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Pipedrive API v1 OIH Connector


A generated OIH connector for the Pipedrive API v1 API (version 1.0.0).

Generated from:
Generated at: 2021-10-04T12:13:47+02:00

API Description


Supported authorization schemes:

For OAuth 2.0 you need to specify OAuth Client credentials as environment variables in the connector repository:

  • OAUTH_CLIENT_ID - your OAuth client id
  • OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET - your OAuth client secret


Delete multiple Activities in bulk

Marks multiple Activities as deleted

Tags: Activities

Input Parameters

  • ids - required - Comma-separated IDs of Activities that will be deleted

Add an Activity

Adds a new Activity. Includes more_activities_scheduled_in_context property in response's additional_data which indicates whether there are more undone Activities scheduled with the same Deal, Person or Organization (depending on the supplied data). For more information on how to add an Activity, see this tutorial.

Tags: Activities

Delete an Activity

Deletes an Activity

Tags: Activities

Input Parameters

  • id - required - The ID of the Activity

Get details of an Activity

Returns details of a specific Activity

Tags: Activities

Input Parameters

  • id - required - The ID of the Activity

Edit an Activity

Modifies an Activity. Includes more_activities_scheduled_in_context property in response's additional_data which indicates whether there are more undone activities scheduled with the same Deal, Person or Organization (depending on the supplied data).

Tags: Activities

Input Parameters

  • id - required - The ID of the Activity

Delete multiple ActivityTypes in bulk

Marks multiple ActivityTypes as deleted.

Tags: ActivityTypes

Input Parameters

  • ids - required - Comma-separated ActivityType IDs

Add new ActivityType

Adds a new ActivityType and returns it upon success.

Tags: ActivityTypes

Delete an ActivityType

Marks an ActivityType as deleted.

Tags: ActivityTypes

Input Parameters

  • id - required - The ID of the ActivityType

Edit an ActivityType

Updates an ActivityType.

Tags: ActivityTypes

Input Parameters

  • id - required - The ID of the ActivityType

Add a call log

Adds a new call log

Tags: CallLogs

Delete a call log

Deletes a call log. If there is an audio recording attached to it, it will also be deleted. The related activity will not be removed by this request. If you want to remove the related activities, please use the endpoint which is specific for activities.

Tags: CallLogs

Input Parameters

  • id - required - The ID received when you create the call log

Get details of a call log

Returns details of a specific call log

Tags: CallLogs

Input Parameters

  • id - required - The ID received when you create the call log

Attach an audio file to the call log

Adds an audio recording to the call log. That audio can be played by those who have access to the call log object.

Tags: CallLogs

Input Parameters

  • id - required - The ID received when you create the call log

Add a deal

Adds a new deal. Note that you can supply additional custom fields along with the request that are not described here. These custom fields are different for each Pipedrive account and can be recognized by long hashes as keys. To determine which custom fields exists, fetch the dealFields and look for key values. For more information on how to add a deal, see this tutorial.

Tags: Deals

Delete multiple deals in bulk

Marks multiple deals as deleted.

Tags: Deals

Input Parameters

  • ids - required - Comma-separated IDs that will be deleted

Delete a deal

Marks a deal as deleted.

Tags: Deals

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the deal

Get details of a deal

Returns details of a specific deal. Note that this also returns some additional fields which are not present when asking for all deals - such as deal age and stay in pipeline stages. Also note that custom fields appear as long hashes in the resulting data. These hashes can be mapped against the key value of dealFields. For more information on how to get all details of a deal, see this tutorial.

Tags: Deals

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the deal

Update a deal

Updates the properties of a deal. For more information on how to update a deal, see this tutorial.

Tags: Deals

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the deal

Duplicate deal

Duplicate a deal

Tags: Deals

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the deal

Add a follower to a deal

Adds a follower to a deal.

Tags: Deals

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the deal

Delete a follower from a deal

Deletes a follower from a deal.

Tags: Deals

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the deal
  • follower_id - required - ID of the follower

Merge two deals

Merges a deal with another deal. For more information on how to merge two deals, see this tutorial.

Tags: Deals

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the deal

Add a participant to a deal

Adds a participant to a deal.

Tags: Deals

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the deal

Delete a participant from a deal

Deletes a participant from a deal.

Tags: Deals

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the deal
  • deal_participant_id - required - ID of the deal participant

Add a product to the deal, eventually creating a new item called a deal-product

Adds a product to the deal.

Tags: Deals

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the deal

Update product attachment details of the deal-product (a product already attached to a deal)

Updates product attachment details.

Tags: Deals

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the deal
  • product_attachment_id - required - ID of the deal-product (the ID of the product attached to the deal)

Delete an attached product from a deal

Deletes a product attachment from a deal, using the product_attachment_id.

Tags: Deals

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the deal
  • product_attachment_id - required - Product attachment ID. This is returned as product_attachment_id after attaching a product to a deal or as id when listing the products attached to a deal.

Add a new deal field

Adds a new deal field. For more information on adding a new custom field, see this tutorial.

Tags: DealFields

Delete multiple deal fields in bulk

Marks multiple fields as deleted.

Tags: DealFields

Input Parameters

  • ids - required - Comma-separated field IDs to delete

Get one deal field

Returns data about a specific deal field.

Tags: DealFields

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the field

Delete a deal field

Marks a field as deleted. For more information on how to delete a custom field, see this tutorial.

Tags: DealFields

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the field

Update a deal field

Updates a deal field. See an example of updating custom fields' values in this tutorial.

Tags: DealFields

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the field

Add file

Lets you upload a file and associate it with Deal, Person, Organization, Activity or Product. For more information on how to add a file, see this tutorial.

Tags: Files

Create a remote file and link it to an item

Creates a new empty file in the remote location (googledrive) that will be linked to the item you supply. For more information on how to add a remote file, see this tutorial.

Tags: Files

Link a remote file to an item

Links an existing remote file (googledrive) to the item you supply. For more information on how to link a remote file, see this tutorial.

Tags: Files

Delete a file

Marks a file as deleted.

Tags: Files

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the file

Get one file

Returns data about a specific file.

Tags: Files

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the file

Update file details

Updates the properties of a file.

Tags: Files

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the file

Delete multiple filters in bulk

Marks multiple filters as deleted.

Tags: Filters

Input Parameters

  • ids - required - Comma-separated filter IDs to delete

Add a new filter

Adds a new filter, returns the ID upon success. Note that in the conditions JSON object only one first-level condition group is supported, and it must be glued with 'AND', and only two second level condition groups are supported of which one must be glued with 'AND' and the second with 'OR'. Other combinations do not work (yet) but the syntax supports introducing them in future. For more information on how to add a new filter, see this tutorial.

Tags: Filters

Delete a filter

Marks a filter as deleted.

Tags: Filters

Input Parameters

  • id - required - The ID of the filter

Get one filter

Returns data about a specific filter. Note that this also returns the condition lines of the filter.

Tags: Filters

Input Parameters

  • id - required - The ID of the filter

Update filter

Updates an existing filter.

Tags: Filters

Input Parameters

  • id - required - The ID of the filter

Dismiss a global message

Removes global message from being shown, if message is dismissible

Tags: GlobalMessages

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of global message to be dismissed.

Add a new goal

Adds a new goal. Along with adding a new goal, a report is created to track the progress of your goal.

Tags: Goals

Update existing goal

Updates existing goal.

Tags: Goals

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the goal to be updated.

Delete existing goal

Marks goal as deleted.

Tags: Goals

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the goal to be deleted.

Add a lead

Creates a Lead. A Lead always has to be linked to a Person or an Organization or both. All Leads created through the Pipedrive API will have a Lead Source API assigned. Here's the tutorial for adding a Lead. If a Lead contains custom fields, the fields' values will be included in the response in the same format as with the Deals endpoints. If a custom field's value hasn't been set for the Lead, it won't appear in the response. Please note that Leads do not have a separate set of custom fields, instead they inherit the custom fields' structure from Deals. See an example given in the updating custom fields' values tutorial.

Tags: Leads

Get one lead

Returns details of a specific Lead. If a Lead contains custom fields, the fields' values will be included in the response in the same format as with the Deals endpoints. If a custom field's value hasn't been set for the Lead, it won't appear in the response. Please note that Leads do not have a separate set of custom fields, instead they inherit the custom fields' structure from Deals.

Tags: Leads

Input Parameters

  • id - required - The ID of the Lead

Update a lead

Updates one or more properties of a Lead. Only properties included in the request will be updated. Send null to unset a property (applicable for example for value, person_id or organization_id). If a Lead contains custom fields, the fields' values will be included in the response in the same format as with the Deals endpoints. If a custom field's value hasn't been set for the Lead, it won't appear in the response. Please note that Leads do not have a separate set of custom fields, instead they inherit the custom fields' structure from Deals. See an example of updating custom fields' values in this tutorial.

Tags: Leads

Input Parameters

  • id - required - The ID of the Lead

Delete a lead

Deletes a specific Lead

Tags: Leads

Input Parameters

  • id - required - The ID of the Lead

Add a lead label

Creates a Lead Label

Tags: LeadLabels

Update a lead label

Updates one or more properties of a Lead Label. Only properties included in the request will be updated.

Tags: LeadLabels

Input Parameters

  • id - required - The ID of the Lead Label

Delete a lead label

Deletes a specific Lead Label

Tags: LeadLabels

Input Parameters

  • id - required - The ID of the Lead Label

Get one mail message

Returns data about specific mail message.

Tags: Mailbox

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the mail message to fetch.
  • include_body - optional - Whether to include full message body or not. 0 = Don't include, 1 = Include
    Possible values: 0, 1.

Delete mail thread

Marks mail thread as deleted.

Tags: Mailbox

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the mail thread

Get one mail thread

Returns specific mail thread.

Tags: Mailbox

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the mail thread

Update mail thread details

Updates the properties of a mail thread.

Tags: Mailbox

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the mail thread

Add a note

Adds a new note.

Tags: Notes

Delete a note

Deletes a specific note.

Tags: Notes

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the note

Get one note

Returns details about a specific note.

Tags: Notes

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the note

Update a note

Updates a note.

Tags: Notes

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the note

Add a comment to a note

Adds a new comment to a note.

Tags: Notes

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the note

Get one comment

Returns details about a comment

Tags: Notes

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the note
  • commentId - required - ID of the comment

Update a comment related to a note

Updates a comment related to a note.

Tags: Notes

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the note
  • commentId - required - ID of the comment

Delete a comment related to a note

Deletes a comment.

Tags: Notes

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the note
  • commentId - required - ID of the comment

Delete multiple organizations in bulk

Marks multiple organizations as deleted.

Tags: Organizations

Input Parameters

  • ids - required - Comma-separated IDs that will be deleted

Add an organization

Adds a new organization. Note that you can supply additional custom fields along with the request that are not described here. These custom fields are different for each Pipedrive account and can be recognized by long hashes as keys. To determine which custom fields exists, fetch the organizationFields and look for key values. For more information on how to add an organization, see this tutorial.

Tags: Organizations

Delete an organization

Marks an organization as deleted.

Tags: Organizations

Input Parameters

  • id - required - The ID of the Organization

Get details of an organization

Returns details of an organization. Note that this also returns some additional fields which are not present when asking for all organizations. Also note that custom fields appear as long hashes in the resulting data. These hashes can be mapped against the key value of organizationFields.

Tags: Organizations

Input Parameters

  • id - required - The ID of the Organization

Update an organization

Updates the properties of an organization.

Tags: Organizations

Input Parameters

  • id - required - The ID of the Organization

Add a follower to an organization

Adds a follower to an organization.

Tags: Organizations

Input Parameters

  • id - required - The ID of the Organization

Delete a follower from an organization

Deletes a follower from an organization. You can retrieve the follower_id from the List followers of an organization endpoint.

Tags: Organizations

Input Parameters

  • id - required - The ID of the Organization
  • follower_id - required - The ID of the follower

Merge two organizations

Merges an organization with another organization. For more information on how to merge two organizations, see this tutorial.

Tags: Organizations

Input Parameters

  • id - required - The ID of the Organization

Add a new organization field

Adds a new organization field. For more information on adding a new custom field, see this tutorial.

Tags: OrganizationFields

Delete multiple organization fields in bulk

Marks multiple fields as deleted.

Tags: OrganizationFields

Input Parameters

  • ids - required - Comma-separated field IDs to delete

Get one organization field

Returns data about a specific organization field.

Tags: OrganizationFields

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the field

Delete an organization field

Marks a field as deleted. For more information on how to delete a custom field, see this tutorial.

Tags: OrganizationFields

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the field

Update an organization field

Updates an organization field. See an example of updating custom fields' values in this tutorial.

Tags: OrganizationFields

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the field

Create an organization relationship

Creates and returns an organization relationship.

Tags: OrganizationRelationships

Delete an organization relationship

Deletes an organization relationship and returns the deleted id.

Tags: OrganizationRelationships

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the organization relationship

Get one organization relationship

Finds and returns an organization relationship from its ID.

Tags: OrganizationRelationships

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the organization relationship
  • org_id - optional - ID of the base organization for the returned calculated values

Update an organization relationship

Updates and returns an organization relationship.

Tags: OrganizationRelationships

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the organization relationship

Get one Permission Set

Tags: PermissionSets

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the permission set

Delete multiple persons in bulk

Marks multiple persons as deleted.

Tags: Persons

Input Parameters

  • ids - optional - Comma-separated IDs that will be deleted

Add a person

Adds a new person. Note that you can supply additional custom fields along with the request that are not described here. These custom fields are different for each Pipedrive account and can be recognized by long hashes as keys. To determine which custom fields exists, fetch the personFields and look for key values.

Tags: Persons

Delete a person

Marks a person as deleted.

Tags: Persons

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of a person

Get details of a person

Returns details of a person. Note that this also returns some additional fields which are not present when asking for all persons. Also note that custom fields appear as long hashes in the resulting data. These hashes can be mapped against the key value of personFields.

Tags: Persons

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of a person

Update a person

Updates the properties of a person. For more information on how to update a person, see this tutorial.

Tags: Persons

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of a person

Add a follower to a person

Adds a follower to a person.

Tags: Persons

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of a person

Deletes a follower from a person.

Delete a follower from a person

Tags: Persons

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of a person
  • follower_id - required - ID of the follower

Merge two persons

Merges a person with another person. For more information on how to merge two persons, see this tutorial.

Tags: Persons

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of a person

Delete person picture

Tags: Persons

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of a person

Add person picture

Add a picture to a person. If a picture is already set, the old picture will be replaced. Added image (or the cropping parameters supplied with the request) should have an equal width and height and should be at least 128 pixels. GIF, JPG and PNG are accepted. All added images will be resized to 128 and 512 pixel wide squares.

Tags: Persons

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of a person

Add a new person field

Adds a new person field. For more information on adding a new custom field, see this tutorial.

Tags: PersonFields

Delete multiple person fields in bulk

Marks multiple fields as deleted.

Tags: PersonFields

Input Parameters

  • ids - required - Comma-separated field IDs to delete

Get one person field

Returns data about a specific person field.

Tags: PersonFields

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the field

Delete a person field

Marks a field as deleted. For more information on how to delete a custom field, see this tutorial.

Tags: PersonFields

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the field

Update a person field

Updates a person field. See an example of updating custom fields' values in this tutorial.

Tags: PersonFields

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the field

Add a new pipeline

Adds a new pipeline

Tags: Pipelines

Delete a pipeline

Marks a pipeline as deleted.

Tags: Pipelines

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the pipeline

Get one pipeline

Returns data about a specific pipeline. Also returns the summary of the deals in this pipeline across its stages.

Tags: Pipelines

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the pipeline
  • totals_convert_currency - optional - 3-letter currency code of any of the supported currencies. When supplied, per_stages_converted is returned in deals_summary which contains the currency-converted total amounts in the given currency per each stage. You may also set this parameter to default_currency in which case users default currency is used.

Edit a pipeline

Updates pipeline properties

Tags: Pipelines

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the pipeline

Add a product

Adds a new product to the Products inventory. For more information on how to add a product, see this tutorial.

Tags: Products

Delete a product

Marks a product as deleted.

Tags: Products

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the product

Get one product

Returns data about a specific product.

Tags: Products

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the product

Update a product

Updates product data.

Tags: Products

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the product

Add a follower to a product

Adds a follower to a product.

Tags: Products

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the product

Delete a follower from a product

Deletes a follower from a product.

Tags: Products

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the product
  • follower_id - required - ID of the follower

Delete multiple product fields in bulk

Marks multiple fields as deleted.

Tags: ProductFields

Input Parameters

  • ids - required - Comma-separated field IDs to delete

Add a new product field

Adds a new product field. For more information on adding a new custom field, see this tutorial.

Tags: ProductFields

Delete a product field

Marks a field as deleted. For more information on how to delete a custom field, see this tutorial.

Tags: ProductFields

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the Product Field

Get one product field

Returns data about a specific product field.

Tags: ProductFields

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the Product Field

Update a product field

Updates a product field. See an example of updating custom fields' values in this tutorial.

Tags: ProductFields

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the Product Field

Add a role

Tags: Roles

Delete a role

Tags: Roles

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the role

Get one role

Tags: Roles

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the role

Update role details

Tags: Roles

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the role

Delete a role assignment

Delete assignment from a role

Tags: Roles

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the role

Add role assignment

Add assignment for a role

Tags: Roles

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the role

Add or update role setting

Tags: Roles

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the role

Delete multiple stages in bulk

Marks multiple stages as deleted.

Tags: Stages

Input Parameters

  • ids - required - Comma-separated stage IDs to delete

Add a new stage

Adds a new stage, returns the ID upon success.

Tags: Stages

Delete a stage

Marks a stage as deleted.

Tags: Stages

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the stage

Get one stage

Returns data about a specific stage.

Tags: Stages

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the stage

Update stage details

Updates the properties of a stage.

Tags: Stages

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the stage

Get details of a subscription

Returns details of an installment or a recurring Subscription.

Tags: Subscriptions

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the Subscription

Delete a subscription

Marks an installment or a recurring Subscription as deleted.

Tags: Subscriptions

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the Subscription

Find subscription by deal

Returns details of an installment or a recurring Subscription by Deal ID.

Tags: Subscriptions

Input Parameters

  • dealId - required - ID of the Deal

Add a recurring subscription

Adds a new recurring Subscription.

Tags: Subscriptions

Add an installment subscription

Adds a new installment Subscription.

Tags: Subscriptions

Update a recurring subscription

Updates a recurring Subscription.

Tags: Subscriptions

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the Subscription

Update an installment subscription

Updates an installment Subscription.

Tags: Subscriptions

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the Subscription

Cancel a recurring subscription

Cancels a recurring Subscription.

Tags: Subscriptions

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the Subscription

Add a new team

Adds a new team to the company and returns the created object

Tags: Teams

Get a single team

Returns data about a specific team

Tags: Teams

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the team
  • skip_users - optional - When enabled, the teams will not include IDs of member users
    Possible values: 0, 1.

Update a team

Updates an existing team and returns the updated object

Tags: Teams

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the team

Add users to a team

Adds users to an existing team

Tags: Teams

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the team

Delete users from a team

Deletes users from an existing team

Tags: Teams

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the team

Get all teams of a user

Returns data about all teams which have specified user as a member

Tags: Teams

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the user
  • order_by - optional - Field name to sort returned teams by
    Possible values: id, name, manager_id, active_flag.
  • skip_users - optional - When enabled, the teams will not include IDs of member users
    Possible values: 0, 1.

Add a new user

Adds a new user to the company, returns the ID upon success.

Tags: Users

Get one user

Returns data about a specific user within the company

Tags: Users

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the user

Update user details

Updates the properties of a user. Currently, only active_flag can be updated.

Tags: Users

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the user

Delete a role assignment

Delete a role assignment for a user

Tags: Users

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the user

Add role assignment

Add role assignment for a user

Tags: Users

Input Parameters

  • id - required - ID of the user

Create a new webhook

Creates a new webhook and returns its details. Note that specifying an event which triggers the webhook combines 2 parameters - event_action and event_object. E.g., use *.* for getting notifications about all events, for any newly added deals, deleted.persons for any deleted persons, etc. See for more details.

Tags: Webhooks

Delete existing webhook

Deletes the specified webhook.

Tags: Webhooks

Input Parameters

  • id - required - The ID of the webhook to delete


: pipedrive-component

All files of this connector are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. For details see the file LICENSE on the toplevel directory.