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Provisioning VSIs on a VPC infrastructure for fault tolerance during deployments by maintaining two similar environments. Also isolation between the production and pre-production environment on the network level by using 2 subnets.



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Multiple VSIs on VPC infrastructure for Blue-Green deployment

This Terraform example for IBM Cloud Schematics illustrates how to deploy an IBM Cloud Gen2 VPC infrastructure to support Blue/Green Deployments of applications to set of Virtual Machines (VSI) running within the VPC. The two environments blue/green are provisioned as seperate subnets to provide network isolation between the two environments. The VSI's running within the Blue and Green subnet are grouped using Instance Groups that provides ease of maintaining instances in the group while also providing support for scaling. Inaddition, the template also creates a bastion host to provide secure remote SSH access to the Virtual Machines within VPC. The example and Terraform modules are supplied 'as is' and only seek to implement a 'reasonable' set of best practices for rolling deployment configuration. Your own organisation may have additional requirements that may need be implemented before it can be used.

Blue/Green Deployment

Blue/Green deployment method is where we have two identical instances of application running in their own environments. This deployment method can be categorized as replacement upgrade method where application instances are replaced with newly provisioned instances.

Assuming blue environment to be the one serving live production traffic currently and the green environment in standby, the new version of application is deployed on the green environment. Testing is then carried out on the newly updated green environment. In case tests are unsuccessful or there are issues with the newer version of the application, code changes and deployments are performed on the green environment till it achieves stability and meets acceptance criteria for production. Once tests are successful, the green environment is considered ready for production traffic and the cut-over. The live production traffic is then routed to the green environment. The green environment now becomes the new production while blue environment, the new standby. If any anomaly or instability is detected post cut-over, the production traffic is switched from green environment to blue immediately.

The Blue/Green Strategy provides ability for quicker rollbacks where on detection of any anomaly post the deployment, the traffic can be switched from production environment to standby by updating the Public Load Balancer to attach the standby pool of instances and detach the production pool. In addition the strategy also ensures isolation where application deployment and testing is carried out in isolation to production environment. This gives development team room to quickly deploy the fixes in the isolated environment and test them without worrying about the production workloads.

However, the maintaining and running a standy environment in parallel to production environment comes at an increased costs. Also, for stateful applications with session states, the cutover process becomes complex as it requires stateful trnansition of end users sessions.

VPC to support Blue/Green Deployment

The figure here illustrates the configuration of the VPC configuration deployed by this example.

Blue/Green Deployment with Single Zone Deployment

The example deploys a single tier application environment, with a public facing load balancer. This Single Zone Deployment configuration creates the application in a single-zone. This single zone application tier contains 2 VSI which can be be configured by changing the size of the Instance Group as per requirement. Each of these VSI's are created in their own subnet blue-subnet and green-subnet which represents the blue-environment and green-environment. VSI's in blue-subnet are grouped to create blue-pool while the ones in green-subnet are grouped to create green-pool. Public load balancer is configured to use blue-pool or green-pool as the backend pool based on the current active/production environment.

Public gateway is configured to provide internet access to the virtual machines to download os-patches or third party packages required by application.

This example was written for use with IBM Cloud Schematics, therefore the provider block does not include an API Key. To run standalone with Terraform, modify the example to input your IBM Cloud API key as an input variable.

Blue/Green Deployment with Multi Zone Deployment

The example deploys a single tier application environment, with a public facing load balancer. This Multiple Zone Deployment configuration creates the application tier in multiple zones. By default, the template creates 2 availability zone within the region. Each subnet within the region contains 1 VSI that can be configured as per requirement. Like Single Zone Deployment, 1 VSI is created in each subnet within the availability zone. Thus, while Single Zone Deployment has 1 VSI in blue-environment and green-environment, Multi Zone Deployment has 2 VSI in blue and green environment one in each zone. VSI's in blue-subnet or blue-environment are grouped to create blue-pool while the ones in green-subnet or green-environment are grouped to create green-pool. Public load balancer is configured to use blue-pool or green-pool as the backend pool based on the current active/production environment.

Public gateway is configured to provide internet access to the virtual machines to download os-patches or third party packages required by application.

This example was written for use with IBM Cloud Schematics, therefore the provider block does not include an API Key. To run standalone with Terraform, modify the example to input your IBM Cloud API key as an input variable.

SSH access restrictions

A layered approach to SSH access is applied in this example. SSH access to app VSI's is restricted to connection from the bastion host only. All other SSH access from the public or private networks to the app VSIs is denied.

VPC Security Group and network ACL rules are applied to:

  • Allow only inbound SSH access to the app VSIs from the bastion host
  • Allow only inbound HTTP access on port 8080 from the public load-balancer to the VSIs
  • Outbound access for VSIs is enabled to perform software installation or os-patches
  • All other inbound and outbound traffic to the bastion host and app VSIs is denied by both ACLs and Security groups

To mitigate the security risks of SSH connections over the public network to the bastion hosts and VSIs, the network Access Control List (ACL) rules and security groups are configured to allow SSH access to the bastion host.

Bastion host SSH configuration

The example and Terraform modules are supplied 'as is' and only seek to implement a 'reasonable' set of best practices for bastion host configuration.

The following configuration is applied to the bastion host. The default SSH config is further locked down.

  - yum --security update
  - sed -i "s/#MaxSessions 10/MaxSessions 50/" /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  - sed -i "s/X11Forwarding yes/X11Forwarding no/" /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  - sed -i "s/PermitRootLogin yes/PermitRootLogin prohibit-password/" /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  - echo "MaxStartups 50:30:80"  >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  - echo 'PasswordAuthentication no' >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  - echo 'UsePAM yes' >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  - echo 'AuthenticationMethods publickey' >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  - service sshd restart

Deployed resources

Single Zone Configuration The following resources are deployed by this template and may incur charges.

  • 1 x Floating IP address
  • 1 x Public Gateway
  • 1 x Load Balancer
  • 3 x VSIs
  • 3 x Subnets
  • 1 x VPC
  • Access Control Lists
  • Security Groups

Multiple Zone Configuration The following resources are deployed by this template and may incur charges.

  • 1 x Floating IP address
  • 2 x Public Gateway
  • 1 x Load Balancer
  • 5 x VSIs
  • 5 x Subnets
  • 2 x VPC
  • Access Control Lists
  • Security Groups


Name Version
terraform ~> 1.0.5
terraform_provider_ibm ~> 1.30.2


name description type required default sensitive
ibm_region Region of deployed VPC string "us-south"
vpc_name Unique VPC name string "ssh-bastion-host"
az_list Comma seperated list of zones (in the region) to be created in VPC string "us-south-2"
resource_group_name Name of IBM Cloud Resource Group used for all VPC resources string "Default"
bastion_cidr CIDR range for the subnet containing bastion VSI string ""
blue_cidr CIDR range for the application VSI's in blue subnet list(string) ""
green_cidr CIDR range for the application VSI's in green subnet list(string) ""
instance_count Number of instances in the instance group string "2"
health_port Port on which deployed application exposes health endpoint string "8080"
app_port Port on which deployed application exposes application endpoint string "8080"
vsi_profile Profile for VSIs deployed in blue and green string "cx2-2x4"
image_name OS image for VSI deployments. Only tested with Centos string "ibm-centos-8-3-minimal-amd64-3"
ssh_key_name Name given to public SSH key uploaded to IBM Cloud for VSI access string
ssh_private_key Optional private key from key pair. Only required if it desired to validate remote SSH access to the bastion host and VSIs. string


name description
bastion_ip_addresses Public IP address of the bastion host
blue_server_host_ip_addresses List of private IP addresses of the VSI's in blue subnet
green_server_host_ip_addresses List of private IP addresses of the VSI's in green subnet


  1. Make sure that you have the required IBM Cloud IAM permissions to create and work with VPC infrastructure and you are assigned the correct permissions to create the workspace and deploy resources.
  2. Generate an SSH key. The SSH key is required to access the provisioned VPC virtual server instances via the bastion host. After you have created your SSH key, make sure to upload this SSH key to your IBM Cloud account in the VPC region and resource group where you want to deploy this example
  3. Create the Schematics workspace:
    1. From the IBM Cloud menu select Schematics.
      • Click Create a workspace.
      • Enter a name for your workspace.
      • Click Create to create your workspace.
    2. On the workspace Settings page, enter the URL of this example in the Schematics examples Github repository.
      • Select the Terraform version: Terraform 0.12.
      • Click Save template information.
      • In the Input variables section, review the default input variables and provide alternatives if desired. The only mandatory parameter is the name given to the SSH key that you uploaded to your IBM Cloud account.
      • Click Save changes.
  4. From the workspace Settings page, click Generate plan 
  5. Click View log to review the log files of your Terraform execution plan.
  6. Apply your Terraform template by clicking Apply plan.
  7. Review the log file to ensure that no errors occurred during the provisioning, modification, or deletion process.

The output of the Schematics Apply Plan will list the public IP address of the bastion host, blue/green servers and DNS address for public load balancer.


blue_server_host_ip_addresses = [

green_server_host_ip_addresses = [

bastion_host_ip_address = [

app_dns_hostname =

Validating the VPC security configuration

To validate that access of the blue or green tier server, the following SSH command can be used from a local workstation. Copy and paste the command into a terminal session, inserting the returned values for the bastion IP and one of the blue VSIs and the path to the file containing the private SSH key.

ssh -i ~/.ssh/<key> -o ProxyCommand="ssh -i ~/.ssh/<ansible>
-W %h:%p root@" root@


Provisioning VSIs on a VPC infrastructure for fault tolerance during deployments by maintaining two similar environments. Also isolation between the production and pre-production environment on the network level by using 2 subnets.








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