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executable file
187 lines (92 loc) · 4.73 KB
title author date output
AgriLOWE Simulation Report
Matteo Coronese, Martina Occelli, Francesco Lamperti, Andrea Roventini



Table: Labor

alpha ud_sens wealth_buffer

0.8 0.3 0.7

Table: Market Behavior

eps_price eps_share omega_cost omega_unfilled

  0.02         0.1         0.05             0.95

Table: Miscellaneous

demand_rate price_land_var

       4             0.05

Table: Cells on Sale

rho psi min_land_price wealth_share_bid ud_mean_time

0.3 50 0.3 0.1 5

Table: Switching Behavior

ray tau switch_time wind_switch

2 1 20 20

Table: Innovation

rd_effort theta_min theta_max agri_growth_penalty iota

   0.1        -0.2         0.4                  0.03      2

Table: Imitation

imit_effort imit_frac mu_imit mu_band

    0.05        0.01      0.01      0.01

Table: Initialization

forest_theta_gain price_deforestation time_to_forest def_rho

          0.05                     0               50       0.1

Table: Initialization

price_conv theta_init theta_init_pen_sust var_theta_init

      2            2                   0.7                1

Table: Flags

flag_agri_init flag_prod flag_auction flag_imit flag_init_prod land_degr_flag

          2           1              1           1                1                1

flag_deforestation flag_central_forest flag_switch_own_prop flag_type_switch flag_land_abandon

              0                     1                      1                  0                   0

Soil Deterioration

Land Degradation: None

Climate Box

Table: Climate Box

alpha_drought beta_drought alpha_flood beta_flood

       0.2              4           0.4            4

Active Climate Shocks: Flood

Summary Graphs

Cell Variables

Producer Variables

Time Series



Mean output growth per time step is 0.43%.

Pseudo mean output growth per time step is 1.92%.

Market Behavior

Market for defaulted firms: Auction

Table: Cell Market

mean_bankruptcy mean_bankruptcy_per_time share_sold share_rebound

          37                  0.0616667    0.8918919       0.1081081


Mean agriculture switching per time step is 0.1033333

Conventional Lock-In Probability: NA

Sustainable Lock-In Probability: NA

Detailed Graphs (Each Farmer -Single Run)

Spatial Graphs

Cell Correlation with Initial Land Productivity 0.4171691.