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348 lines (279 loc) · 16.4 KB

Change Log

Version 3.2.0 (August 12, 2024)

New Features

Android Specific

  • Supports CleverTap Android SDK v6.2.1.
  • Supports Android 14, made it compliant with Android 14 requirements. Details here.
  • Extends the push primer callback to notify permission denial when cancel button is clicked on PromptForSettings alert dialog.
  • Adds Accessibility ids for UI components of SDK.
  • Migrates JobScheduler to WorkManager for Pull Notifications.

Bug Fixes

Android Specific

  • Fixes #239, an issue where the onPushNotification callback was not triggered when notification was tapped from the killed state on capacitor apps.
  • Fixes InApps crash in a rare activity destroyed race condition.
  • Fixes Potential ANR in a race condition of SDK initialisation in multithreaded setup.
  • Fixes a bug in Client Side InApps with regards to frequency limits.
  • Fixes a crash due to NullPointerException related to deviceInfo.deviceId.
  • Fixes an ANR related to isMainProcess check.
  • Fixes an ANR due to eager initialisation of CtApi triggered by DeviceId generation.

Breaking API Changes

  • Removes all Xiaomi related public methods as the Xiaomi SDK has been discontinued. Details here.

Version 3.1.0 (April 27, 2024)

New Features

iOS specific

Bug Fixes

iOS specific

  • Fixes crash due to out of bounds in NSLocale implementation.
  • Fixes a bug where client side in-apps were not discarded when rendering status is set to "discard".

Version 3.0.0 (April 17, 2024)

New Features

Android specific

iOS specific

Common for both android and iOS

  • Adds new public APIs, fetchInApps and clearInAppResources to support client-side in-apps.

Bug Fixes

Android specific

  • Fixes no empty message for app inbox without tabs
  • Removes onClickListener for Image of Cover InApp

iOS specific

  • Fixes a bug where some in-apps were not being dismissed

Version 2.7.2 (December 5, 2023)

New Features

Android specific

iOS specific

  • Supports CleverTap iOS SDK v5.2.2. This supported version includes support for Custom Proxy Domain functionality. Check usage for cordova ios here.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes a crash in iOS 17/Xcode 15 related to alert inapps.

Common for both android and iOS

  • Adds new public API setLocale(String locale) for in-built support to send the custom locale(i.e.language and country) data to the dashboard.
  • Adds support for Integration Debugger to view errors and events on the dashboard when the debugLevel is set to 3.

Version 2.7.1 (August 17, 2023)

New Features

Android specific

iOS specific

  • Supports CleverTap iOS SDK v5.2.0. This supported version includes encryption feature for PII data. Check encryption usage for cordova ios here.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes NSInvalidArgumentException for getDisplayUnitForId and getInboxMessageForId in iOS.

Version 2.7.0 (August 2, 2023)

New Features

Android specific

  • Supports CleverTap Android SDK v5.1.0.
  • Supports cordova android 12.0.0
  • deleteInboxMessagesForIds(messageIDs) is now supported in Android as well.
  • New callback onCleverTapInAppNotificationShow(JSONObject)
  • Behavioral change of onCleverTapInboxItemClick:
    • Previously, the callback was raised when the App Inbox Item is clicked.
    • Now, it is also raised when the App Inbox button and Item is clicked.

iOS specific

Common for both android and iOS

API Changes

  • Deprecated: The following methods and callbacks related to Product Config and Feature Flags have been marked as deprecated in this release, instead use new remote config variables feature. These methods and callbacks will be removed in the future versions with prior notice.
    • Product config

      • setDefaultsMap()
      • fetch()
      • fetchWithMinimumFetchIntervalInSeconds()
      • activate()
      • fetchAndActivate()
      • setMinimumFetchIntervalInSeconds()
      • getLastFetchTimeStampInMillis()
      • getString()
      • getBoolean()
      • getLong()
      • getDouble()
      • reset()
      • callback onCleverTapProductConfigDidInitialize
      • callback onCleverTapProductConfigDidFetch
      • callback onCleverTapProductConfigDidActivate
    • Feature flags

      • getFeatureFlag()
      • callback onCleverTapFeatureFlagsDidUpdate

Breaking API Changes

  • Return value change of onCleverTapInboxItemClick callback in android and messageDidSelect callback in iOS: callback returns JSONObject with below entries
    • data corresponds to the payload of clicked inbox item
    • The contentPageIndex corresponds to the page index of the content, which ranges from 0 to the total number of pages for carousel templates. For non-carousel templates, the value is always 0, as they only have one page of content.
    • The buttonIndex represents the index of the App Inbox button clicked (0, 1, or 2). A value of -1 indicates the App Inbox item is clicked.

Bug fixes

Version 2.6.2 (April 18, 2023)

Version 2.6.1 (January 25, 2023)

  • Fixes a compilation error with iOS app inbox callback method messageDidSelect.

Version 2.6.0 (December 29, 2022)

  • Supports CleverTap Android SDK v4.6.6
  • Supports cordova android 11.0.0
  • Supports Android exoplayer v2.17.1. Note : this upgrade will result in minor ui changes for interstitial in app and inbox notifications that uses exoplayer.
  • Adds new callback onCleverTapInboxItemClick to receive inbox item click.
  • Breaks Android setPushXiaomiToken() API where new changes adds region as second mandatory parameter to specify server region.If you are using this method make sure you pass region while calling setPushXiaomiToken().
  • Supports CleverTap iOS SDK v4.2.0.
  • Adds a public method deleteInboxMessagesForIds() for deleting multiple App Inbox messages by passing a collection of messageIDs. Please note that this is only for iOS, and NO-OP for Android as of now.

Version 2.5.2 (July 29, 2022)

  • Fixes an iOS bug where onDeepLink callback wasn't being called when triggered from killed state.
  • Supports CleverTap iOS SDK v4.1.1.

Version 2.5.1 (June 7, 2022)

Version 2.4.0 (January 31, 2022)

  • Adds public methods for suspending, discarding & resuming InApp Notifications
  • Adds public methods to increment/decrement values set via User properties
  • Deprecates profileGetCleverTapID() and profileGetCleverTapAttributionIdentifier() methods
  • Adds a new public method getCleverTapID() as an alternative to above deprecated methods
  • Supports CleverTap iOS SDK v3.10.0
  • Supports CleverTap Android SDK v4.2.0

Version 2.3.6 (23rd November 2021)

  • Fixes a bug where DOB was not getting respected in Android as profile property

Version 2.3.5 (9th June 2021)

  • Supports CleverTap Android SDK v4.1.1
  • Supports CleverTap iOS SDK v3.9.4
  • Removes Product A/B Testing (Dynamic Variables) code
  • Removes profileSetGraphUser and profileSetGooglePlusUser method

Version 2.3.4 (27th April 2021)

  • Update and Freeze CleverTap Cordova Plugin Podspec to a specific version of a CleverTap iOS SDK

Version 2.3.3 (24 February, 2021)

  • Added Push Notification with Custom Extras callback support in the killed state
  • Update for CleverTap iOS SDK v3.9.2

Version 2.3.2 (07 January, 2021)

  • Added support for Push Notification Click Callbacks
  • Added CleverTap iOS SDK dependency via CocoaPods in the plugin.xml
  • Update for CleverTap Android SDK v4.0.2

Version 2.3.1 (11 November, 2020)

  • Fixed a NPE on getAllDisplayUnits method
  • Update for CleverTap iOS SDK v3.9.1

Version 2.3.0 (15 October, 2020)

  • Update for CleverTap Android SDK v4.0.0

Version 2.2.1 (20 May, 2020)

  • Bug Fixes and enhancements

Version 2.2.0 (19 May, 2020)

  • Bug Fixes and enhancements

Version 2.1.9 (16 May, 2020)

  • Adds support for Custom Inbox, InApp and Inbox Click callbacks
  • Adds support for Native Display & Dynamic Variables
  • Adds support for Product Config and Feature Flags
  • Adds support for Xiaomi, Baidu & Huawei Push
  • Update for CleverTap Android SDK v 3.8.0
  • Update for CleverTap iOS SDK v 3.8.0

Version 2.1.8 (26 February, 2020)

  • Revert Google Play Install Referrer Library to v1.0
  • Update for CleverTap Android v3.6.4

Version 2.1.7 (24 February, 2020)

  • Adds support for new Google Play Install Referrer API
  • Update for CleverTap Android v3.6.3

Version 2.1.6 (20 January, 2020)

  • Fixing after install scripts

Version 2.1.5 (11 December, 2019)

  • Update for CleverTap Android v 3.6.1

Version 2.1.4 (7 November, 2019)

  • Update for CleverTap Android v 3.5.1

Version 2.1.3 (4 November, 2019)

  • Update for CleverTap iOS SDK v 3.7.1

Version 2.1.2 (29 May, 2019)

  • Update for CleverTap Android SDK v 3.5.1
  • Update for CleverTap iOS SDK v 3.5.0

Version 2.1.1 (08 February, 2019)

  • Update for CleverTap Android SDK v 3.4.2
  • Update for CleverTap iOS SDK v 3.4.1

Version 2.0.16 (13 October, 2018)

  • Update for CleverTap Android SDK v 3.3.2

Version 2.0.15 (31 October, 2018)

  • Update for CleverTap iOS SDK v 3.3.0
  • Update to CleverTap Android SDK v3.3.1

Version 2.0.14 (26 September, 2018)

  • Update for CleverTap iOS SDK v 3.2.2

Version 2.0.13 (11 September, 2018)

  • Update to CleverTap Android SDK v3.2.0 Update to CleverTap iOS SDK v3.2.0

Version 2.0.12 (5 September, 2018)

  • fix android sdk version

Version 2.0.11 (29 July, 2018)

  • fix android package name

Version 2.0.10 (25 July, 2018)

  • Conform plugin id

Version 2.0.9 (24 July, 2018)

  • Update Android post install script for Cordova 8.0.0

Version 2.0.8 (15 May, 2018)

  • fixes CleverTapSDK.framework install issues (removes symlinks)

Version 2.0.7 (11 May, 2018)

  • Update for Android support library version
  • Update for CleverTap Android SDK v 3.1.9
  • Update for CleverTap iOS SDK v 3.1.7
  • Support for Android O Notification Channels with custom sound
  • New APIs for GDPR compliance
  • Adds Android support for recordScreenView API

Version 2.0.5 (04 January, 2018)

  • Update for CleverTap Android SDK v 3.1.8

Version 2.0.4 (13 October, 2017)

  • Update for CleverTap iOS SDK v 3.1.6

Version 2.0.3 (10 October, 2017)

  • Update for CleverTapAndroidSDK v 3.1.7

Version 2.0.2 (21 September, 2017)

  • Supports CleverTap 3.1.5/3.1.6