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pilsy edited this page Mar 6, 2014 · 1 revision

Writing tasks is as easy as:

  • Your task must export an uberclass
  • Your class when instantiated must accept one argument, “callback” which should be fired when
    • Processing has finished and there is no error
    • Processing has hit an error before finishing

Below is an example from the “backend-example-module”

ExampleTask from the “backend-example-module”

var Class = require( 'uberclass' )
  , async = require( 'async' )
  , debug = require( 'debug' )( 'ExampleTask' );

var ExampleTask = module.exports = Class.extend(
init: function( callback ) {
debug( ‘Starting…’ );

async.parallel([ this.proxy( ‘doSomething’ ), this.proxy( ‘doSomethingElse’) ], function(err, results){ debug( ‘Finished.’ ); callback( err ); }); }, doSomething: function( callback ) { callback( null ); }, doSomethingElse: function( callback ) { callback( null ); }


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