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React hooks

Documentation and demo


Follow these steps to set up locally:

  1. Clone this repository

    git clone

  2. Install dependencies

    npm install

  3. Bootstrap packages

    npm run bootstrap

Available scripts

There are npm run scripts defined in the root package.json file for all of your needs. Here are some of them explained:

  • npm run bootstrap: Initialize all of the hooks.

    You probably only need to run this once, or if you create a new hook.

  • npm run watch: Build the docs for local development.

    Use this if you want to make changes to the documentation. It will watch all the hooks and the documentation

  • npm run compile: First tsc then babel.

    This is the same as running tsc and babel, one after the other.

  • npm run create-hook: Create a new hook.

    This uses a bunch of templates to scaffold up the new hook in the hooks folder.

Here are the rest of the npm scripts, in case you need them.

  • npm run clean: Clean built files in each hook's /es and /js.

    This might be useful before running compile.

  • npm run tsc: Build the /es files from the /ts source code.

    This is the first step in compiling the project. Configured in tsconfig.json.

  • npm run babel: Build the /js files from the /es code.

    This is the second step in compiling the project, and relies on the output of npm run tsc. Configured in .babelrc.

  • npm run lint: Lints the TypeScript for each hook.

    ES-lint is used to check the TypeScript source. Configured in .eslintrc.json.

  • npm run test: Run tests for all hooks.

    Jest is used as the testrunner, the results are output to the console. Configured in jest.config.js.

  • npm run clean-docs: Clean the output from build-docs and watch-docs.

    This will clean up the output from building the docs. You probably don't need to run this.

  • npm run build-docs: Build the docs for github pages.

    This is run by the github action, you probably don't have to run this yourself.

  • npm run lerna -- [command] [args]: Run lerna commands.

    Useful if you don't have lerna installed globally. Supply commands and args after --.

  • npm run ci-publish: Run by ci to publish the packages.

    This is run by github actions to publish new versions automatically.

  • npm run ci-pullrequest: Run by ci in pull-requests.

    This checks the commits in the pullrequests, but doesn't publish anything.

Commit messages

For automatic versioning to work correctly the angular commit convention is used. In short, your commit message should look like this:

feat(use-hook-name): heading describing the change

longer message describing what has been done, if you want

footer, for example 'BREAKING CHANGE: something has been broken' or 'Closes #28'

feat indicates that a new feature has been added, and will result in a minor version bump. To make a major version bump, add BREAKING CHANGE: <description> at the bottom of the commit message. All other commits will be interpreted as patch version bumps.