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With the new Autowired component you have now the possibility to easily load all your dependencies during construction of your main object.


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With the new Autowired component you have now the possibility to easily load all your dependencies during construction of your main object.

There are so many other DIC solutions available why I should use this one?

The main idea of this component is to be stand alone and not depending of any other third party component in order to be ready for use. Other components are as well great, and we used a lot of different components already but do you know how many other components are needed in order to run a normal DIC container and even you have to sometimes maintain several files in order to keep the overview. The main purpose for this component is to keep your live simple and easy and don´t get headache and get lost in files or complex definitions.

Required third party dependencies

Runnable requirements:

In order to use this component in a production system you have to run at least PHP version 8.0.*

Development requirements

As dev requirement, if you want to contribute, phpunit version 9.4.* is required.

Features of Autowired component

  • Easy dependency injection without define your constructor
  • Specify if your required dependency can be a shared instance or create everytime a new instance of the dependency.
  • Easy to mock autowired object for your test purpose.
  • Dependency injection using an interface

How to use it ?

class Example {
    #[Autowired]  // Cached object should be used
    private Foo $foo;

    #[Autowired(false)] // Cached object should not be used
    private DateTime $dateTime;   

$container = DependencyContainer::getInstance();

$example = $container->get(Example::class));


   'foo' => 
   'dateTime' => 
     'date' => '2020-12-03 12:25:09.197889',
     'timezone_type' => 3,
     'timezone' => 'UTC',

How to inject a class but using an interface?

With version 0.0.4 we introduce a new parameter for the Autowired class: $concreteClass Specify this parameter directly or full fill non mandatory parameters. Take a look to the example below.

class Bar
    #[Autowired(concreteClass: Foo::class)]
    private FooInterface $foo;

    #[Autowired(cachingAllowed: true, concreteClass: Foo::class)]
    private FooInterface $foo;

    #[Autowired(false, Foo::class)]
    private FooInterface $foo;

How to autowire a class with a factory method?

With the version 0.0.5 we introduced a new parameter for the Autowired class: $staticFunction Specify this parameter directly or fulfill none mandatory parameters. Take a look to the example

class Bar
    #[Autowired(staticFunction: "getInstance")]
    private Foo $foo;
    #[Autowired(concreteClass: Foo::class, staticFunction: "getInstance")]
    private FooInterface $fooWithInterface;

    public function getFoo(): Foo
        return $this->foo;

    public function getFooWithInterface(): FooInterface
        return $this->fooWithInterface;

How to mock classes when they will be autowired?

Actually there are two possibilities.

  1. Define your mocks and put them as an array as a second parameter when you call DependencyContainer::get(CLASSNAME, [MOCK1, MOCK2 ...]). The Autowired component will only try to load the related objects only when the property has his initial value (null). Please take a look to the example
class WithConstructor
    private ?Foo $foo;

    private ?Bar $bar;

    public function getFoo(): ?Foo
        return $this->foo;

Meanwhile in the test method do the following

private DependencyContainer $container;

protected function setUp(): void
    $this->container = DependencyContainer::getInstance();

protected function tearDown(): void
public function autoloadWithMockedClassAndConstructor(): void
    $mockedClass = $this->getMockBuilder(Foo::class)

    $mainClassWithMockedObject = $this-container->get(WithConstructor::class,[$mockedClass]);

    static::assertNotEquals($mockedClass::class, $mainClassWithMockedObject->getFoo()::class);
  1. The other way is to define your mock and call DependencyContainer::store() function in order to place the mock behind the original class name
class WithNoConstructor
    private Foo $foo;

    private Bar $bar;

    public function getFoo(): Foo
        return $this->foo;

    public function getBar(): Bar
        return $this->bar;

Meanwhile in the test method to the following

public function autoloadWithMockedClassAndWithoutConstructor(): void
    $mockedClass = $this->getMockBuilder(Foo::class)

    $autowiredServiceCache = CachingService::getInstance();
    $autowiredServiceCache->store($mockedClass, Foo::class);
    $mainClassWithMockedObject = new WithNoConstructor();

    static::assertEquals($mockedClass::class, $mainClassWithMockedObject->getFoo()::class);
    static::assertNotEquals(Foo::class, $mainClassWithMockedObject->getFoo()::class);
    static::assertEquals(Bar::class, $mainClassWithMockedObject->getBar()::class);

With the version 1.6.0 we introduced a new attribute called AfterConstruct This attribute will ensure that your method will be executed once when your object got full instantiated

class Foo
    private int $value = 0;

    private Bar $bar;

    public function hook(): void

    public function getValue(): int
        return $this->value;

class AutoloadWithHooksTest extends AutowireTestCase
     * @test
    public function afterConstructCase(): void
        /** @var Foo $foo */
        $foo = $this->container->get(Foo::class);
        $this->assertEquals(1, $foo->getValue());

With the version 2.2.0 we rolled out the hook of BeforeConstruct This attribute will ensure that your method will be executed once before your object got full instantiated.
This attribute could be used for the singleton pattern if you would like to get an object with AnyObject::getInstance() method

class FooBar
    private static $instance = null;

    private int $value;

    public function __construct(int $value)
        $this->value = $value;

    public function getValue(): int
        return $this->value;

    public static function onBeforeInstance(): FooBar
        if (self::$instance === null) {
            self::$instance = new self(400);

        return self::$instance;

class AutoloadWithHooksTest extends AutowireTestCase
     * @test
    public function beforeConstructCaseOne(): void
        $this->assertEquals(0, (new FooBar(0))->getValue());
        /** @var FooBar $fooBar */
        $fooBar = $this->container->get(FooBar::class);

        $this->assertEquals(400, $fooBar->getValue());
     * @test
    public function beforeConstructCaseTwo(): void
        /** @var FooBarFoo $fooBar */
        $fooBar = $this->container->get(FooBarFoo::class, argumentForHook: [200]);

        $this->assertEquals(200, $fooBar->getValue());


With the new Autowired component you have now the possibility to easily load all your dependencies during construction of your main object.







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