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TopCoW Algorithm Submit Tempalte 🐮

Algorithm submission template repo for the TopCoW2023 challenge on grand-challnge (GC). The source code for the algorithm container was generated with evalutils version 0.4.2 using Python 3.10, and is specified to work with the GC algorithm submission system.

overview-of-what-we-need ^Overview diagram in PDF


  • If you want more flexibility (i.e. customize this repo beyond file or not using this template repo and evalutils at all), then simply ensure that your docker container can:

    1. read from the input interface that supplies two .mha images:

      Head MR Angiography (Image) at /input/images/head-mr-angio/<uuid>.mha

      Head CT Angiography (Image) at /input/images/head-ct-angio/<uuid>.mha

    2. write to the output interface one .mha segmentation mask depending on the task selected (binary or multi-class segmentation):

      Circle of Willis Binary Segmentation (Segmentation) to /output/images/cow-binary-segmentation/<uuid>.mha

      Circle of Willis Multiclass Segmentation (Segmentation) to /output/images/cow-multiclass-segmentation/<uuid>.mha

  • If you are new to the GC submission system, we recommend that you clone this repo locally and use it as a template, which only requires a few simple steps to build a submission container! The steps are easily done, and you just follow the TODO in one or two files!

    1. Clone this repo locally
    2. Add your algorithm by editing the ./ file
    3. Submit your algorithm by
      • (recommended) use ./ to create a tar.gz of your docker container and upload to GC
      • or link a private repo let GC build the container in the cloud
      • GC documentation on the above two options: how to deploy your container

    For more information on using this repo as a base, please refer to Use This Repo as a Base

  • Submission portal links. We have 8 submission portals in total. Four submission portals for the validation phase, and four for the final-test phase, one for each track and task:

    You are free to submit your algorithm containers to any of the phases. Please use the validation submission portals to make sure your docker containers work as intended. You can submit to validation phases with a daily limit until they close. But final test phases only allow for maximal one or two submissions.

Use This Repo as a Base

Clone this repo

If you want to use this repo as a base, first clone this repo locally. (Optionally, if you intend to submit your algorithm by linking a private GitHub repo, you can follow these steps to clone and set up a private repo.)

Edit ./

You can then adapt the MyCoWSegAlgorithm class in the file. We have marked to most relevant parts you need to change with TODO.

Only three parts need TODO actually:

  1. Specify the track and trask
  2. Set up your model in __init__
  3. Run your inference and return us numpy prediction mask in predict()

Simply specify track and task on top of the file:

# TODO: First, choose your track and task!
# track is either TRACK.CT or TRACK.MR
track = TRACK.MR

Finally, in the predict() method, implement your inference algorithm there, and whatever you do, just return us an numpy array. We will handle the rest of the file conversion and output saving etc from there onwards.

def predict(self, *, image_ct: sitk.Image, image_mr: sitk.Image) -> np.array:
    Inputs will be a pair of CT and MR .mha SimpleITK.Images
    Output is supposed to be an numpy array in (x,y,z)

    # TODO: place your own prediction algorithm here

    # return prediction array
    return pred_array

Requirement for predict() output array shape

For each test case the output of your algorithm must be a prediction array either for the CT or the MR image (depending on the track) and either binary or multi-class (depending on the task).

Your predictions are only evaluated within the ROI containing the CoW. In order for the ROIs of your predictions and the ground-truths to match, it's important that your output mask array must have the same shape as the input image of the modality of the track you submit for.

# under the hood in our
# your pred_array needs to pass this test
assert (
    main_input.GetSize() == pred_array.shape

Testing and deploying Docker container

Update your requirements.txt for your required python libraries.

Make the necessary changes to the Dockerfile:

  • Choose a suitable base image if necessary to build your container (e.g., Tensorflow or Pytorch or even Ubuntu, or a different version of Python base image)
  • Make sure that all required source files (such as model weights and python scripts) are copied to the Docker container with COPY in your Dockerfile
COPY --chown=user:user <somefile> /opt/app/


Once your scripts are ready, you can build the container by bash to test if all dependencies are met.

Test your container!

Highly recommended to test your container by bash locally. This will mimic the GC docker running environment and input to your docker container any mha files you provide in the input folder. It will check the output predictions against what you provide in ./test/expected_output/:

# TODO: Provide the expected output segmentation mask of your algorithm in ./test/expected_output/
# TODO: In the python code snippet below change the following if necessary:

TASK="binary"  # "binary" or "multiclass"

Feel free to change the pair of test images in test/input/images/head-ct-angio/ and test/input/images/head-mr-angio/, and the corresponding expected output in test/expected_output to validate your algorithm works as intended.

Note: the scripts work on a case-by-case basis. So, there should only be 1 CT image and 1 MR image in the corresponding input folders.

Currently, you find test/input/images/head-ct-angio/uuid_of_ct_whole_066.mha and test/input/images/head-mr-angio/uuid_of_mr_whole_066.mha in the input folder and the corresponding outputs from our dummy algorithm in test/expected_output/topcow_mr_whole_066_testdocker_bin_seg.mha

Export and Deploy

If you choose to upload your container to GC directly (instead of linking a private Github repo, see above TLDR), then run to package your docker container image. This will create a .tar.gz file ready for upload to one of our GC submission portals.

NOTE: it is a good idea to rename the default generated file with a more informative name, since we have 2 tracks and 2 tasks:

# e.g. for track MR, task multi-seg:
mv algo_docker_<date>.tar.gz <some_info>_<track><task>_<date>.tar.gz

Making a Challenge Submission

Please refer to the GC documentation on "Submitting your Algorithm container", espeically the "Submission tips".

NOTE: It is recommended to use the GC to "Try Out Algorithm" first:

Once your container is active, please test it out before submitting it to the challenge, you can upload data using the "Try Out Algorithm" button. Please use a representative image and check that the outputs are what you expect. You can inspect the error messages on the Results page of your algorithm.

And that is it! 🤠 All the best for the submission process. Please reach out to us by leaving an issue on this repo or on our challenge forum.

Here is a more detailed version of this readme for your reference: detailed_readme


We are very grateful for the following challenges that provide helpful tutorials and excellent example code! Please have a look at these template repos if you want to deeply customize our repo or for more explanations.


Algorithm submission template repo for the TopCoW2023 challenge on grand-challnge






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