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Enable new multibranch pipeline with a Jenkinsfile
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hsablonniere committed Sep 13, 2018
1 parent ab2d5e4 commit 82b2a91
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Showing 28 changed files with 1,863 additions and 967 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions .npmrc
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
tag-version-prefix = ""
message = "Upgrade to %s"
preid = "beta"
76 changes: 76 additions & 0 deletions Jenkinsfile
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
pipeline {
agent { label 'cc-ci-agent' }
environment {
GIT_TAG_NAME = gitTagName()
NPM_TOKEN = credentials('NPM_TOKEN')
stages {
stage('build') {
steps {
sh 'npm install'
sh 'node scripts/job-build.js'
stage('package') {
steps {
sh 'node scripts/job-package.js'
stage('publish') {
when {
not {
environment name: 'GIT_TAG_NAME', value: ''
beforeAgent true
parallel {
stage('cellar') {
steps {
sh 'node scripts/job-publish-cellar.js'
stage('bintray') {
steps {
sh 'node scripts/job-publish-bintray.js'
stage('arch') {
steps {
script {
sshagent (credentials: ['CI_CLEVER_CLOUD_SSH_KEY']) {
sh 'node ./scripts/job-publish-arch.js'
stage('brew') {
steps {
script {
sshagent (credentials: ['CI_CLEVER_CLOUD_SSH_KEY']) {
sh 'node ./scripts/job-publish-brew.js'
stage('npm') {
steps {
sh 'node ./scripts/job-publish-npm.js'
post {
always {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'releases/**/*', fingerprint: true

String gitTagName() {
return sh(script: 'git describe --tags --exact-match $(git rev-parse HEAD) || true', returnStdout: true)?.trim()
241 changes: 127 additions & 114 deletions
Expand Up @@ -6,86 +6,161 @@ Command Line Interface for Clever Cloud.

## Installation

⚠️ *We no longer support the usage and installation of Clever Tools via a global npm install.*
The clever-tools CLI can be installed through many different channels depending on your system setup.

Please follow the installation instructions for your platform (see below) and make sure to uninstall the npm version with this:
### Via npm

npm uninstall -g clever-tools
If you already have node/npm on your system, you can run:

Please refer to <> for the installation details.
npm install -g clever-tools

### MacOS
WARNING: ⚠ This only works for 1.0.0 and after but it is not released yet.

Clever Tools is packaged using [homebrew](
If you want to install our latest beta release, you can run:

brew install CleverCloud/tap/clever-tools
npm install -g clever-tools@beta

If you don't want to use `brew`, a pre-compiled version is available: [clever-tools-latest_macos.tar.gz](
You need to put both files (`clever` and `nodegit.node`) in your `PATH` to use the application.
### On GNU/Linux

#### Autocompletion
#### Debian/Ubuntu (.deb)

Clever Tools comes with a comprehensive auto-completion system. The brew package installs it automatically (for `bash` and `zsh`). Make sure `bash-completions` or `zsh-completions` are properly set up.
If you are using a GNU/Linux distribution that uses `.deb` packages like Debian or Ubuntu, you can run:

# In ~/.bash_profile
. /usr/local/etc/bash_completion
apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys "379CE192D401AB61"
echo "deb stable main" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update
apt-get install clever-tools

# In ~/.zshrc
fpath=(/usr/local/share/zsh-completions $fpath)

### Windows
* The `.deb` packages are hosted on Bintray (their GPG key is required to trust their signed packages).
* If you want access to the beta channel, you can change `stable` into `beta`.

Clever Tools is packaged using [chocolatey](
#### CentOS/Fedora (.rpm)

choco install clever-tools
If you are using a GNU/Linux distribution that uses `.rpm` packages like CentOS or Fedora, you can run:

If you don't want to use `chocolatey`, a pre-compiled version is available: [](
You need to add both files (`clever.exe` and `nodegit.node`) to your `PATH` to use the application.
curl > /etc/yum.repos.d/bintray-clevercloud-rpm.repo
echo "exclude=*beta*" >> /etc/yum.repos.d/bintray-clevercloud-rpm.repo
yum install clever-tools

### GNU/Linux

#### Debian/Ubuntu
* The `.rpm` packages are hosted on Bintray.
* If you want access to the beta channel, you can omit the second line which contains an exclude option.

You need to add our deb repository which is provided by bintray.
Make sure that you have what it needs to add an HTTPS repo and its GPG key.
#### Arch Linux

apt-get install -y apt-transport-https gnupg
apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys "379CE192D401AB61"
echo "deb wheezy main" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update
apt-get install -y clever-tools

#### CentOS/Fedora/RHEL
If you are using Arch Linux, the packages can be installed from AUR with this repo: [clever-tools-bin](
If you don't know how to use this, you can run:

You need to add our rpm repository which is provided by bintray.
git clone clever-tools
cd clever-tools
makepkg -si


* If you want access to the beta channel, you can use this repo [clever-tools-bin-beta](

#### Other distributions (.tar.gz)

curl > /etc/yum.repos.d/bintray-clevercloud-rpm.repo
yum install clever-tools
If you are using another GNU/Linux distribution, you can download a `.tar.gz` archive and extract the binary in your `PATH`:

#### Archlinux
curl > clever-tools.tar.gz
tar xvzf clever-tools.tar.gz
cp clever ~/.local/bin/

The package is available on the AUR: [clever-tools-bin](
WARNING: ⚠ Before version 1.0.0, you will also need to copy `nodegit.node` file from the archive into your `PATH`.

#### Other distributions

A pre-compiled version is available: [clever-tools-latest_linux.tar.gz](
You need to add both files (`clever` and `nodegit.node`) to your `PATH`
(you can put them in `~/.local/bin` for instance)
to use the application.
* The packages are available on Clever Cloud's Cellar bucket: [clever-tools-latest_linux.tar.gz](
* You can also retrieve any release (including beta) on this Cellar bucket by replacing `latest` (path and filename) with the version number you need.

curl -O
tar zxf clever-tools-latest_linux.tar.gz
cp {clever,nodegit.node} ~/.local/bin/
### On MacOS

#### Autocompletion
#### Using homebrew

Clever Tools comes with a comprehensive auto-completion system.
If you are using MacOS and you have [homebrew]( installed, you can run:

brew install CleverCloud/homebrew-tap/clever-tools


* If you want access to the beta channel, you can use `CleverCloud/homebrew-tap-beta/clever-tools` instead.

#### Using the `.tar.gz` archive

If you are using MacOS but you don't have [homebrew]( installed, you can download a `.tar.gz` archive and extract the binary in your `PATH`:

curl > clever-tools.tar.gz
tar xvzf clever-tools.tar.gz
cp clever ~/.local/bin/

WARNING: ⚠ Before version 1.0.0, you will also need to copy `nodegit.node` file from the archive into your `PATH`.


* The packages are available on Clever Cloud's Cellar bucket: [clever-tools-latest_macos.tar.gz](
* You can also retrieve any release (including beta) on this Cellar bucket by replacing `latest` (path and filename) with the version number you need.

### On Windows

#### Using chocolatey

If you are using Windows and you have [chocolatey]( installed, you can run:

choco sources add -n=clevercloud -s=''
choco install clever-tools

# for bash
clever --bash-autocomplete-script $(which clever) | sudo tee /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/clever

# for zsh
clever --zsh-autocomplete-script $(which clever) | sudo tee /usr/share/zsh/site-functions
* If you want access to the beta channel, you can use `choco install --pre clever-tools` instead.

#### Using the `.zip` archive

If you are using Windows but you don't have [chocolatey]( installed, you can download a `.zip` archive and extract the binary in your `PATH`.

WARNING: ⚠ Before version 1.0.0, you will also need to copy `nodegit.node` file from the archive into your `PATH`.


* The packages are available on Clever Cloud's Cellar bucket: [clever-tools-latest_win.tar.gz](
* You can also retrieve any release (including beta) on this Cellar bucket by replacing `latest` (path and filename) with the version number you need.

## Enabling autocompletion

The clever-tools CLI comes with a comprehensive auto-completion system.
Some installation methods like `.deb` packages, `.rpm` packages or brew will try to enable it automatically.
If it does not work, try this for bash:

clever --bash-autocomplete-script $(which clever) | sudo tee /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/clever

or this for zsh:

clever --zsh-autocomplete-script $(which clever) | sudo tee /usr/share/zsh/site-functions

## How to use

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -228,67 +303,5 @@ This project uses Travis CI to launch unit tests and validate pull requests befo

## Automated releases

When it comes to support multiple platforms (MacOS, Windows & GNU/Linux) and multiple versions of node.js, one of our dependencies (nodegit) is a tricky beast.
In order to simplify the development and maintenance of this project, we chose to package the clever tools CLI with [pkg]( It allowed us to:

* fix node.js to a version that is officially tested with nodegit (8.3.0 for now)
* produce one binary per platform (MacOS, Windows & GNU/Linux) with one command
* the only caveat is that the binary is not 100% standalone because we need to provide `nodegit.node` along with it

To distribute these binaries, we're packaging them as archives and releasing them on a Clever Cloud cellar bucket.
We're also distributing them via platform specific systems (archlinux AUR, homebrew, chocolatey).

All those packages are built with an internal Jenkins.
Here are some details about those build jobs.

### Job: [clever-tools](

* This job runs `scripts/` on each commit merged to the master branch.
* It builds 3 archives, one for each platform (MacOS, Windows & GNU/Linux) and computes sha256 sums.
* The files are always named with `master`.
* All those artifacts (tar.gz, zip and sha256) are archived on Jenkins.

### Job: [clever-tools-tag](

* This job runs `scripts/` on each tag.
* It forces a `BUILD_ONLY=1` when launching `npm install` but we're not sure about the details. See [#1246](, [#1225]( and [#1361](
* It builds 3 archives, one for each platform (MacOS, Windows & GNU/Linux) and computes sha256 sums.
* The files are named with the tag name (semver `X.Y.Z`).
* The files are also copy/pasted with `latest`.
* All those artifacts (tar.gz, zip and sha256) are published on a Clever Cloud cellar bucket.

This job also triggers 3 sub-jobs :

* `clever-tools-bin-arch`
* `clever-tools-brew`
* `clever-tools-choco`

All those jobs receive 2 variables: the tag name and the sha256 sums.

### Job: [clever-tools-bin-arch](

This job builds a new archlinux AUR package with the following tasks:

* clone this project [clever-tools-bin](
* use sed command on files `PKGBUILD.template` and `.SRCINFO.template` to inject variables (version and sha256 sum) and create new files
* create a new commit with
* push to remote master (which will make the new aur package available)

### Job: [clever-tools-brew](

This job builds a new homebrew package with the following tasks:

* clone this project [homebrew-tap](
* use sed command on file `clever-tools.template.rb` to inject variables (version and sha256 sum) and create new file
* create a new commit with
* push to remote master (which will make the homebrew package available)

### Job: [clever-tools-choco](

This job builds a new chocolatey package with the following tasks:

* clone this project [chocolatey-packages](
* run `scripts/` to produce the new nupkg file
* This nupkg file artifact is archived on Jenkins.

⚠️ *The publication of this artifact on the public chocolatey site is still a manual process. You can find more information about why on [this issue](*
This project uses Jenkins to build binaries, package them and release them automatically on the various repositories.
If you want to know more or if you need to release a new version, please read [](./ carefully.

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