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A pod specification

alloy edited this page Sep 19, 2011 · 21 revisions
class IcePop < Pod::Spec
  version    '1.0.0'                                                                  # 1
  summary    'A library that retrieves the current price of your favorite ice cream.' # 2
  author     'Eloy Durán' => ''                                # 3
  source     :git => '', :tag => '0.4.2           # 4
  dependency 'AsyncSocket', '~> 0.6'                                                  # 5
  1. The version of this pod.
  2. A short summary of this pod’s description. Add description for a more elaborate description.
  3. The author of this pod and his/her email address.
  4. Where to retrieve this pod’s source.
  5. Defines a dependency of the library itself, with a version requirement of 0.6 trough 0.9.

See the [existing specs] and the example PodSpec file for a full list of the available attributes and more detailed information. NOTE: At the moment this example is outdated.