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UX Research Questions Front Desk

kyle-hauber edited this page May 15, 2019 · 7 revisions

Front Desk Employee (FDE) Workflows:

  • Landing:
    • What do Front Desk Employees need to see after they login?
      • Should they land on the search page?
  • Check-in:
    • From what parts of the system should users be able to search? Should the search bar appear on the same page as the wait list?
    • What do Front Desk Employees do to register a participant into the system?
      • Do they understand they need to search first?
    • From what pages do they need to be able to initiate a new participant entry? Is it just the "no results" page?
    • If a participant is already in the system, how do they get added to the wait list?
  • Data Entry: New Participant Entry form
    • Are there any other data fields we need to account for?
    • Does the system need to be able to detect duplicate entries? If so, what are the fields that identify a duplicate? Is it just UID? Is it the combination of Name, and UID?
    • Are STEP appointments handled on this form?
  • Waitlist Management
    • Do they need to manage who goes next?
      • If yes, how do they determine this? Is it purely on check-in time? How does urgency level factor in? What's the urgency level scale and how is it used (ex: what's a 1 vs 3 vs 5)
    • What do FDE's need to document?
      • Do they need to note when a participant has been called up (but not yet seen)?
      • Do they need to note when a participant has been seen? If so, does that data need to be tied to their record?
    • How does a participant get taken off of the wait list?
    • How are STEP appointments added to the list? Can users look ahead to future dates to see what appointments are scheduled?