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Implement entity searching function
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Drop item function
Couple of world effect helper functions
An initial repl.clj as a scratchpatch
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CmdrDats committed Dec 17, 2012
1 parent 43d47b2 commit af62393
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Showing 6 changed files with 248 additions and 12 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions
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17 December 2012:
- Implement entity searching function
- Drop item function
- Couple of world effect helper functions
- An initial repl.clj as a scratchpatch

14 December 2012:
- API Breaking Change: ev/event needs to now reference eventname as "player.player-interact" string instead of symbol.
- Implement material handling types properly
Expand Down
120 changes: 120 additions & 0 deletions src/cljminecraft/blocks.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
(ns cljminecraft.blocks
(:require [cljminecraft.items :as i]))

(defn turn-direction
"Set the current facing direction, relative to the current direction (imagine current direction as north)"

(defn move-direction
"Move relative to the origin and current facing direction"
[[x y z]]

(defn up [& [x]]
(move-direction [0 (- 0 (or x 1)) 0]))

(defn down [& [x]]
(move-direction [0 (or x 1) 0]))

(defn left [x]
(move-direction [(- 0 (or x 1)) 0 0]))

(defn right [x]
(move-direction [(or x 1) 0 0]))

(defn forward [x]
(move-direction [0 0 (or x 1)]))

(defn back [x]
(move-direction [0 0 (- 0 (or x 1))]))

(defn turn-left []
(turn-direction :east))

(defn turn-right []
(turn-direction :west))

(defn turn-up []
(turn-direction :up))

(defn turn-down []
(turn-direction :down))

(defn turn-around []
(turn-direction :south))

(defn material
"Set the current 'painted' material :none, or nil for 'pen up', ie - no effect."

(defn penup [])

(defn pendown [])

(defn fork
"Run the given actions seperate to the main context. This could run parallel to your main process, but it generally means that your position is left unchanged"
[& actions])

(defn extend-actions
"For the to-action, do the extended action after every movement in the to-action.."
[extended-actions & to-actions]
(for [to-action to-actions]
(fork extended-action)]))

(defn test-fn
"Test an expression, given the current context - executing actions in the true of false block as required"
[fn true-block & [false-block]])

(defn if-material
"Decision branch depending on material"
[material-key true-block & [false-block]])

(defn run-actions
[origin direction])

"To define a house:"
(defn wall [length height]
[(forward length)]
(for [_ (range heigth)] (up))))
(forward length)

(defn house-walls [width length height]
[(wall width height)
(wall length height)
(wall width height)

[(forward width)
(right length)
(back width)
(left length)]
(up height))

(let [marker (generate-marker)]
(mark marker)
(foward width)
(right length)
(up height)
(fill-to-mark marker :air)
[(forward width)
(right length)
(back width)
(left length)]
(up height))))

(let [shuffled (shuffle players)]
26 changes: 16 additions & 10 deletions src/cljminecraft/entity.clj
Expand Up @@ -3,21 +3,27 @@

(def entitytypes (util/map-enums org.bukkit.entity.EntityType))

(defn get-entities [world & {:keys [type-keys living?]}]
(let [entclasses
(filter #(not (nil? %))
(map #(if-let [t (get entitytypes %)] (.getEntityClass type))
(if (coll? type-keys) type-keys [type-keys])))]
(if (not-empty entclasses)
(.getEntitiesByClasses world (into-array Class entclasses))
(.getLivingEntities world)
(.getEntities world)))

(defn find-entity [nm]
(let [names (map #(name (first %)) entitytypes)]
(filter #(.contains % (.toLowerCase nm)) names)))

(defn spawn-entity [location entityname]
(let [type (get entitytypes (keyword entityname))]
(when (and type (.isSpawnable type))
(.spawn (.getWorld location) location type))))

(.spawnEntity (.getWorld location) location type))))

7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion src/cljminecraft/items.clj
Expand Up @@ -219,4 +219,9 @@
(let [material (get-material material-key)]
(if (instance? MaterialData material)
(.toItemStack (or qty 1))
(ItemStack. material (or qty 1)))))
(ItemStack. material (or qty 1)))))

(defn drop-item [location itemstack & [naturally?]]
(if naturally?
(.dropItemNaturally (.getWorld location) itemstack)
(.dropItem (.getWorld location) itemstack)))
47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions src/cljminecraft/repl.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
(ns cljminecraft.repl
(:require [cljminecraft.bukkit :as bk]
[ :as ev]
[cljminecraft.entity :as ent]
[cljminecraft.player :as plr]
[cljminecraft.util :as util]
[cljminecraft.logging :as log]
[cljminecraft.config :as cfg]
[cljminecraft.commands :as cmd]
[ :as r]
[cljminecraft.items :as i]
[cljminecraft.files :as f]
[cljminecraft.core :as core]

;; This is a REPL scratchpatch file. It simply includes everything so
;; that you can play around a build stuff

;; Handy reference to plugin
(def plugin core/clj-plugin)

(def bombs (atom []))

(defn drop-dirt [ev]
(when (= (.. ev getItemDrop getItemStack getType) (i/get-material :dirt))
(swap! bombs conj (.getItemDrop ev))
(plr/send-msg ev "You just dropped a bomb! wooh")))

(defn interact [ev]
(log/info "Explosion!")
(doseq [bomb @bombs]
(let [l (.getLocation bomb)]
(.createExplosion (.getWorld l) l 10.0)))
(reset! bombs []))

(defn ondie [ev]
(.setDeathMessage ev "You fool!"))

(ev/register-event @plugin "player.player-drop-item" #'drop-dirt)
(ev/register-event @plugin "player.player-interact" #'interact)
(ev/register-event @plugin "entity.player-death" #'ondie)

54 changes: 53 additions & 1 deletion src/cljminecraft/world.clj
@@ -1,7 +1,14 @@
(:require [cljminecraft.bukkit :as bk])
(:require [cljminecraft.player :as plr])
(:import [org.bukkit.material Directional]))
(:require [cljminecraft.util :as util])
(:import [org.bukkit.material Directional]
[org.bukkit Location]
[org.bukkit.util Vector]))

(def effects (util/map-enums org.bukkit.Effect))
(def sounds (util/map-enums org.bukkit.Sound))
(def treetypes (util/map-enums org.bukkit.TreeType))

(defn facing-block
"If this is a directional block, will return the block it's facing, otherwise it will return the block itself"
Expand All @@ -11,3 +18,48 @@
(.getFace block (.getFacing data))

(defn explode
"Creates an explosion at a given location"
[location power & [fire?]]
(.createExplosion (.getWorld location) location power (or fire? false)))

(defn coerce-vector
"Coerces a [x y z] vec a org.bukkit.util.Vector"
;; TODO: Look into making this an open type - ie, either protocol or defmulti
(instance? Vector vec) vec
(coll? vec)
(let [[x y z] vec] (Vector. x y z))

(defn arrow
"Pew! direction is either a org.bukkit.util.Vector or a [x y z] vec"
[location direction & [speed spread]]
(let [vector (coerce-vector direction)]
(.spawnArrow (.getWorld location) vector (or speed 0.6) (or spread 12))))

(defn lightning
[location & [effectonly?]]
(if effectonly?
(.strikeLightningEffect (.getWorld location) location)
(.strikeLightning (.getWorld location) location)))

(defn effect [location effect-key data & [radius]]
(if radius
(.playEffect (.getWorld location) location effect data radius)
(.playEffect (.getWorld location) location effect data)))

(defn sound [location sound-key volume pitch]
(if-let [sound (get sounds sound-key)]
(.playSound (.getWorld location) location sound volume pitch)))

(defn generate-tree [location treetype-key & [change-delegate]]
(let [world (.getWorld location)
treetype (get treetypes treetype-key)]
(if change-delegate
(.generateTree location treetype change-delegate)
(.generateTree location treetype))))

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