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53 lines (38 loc) · 1.63 KB

CTU Color and Depth Image Dataset of Spread Garments

This repository contains tools and documentation for publicly available benchmark datasets for testing and evaluation of garment segmentation, recognition and folding algorithms -- the CloPeMa Garment Dataset. The datasets are free for research and educational purposes only and can be used in scientific publications at the condition of respecting the requested citation acknowledgment.


The annotation is stored in the YAML markup language and The yamlmatlab library is used for YAML parsing. The library is included in this repository.

In order to get you started we have provide a simple Matlab example that will read and show the annotation.

Start Matlab in the src directory and run the following command:

>> example

It will display two images one image of pants laying flat on the and folded.


You are welcome to contribute by sending a pull request.

Citation Request

If you are using this dataset some of the code in your project, please include the following citation.

Wagner, L., and Krejčová, D. CTU color and depth image dataset of spread
garments. Research Report CTU-CMP-2013-25, Center for Machine Perception,
K13133 FEE Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic, September 2013.