除一层护甲。


  • 一个静态函数创建这个AbilityTask的实例
  • 一些委托,绑定到AbilityTask实现其目标
  • Activate()函数,以开始其核心任务,绑定外部委托等等
  • OnDestroy()函数,用来进行清理,包括一些绑定的外部委托
  • 绑定的外部委托的回调函数
  • 成员变量和内联的辅助函数


AbilityTasks只运行在运行所属GameplayAbility的服务器或者客户端上;但是,AbilityTasks可以通过在构造函数中设置bSimulatedTask = true;,重载virtual void InitSimulatedTask(UGameplayTasksComponent& InGameplayTasksComponent);,并且设定成员变量未复制,从而运行在模拟客户端上。这只用在很少的情况,如模拟运动的AbilityTasks,其中你并不想复制所有的运动变化,而是模拟整个运动的AbilityTask。所有的RootMotionSourceAbilityTasks都是在做这件事。参阅AbilityTask_MoveToLocation.h/.cpp

如果你在构造函数中设置bTickingTask = true;并且重写virtual void TickTask(float DeltaTime);的话,AbilityTasks是可以执行Tick类似的工作的。如果你希望去逐帧插值的话,这就非常有用了。参见AbilityTask_MoveToLocation.h/.cpp

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4.7.3 使用技能任务 - Using Ability Tasks


UGDAT_PlayMontageAndWaitForEvent* Task = UGDAT_PlayMontageAndWaitForEvent::PlayMontageAndWaitForEvent(this, NAME_None, MontageToPlay, FGameplayTagContainer(), 1.0f, NAME_None, false, 1.0f);
Task->OnBlendOut.AddDynamic(this, &UGDGA_FireGun::OnCompleted);
Task->OnCompleted.AddDynamic(this, &UGDGA_FireGun::OnCompleted);
Task->OnInterrupted.AddDynamic(this, &UGDGA_FireGun::OnCancelled);
Task->OnCancelled.AddDynamic(this, &UGDGA_FireGun::OnCancelled);
Task->EventReceived.AddDynamic(this, &UGDGA_FireGun::EventReceived);


Blueprint WaitTargetData AbilityTask

若需要取消某个AbilityTask,只要在蓝图或C++中的AbilityTask对象上(即Async Task Proxy)调用EndTask()即可。

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4.7.4 Root Motion Source Ability Tasks

GAS带有一些能够处理角色随时间移动的AbilityTasks,比如角色的击退,复杂的跳跃,拉,冲刺,这些都可以使用Root Motion Sources以及响应的CharacterMovementComponent里的对应功能来实现。

注意: 带预测的RootMotionSourceAbilityTasks在版本4.19和4.25之后的版本可以正常运行,而在4.20-4.24之间的版本是有问题的;但是,AbilityTasks仍然会在多玩家下利用镜像网络矫正来执行其功能,且在单人玩家环境下运行良好。如果要强行使用,建议参考prediction fix

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4.8 游戏反馈 - Gameplay Cues

4.8.1 游戏反馈的定义 - Gameplay Cue Definition




有两类的GameplayCueNotifiesStaticActor。他们响应不同的事件,并且不同类型的GameplayEffects可以去对他们进行触发。 你可以用你自己的逻辑对响应事件的内容进行重写。

GameplayCue Class Event GameplayEffect 类型 描述
GameplayCueNotify_Static Execute Instant或者Periodic 静态GameplayCueNotifies是在ClassDefaultObject(即没有对应的实例)上进行操作,这非常适合是实现那些一次性的效果,比如说碰撞冲击这一类的。
GameplayCueNotify_Actor Add或者Remove Duration或者Infinite Actor类型的GameplayCueNotifies会在Added的时候生成一个新的实例。因为这些都是实例化出来的,他们可以执行某些操作,一直到他们被Removed掉。他们比较适合来做那些循环的声效和粒子效果,在响应的Duration或者Infinite类型的GameplayEffect被移除掉或者手动调用移除指令时进行中断并移除。他们也提供了一些选项来管理在同一时间允许被Added的数量,这样在不同的程序想要开始某段声音或者粒子时,就不会去重复叠加多个同样的效果。


**注意:**当使用GameplayCueNotify_Actor时,要勾选Auto Destroy on Remove,否则在随后Add那个GameplayCueTag就无法正常生效了。

ASCReplication Mode不是Full时,服务器玩家(监听服务器)的AddRemove GC的事件将会触发两次——一次是应用GE,另一次是通过NetMultiCast广播给客户端们。但是WhileActive事件讲仅会触发一次。所有事件在客户端仅触发一次。

示例项目中包含一个GameplayCueNotify_Actor来处理眩晕和冲刺效果。此外还有一个GameplayCueNotify_Static来处理枪械的子弹命中效果。这些GC可以通过triggering them locally来做进一步的优化,这样就不用通过GE来对他们进行复制。我在示例项目中选择以简单的初学的方法来对他们进行使用展示。

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4.8.2 触发游戏反馈 - Triggering Gameplay Cues


GameplayCue Triggered from a GameplayEffect

UGameplayAbility提供了一些蓝图节点来ExecuteAdd或者Remove GameplayCues

GameplayCue Triggered from a GameplayAbility


/** GameplayCues can also come on their own. These take an optional effect context to pass through hit result, etc */
void ExecuteGameplayCue(const FGameplayTag GameplayCueTag, FGameplayEffectContextHandle EffectContext = FGameplayEffectContextHandle());
void ExecuteGameplayCue(const FGameplayTag GameplayCueTag, const FGameplayCueParameters& GameplayCueParameters);

/** Add a persistent gameplay cue */
void AddGameplayCue(const FGameplayTag GameplayCueTag, FGameplayEffectContextHandle EffectContext = FGameplayEffectContextHandle());
void AddGameplayCue(const FGameplayTag GameplayCueTag, const FGameplayCueParameters& GameplayCueParameters);

/** Remove a persistent gameplay cue */
void RemoveGameplayCue(const FGameplayTag GameplayCueTag);

/** Removes any GameplayCue added on its own, i.e. not as part of a GameplayEffect. */
void RemoveAllGameplayCues();

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4.8.3 本地游戏反馈 - Local Gameplay Cues



  • 子弹冲击效果
  • 近战撞击效果
  • 从动画蒙太奇触发的GameplayCues


UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "GameplayCue", Meta = (AutoCreateRefTerm = "GameplayCueParameters", GameplayTagFilter = "GameplayCue"))
void ExecuteGameplayCueLocal(const FGameplayTag GameplayCueTag, const FGameplayCueParameters& GameplayCueParameters);

UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "GameplayCue", Meta = (AutoCreateRefTerm = "GameplayCueParameters", GameplayTagFilter = "GameplayCue"))
void AddGameplayCueLocal(const FGameplayTag GameplayCueTag, const FGameplayCueParameters& GameplayCueParameters);

UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "GameplayCue", Meta = (AutoCreateRefTerm = "GameplayCueParameters", GameplayTagFilter = "GameplayCue"))
void RemoveGameplayCueLocal(const FGameplayTag GameplayCueTag, const FGameplayCueParameters& GameplayCueParameters);
void UPAAbilitySystemComponent::ExecuteGameplayCueLocal(const FGameplayTag GameplayCueTag, const FGameplayCueParameters & GameplayCueParameters)
	UAbilitySystemGlobals::Get().GetGameplayCueManager()->HandleGameplayCue(GetOwner(), GameplayCueTag, EGameplayCueEvent::Type::Executed, GameplayCueParameters);

void UPAAbilitySystemComponent::AddGameplayCueLocal(const FGameplayTag GameplayCueTag, const FGameplayCueParameters & GameplayCueParameters)
	UAbilitySystemGlobals::Get().GetGameplayCueManager()->HandleGameplayCue(GetOwner(), GameplayCueTag, EGameplayCueEvent::Type::OnActive, GameplayCueParameters);
	UAbilitySystemGlobals::Get().GetGameplayCueManager()->HandleGameplayCue(GetOwner(), GameplayCueTag, EGameplayCueEvent::Type::WhileActive, GameplayCueParameters);

void UPAAbilitySystemComponent::RemoveGameplayCueLocal(const FGameplayTag GameplayCueTag, const FGameplayCueParameters & GameplayCueParameters)
	UAbilitySystemGlobals::Get().GetGameplayCueManager()->HandleGameplayCue(GetOwner(), GameplayCueTag, EGameplayCueEvent::Type::Removed, GameplayCueParameters);

如果某个GameplayCue是本地Added,它也相应的应该本地Removed。如果它是通过复制Added,则它相应的也应该通过复制进行 Removed

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4.8.4 游戏反馈的参数 - Gameplay Cue Parameters


  • AggregatedSourceTags
  • AggregatedTargetTags
  • GameplayEffectLevel
  • AbilityLevel
  • EffectContext
  • Magnitude (如果GameplayEffect选择了某项Attribute,并且会有对应的Modifier对其产生影响。)




/** Initialize GameplayCue Parameters */
virtual void InitGameplayCueParameters(FGameplayCueParameters& CueParameters, const FGameplayEffectSpecForRPC &Spec);
virtual void InitGameplayCueParameters_GESpec(FGameplayCueParameters& CueParameters, const FGameplayEffectSpec &Spec);
virtual void InitGameplayCueParameters(FGameplayCueParameters& CueParameters, const FGameplayEffectContextHandle& EffectContext);

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4.8.5 游戏反馈管理器 - Gameplay Cue Manager








virtual bool ShouldAsyncLoadRuntimeObjectLibraries() const override
	return false;

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4.8.6 阻止游戏反馈触发 - Prevent Gameplay Cues from Firing

有些时候我们并不希望去触发某些GameplayCue。例如,如果我们阻止某项攻击,我们可能并不希望播放附着在伤害GameplayEffect上的碰撞效果For example if we block an attack, we may not want to play the hit impact attached to the damage GameplayEffect,亦或是想要换另外一个效果。我们可以在GameplayEffectExecutionCalculations内调用OutExecutionOutput.MarkGameplayCuesHandledManually(),并且手动发送GameplayCue事件到Target或者SourceASC

如果你永远不想在特定的ASC上触发任何GameplayCues,你可以设置AbilitySystemComponent->bSuppressGameplayCues = true;

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4.8.7 游戏反馈的批处理 - Gameplay Cue Batching

每个触发的GameplayCue都是一个不可靠的NetMulticast的RPC。在某些情况下,我们可能需要同一时间触发多个GC,对应着有着一些优化的处理方法,来将他们合并到一个RPC中,亦或是发送相对更少量的数据从而节省带宽。 手动远程过程调用 - Manual RPC

假设你有一把能射八颗子弹的猎枪,这就会有8个射线检测和以及轨迹效果的GameplayCuesGASShooter中采用了一种偷懒的方法,它将所有的轨迹信息打包到一块儿以 TargetData的格式存储到EffectContext 。虽然这种方法将8个RPC减到了1个,但是这1个里直接包含了原先8个的信息,包含了大量的数据(约500b),仍然需要占用很多网络资源。针对这种情况,还有一种更好的处理方法,可以在要发送的RPC中用一个自定义的结构体,其中你可以高效编码命中位置的数据,或者放一个随机数种子,从而在接收端能够重建/拟合出冲击位置的数据信息。然后客户端就可以进行数据解包并将解析出来的数据刷到本地执行的GameplayCues


  1. 声明一个FScopedGameplayCueSendContext。它会自动阻止 UGameplayCueManager::FlushPendingCues()的执行,直到超出其作用域。这意味着其作用域内的所有的GameplayCues将会排成一个队列以供使用。
  2. 重写UGameplayCueManager::FlushPendingCues(),依据GameplayTag来合并GameplayCues到自定义的结构体,然后通过RPC发送到客户端。
  3. 客户端接收自定义结构体然后将其解包到本地执行的GameplayCues中。

这个方法也还有其他的适用情况,比如说你需要一些特定的参数,但是这些参数与GameplayCueParameters所提供的并不匹配,而且你也并不希望将其添加到EffectContext中,比如说伤害飘字,暴击提示,破盾提示,致命一击的提示等等。 一个游戏效果上带有多个游戏表现 - Multiple GCs on one GE

一个GameplayEffect的全部GameplayCues都在一个RPC中发送。默认情况下,UGameplayCueManager::InvokeGameplayCueAddedAndWhileActive_FromSpec()将会通过不可靠的NetMulticast的RPC来发送整个GameplayEffectSpec(但会转换成FGameplayEffectSpecForRPC),这一点不会受到ASCReplication Mode影响。依据GameplayEffectSpec中的内容的不同所占据的带宽可能会非常之不同(有可能会非常占用资源)。我们可以在控制台设置AbilitySystem.AlwaysConvertGESpecToGCParams 1来尝试进行优化。这会将GameplayEffectSpecs转换为FGameplayCueParameter结构,这样就不用发送整个 FGameplayEffectSpecForRPC。这样可能会节省一些带宽,但也会相对的少一些信息,具体取决于GESpecGameplayCueParameters的转换方法以及具体你的GCs需要哪些信息。

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4.8.8 游戏反馈事件 - Gameplay Cue Events


EGameplayCueEvent 描述
OnActive GameplayCue激活(添加)时调用。
WhileActive GameplayCue处于激活状态时调用,即使它当前并没有应用。注意,这并不是Tick!它只会被调用一次,即当GameplayCueNotify_Actor被添加或者被引用。如果你需要用到Tick(),可以使用GameplayCueNotify_ActorTick()。其本质上是一个AActor
Removed GameplayCue被移除时调用。蓝图中对应的函数事件是OnRemove
Executed GameplayCue被执行时调用:瞬间的效果亦或是持续一定事件的Tick()。蓝图中对应的函数事件是OnExecute


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4.8.9 游戏反馈的可靠性 - Gameplay Cue Reliability




  • 主控端可靠得接收到OnActiveWhileActive,以及OnRemove
    FActiveGameplayEffectsContainer::NetDeltaSerialize()调用UAbilitySystemComponent::HandleDeferredGameplayCues()来进行OnActive以及WhileActive的调用。 FActiveGameplayEffectsContainer::RemoveActiveGameplayEffectGrantedTagsAndModifiers() 则负责OnRemoved的调用。
  • 模拟端可靠得介绍到WhileActiveOnRemove


  • 主控端可靠得接收到OnRemove
  • 模拟端可靠得接收到WhileActive以及OnRemove


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4.9 GAS的全局信息管理者 - Ability System Globals




4.9.1 InitGlobalData()

从UE 4.24开始,就必须要调用UAbilitySystemGlobals::Get().InitGlobalData()来使用TargetData,否则你会有ScriptStructCache相关的报错,并且客户端将从服务器断开。这个函数在项目中只需要调用一次。堡垒之夜是在UAssetManager::StartInitialLoading()中进行调用的,Paragon则是在UEngine::Init()。我发现将其放在UAssetManager::StartInitialLoading()是比较合适的位置,可以参看示例项目。这是很好的样板代码,如果我是你我就乖乖得将其拷贝到自己得项目中,以防出现TargetData相关的问题。


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4.10 预测 - Prediction

GAS带有开箱即用的客户端预测的支持;但是,这并不意味着它能够完美预测所有的事情。GAS中的客户端预测意味着客户端不需要去等待服务器的许可就可以去激活GameplayAbility并且应用GameplayEffects。它也可以“预测”服务器给与它的许可并且预测它所应用GameplayEffects的目标。 在客户端激活后,服务器会在网络延迟的时间后运行GameplayAbility并且告诉客户端它所作的预测是否正确。如果客户端的预测中的某一项是错误的,它会对错误的预测进行回滚直到与服务器匹配为止。



... we are also not all in on a "predict everything: seamlessly and automatically" solution. We still feel player prediction is best kept to a minimum (meaning: predict the minimum amount of stuff you can get away with).


摘自Dave Ratti关于新的Network Prediction Plugin网络预测插件的叙述


  • 技能激活
  • 触发事件
  • GameplayEffect的应用:
    • Attribute的修改(例外:Executions当前并不能够预测,只有attribute modifiers可以)
    • GameplayTag的修改
  • Gameplay Cue事件(从可预测的GE里发出的以及从其自身发出的)
  • 动画蒙太奇
  • 移动(UE4内置的UCharacterMovement


  • GameplayEffect的移除 removal
  • GameplayEffect的周期性效果(比如dot效果)


虽然我们可以预测GameplayEffect的应用,我们却不能够预测GameplayEffect的移除。这个限制也有对应的解决之道,就是去预测我们希望移除的GameplayEffect的反效果。假设我们现在在预测一个速度减缓40%的效果。我们可以通过应用一个加速40%的速度buff来作为替代,最后再将两个效果同时移除。当然这并不是一劳永逸的完美的解决方法,我们还是需要有一个专门的针对GameplayEffect的移除的解决方案。Epic的Dave Ratti在future iteration of GAS后续的迭代中能够逐步支持这个。

因为我们不能预测GameplayEffects的移除,所以我们无法完美得预测GameplayAbility的冷却,因为并没有与之对应的相反效果的GameplayEffect。服务器复制的Cooldown GE将会存在于客户端,并且任何尝试去绕过这个(比如说使用Minimal复制模式)都会被服务器拒绝。这意味着高延迟的客户端需要花费更长的时间来告诉服务器需要去走冷却并接收服务器的Cooldown GE的移除。高延迟的玩家相较于低延迟的玩家,会有相对更低的技能发射频率,从而失去对战优势。Fortnite使用了自定义的方案来代替Cooldown GEs


注意: Instant类型的GameplayEffects(如Cost GEs),对于这类可以改变的你自己的Attributes的效果,是可以无缝得进行预测;而预测其他角色Instant类型的 Attribute的变化则可能表现出短暂的异常。对 Instant类型的GameplayEffects的预测被和Infinite类型的GameplayEffects归为一类进行处理的,对这类的预测错误,则可以进行回滚。当服务器的GameplayEffect应用时,可能会存在有两个相同的GameplayEffect,会导致在短短一个瞬间,Modifier被重复应用两次,亦或是完全不被应用。最终服务器都会将问题进行修正,但是对于玩家来说,如果这个瞬间被注意到了,那么就会对游玩体验造成影响。


  1. "Can I do this?" Basic protocol for prediction.

  2. "Undo" How to undo side effects when a prediction fails.

  3. "Redo" How to avoid replaying side effects that we predicted locally but that also get replicated from the server.

  4. "Completeness" How to be sure we /really/ predicted all side effects.

  5. "Dependencies" How to manage dependent prediction and chains of predicted events.

  6. "Override" How to override state predictively that is otherwise replicated/owned by the server.

  7. 我可以这样做吗?——预测的基本协议

  8. 撤销——当预测失败时如何撤销副作用

  9. 重播——如果避免重播我们本地预测和从服务器复制而来副作用

  10. 完整性——如果确保我们确实预测了所有的副作用

  11. 依赖性——如果管理依赖性预测和预测事件链条

  12. 覆盖——如果预测性得覆盖服务器原本已复制/拥有得状态


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4.10.1 预测键 - Prediction Key

GAS的预测的进行是基于一个名为Prediction Key预测键的概念,具体来说它是一个在客户端激活技能时所生成的一个整型标识符。

  • 客户端激活一个GameplayAbility时生成一个预测键,这就是Activation Prediction Key

  • 客户端利用CallServerTryActivateAbility()发送这个预测键到服务器。

  • 当预测键有效时,客户端将这个预测键添加给所有它应用的GameplayEffects

  • 客户端的预测键超出作用范围,在同一个GameplayAbility中进一步预测效果则需要一个新的Scoped Prediction Window.

  • 服务器从客户端接收预测键。

  • 服务器将这个预测键添加给所有它应用的GameplayEffects

  • 服务器将预测键复制回客户端。

  • 客户端从服务器接收复制的GameplayEffects,如果复制回来得到的GameplayEffects与客户端应用的GameplayEffects有着相同的预测键,那这意味着预测正确。在这个瞬时的时间点会同时有着两份GameplayEffect的拷贝,直到客户端将它预测的那个删除掉。

  • 客户端从服务器接收预测键。即Replicated Prediction Key。这个预测键现在被标记为旧的。

  • 客户端移除所有的标有旧的预测键的GameplayEffects。而由服务器复制得来的GameplayEffects将会被保留。任何客户端添加的但是却没有收到服务器返回版本的GameplayEffects都意味着预测的失败。

Activation Prediction Key中以Activation开头的GameplayAbilities中的一个原子指令组“window”期间,预测键保准有效。对于这句话你可以直接理解成仅在一帧内有效。任何后续AbilityTasks中的回调都不会有有效的预测键,除非AbilityTask中包含有内置的Synch Point同步点,其会生成一个新的Scoped Prediction Window

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4.10.2 在技能中创建新的预测窗口 - Creating New Prediction Windows in Abilities

要预测AbilityTasks的回调中的更多的行为,我们需要用一个新的预测键创建一个新的范围预测窗口。这个有时候也称为是客户端和服务器之间的同步点。一些AbilityTasks,比如说所有的输入相关的那些,他们都内置了创建新的范围控制窗口的功能,意味着AbilityTasks的回调中的那些原子代码可以使用一个有效的预测键。其他的一些任务,如WaitDelay这种任务并没有内置的代码来为他的回调创建新的范围预测窗口。如果你希望去预测这样类型的AbilityTask,就必须手动调用WaitNetSyncAbilityTask,并选择OnlyServerWait。当客户端遇到带有OnlyServerWaitWaitNetSync时,它会基于GameplayAbility的激活预测键来生成一个新的范围预测键,利用RPC将其发送到服务器,再将其添加给它所应用的新的GameplayEffects。当服务器遇到带有OnlyServerWaitWaitNetSync,它将等待直到它从客户端接收到新的范围预测键才会继续。这个fa那位预测键的行为和激活预测键的行为基本一致 —— 应用到GameplayEffects并且复制回客户端,并标记为旧的。范围预测键在超出作用域时会失效,随即范围预测窗口关闭。所以在此强调,仅仅那些非延迟的原子操作可以使用新的范围预测键。






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4.10.3 预测性得生成Actors - Predictively Spawning Actors

在客户端预测性得生成 Actors是一个进阶的议题。GAS并没有提供现成的功能来解决这个(SpawnActorAbilityTask只是在服务端生成Actor )。这里的核心问题是要在客户端和服务器都生成一个复制的Actor


bool APAReplicatedActorExceptOwner::IsNetRelevantFor(const AActor * RealViewer, const AActor * ViewTarget, const FVector & SrcLocation) const
	return !IsOwnedBy(ViewTarget);

如果生成的Actor会影响游玩,比如说会产生伤害的子弹,那么你需要你就需要更加高阶的技巧,但是这并不包含在本文档内。可以在Epic Games的Github上查找UnrealTournament项目,其中实现了可预测得生成子弹。他是只在所属客户端上生成一个虚拟子弹,该虚拟子弹与服务器的复制子弹同步。

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4.10.4 技能系统中关于预测机制的未来规划 - Future of Prediction in GAS

GameplayPrediction.h中提到在未来,他们可能还会加入预测GameplayEffect的移除和预测周期性 GameplayEffects的功能。

Epic的Dave Ratti from Epic提过expressed interest,以解决预测冷却的latency reconciliation问题,从而让低延迟玩家比高延迟玩家更具备优势的问题得以解决。

Epic开发的新的Network Prediction plugin插件将会完美与GAS协调,就像CharacterMovementComponent 那样。

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4.10.5 网络预测插件 - Network Prediction Plugin

最近Epic发起了一项新的计划,即用新的Network Prediction替换掉CharacterMovementComponent。这个插件仍然处于早期的开发阶段,但是关于其的讨论在Unreal Engine GitHubs上已经非常热烈。现在还不太好讲未来在哪个版本我们会正式体验到。

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4.11 目标 - Targeting

4.11.1 目标数据 - Target Data


TargetData通常是由Target Actors产生,或是手动创建,并且由AbilityTasksGameplayEffects通过EffectContext来进行使用。当TargetData作为EffectContext的结果时,ExecutionsMMCsGameplayCues以及AttributeSet的一些默认方法都可以对其进行访问。


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4.11.2 目标Actor - Target Actors


TargetActors是派生自AActor,因此他们可以拥有任意类型的渲染组件(比如static mesh静态网格体或者decal贴花),来表示他们的位置以及他们如何进行目标选择。静态网格体可以用来显示你的角色所构建的物体。贴花可以用来显示地面上的相应作用区域。示例工程中使用了一个带有地面贴花的AGameplayAbilityTargetActor_GroundTrace,用以表示Meteor流星技能的伤害效果区域。TargetActors也可以不去显示任何东西。例如,GASShooter项目中的枪械弹药需要使用射线检测目标,但是这些一瞬间的检测并不需要显示任何东西。

TargetActors会利用基本的射线或者碰撞检测来捕获目标信息,并且可以根据TargetActor的具体实现将结果从FHitResults或者AActor数组转换为TargetDataWaitTargetDataAbilityTask可以根据TEnumAsByte<EGameplayTargetingConfirmation::Type> ConfirmationType的参数来决定目标在什么时候确定。当不是TEnumAsByte<EGameplayTargetingConfirmation::Type::Instant时,TargetActor通常会在Tick()中去作射线碰撞检测,并且根据其具体实现去将其位置更新到FHitResult中。尽管这是一个在Tick()中执行的射线碰撞检测,但是实际上你并不太需要为此担心性能问题,意味它并不需要进行网络复制,而且你通常也同一时间也不会有超过一个的TargetActor(这说的是更通常的情况,当然系统并没有限制同一时间的数量)。但是这件事你还是需要知道的,有些时候一些复杂的TargetActors可能会在Tick()中做非常多的操作,比如GASShooter项目中火箭发射器的第二个技能。尽管在客户端Tick()是非常灵敏的(即其执行次数高于服务端),但是当其开始对性能产生较大影响时你可能需要考虑降低TargetActorTick()频率。在TEnumAsByte<EGameplayTargetingConfirmation::Type::Instant时,TargetActor会瞬间生成,产生TargetData数据,然后销毁。这样,就永远不会涉及到Tick()的调用。

EGameplayTargetingConfirmation::Type 目标确认的时机
Instant 没有特殊逻辑或者用户输入决定何时去“开火”的情况下,目标的选取会立即发生。
UserConfirmed 在用户通过技能绑定到Confirm的输入进而确认了目标亦或是通过调用UAbilitySystemComponent::TargetConfirm()表明目标的确认时,目标的选取就发生了。TargetActor同样也会去相应Cancel的输入或者UAbilitySystemComponent::TargetCancel()的调用从而取消目标的选择。
Custom 技能中通过调用UGameplayAbility::ConfirmTaskByInstanceName()来决定具体的targeting data准备好的时机。同样,TargetActor也会响应UGameplayAbility::CancelTaskByInstanceName()来取消目标的选择。
CustomMulti 同上,其不同之处在于数据生成时不会去结束掉这个AbilityTask





共享的 TargetActor 上的参数 定义
Debug 如果为true时,那么在非发行版的版本中它会去帮我们绘制所有的射线和碰撞检测的信息。请记住,非InstantTargetActors将会在Tick()中去做检测,那么自然,这些绘制内容也是在Tick()中完成的(译者注:相对来说射线检测的消耗还可以接收,但是其绘制的消耗可能会非常爆炸)。
Filter [可选] 一个特定的结构体,用来在射线检测时对Actors进行过滤。通常的用法是去过滤玩家的Pawn,只允许某个特定类型的目标。参考Target Data Filters小节获取更多相关内容。
Reticle Class [可选] TargetActor所要创建的AGameplayAbilityWorldReticle的派生类。
Reticle Parameters [可选] 配置光标。参考Reticles的小结。
Start Location 一个特定的结构体,其中包含了射线检测的开始位置的信息。通常会是玩家的视口、武器枪口,亦或是Pawn的位置。


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4.11.3 目标数据过滤器 - Target Data Filters

通过使用Make GameplayTargetDataFilterMake Filter Handle节点,你可以过滤玩家的Pawn或者只去选择某个特定的类。如果你需要更多高级的过滤效果,你可以在FGameplayTargetDataFilter基础上进一步派生,并且重写其中的FilterPassesForActor函数。

struct GASDOCUMENTATION_API FGDNameTargetDataFilter : public FGameplayTargetDataFilter

	/** Returns true if the actor passes the filter and will be targeted */
	virtual bool FilterPassesForActor(const AActor* ActorToBeFiltered) const override;

但是,这并不会直接令其在Wait Target Data节点上生效,因为它还需要一个FGameplayTargetDataFilterHandle。还需要再构建一个新的自定义的Make Filter Handle来收扩展出来的派生类:

FGameplayTargetDataFilterHandle UGDTargetDataFilterBlueprintLibrary::MakeGDNameFilterHandle(FGDNameTargetDataFilter Filter, AActor* FilterActor)
	FGameplayTargetDataFilter* NewFilter = new FGDNameTargetDataFilter(Filter);

	FGameplayTargetDataFilterHandle FilterHandle;
	FilterHandle.Filter = TSharedPtr<FGameplayTargetDataFilter>(NewFilter);
	return FilterHandle;

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4.11.4 游戏技能的世界标线 - Gameplay Ability World Reticles

AGameplayAbilityWorldReticles,即Reticles,当你利用非Instant确定出TargetActors,它会帮你从视觉表现方面显示你当前正在选择的目标。TargetActors会负责Reticles从生成到销毁的整个生命周期。Reticles本质上是AActors,因此他们可以使用任意类型的可视化组件。GASShooter实现了一个它的常见的用法,即使用WidgetComponent来在屏幕空间中显示一个UMG Widget类型的控件(总是朝向玩家摄像机)。Reticles并不知道他们的目标是具体哪一个AActor,但是你可以在自定义的TargetActor进一步实现这个功能。TargetActors通常会在每个Tick()内去更新Reticle的位置到目标的位置(译者注:目标位置的世界控空间位置转到屏幕空间的二维空间位置)。

GASShooter中使用Reticles来显示被火箭发射器的第二个技能锁定的目标。敌人身上的红色的指示图标就是Reticle。而相同样式的白色的那个则是火箭发射器的准星。 Reticles in GASShooter


/** Called whenever bIsTargetValid changes value. */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintImplementableEvent, Category = Reticle)
void OnValidTargetChanged(bool bNewValue);

/** Called whenever bIsTargetAnActor changes value. */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintImplementableEvent, Category = Reticle)
void OnTargetingAnActor(bool bNewValue);

UFUNCTION(BlueprintImplementableEvent, Category = Reticle)
void OnParametersInitialized();

UFUNCTION(BlueprintImplementableEvent, Category = Reticle)
void SetReticleMaterialParamFloat(FName ParamName, float value);

UFUNCTION(BlueprintImplementableEvent, Category = Reticle)
void SetReticleMaterialParamVector(FName ParamName, FVector value);

Reticles也可以使用由TargetActor提供的FWorldReticleParameters来进行配置。默认的结构体只提供了一个变量FVector AOEScale。尽管你可以去派生这个结构体,但是TargetActor只会去接收默认的基类结构体。从设计层面看,默认的TargetActorFWorldReticleParameters上的限制可能看起来显得有些目光短浅。但是,如果你自定义了自己的TargetActor,你也可以提供你自己自定义的标线参数结构体,然后在生成他们的时候手动将其传递给你的AGameplayAbilityWorldReticles的派生类中。



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4.11.5 游戏效果容器的目标 - Gameplay Effect Containers Targeting

GameplayEffectContainers中提供了一个可选的,高效的生成TargetData的方法。在客户端和服务器上应用EffectContainer时就会立马进行目标的选择。这个方法要远比TargetActors的方式更加高效,因为它是直接运行在目标选择的对象的CDO(译者注:Class Default Object,可以理解为类的一个默认单例对象)上的,相对于需要去生成和销毁的Actors对象来说当然更加高效。但是它会缺少玩家的输入,没有确认取消的过程,也不能够从客户端往服务器发送数据(因为它在两端都会执行)。对于立即触发的射线或者碰撞检测来说这非常有效。Epic的Action RPG Sample Project项目中,在其容器中包含了两种类型的目标选择——选择技能的释放者,以及从某个事件中获取到TargetData。它也在蓝图中实现了一个去做球体的轨迹检测。你可以派生URPGTargetType来制作你自己的目标类型。

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5. 常见的技能和效果 - Commonly Implemented Abilities and Effects

5.1 眩晕 - Stun



要实现阻止新的GameplayAbilities的激活的效果,可以在其他技能上把眩晕的GameplayTag设置到他们的Activation Blocked TagsGameplayTagContainer


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5.2 冲刺 - Sprint

示例项目中还提供了一个关于冲刺的例子,即当Left Shift按下时角色可以跑得更快一些。


GA会处理Left Shift对应的输入响应,通知角色移动组件去开启或者停止冲刺,并且预测性得消耗体力值。参考GA_Sprint_BP

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5.3 瞄准 - Aim Down Sights




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5.4 生命偷取 - Lifesteal

我将生命偷取内置在伤害计算的ExecutionCalculation内。GameplayEffect会有一个专门的GameplayTag,比如Effect.CanLifesteal这样的。ExecutionCalculation会去检查GameplayEffectSpec是否有这样的一个GameplayTag。如果这个GameplayTag存在,那么ExecutionCalculation 会去创建一个动态的Instant类型的GameplayEffect,并且给它一个增加生命值的modifier,然后把他应用到SourceASC

if (SpecAssetTags.HasTag(FGameplayTag::RequestGameplayTag(FName("Effect.Damage.CanLifesteal"))))
	float Lifesteal = Damage * LifestealPercent;

	UGameplayEffect* GELifesteal = NewObject<UGameplayEffect>(GetTransientPackage(), FName(TEXT("Lifesteal")));
	GELifesteal->DurationPolicy = EGameplayEffectDurationType::Instant;

	int32 Idx = GELifesteal->Modifiers.Num();
	GELifesteal->Modifiers.SetNum(Idx + 1);
	FGameplayModifierInfo& Info = GELifesteal->Modifiers[Idx];
	Info.ModifierMagnitude = FScalableFloat(Lifesteal);
	Info.ModifierOp = EGameplayModOp::Additive;
	Info.Attribute = UPAAttributeSetBase::GetHealthAttribute();

	SourceAbilitySystemComponent->ApplyGameplayEffectToSelf(GELifesteal, 1.0f, SourceAbilitySystemComponent->MakeEffectContext());

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5.5 在服务端和客户端上生成随机数字 - Generating a Random Number on Client and Server

有些时候你需要在GameplayAbility里生成随机数,比如子弹后坐力和扩散等。客户端和服务器当然需要同样的随机数。为了实现这个效果,我们必须在GameplayAbility激活的时候设置相同的random seed。每次去激活GameplayAbility的时候你都需要设置random seed,防止客户端预测激活失败并且随机数序列和服务器不同步。

随机数种子设置方法 描述
使用激活预测键 GameplayAbility的激活预测键是一个int16类型的数据,并且保证在客户端和服务器的Activation()是同步的。你可以将它作为客户端和服务器的random seed。这种方式的不好的地方在于这个预测键总是在游戏开始时从0开始,并且在每次生成键的时候持续增长,这意味着虽然数字是随机的,但是每次游玩过程中得到的整个数列却不是随机的。意思是这种方法提供的随机性有限。
当你激活 GameplayAbility时,通过事件负载发送种子 即使用事件激活GameplayAbility并且由客户端向服务器通过复制的事件负载来发送随机生成的种子。这种方法能够提供足够的随机性,但是客户端就变得更加容易被攻击从而每次只去发送相同的种子值。而且通过事件激活GameplayAbilities将无法和输入进行绑定。

如果你的随机编程很小,大部分玩家都不会之一到每次游戏的随机数序列是相同的,那么第一种使用预测键的方法足够用了。如果你需要做一些稍复杂的需要防黑客的事情,也许使用Server InitiatedGameplayAbility 更加合适,这样服务器可以创建预测键或是创建可以由事件负载发送的random seed

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5.6 暴击 - Critical Hits

我将暴击效果的实现内置在了ExecutionCalculation中。GameplayEffect会有一个专门的GameplayTag,比如说像Effect.CanCritExecutionCalculation会去检查GameplayEffectSpec是否拥有这个GameplayTag。如果GameplayTag存在的话,ExecutionCalculation会去生成一个随机的数字对应着暴击几率(从Source中取到的对应的Attribute值),然后加到暴击伤害(另外一个从Source中取到的对应的Attribute值)中。因为我并没有去预测伤害,我并不需要去担心随机数生成的同步问题,因为ExecutionCalculation只会在服务器上运行。如果你希望预测性得去使用MMC来处理伤害计算,那么你就需要从GameplayEffectSpec->GameplayEffectContext->GameplayAbilityInstance中拿到random seed的引用。


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5.7 非可叠加游戏效果(仅取对目标影响最大者的游戏效果) - Non-Stacking Gameplay Effects but Only the Greatest Magnitude Actually Affects the Target


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5.8 游戏暂停时生成目标数据 - Generate Target Data While Game is Paused

如果你需要为你的玩家在利用WaitTargetData AbilityTask来生成TargetData时暂停游戏,我建议不去暂停游戏,而是使用slomo 0

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5.9 单按键交互系统 - One Button Interaction System


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6. 游戏技能系统的调试 - Debugging GAS


  • "我的属性们的值是多少?"
  • "我身上有哪些gameplay tags?"
  • "当前我有哪些gameplay effects?"
  • "我赋予了哪些技能,其中哪些还在运行,而哪些被阻止激活?"

对于这些问题,GAS带有两项运行时的技术来应对——showdebug abilitysystem以及 GameplayDebugger

**提示:**UE4会去优化C++代码,这会使某些函数难以进行调试。当你深入追踪你的代码时你就有概率会遇到这种情况。如果设置Visual Studio解决方案的配置为DebugGame Editor仍然无法让你尽情对代码进行调试,你可以通过PRAGMA_DISABLE_OPTIMIZATION_ACTUALPRAGMA_ENABLE_OPTIMIZATION_ACTUAL宏来对特定方法的优化进行限制。这个方式不能对插件代码使用,除非你从源代码对插件进行构建。对于内联函数可能会也可能不会起作用,具体取决于其实际的功能和位置。无比在调试完成后移除这些宏代码。

void MyClass::MyFunction(int32 MyIntParameter)
	// My code

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6.1 showdebug abilitysystem

在游戏控制台键入showdebug abilitysystem即可实现。这项特性一共分为了3页。每页上都会显示你当前拥有的GameplayTags。键入AbilitySystem.Debug.NextCategory可以按顺序查看3页的内容。

第一页显示你的AttributesCurrentValueFirst Page of showdebug abilitysystem

第二页显示了你身上所有的DurationInfiniteGameplayEffects,其具体的叠加的数量,他们赋予了哪些GameplayTags,以及他们赋予了哪些ModifiersSecond Page of showdebug abilitysystem

第三页显示了所有的赋予给你的GameplayAbilities,他们当前的运行状态,他们是否被阻止进行激活,以及当前运行的AbilityTasks的状态。 Third Page of showdebug abilitysystem


**注意:**为使showdebug abilitysystem正常工作,需要在GameMode里选择一个真正的HUD。负责命令会丢失,并且返回”Unknown Command“。

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6.2 游戏调试器 - Gameplay Debugger

GAS为Gameplay Debugger也提供了一些功能选项。可以通过单引号(')访问Gameplay Debugger。按数字键盘上的3可以激活Abilities category。这个分类根据你的插件可能也会有所不同。如果你的键盘是那种没有小键盘的笔记本电脑,那么你可以在项目设置了修改响应的按键绑定。

当你希望看到别的Characters身上的GameplayTagsGameplayEffects,以及GameplayAbilities式,就可以使用Gameplay Debugger。不过可惜的是,它并不会显示目标的AttributesCurrentValue。它会以你屏幕正中的Character为目标。有两种方式可以更改选定的目标:在编辑器的World Outliner中选定你的目标,或者看向其他的Character然后按下单引号(‘)。当前选中的目标角色会在其上方有一个大大的红色圆圈。

Gameplay Debugger

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6.3 游戏技能系统的日志 - GAS Logging



log [category] [verbosity]


log LogAbilitySystem VeryVerbose


log LogAbilitySystem Display


log list


日志类别 默认显示等级
LogAbilitySystem Display
LogAbilitySystemComponent Log
LogGameplayCueDetails Log
LogGameplayCueTranslator Display
LogGameplayEffectDetails Log
LogGameplayEffects Display
LogGameplayTags Log
LogGameplayTasks Log
VLogAbilitySystem Display

更多信息参见Wiki on Logging

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7. 优化 - Optimizations

7.1 技能批处理 - Ability Batching


7.2 游戏反馈批处理 - Gameplay Cue Batching


7.3 技能系统组件的复制模式 - AbilitySystemComponent Replication Mode

默认情况下,ASC是处于Full Replication Mode模式。这会默认将所有的GameplayEffects复制到每个客户端(单人游戏来说没有任何问题)。在多人游戏中,将玩家拥有的ASCs设置为Mixed Replication Mode,将AI控制的角色设置为Minimal Replication Mode。这会把玩家角色上应用的GEs只复制给角色的拥有者,AI控制的角色将永远不会复制其GEs给客户端。GameplayTags将会复制并且GameplayCues依然会不可靠得广播给所有得客户端,而不管其Replication Mode是什么。当所有得客户端都不需要看到这些GEs时,这种做法能够有效减少复制的数据的量。

7.4 属性代理的复制 - Attribute Proxy Replication

像Fortnite Battle Royale(FNBR)这样的有很多玩家的大型游戏,将会有很多的ASCs存在于对应的PlayerStates,并且会有大量要复制的Attributes。为了应对这个瓶颈,Fortnite的做法是在 模拟的玩家控制端PlayerState::ReplicateSubobjects()中禁用了 ASC 及其 AttributeSets 的复制。主控端代理和AI控制的 Pawns 依然会根据其具体的 Replication Mode 去进行各自的复制。相对的,在抛弃复制PlayerStates 对应的 ASC 上的Attributes 的做法后,FNBR在玩家的 Pawn 上使用了一个复制代理结构体。当服务器上的ASC上的 Attributes 改变时,其代理结构体也会随之发生改变。客户端从代理结构体中接收到复制的 Attributes,并且将其中包含的属性修改推到本地 ASC 中。这就可以令 Attribute 的复制利用到 Pawn 的相关机制以及 NetUpdateFrequency。这个代理结构体也可以使用位掩码复制一个小的GameplayTags的白名单组。这个做法可以减少网络上传递的数据的量,并且让我们能够利用到 pawn的相关内容。AI控制 PawnsASC 的位置是在 Pawn 上,其本身就已经用到这个机制,所以也不需要单独为他们去做这个优化。

I’m not sure if it is still necessary with other server side optimizations that have been done since then (Replication Graph, etc) and it is not the most maintainable pattern.

Epic的Dave Ratti针对 community questions #3 的回答

7.5 技能系统组件的延迟加载 - ASC Lazy Loading

Fortnite Battle Royale(FNBR)的世界中有非常多的可以伤害的AActors(树,建筑等等),他们身上都会挂有ASC。这将增加内存的消耗。FNBR的策略是延迟加载这些ASCs,只在需要他们的时候才去加载(当这些物体被玩家施加伤害时)。这可以整体上减少相当可观的内存消耗,因为可能有些AActors在整局游戏中都不会被碰一下。

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8. 建议 - Quality of Life Suggestions

8.1 游戏效果容器 - Gameplay Effect Containers

GameplayEffectContainersGameplayEffectSpecsTargetDatasimple targeting以及相关的整合到一个易用的结构体中。这样的结构非常适合那些从某个技能中生成的子弹,其转移了一些GameplayEffectSpecs,并且在之后的碰撞检测中用到这些数据信息。

8.2 蓝图异步任务绑定到技能系统组件的委托 - Blueprint AsyncTasks to Bind to ASC Delegates

为了提升设计者的开发迭代效率,特别是设计UI所使用的UMG Widgets,可以创建蓝图的AsyncTasks(原本是C++版本的),来进直接从UMG蓝图中去绑定ASC上的一些通用委托。唯一的一句提醒是,他们必须手动销毁(译者注:指的是那些委托,比如说当UI控件销毁的时候),否则他们将会一直存在于内存中。示例项目中包含了三个蓝图的AsyncTasks异步任务。


Listen for Attributes Changes BP Node


Listen for Cooldown Change BP Node


Listen for GameplayEffect Stack Change BP Node

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9. 答疑 - Troubleshooting

9.1 LogAbilitySystem: Warning: Can't activate LocalOnly or LocalPredicted ability %s when not local!


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9.2 ScriptStructCache errors


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9.3 动画蒙太奇没有复制到客户端 - Animation Montages are not replicating to clients

可以去确认一下在GameplayAbilities中尝试去播放蒙太奇时你是使用的 PlayMontageAndWait 的蓝图节点,而不是直接用 PlayMontage 节点。这个 AbilityTask 会帮助你通过 ASC 去复制蒙太奇,而这是原本初始的 PlayMontage 无法实现的。

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9.4 复制的Actor蓝图将AttributeSets指针指向空 - Duplicating Blueprint Actors is setting AttributeSets to nullptr

当你利用已有的Actor蓝图去复制的时候,复制的蓝图上的AttributeSet指针会指向nullptr,这是 Unreal Engine已知的一个bug。针对这个问题现在以及有了一些应对方法。我已经成功测试过一种方法,不去在我的类中创建专门的 AttributeSet 指针(即不在.h文件中创建指针,也不在构造函数中调用 CreateDefaultSubobject ),取而代之的,我是直接在 PostInitializeComponents() 函数中将 AttributeSets 添加给 ASC(这一点并没有在示例项目中实现)。复制出来的 AttributeSets 也会正常出现在 ASCSpawnedAttributes 数组之中。如下:

void AGDPlayerState::PostInitializeComponents()

	if (AbilitySystemComponent)
		// ... any other AttributeSets that you may have

这种情况下,你就不能调用原先那种 由宏为 AttributeSet 生成的方便的函数方法了,比如说那些很方便的访问器和构造器,当然ASC 也提供了一些原生的函数方法可以使用:

/** Returns current (final) value of an attribute */
float GetNumericAttribute(const FGameplayAttribute &Attribute) const;

/** Sets the base value of an attribute. Existing active modifiers are NOT cleared and will act upon the new base value. */
void SetNumericAttributeBase(const FGameplayAttribute &Attribute, float NewBaseValue);

比如哦,现在要实现 GetHealth() 方法的话,如下:

float AGDPlayerState::GetHealth() const
	if (AbilitySystemComponent)
		return AbilitySystemComponent->GetNumericAttribute(UGDAttributeSetBase::GetHealthAttribute());

	return 0.0f;

设置(初始化)生命值的 Attribute 方法如下:

const float NewHealth = 100.0f;
if (AbilitySystemComponent)
	AbilitySystemComponent->SetNumericAttributeBase(UGDAttributeSetBase::GetHealthAttribute(), NewHealth);

这里再提醒一个前面小节提到过的问题,ASC 只允许每个 AttributeSet 类型有一个 AttributeSet 对象(译者注:译者也再次提醒,即同一个基类的对象只能有一个)。

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10. 游戏技能系统中常用的缩写 - Common GAS Acronyms

Name Acronyms
AbilitySystemComponent ASC
AbilityTask AT
Action RPG Sample Project by Epic ARPG, ARPG Sample
CharacterMovementComponent CMC
GameplayAbility GA
GameplayAbilitySystem GAS
GameplayCue GC
GameplayEffect GE
GameplayEffectExecutionCalculation ExecCalc, Execution
GameplayTag Tag, GT
ModifierMagnitudeCalculation ModMagCalc, MMC

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11. 资源 - Other Resources

11.1 Q&A With Epic Game's Dave Ratti

11.1.1 Community Questions 1

Dave Ratti responses to the Unreal Slackers Discord Server community questions about GAS:

  1. How can we create scoped prediction windows on demand outside or irrespective of GameplayAbilities? For example, how can a fire and forget projectile locally predict a damage GameplayEffectwhen it hits an enemy?

The PredictionKey system is not really meant to do this. Fundamentally this systems works by a client initiating a predictive action, telling the server about it with a key, and then both client and server running the same thing and associating predictive side effects with the given prediction key. For example, “I am predictively activating an ability” or “I have produced target data and am going to predictively run the part of the ability graph after the WaitTargetData task”.

With this pattern, the PredictionKey “bounces” off the server and comes back to the client via UAbilitySystemComponent::ReplicatedPredictionKeyMap (replicated property). Once the key is replicated back from the server, the client is able to undo all of the locally predictive side effects (GameplayCues, GameplayEffects): the replicated versions will be there and if they aren’t then it was a misprediction. Knowing exactly when to undo the predictive side effects is crucial here: if you are too early you will see gaps, if you are too late you will have “double”. (Note this is referring to stateful prediction, like a looping GameplayCue of a duration based Gameplay Effect. “Burst” GameplayCues and instant Gameplay Effects are never “undone” or rolled back. They are just skipped on the client if there is a prediction key associated with them).

To further hit home the point: it’s crucial that predictive action is something the server does not do on their own, but only does so when the client tells them too. So having a generic “Create a key on demand and tell the server so I can run something” does not work unless that “something” is something the server will only do once told to by the client.

Backing up to the original question: something like a fire and forget projectile. Both Paragon and Fornite have projectile actor classes that use GameplayCues. However we do not use the Prediction Key system to do these. Instead we have a concept on Non-Replicated GameplayCues. GameplayCues that just fire off locally and are skipped by the server completely. Essentially all these are, are direct calls to UGameplayCueManager::HandleGameplayCue. They do not route through the UAbilitySystemComponent so no prediction key checks / early returns are made.

The downside with non replicated GameplayCues is that, well, they are not replicated. So its up to the projectile class/blueprint to make sure the code paths that call these functions are running on everyone. We have for cues startup (called in BeginPlay), explosion, hit wall/character, etc.

These type ofevents are already generated client side, so calling into a non replicated gameplay cue was no big deal. Complicated blueprints can be tricky, and are up to the author to make sure they understand what is running where.

  1. When using a WaitNetSyncAbilityTaskwith OnlyServerWaitto create a scoped prediction window in a locally predicted GameplayAbility, could players potentially cheat by delaying their packets to the Server to control GameplayAbilitytiming since the Server is waiting for their RPC withtheir prediction key? Was this ever an issue in Paragon or Fortnite, and if so, what did Epic do to remedy it?

Yes, this is a valid concern. Any ability blueprint running on the server that is waiting for a client “signal” is potentially vulnerable to lag switch type exploits.

Paragon had a custom targeting task similar to UAbilityTask_WaitTargetData. In this task we had timeouts, or a “max delay” that we would wait on the client for instantaneous targeting modes. If the targeting mode was waiting for user confirmation (button press) then it would be ignored since the user is allowed to take his time. But for abilities that instantly confirmed targeting we would only wait a certain amount of time before either A) generating the target data server side of B) canceling the ability.

We never had such mechanisms for WaitNetSync, which we used pretty sparingly.

I don’t believe Fortnite makes use of anything like this though. The weapon abilities in Fortnite are special cased batched to a single fortnite-specific RPC: one RPC to activate the ability, provide target data, and end the ability. So weapon abilities are intrinsically not vulnerable to this in Battle Royale.

My take is that this is something that could probably be solved system wide but I don’t see us making the change ourselves anytime soon. Spot fixing WaitNetSync to include a max delay for the case you mention is probably a reasonable task, but again - unlikely we will do this on our end in the immediate future.

  1. Which EGameplayEffectReplicationModedid Paragon and Fortnite use and what are Epic’s recommendations for when to use each?

Both games essentially use Mixed mode for their player controlled characters and Minimal for AI controlled (AI minions, jungle creeps, AIHusks, etc). This is what I would recommend most people using the system in a multiplayer game. The sooner into your project you set these, the better.

Fortnite goes a few steps further with its optimizations. It actually does not replicate the UAbilitySystemComponent at all for simulated proxies. The component and attribute subobjects are skipped inside ::ReplicateSubobjects() on the owning fortnite player state class. We do push the bare minimum replicated data from the ability system component to a structure on the pawn itself (basically, a subset of attribute values and a white list subset of tags that we replicate down in a bitmask). We call this a “proxy”. On the receiving side we take the proxy data, replicated on the pawn, and push it back into ability system component on the player state. So you do have an ASC for each player in FNBR, it just doesn’t directly replicate: instead it replicates data via a minimal proxy struct on the pawn and then routes back to the ASC on receiving side. This is advantage since its A) a more minimal set of data B) takes advantage of pawn relevancy.

I’m not sure if it is still necessary with other server side optimizations that have been done since then (Replication Graph, etc) and it is not the most maintainable pattern.

  1. Since we cannot predict the removal of GameplayEffectsas per GameplayPrediction.h, are there any strategies for mitigating the effects of latency on removing GameplayEffects? For example, when removing a movement speed slow, we currently have to wait for the Server to replicate the GameplayEffectremoval resulting in a snap of the player’s character position.

This is a tough one and I don’t have a good answer. We generally skirted around these problems with tolerances and smoothing. I totally agree that ability system and precise synchronization with the character movement system is not in a good place and something we do want to fix.

I had a shelf of allowing predictive removal of GEs but could never work out all edge cases before having to move on. This doesn’t solve everything though since character movement still has an internal saved move buffer that does not know anything about the ability system and possible movement speed modifiers, etc. It is still possible to get into correction feedback loops even outside of not being able to predict the removal of GEs.

If you think you have a case that is truly desperate, you are able to predictively add a GE that would inhibit your movement speed GEs. I’ve never done this myself but have theorized about it before. It may be able to help with a certain class of problem.

  1. We know that the AbilitySystemComponentlives on the PlayerStatein Paragon and Fortnite and on the Characterin the Action RPG Sample. What are Epic’s internal rules, guidelines, or recommendations for where the AbilitySystemComponentshould live --what should its Ownerbe?

In general I would say anything that does not need to respawn should have the Owner andAvatar actor be the same thing. Anything like AI enemies, buildings, world props, etc.

Anything that does respawn should have the Owner and Avatar be different so that the Ability System Component does not need to be saved off / recreated / restored after a respawn.. PlayerState is the logical choice it is replicated to all clients (where as PlayerController is not). The downside is PlayerStates are always relevant so you can run into problems in 100 player games. (See notes on what FN did in question #3).

  1. Is it viable to have several AbilitySystemComponentswhich have the same owner but different avatars (e.g. on pawn and weapon/items/projectiles with Ownerset to PlayerState)?

The first problem I see there would be implementing the IGameplayTagAssetInterface and IAbilitySystemInterface on the owning actor. The former may be possible: just aggregate the tags from all all ASCs (but watch out - HasAlMatchingGameplayTags may be met only via cross ASC aggregation. It wouldn't be enough to just forward that calls to each ASC and OR the results together). But the later is even trickier: which ASC is the authoritative one? If someone wants to apply a GE - which one should receive it? Maybe you can work these out but this side of the problem will be the hardest: owners will multiple ASCs beneath them.

Separate ASCs on the pawn and the weapon can make sense on its own though. E.g, distinguishing between tags the describe the weapon vs those that describe the owning pawn. Maybe it does make sense that tags granted to the weapon also “apply” to the owner and nothing else (E.g, attributes and GEs are independent but the owner will aggregate the owned tags like I describe above). This could work out, I am sure. But having multiple ASCs with the same owner may get dicey.

  1. Is there a way to stop the Server from overwriting the cooldown duration of locally predicted abilities on the Owning Client? In scenarios of high latency, this would let theOwning Client "try" to activate the ability again when its local cooldown expires but it is still on cooldown on the Server. By the time the Owning Client's activation request reaches the Server over the network, the Server may be off cooldown or the Server might be able to queue the activation request for the remaining milliseconds that it has left. Otherwise as is, clients with higher latency have a longer delay before when they can reactivate an ability versus those with less latency. This is most apparent with very low cooldown abilities like a basic attack that can be less than one second of cooldown. If there isn't a way to stop the Server from overwriting the cooldown duration of locally predicted abilities, what is Epic's strategy for mitigating theeffects of high latency on reactivating abilities? To word it another example-based way, how did Epic design Paragon's basic attacks and other abilities so that high latency players could attack or activate at the same speed as low latency players with local prediction?

The short answer there is not a way to prevent this and Paragon definitely had the problem. Higher latency connections would have a lower ROF with basic attacks.

I attempted to fix this by adding “GE reconciliation” where latency was taken into account when calculating GE duration. Essentially allowing the server to eat some of the total GE time so that the effective time of the GE client side would be 100% consistent with any amount of latency (though fluctuations could still cause issues). However I never got this working in a state that could ship and the project moved fast and we just never fully addressed it.

Fortnite does its own bookkeeping for weapon firing rates: it does not use GEs for cooldowns on weapons. I would recommend this if this is a critical problem for your game.

  1. What is Epic’s roadmap for the GameplayAbilitySystem plugin? Which features does Epic plan to add in 2019 and beyond?

We feel that overall the system is pretty stable at this point and we don’t have anyone working on major new features. Bug fixes and small improvements occasionally are made for Fortnite or from UDN/pull requests, but that is it right now.

Longer term, I think we will eventually do a “V2” or some big changes. We learned a lot from writing this system and feel we got a lot right and a lot wrong. I would love a chance to correct those mistakes and improve some of the fatal flaws that were pointed out above.

If a V2 was to ever come, providing an upgrade path would be of utmost importance. We would never make a V2 and leave Fortnite on V1 forever: there would be some path or procedures that would automatically migrate as much as possible, though there would still almost certainly be some manual remaking required.

The high priority fixes would be:

  • Better interoperability with the character movement system. Unifying client prediction.
  • GE removal prediction (question #4)
  • GE latency reconciliation (question #8)
  • Generalized network optimizations such as batching RPCs and proxy structures. Mostly the stuff that we’ve done for Fortnite but find ways to break it down into more generalized form, at least so that games can write their own game specific optimizations more easily.

The more general refactor type of changes I would consider making:

  • I would like to look at fundamentally moving away from having GEs reference spreadsheet values directly, instead they would be able to emit parameters and those parameters could be filled by some higher level object that is bound to spreadsheet values. The problem with the current model is that GEs become unsharable due to their tight coupling with the curve table rows. I think a generalized system for parameterization could be written and be the underpinning of a V2 system.
  • Reduce number of “policies” on UGameplayAbility. I would remove ReplicationPolicy InstancingPolicy. Replication is, imo, almost never actually needed and causes confusion. InstancingPolicy should be replaced instead by making FGameplayAbilitySpec a UObject that can be subclassed. This should have been the “non instantiated ability object” that has events and is blueprintable. The UGameplayAbility should be the “instanced per execution” object. It could be optional if you need to actually instantiate: instead “non instanced” abilities would be implemented via the new UGameplayAbilitySpec object.
  • The system should provide more “middle level” constructs such as “filtered GE application container” (data drive what GEs to apply to which actors with higher level gameplay logic), “Overlapping volume support” (apply the “Filtered GE application container” based on collision primitive overlap events), etc.These are building blocks that every project ends up implementing in their own way. Getting them right is non trivial so I think we should do a better job providing some basic implementations.
  • In general, reducing boilerplate needed to get your project up and running. Possibly a separate module “Ex library” or whatever that could provide things like passive abilities or basichitscan weapons out of the box. This module would be optional but would get you up and running quickly.
  • I would like to move GameplayCues to a separate module that is not coupled with the ability system. I think there are a lot of improvements that could be made here.

This is only my personal opinion and not a commitment from anyone. I think the most realistic course of action will be as new engine tech initiatives come through, the ability system will need to be updated and that will be a time to do this sort of thing. These initiatives could be related to scripting, networking, or physics/character movement. This is all very far looking ahead though so I cannot give commitments or estimates on timelines.

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11.1.2 Community Questions 2

Community member iniside's Q&A with Dave Ratti:

  1. Is the support for decoupled fixed ticking planned ? I'd like to have Game Thread be fixed (like 30/60fps) and let the rendering thread run wild. I ask if this is something we should expect in future or not, to make some assumptions about how gameplay should work. I ask mainly because there is now a fixed async tick for physics and this poses a question how the rest of the system might work in the future. I do not hide that having the ability to have fixed tick game thread without also fixing tick rate of the rest of the engine would be beyond awesome.

There are no plans to decouple rendering frame rate and game thread tick frame rate. I think the ship has sailed on this ever happening due to the complexity of these systems and the requirement to preserve backwards compatibility with previous engine versions.

Instead, the direction we've gone is to have an asynchronous "Physics Thread" which runs at a fixed tick rate, independent of the game thread. Things that need to run at a fixed rate can run here and the game thread / rendering can operate how they always have.

It's worth clarifying that Network Prediction supports what it calls Independent Ticking and Fixed Ticking modes. My long term plan is to keep Independent Ticking roughly how it is today in Network Prediction where it runs on the game thread at variable frame rate and there is no "group/world" prediction, it's just the classic "clients predict their own pawn and owned actors" model. And Fixed Ticking would be what uses the async physics stuff and allows you to predict non client controlled/owned actors like physics objects and other clients/pawns/vehicles/etc.

  1. Is there any plan on how the integration of Network Prediction will look with the Ability System ? Like for example, fixed frame ability activation (so the server gets frames in which abilities were activated and tasks executed instead of prediction keys) ?

Yes, the plan is to rewrite/remove the Ability System's prediction keys and replace them with Network Prediction constructs. The MockAbility examples in NetworkPredictionExtras show how this might work but they are more "hard coded" than what GAS will require.

The main idea would be that we remove the explicit client->server Prediction Key exchange in the ASC's RPCs. There would no longer be prediction windows or scoped prediction keys. Instead everything would be anchored around NetworkPrediction frames. The important thing is that client and server agree on when things happen. Examples would be:

  • When abilities were activated/ended/cancelled
  • When Gameplay Effects were applied/removed
  • Attribute values (what an attributes value was at frame X)

I think this could be done generically at the ability system level. But actually making the user-defined logic inside a UGameplayAbility completely rollback-able would still take more work. We may end up having a subclass of UGameplayAbility that is fully rollbackable and has access to a more limited set of functionality or only Ability Tasks that are marked as rollback-friendly. Something like that. There are also many implications to animation events and root motion and how those are processed.

Wish I had a more clear answer but it's really important we get the foundation right before touching GAS again. Movement and physics have to be solid before the higher level systems can be changed.

  1. Is there a plan to move Network Prediction development toward the main branch ? Not gonna lie, I'd really like to check the latest code. Regardless of it's state.

We are working towards it. The system work is still all being done in NetworkPrediction (see NetworkPhysics.h) and the underlying async physics stuff should be all available (RewindData.h etc). But we also have use cases in Fortnite that we have been focused on that obviously can't be made public. We are working through bugs, performance optimizations, etc.

For more context: when working on the early versions of this system, we were very focused on the "front end" of things - how state and simulations were defined and written. We learned a lot there. But as the async physics stuff has come online, we've been much more focused on just getting something real to work in this system, at the expense of throwing out some of our early abstractions. The goal here is to circle back when the real thing is working and reunifying things. E.g, get back to the "front end" and make the final version of that on top of the core pieces of tech we are working on now.

  1. For some time on Main there was a plugin for sending Gameplay Messages (Looked like Event/Message Bus), but it was removed. Any plans to restore it ? With the Game Features/Modular Gameplay plugins, having a generic Event Bus Dispatcher would be extremely useful.

I think you are referring to the GameplayMessages plugin. This will probably come back at some point - the API isn't really finalized yet and the author didn't mean for it to be public yet. I agree it should be useful for modular gameplay design. But it's not really my area so I don't have much more information.

  1. I've been playing recently with async fixed physics and the results are promising, though if there is going to be NP update in the future I will probably just play around and wait, since to get it working I still need to get entire engine into fixed tick and on the other hand I try to keep physics at 33ms. Which does not make for a good experience if everything is at 30 fps (:.

I have noticed there was some work on Async CharacterMovementComponent, but not sure if this will be using Network Prediction, or it is a separate effort ?

Since I noticed it, I also went ahead and tried to implement my custom async movement at fixed tick rate, which worked okay, but on top of it I also needed to add a separate update for interpolation. The setup was to run simulation tick on separate worker threads at fixed 33ms update, do calculations, save result, and interpolate it at the game thread to match current frame rate. Not perfect, but it got the job done.

My question is, if this is something that might be easier to set up in the future, as there is just quite a bit of boilerplate code to write, (the interpolation part) and it's not particularly efficient to interpolate each moving object individually.

The async stuff is really interesting, because it would allow you to really run game simulation at fixed update rate (which would make fixed thread unneeded) and have more predictable results. Is this something that is intended going forward, or more of a benefit to select systems ? As far as I remember actor transforms are not updated async and blueprints are not entirely thread safe. In other words is it something that is planned to be supported at more of a framework level or something that each game has to solve on it's own ?

Async CharacterMovementComponent

This is basically an early prototype/experiment of porting CMC as it is to the physics thread. I don't view it as the future of CMC yet, but it could evolve into that. Right now there is no networking support so it's not something I would really follow. The people doing it are mostly concerned with measuring input latency that this system would add and how that could be mitigated.

I still need to get entire engine into fixed tick and on the other hand I try to keep physics at 33ms. Which does not make for a good experience if everything is at 30 fps (:.

The async stuff is really interesting, because it would allow you to really run game simulation at fixed update rate (which would make fixed thread unneeded)

Yes. The goal here is that with async physics enabled, you can run the engine at variable tick rate while the physics and "core" gameplay simulations can run at the fixed rate (such as character movement, vehicles, GAS, etc).

These are the cvars that need to be set to enable this now: (I think you've figured this out)

Chaos does provide interpolation for the physics state (E.g, the transforms that get pushed back to the UPrimitiveComponent and are visible to the game code). There is a cvar now, p.AsyncInterpolationMultiplier, which controls that if you want to look at it. You should see smooth continuous motion of physics bodies without having to write any extra code.

If you want to interpolate non physics state, it is still up to you to do that right now. The example would be like a cool-down that you want to update (tick) on the async physics thread but see smooth continuous interpolation on the game thread so that every render frame the cool down visualization is updated. We will get to this eventually but don't have examples yet.

there is just quite a bit of boilerplate code to write,

Yeah, so that has been a big general problem with the system up until now. We want to provide an interface that experienced programmers can use to maximize performance and safety (the ability to write gameplay code that "just works" predictively without tons of hazards and things you could-do-but-better-not). So something like CharacterMoverment might do a bunch of custom stuff to maximize its performance - e.g, writing templated code and doing batch updating, going wide, breaking the update loop into distinct phases etc. We want to provide a good "low level" interface into the async thread and rollback systems for this use case. And in this case too - it's still reasonable that the character movement system itself is extendable in its own way. For example providing a way to blueprint a custom movement mode and providing a blueprint API that is thread safe.

But we recognize this is not acceptable for simpler gameplay objects that don't really need their own "system". Something more inline with Unreal is what is needed. E.g, using the reflection system, having general blueprint support, etc. There are examples of blueprints being used on other threads (see BlueprintThreadSafe keyword and what the animation system has been working towards). So I think there will be some form of this one day. But again, we aren't there yet.

I realize you were just asking about interpolation but that is the general answer: right now we have you do everything manually like NetSerialize, ShouldReconcile, Interpolate, etc but eventually we'll have a way that is like "if you want to just use the reflection system, you don't have to manually write this stuff". We just don't want to force everyone to use the reflection system since that imposes other limitations that we think we don't want to take on the lowest levels of the system.

And then just to tie this back to what I said earlier - right now we are really focused on getting a few very specific examples working and performant and then we will turn attention back to the front end and making things friendly to use and iterate on, reducing boilerplate, etc for everybody else to use.

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12. 游戏技能系统版本日志 - GAS Changelog

This is a list of notable changes (fixes, changes, and new features) to GAS compiled from the official Unreal Engine upgrade changelog and from undocumented changes that I've encountered. If you've found something that isn't listed here, please make an issue or pull request.


  • Crash Fix: Fixed a root motion source issue where a networked client could crash when an Actor finishes executing an ability that uses a constant force root motion task with a strength-over-time modifier.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a regression in Editor loading time when using GameplayCues.
  • Bug Fix: GameplayEffectsContainer's SetActiveGameplayEffectLevel method will no longer dirty FastArray if setting the same EffectLevel.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an edge case in GameplayEffect mixed replication mode where Actors not explicitly owned by the net connection but who utilize that connection from GetNetConnection will not received mixed replication updates.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an endless recursion occuring in GameplayAbility's class method EndAbility which was called by calling EndAbility again from K2_OnEndAbility.
  • Bug Fix: GameplayTags Blueprint pins will no longer be silently cleared if they are loaded before tags are registered. They now work the same as GameplayTag variables, and the behavior for both can be changed with the ClearInvalidTags option in the Project Settings.
  • Bug Fix: Improved thread safety of GameplayTag operations.
  • New: Exposed SourceObject to GameplayAbility's K2_CanActivateAbility method.
  • New: Native GameplayTags. Introducing a new FNativeGameplayTag, these make it possible to do one off native tags that are correctly registered and unregistered when the module is loaded and unloaded.
  • New: Added new method GrantAndActivateAbilityOnSelfWithParams which allows Designers to pass in FGameplayEventData when granting and then activating an ability from Blueprint.
  • New: Improved ScalableFloats in the GameplayAbilities plugin to support dynamic lookup of curve tables from the new Data Registry System. Added a ScalableFloat header for easier reuse of the generic struct outside the abilities plugin.
  • New: Added code support for using the GameplayTag UI in other Editor customizations via GameplayTagsEditorModule.
  • New: Modified UGameplayAbility's PreActivate method to optionally take in trigger event data.
  • New: Added more support to filter GameplayTags in the Editor using a project-specific filter. OnFilterGameplayTag supplies the referencing property and the tag source, so you can filter tags based on what asset is requesting the tag.
  • New: Added option to preserve the original captured SourceTags when GameplayEffectSpec's class method SetContext is called after initialization.
  • New: Improved UI for registering GameplayTags from specific plugins. The new tag UI now lets you select a plugin location on disk for newly added GameplayTag sources.
  • New: A new track has been added to Sequencer to allow for triggering notify states on Actors built using the GameplayAbiltiySystem. Like notifies, the GameplayCueTrack can utilize range-based events or trigger-based events.
  • Change: Changed the GameplayCueInterface to pass GameplayCueParameters struct by reference.
  • Optimization: Made several performance improvements to loading and regenerating the GameplayTag table were implemented so that this option would be optimized.](


  • GAS plugin is no longer flagged as beta.
  • Crash Fix: Fixed a crash when adding a gameplay tag without a valid tag source selection.
  • Crash Fix: Added the path string arg to a message to fix a crash in UGameplayCueManager::VerifyNotifyAssetIsInValidPath.
  • Crash Fix: Fixed an access violation crash in AbilitySystemComponent_Abilities when using a ptr without checking it.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where stacking GEs that did not reset the duration on additional instances of the effect being applied.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue that caused CancelAllAbilities to only cancel non-instanced abilities.
  • New: Added optional tag parameters to gameplay ability commit functions.
  • New: Added StartTimeSeconds to PlayMontageAndWait ability task and improved comments.
  • New: Added tag container "DynamicAbilityTags" to FGameplayAbilitySpec. These are optional ability tags that are replicated with the spec. They are also captured as source tags by applied gameplay effects.
  • New: GameplayAbility IsLocallyControlled and HasAuthority functions are now callable from Blueprint.
  • New: Visual logger will now only collect and store info about instant GEs if we're currently recording visual logging data.
  • New: Added support for redirectors on gameplay attribute pins in blueprint nodes.
  • New: Added new functionality for when root motion movement related ability tasks end they will return the movement component's movement mode to the movement mode it was in before the task started.


  • Fixed! UE-92787 Crash saving blueprint with a Get Float Attribute node and the attribute pin is set inline
  • Fixed! UE-92810 Crash spawning actor with instance editable gameplay tag property that was changed inline


  • Fixed prediction of RootMotionSource AbilityTasks
  • GAMEPLAYATTRIBUTE_REPNOTIFY() now additionally takes in the old Attribute value. We must supply that as the optional parameter to our OnRep functions. Previously, it was reading the attribute value to try to get the old value. However, if called from a replication function, the old value had already been discarded before reaching SetBaseAttributeValueFromReplication so we'd get the new value instead.
  • Added NetSecurityPolicy to UGameplayAbility.
  • Crash Fix: Fixed a crash when adding a gameplay tag without a valid tag source selection.
  • Crash Fix: Removed a few ways for attackers to crash a server through the ability system.
  • Crash Fix: We now make sure we have a GameplayEffect definition before checking tag requirements.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with gameplay tag categories not applying to function parameters in Blueprints if they were part of a function terminator node.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with gameplay effects' tags not being replicated with multiple viewports.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where a gameplay ability spec could be invalidated by the InternalTryActivateAbility function while looping through triggered abilities.
  • Bug Fix: Changed how we handle updating gameplay tags inside of tag count containers. When deferring the update of parent tags while removing gameplay tags, we will now call the change-related delegates after the parent tags have updated. This ensures that the tag table is in a consistent state when the delegates broadcast.
  • Bug Fix: We now make a copy of the spawned target actor array before iterating over it inside when confirming targets because some callbacks may modify the array.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where stacking GameplayEffects that did not reset the duration on additional instances of the effect being applied and with set by caller durations would only have the duration correctly set for the first instance on the stack. All other GE specs in the stack would have a duration of 1 second. Added automation tests to detect this case.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that could occur if handling gameplay event delegates modified the list of gameplay event delegates.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug causing GiveAbilityAndActivateOnce to behave inconsistently.
  • Bug Fix: Reordered some operations inside FGameplayEffectSpec::Initialize to deal with a potential ordering dependency.
  • New: UGameplayAbility now has an OnRemoveAbility function. It follows the same pattern as OnGiveAbility and is only called on the primary instance of the ability or the class default object.
  • New: When displaying blocked ability tags, the debug text now includes the total number of blocked tags.
  • New: Renamed UAbilitySystemComponent::InternalServerTryActiveAbility to UAbilitySystemComponent::InternalServerTryActivateAbility.Code that was calling InternalServerTryActiveAbility should now call InternalServerTryActivateAbility.
  • New: Continue to use the filter text for displaying gameplay tags when a tag is added or deleted. The previous behavior cleared the filter.
  • New: Don't reset the tag source when we add a new tag in the editor.
  • New: Added the ability to query an ability system component for all active gameplay effects that have a specified set of tags. The new function is called GetActiveEffectsWithAllTags and can be accessed through code or blueprints.
  • New: When root motion movement related ability tasks end they now return the movement component's movement mode to the movement mode it was in before the task started.
  • New: Made SpawnedAttributes transient so it won't save data that can become stale and incorrect. Added null checks to prevent any currently saved stale data from propagating. This prevents problems related to bad data getting stored in SpawnedAttributes.
  • API Change: AddDefaultSubobjectSet has been deprecated. AddAttributeSetSubobject should be used instead.
  • New: Gameplay Abilities can now specify the Anim Instance on which to play a montage.


  • Fixed blueprint node Attribute variables resetting to None on compile.
  • Need to call UAbilitySystemGlobals::InitGlobalData() to use TargetData otherwise you will get ScriptStructCache errors and clients will be disconnected from the server. My advice is to always call this in every project now whereas before 4.24 it was optional.
  • Fixed crash when copying a GameplayTag setter to a blueprint that didn't have the variable previously defined.
  • UGameplayAbility::MontageStop() function now properly uses the OverrideBlendOutTime parameter.
  • Fixed GameplayTag query variables on components not being modified when edited.
  • Added the ability for GameplayEffectExecutionCalculations to support scoped modifiers against "temporary variables" that aren't required to be backed by an attribute capture.
    • Implementation basically enables GameplayTag-identified aggregators to be created as a means for an execution to expose a temporary value to be manipulated with scoped modifiers; you can now build formulas that want manipulatable values that don't need to be captured from a source or target.
    • To use, an execution has to add a tag to the new member variable ValidTransientAggregatorIdentifiers; those tags will show up in the calculation modifier array of scoped mods at the bottom, marked as temporary variables—with updated details customizations accordingly to support feature
  • Added restricted tag quality-of-life improvements. Removed the default option for restricted GameplayTag source. We no longer reset the source when adding restricted tags to make it easier to add several in a row.
  • APawn::PossessedBy() now sets the owner of the Pawn to the new Controller. Useful because Mixed Replication Mode expects the owner of the Pawn to be the Controller if the ASC lives on the Pawn.
  • Fixed bug with POD (Plain Old Data) in FAttributeSetInitterDiscreteLevels.

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My understanding of Unreal Engine 4's GameplayAbilitySystem plugin with a simple multiplayer sample project.







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