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Stories in Ready HarvestAPI

cftc srdc

Agricultural API - currently provides Jamaica agriculture data, eg. prices, crops, farms.

Built with Django and REST framework

####Update We are currrently in the process of moving the API to another technology stack. Additionally, steps are currently underway to integrate this API internally at the Rural Agricultural Development Agency (RADA), Kingston, Jamaica.


  • review resources, eg. add 'verified date' field, remove 'farmer_idx' field, etc.
  • document process of getting database copied over to API
  • create resources for prices, livestock
  • finalize the fields that will be exposed and access levels/privacy/permissions
  • work on defining international data standards for crops

##Installation This Django project is heavily reliant on Environmental Variables. To see the various Environment Variables please check out config/local_setting_template.ini. On your target platform please have ready the following:

  • Postgres Database
  • SendGrid Account
  • A target machine (UNIX preferred)

On your target machine setup the environmental variables with the appropriate values (based on your credentials for DB, SendGrid and target machine).

Pull the repository and first do an install using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then run python ./ syncdb. This will setup the database tables for the application.

And presto! You should be able to start the application using python ./ runserver.

-Rationale(Why): Increasingly stakeholders are requesting more agricultural information from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and the Rural Agricultural Development Authority.

###-Objectives(What): Facilitate secure access to the ABIS and JAMIS data by both internal and external stakeholders. Provide opportunities to software developers to create more agricultural related applications. To support and facilitate the fight against praedial larceny by using Information and Communication Technologies(ICT).

###-Audience(Who): Software developers Agricultural stakeholders Government stakeholders Security forces/interests Business interests -Where Managed cloud based solution

###-How API accessible online Secure levels of access to the data using user roles and API keys Procedure (requesting access, etc) System administration Terms of Use Managing timely updates of the data(automated/batch) Technical explanation of how (document this with RADA tech team)

###API Resources: Below are the various types of data/resources that the API currently provides. Farmers - Listing of farmers in ABIS Receipts - Listing of receipt books sold to farmers Farms - Listing of farms/properties, one farmer can have more than one farm Livestock - Listing of livestock records entered by extension officers Crops - Listing of crop records collected by RADA extension officers Prices - Listing of crop price data collected by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries

###Endpoint/Resources - Field Definitions


Field Name Data Type Security Level Nomenclature Field range
IDX_StakeHolder: int INT farmer_idx
StakeHolder_Num: nvarchar(10) VARCHAR farmer_id
First_Name: nvarchar(30) VARCHAR first_name
Last_Name: nvarchar(30) VARCHAR last_name
Alias: nvarchar(30) VARCHAR alias
Res_Street_Address: nvarchar(100) VARCHAR res_address
Res_Parish: nvarchar(20) VARCHAR res_parish
Res_Tele_Num: nvarchar(50) VARCHAR tel_number
Cell_Num: nvarchar(20) VARCHAR cell_number
Verified_Status: int yes/no BOOLEAN verified_status
date_of_birth DATE dob
Main_Agri_Activity_Code: int VARCHAR agri_activity