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Simeon Iliev edited this page Aug 16, 2014 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the Diet wiki!

###What is Diet ?

So every project has a classpath right (at least most of them do)? Better yet, at source level it has a /lib folder (or a maven repo as is the current trend).

So a project uses say apache-commons because the people that built it like the StringUtils class. It also uses Guava because they like the awesome MapMaker and other neat collections it provides.

The thing is apache-commons and Guava each have about 500 utilities (if not more) and we just need, what, 4-5 classes from them.

So you probably guessed it by now. We're trying to make a .jar that packages only the classes you need out of your huge list of dependencies.

I agree it rarely matters how large a deployment is, but it can really help Android developers for instance (jaxb.jar is 37MB ...) and it will be fun to write so ... there it is.

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