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Project reference

If this is the first time setting up this project, follow the steps in the System Setup section.

Every other time, make sure that dfx is running. If you want to run it within the same terminal:

dfx start --background

If you would prefer to run it in a separate terminal:

dfx start

To deploy all canisters at once:

dfx deploy

To deploy the canisters with backend dev features enabled:

FEATURES=dev dfx deploy

Else, refer to the following sections.


Command Description
dfx deploy marketing Deploy to a local DFX replica
pnpm turbo start -F marketing Run a local development server


Command Description
dfx deploy frontend Deploy to a local DFX replica
pnpm turbo start -F frontend Run a local development server
pnpm turbo test -F frontend Run unit tests


Command Description
dfx deploy docs Deploy to a local DFX replica
pnpm turbo start -F docs Run a local development server


The primary backend canister for CodeGov proposal review management.

Command Description
dfx deploy backend Deploy to a local DFX replica
cargo test Run unit tests
pnpm turbo test -F backend-integration Run integration tests

NNS Testing

An NNS testing utility tool.

This tool currently supports:

  • Random identity generation
  • Neuron staking
  • RVM proposal creation

All supported actions are performed through self-documenting prompts in the terminal window.

Command Description
pnpm -F nns-testing start Run the tool

System Setup

Add the following to the ~/.bashrc (or .zprofile on Mac) file:

# bin
export PATH="~/bin:$PATH"

Additionally add the following to .zprofile (Mac only):

# bun
export BUN_INSTALL="$HOME/.bun"
export PATH="$BUN_INSTALL/bin:$PATH"

Enable .bashrc (or .zprofile on Mac) changes in your current shell:

source ~/.bashrc

Install Homebrew (Mac only):

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Install system dependencies (Mac only):

brew install jq wget

Install system dependencies (Linux only):

sudo apt install -y unzip jq

WARNING! The following setup script will install software on your system, please review it before running it. Most notably, it will reinstall DFX and wipe out any local state that you have. Follow the steps manually if you don't want to lose state or if you prefer to install the software manually. This will not affect any global or other project-specific networks. Running this script multiple times will not cause any issues and can be used to update the software it installs or to clean up the local project state.

The system setup script installs dfxvm to manage versions of DFX. If dfxvm is already installed, it will be updated to the latest version.

If dfx is installed, but dfxvm is not, it's recommended to uninstall dfx first. This can be done by running the following (this will affect any global or other project-specific networks):


Run the system setup script.


  • fnm will warn about missing environment variables, this is fine.
  • The script may also pause execution to prompt for an administrator password.

Add the following to the ~/.bashrc (or .zprofile on Mac) file:

# fnm
export PATH="~/.fnm:$PATH"
eval "$(fnm env --use-on-cd)"

Enable .bashrc (or .zprofile on Mac) changes in your current shell:

source ~/.bashrc

Additionaly, on Mac, run:

source "$HOME/Library/Application Support/org.dfinity.dfx/env"

Install NPM dependencies:

pnpm i

Create a src/marketing/.env file with the following contents:


Create a src/frontend/.env file with the following contents:



Google Chrome

A Google Chrome installation is required to run Angular unit tests in WSL. Google Chrome installation instructions are based on those provided by Microsoft.

Change directory to temporary folder:

cd /tmp

Download the latest stable Google Chrome:


Install the downloaded package:

sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

Fix the package:

sudo apt install --fix-broken -y

Configure the package:

sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

Test the installation by running Google Chrome:


Using DFX

Managing Users

The controller of the canister has an admin role assigned to it when the canister is deployed for the first time. This role can be used to manage other users. The controller of the canister is whatever identity is selected when the canister is first deployed. Using the default identity is recommended for this purpose locally for simplicity.

The user must exist before they can be assigned a role. To create another user, first create a new identity with DFX with the following command, replacing ${identityName} with a name of your choice. --storage-mode plaintext is optional, but easier to use when simply testing locally. The default storage mode will require a password every time a call is made with that identity.

dfx identity new --storage-mode plaintext ${identityName}

To view all of the identities that have been created, and also the current selected identity (it will have an * next to it), run:

dfx identity list

To select your new identity, run:

dfx identity use ${identityName}

To then create a profile for this identity, run the following command. This command will return the ID of the profile that was created. This ID is needed to assign roles to the user.

dfx canister call backend create_my_user_profile

To get the profile (including the id) of the current identity at any other time, run:

dfx canister call backend get_my_user_profile

Before changing the role of this user, switch back to the controller identity:

dfx identity use default

To assign a user as an admin, run the following command:

  • Replace ${userId} with the ID of the profile that was created earlier.
  • Replace ${username} with this user's username.
  • Replace ${bio} with this user's bio.
dfx canister call backend update_user_profile '(record { user_id = "${userId}"; username = opt "${username}"; config = opt variant { admin = record { bio = opt "${bio}" } } })'

To assign a user as a reviewer, run the following command:

  • Replace ${userId} with the ID of the profile that was created earlier.
  • Replace ${username} with this user's username.
  • Replace ${bio} with this user's bio.
  • Replace ${neuronId} with the neuron ID of the neuron that this user will use to vote.
  • Replace ${walletAddress} with the wallet address that this user will use to receive bounties.

Valid values for neuronId and walletAddress can be found on the Internet Computer dashboard.

dfx canister call backend update_user_profile '(record { user_id = "${userId}"; username = opt "${username}"; config = opt variant { reviewer = record { bio = opt "${bio}"; neuron_id = opt ${neuronId}; wallet_address = opt "${walletAddress}" } } })'

Any property preceded by opt is optional and can be omitted. For example, to only change the username of a user:

dfx canister call backend update_user_profile '(record { user_id = "${userId}"; username = opt "${username}"; })'

Listing open proposals

To list open replica version management proposals:


Creating closed proposals

  1. Make sure the backend canister has been deployed with dev features enabled:
    FEATURES=dev dfx deploy backend
  2. Check if there are any existing proposals:
    dfx canister call backend list_proposals
  3. If needed, create additional proposals using the nns-testing tool:
    pnpm -F nns-testing start
  4. Manually sync proposals:
    dfx canister call backend sync_proposals
  5. Check if the proposals have been created:
    dfx canister call backend list_proposals
  6. Close a proposal:
    dfx canister call backend close_proposal '("${id}")'

Creating proposals

  • The method to call on the NNS governance canister is manage_neuron.
  • This method takes a ManageNeuron record as an argument.
    • id is optional and can be omitted.
    • neuron_id_or_subaccount should be the ID of the proposing neuron using a [NeuronIdOrSubaccount::NeuronId] record.
    • command takes a Command::MakeProposal variant as a value.
  • Command::MakeProposal takes a Proposal record as its value.
    • url can be an empty string.
    • title is the title of the proposal.
    • summary is the summary of the proposal.
    • action is the most important property and determines the type of proposal, it takes an Action variant as its value.
  • The Action::ExecuteNnsFunction variant can execute several different NNS function. It takes the identically named ExecuteNnsFunction record as a value.
    • nns_function is a number corresponding to the NNS function to execute. The mapping between numbers and NNS functions can be found in the NnsFunction enum.
    • payload is the Candid encoded argument for the corresponding NNS function. The types for this argument can be found in the appropriate canister's declaration. A mapping between NNS functions and their corresponding canisters can be found in the NnsFunction::canister_and_function function definition.
    • For example, the UpdateElectedReplicaVersions uses number 38 and its payload is the UpdateElectedReplicaVersionsPayload record.

Manually syncing proposals

To manually trigger the proposals synchronization from the Nervous Systems, run the following command:

dfx canister call backend sync_proposals

This method can be called at any time, since if the proposals were already synced in the cron job, they won't be synced again.