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A user can use Google Cloud Platform to train a machine learning model using Tensorflow and ClearBlade Edge to test the model in realtime

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Google's Tensorflow Library has been widely used for designing different machine learning algorithms and solving classification and regression problems. Training of the machine learning model requires a great deal of computational power and hence integration of machine learning with IoT is a challenging task.

This package provides an overview of how Machine Learning can be integrated with ClearBlade Platform to make useful decisions and analysis on the edges. Users can provide a training dataset from the ClearBlade Collections, perform some preprocessing techniques on the data, extract meaningful features with the help of Portals and then train the model on Google AI Platform. The trained model is stored in the collection and can be accessed by any edge to make predictions.

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System Installation

  1. Open the ClearBlade Platform and enter your login credentials

  2. Click on Add System -> Advanced and copy the link of this repository in the box.
  1. Click Create and you can now access this system in the platform.


Setup on Google Cloud Platform

  • Download and Install Google SDK :

    curl | bash
  • Initialize the SDK :

    gcloud init
  • Initializing the SDK will prompt you to authorize your account and to select a project or create a new project. (Creation of project can be through Google Console as well. However you have to execute gcloud init to select the working project.). After selecting the working project, the SDK prompts you to choose a Google Compute Engine Zone. Select any zone which you want to work with.

  • Once this is done, you will get a message which says - Your Google Cloud SDK is configured and ready to use!

  • Ensure that billing is enabled for your created project. Steps to enable billing.

  • Enable the AI Platform ("Cloud Machine Learning Engine") and Compute Engine APIs. This ensures that your project is authorized to access the AI Platform APIs for training and testing machine learning models. Click here to enable the APIs and select the working project for which you want to enable the APIs.

  • Create a New Service. A service account is basically a special kind of account used by an application or a virtual machine (VM) instance, not a person. Applications use service accounts to make authorized API calls. To create a new service, execute the following command:

    gcloud beta iam service-accounts create <SERVICE_NAME>
    # SERVICE_NAME must be between 6 and 30 characters (inclusive), must begin 
    with a lowercase letter, and consist of lowercase alphanumeric characters 
    that can be separated by hyphens.

    (This command in some cases prompts you to install the gcloud beta commands. Type Y to install these commands)

  • Grant permissions to the service to create and manage buckets on the GCloud:

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding <PROJECT_NAME> --member serviceAccount:<SERVICE_NAME>@<PROJECT_NAME> --role roles/cloudbuild.builds.builder
  • In some cases, this command fails to execute if the user doesn't have permissions to provide access rights to the project. In this case, once a service account is created, go to and manually create a new bucket. Choose all the default options and click create. (A bucket a required because the Google AI platform interacts with the bucket for fetching the data required for training and then storing the trained models into the bucket.)

  • Once this bucket is created, execute the following command to grant storage admin permissions to the service. This ensures that the adapter communicates with the bucket to store the training data in the bucket.

    gsutil iam ch serviceAccount:<SERVICE_NAME>@<PROJECT_NAME> gs://<BUCKET_NAME>
  • Once all the steps are done, follow the Setup Steps for starting ClearBlade adapter services.

Setup on ClearBlade

  • Before setting up the ClearBlade service, please ensure that you have successfully completed the Google Cloud Platform setup.
  • Open a Terminal on your Machine.
  • Create a new Directory and navigate to that Directory.
  • Go to the Platform and Open this System.
  • Create a new service account and provide Authenticated permission to the user. These credentials will be used to open the portals.
  • Once this user is created, go to Adapters and click on TrainingAdapter. Configure this adapter by clicking on the pencil sign next to the Configuration. When configuration window opens, your start script should look like this -
sh -cb_service_account=<CB_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_USERNAME>
  • Hit the Update Adapter button.
  • Navigate to Edges on the ClearBlade Platform and Install the TrainingEdge. An Adapter is running on this edge which installs all the dependencies required for training the model.
  • To check whether the adapter has been deployed successfully, open an another terminal session and execute the following command:
ps aux | grep
  • If you see a running process, then the adapter has been deployed. If you dont see a running process, follow these steps to deploy the adapter.
  • Go to the portals and click on TrainingPortal and follow the steps mentioned in the Usage to train the model.
  • Once, the model is trained it is ready to be tested.


Machine Learning models essentially work in two phases - Training Phase and Testing Phase. The model needs to be Trained before it can be tested.

(Open the ModelArchitecture Collection to check whether it is empty or not. If the collection is not empty, then a model has already been trained and stored in the collection. You can directly skip to the (testing phase)[(#testing-process-1)] to test the model. Otherwise, follow the training steps.)

Training Process

  • Open the TrainingPortal from the Portals using the credentials of your service account.
  • Click on View Training Dataset Tab on the main window to select the collection for training the model and then click NEXT.
  • The next tab is the Feature Selection Tab which helps you to select the meaningful features that you want for training the model.
  • Select the features, provide a unique Feature Name and click on Create Feature Collection to create a new collection with only those features which you have selected.
  • Go to the collections on the platform and give the newly generated collection Authenticated permission. Go back to the portal and click on Copy Feature Data to copy the data and then click NEXT to continue.
  • The next tab is the Clean Data Tab which helps you to remove any empty rows from the data by clicking on Delete Empty Rows and handle categorical Data by clicking on View Categorical Data. Once cleaning of data is done, click NEXT to proceed.
  • This tab is the Train Model which will essentially initiate the training process. Here, you need to enter all the parameters required for initiating the training process. You can also tune the hyperparameters of the model as per your needs. Once, all the information is entered, click on Train Model to train the model. (A Neural Network Model has already been designed and stored in the TrainingFiles Collection, so you dont need to upload any files. However, you can design your own model and upload your algorithm files through the portals.)
  • Your model will start to train and you can monitor the logs on:<PROJECT_NAME>
  • Once, the training process is done, the model gets stored in the ModelArchitecture Collection.

Testing Process

  • Testing on the same machine:

    • Stop the Training Edge : CTRL-C
    • Create a new Directory and navigate to that Directory.
    • Go to the Platform and Open this System.
    • Create a new service account.
    • Once this user is created, go to Adapters and click on MLAdapter. Configure this adapter by clicking on the pencil sign next to the Configuration. When configuration window opens, your start script should look like this -
    sh -cb_service_account=<CB_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_USERNAME>
    • Hit the Update Adapter button.
    • Navigate to Edges on the Platform and Install MLEdge An Adapter is running on this edge which installs all the dependencies required for testing the model.
    • Go to the portals and click on TestingPortal.
  • Testing on the different machine:

    • Open a Terminal on your Machine.
    • Create a new Directory and navigate to that Directory.
    • Go to the Platform and Open this System.
    • Create a new service account.
    • Once this user is created, go to Adapters and click on MLAdapter. Configure this adapter by clicking on the pencil sign next to the Configuration. When configuration window opens, your start script should look like this -
    sh -cb_service_account=<CB_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_USERNAME>
    • Hit the Update Adapter button.
    • Navigate to Edges on the Platform and Install MLEdge An Adapter is running on this edge which installs all the dependencies required for testing the model.
    • Go to the portals and click on TestingPortal.
  • To check whether the adapter has been deployed successfully, open another terminal and run:

ps aux | grep
  • If you see a running process, then the adapter has been deployed. If you dont see a running process, follow these steps to deploy the adapter.
  • Once the portal is opened, click on Get Features for Prediction to get all the features that were used for the training process.
  • Enter all the data and press the Predict button to get the Predicted value.

System Overview Diagram

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Sequential Diagram

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The following adapters are designed to work on the Darwin (OS X) x86-64 architecture. These adapters are deployed when the corresponding edges are running.

TrainingAdapter: This adapter is started when the TrainingEdge is running. It consists of a deploy script, a start script and a bunch of python scripts. The deploy script is responsible for installing all the dependencies required for training a model. The start script is responsible for executing all the python scripts provided in this adapter. These python scripts are essentially designed to integrate the ClearBlade platform with the Google Cloud AI Platform and to carry out various tasks which are required for training the model on the Google Cloud Platform. The following tasks are performed by this adapter:

  • Fetch the model and the training parameters from the portals using MQTT communication
  • Fetch the training data from the ClearBlade Collections
  • Carry out data preprocessing tasks and handle categorical data
  • Send the model and the data to the Google Cloud AI Platform for training
  • Fetch the trained model from Google Cloud AI Platform and store it in a ClearBlade Collection

MLAdapter: This adapter is started when the MLEdge is running. It consists of a deploy script and a python prediction start script. The deploy script is responsible for installing all the dependencies required for training a model. The prediction script is responsible for fetching the trained model from the collections and then carry out predictions for the required test data.

Code Services

clearMissingData: A service which cleans the data by removing empty rows

selectFeatures: A service which creates a new collection which is essentially the dataset used for training

fetchFeatures: A service which creates a new collection consisting of all the features names

fetchTrainData: A service which fetches the train data to be displayed on the portals

getSystemParams: A service which returns the system key and system secret key


AllFeatures: A Collection which consists of the selected features for training

CategoricalData: A Collection which consists of all the categorical data, normalization data, prediction label and a list of non categorical column data that needs to be cleaned

ModelArchitecture: A Collection which stores the Trained Model

TrainingFiles: A Collection which stores machine learning algorithm specific files

SensorData: A Collection which can be used for Training the model

Features: A Collection which has the useful features from the SensorData (You can create your own collection with different features by using the training portal)


TrainingPortal: This portal essentially allows the user to:

  • Select a Training Dataset from the Collections
  • Select useful Features from the Training Dataset
  • Clean Data by removing empty rows
  • Handle incorrect Categorical Data
  • Convert Categorical Data to Numeric Data
  • Provide Training Hyperparameters

TestingPortal: This portal essentially allows the user to:

  • Fetch Features used for Training the Model
  • Input Features to predict a particular value


A user can use Google Cloud Platform to train a machine learning model using Tensorflow and ClearBlade Edge to test the model in realtime






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