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基于GhatGLM3-6B和微信聊天记录,克隆一个“你”的微信聊天机器人 |Create a personalised WeChat chat-bot that sounds like you using chat history based on ChatGLM3-6b


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⚠️ AI Translation: Some contents in this README file is AI translated with adaption.


Create your own WeChat bot from scratch with ChatGLM3-6B! This tutorial is designed to be easy to follow for beginners.

This tutorial includes a series of resources, covering steps such as exporting and cleaning WeChat chat histories, renting cloud servers, fine-tuning LLMs, and deployment.


This project used the following projects:

This project was inspired by the following project and blog post:


The tutorial is presented from a MacOS perspective.

First, clone/download this repository to your local machine:

git clone 

1.0 Exporting the WeChat Chat History

There are many guides online for exporting WeChat chat histories, including obtaining the local chat history storage database key. After trying several methods, WechatExporter is currently considered the most convenient solution for me.


  • MacOS
  • iPhone

Detailed process:

  1. Back up your iPhone. Use iTunes for older versions of macOS. For newer versions, please navigate to Finder, finding your phone name on the left menu bar. Do not check "Encrypt backup".
  2. After backup, open the downloaded WechatExporter, input the path of the backup file, and the path where the chat histories will be exported. For convenience, it is recommended to set the export path directly to ChatWithYou.
  3. Check the chat histories you want to export and export them in txt format.

2.0 Clean the Chat Histories

The process I used for chat histories cleaning mainly consists of two parts:

  1. Reformatting the chat histories according to alpaca's Instruction, Input, Output format and converting them into json format;
  2. Merging multiple json files into a one dataset.

2.1 Convert File Format

First, in scripts/, change the path_to_chats to the folder containing the exported chat histories (txt files). By default, the script will create a cleaned_chats folder under the current directory to store the processed chat histories. It's not recommended to change this default output path unless necessary.

Next, in, change the value of the variable you to your WeChat name.

Then, execute in Terminal:

cd ChatWithYou
sh scripts/ will execute to iteratively clean the chat histories. The main functions of the script include:

  1. Removing markers of non-text items such as voice messages, pictures, emojis, voice and video calls, etc., from the chat histories. Since these items are usually enclosed in [ ], the script by default removes all content within square brackets.

  2. "Compressing" and formatting the chat logs.

    For example:

    In your chat with friend A, the script will merge all messages sent by friend A before your first reply into one sentence. Similarly, before friend A replies to your message, all messages you sent will be merged into one sentence. Afterwards, friend A's message will be treated as Instruction, and your reply as Output. Here, Input is assumed to be empty.

This processing is mainly to accommodate the habit of most people and their friends in chat conversations of sending a sentence in multiple parts. However, this method is quite naive and can cause many problems. For example, if you were not the one to end a conversation, the script will link friend A's messages from two conversations together, leading to confusion in the final Instruction logic. The same problem exists when you are the last to reply in a conversation and also the one to start the next conversation. Solving such problems is relatively simple, involving the introduction of time factors from the chat logs and adding some judgment statements. If you have a better processing method, PRs are welcomed~

  1. Outputting the processed chat histories in .json format.

2.2 Merging Chat Histories

Under the current directory, execute in Terminal:

sh scripts/

Here, the combine_chat script will enter the cleaned_chats folder created by get_data earlier and merge the json files inside. If you changed the output directory of get_data, please make the same change to combine_chat's output_dir before running. combine_chat will by default merge the chat histories into a data.json file and store it in the current directory.

2.3 Checking Data Integrity

The logic of the current combine_chat script may cause SyntaxError, so it's recommended to execute multiple times after generating data.json:

python data.json

to check data.json. These minor errors are often caused by an extra comma, which can be directly deleted.

3.0 Fine-tuning LLM

In this tutorial, I will use lora to fine-tune parameters of ChatGLM3-6B.

3.1 Cloud Instance Leasing (Optional)

You can lease any online cloud container you liked. I leased a 1-card V100-32GB for reference. Just make sure the GPU RAM is suitable.

3.2 Supervised Fine-Tuning

Assuming a connection has already been established with the cloud container.

For fine-tuning ChatGLM, I referred to LLaMA-Factory. This project currently allows fine-tuning of many mainstream LLMs, highly recommended. The specific process is clearly introduced in LLaMA-Factory's README, and I only extract the key processes here. It's strongly advised to read the original file.

First, clone/download the project to your local machine:

git clone
  1. Insert the Custom Dataset Info

In LLaMA-Factory/data/dataset_info.json, manually enter the information of our chat history data. If you followed my procedure, adding these following at the end

  "data": {
  "file_name": "data.json",
  "ranking": "false",
  "formatting": "alpaca"

is sufficient. After this, we need to place the data.json we created earlier into LLaMA-Factory/data/.

  1. Virtual Environment (Recommended)

After uploading the reorganised LLaMA-Factory to the cloud instance, it's recommended to create a new environment and install the necessary packages, for example:

virtualenv chatglm-fine-tune #创建虚拟环境
source chatglm-fine-tune/bin/activate #启动虚拟环境

Then, install the necessary dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Start fine-tuning

Here, we begin SFT on a single core of GPU. Here are example of adaptations made to the sample command:

    --stage sft \
    --do_train \
    --model_name_or_path THUDM/chatglm3-6b \
    --dataset data \
    --template default \
    --finetuning_type lora \
    --lora_target q_proj,v_proj \
    --output_dir model-checkpoints \
    --overwrite_cache \
    --per_device_train_batch_size 4 \
    --gradient_accumulation_steps 4 \
    --lr_scheduler_type cosine \
    --logging_steps 10 \
    --save_steps 1000 \
    --learning_rate 5e-5 \
    --num_train_epochs 3.0 \
    --plot_loss \

For some reasons I could not connect to Hugging Face, therefore I have used a Hugging Face mirror and set the environment variable HF_ENDPOINT=

--model_name_or_path should place the name of LLM we wish to fine-tune. This tutorial has used ChatGLM3-6B

--data should place the name of the data we created earlier

--output_dirshould place the desired path to output directory you wish to store the model checkpoints

I suggest you fine-tune a round using the default hyperparameters, and adjust later.

  1. CLI experimenting

When fine-tune is finished, you could play around with the model via command line. Here, we run the following:

python src/ \
    --model_name_or_path THUDM/chatglm3-6b \
    --adapter_name_or_path model-checkpoints \
    --template default \
    --finetuning_type lora

--model_name_or_path and --adapter_name_or_path have values as mentioned before.

4.0 Deployment



基于GhatGLM3-6B和微信聊天记录,克隆一个“你”的微信聊天机器人 |Create a personalised WeChat chat-bot that sounds like you using chat history based on ChatGLM3-6b







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