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Validation guidelines

Rhys Campbell edited this page Feb 12, 2014 · 2 revisions

==Validation rules==

Given navigating to a new form (or page refresh)
When the form is displayed in its DEFAULT state
Then no validation errors should be shown

Given a form has any inputs in INVALID states
When the form is submitted
Then all invalid inputs have validation errors shown
And no valid inputs have validation errors shown

Given an input is in an VALID state
When the input is changed to an invalid state
And the input's action in complete (mouse up on check box or radios button, loses focus on text etc)
Then the validation message for that input should be displayed

Given an input is in an INVALID state
When the input is changed to an valid state
And the input's action in complete (mouse up on check box or radios button, loses focus on text etc)
Then the validation message for that input should be hidden

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