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Test Reusable.shouldComponentUpdate
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japgolly committed Apr 25, 2015
1 parent 3286f2c commit 96f16a1
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@@ -1,11 +1,118 @@
package japgolly.scalajs.react.extra
package japgolly.scalajs.react
package extra

import scalaz.effect.IO
import utest._
import vdom.prefix_<^._
import test._
import ScalazReact._

object ReusabilityTest extends TestSuite {

object SampleComponent1 {
case class Picture(id: Long, url: String, title: String)
case class Props(name: String, age: Option[Int], pic: Picture)

implicit val picReuse = Picture).id)
implicit val propsReuse = Reusable.caseclass3(Props.unapply)

var renderCount = 0

val component = ReactComponentB[Props]("Demo")
.render { (_, *) =>
renderCount += 1
<.p("Name: ", *.name),
<.p("Age: ", *.age.fold("Unknown")(_.toString)),
<.img(^.src := *.pic.url, ^.title := *.pic.title))

object SampleComponent2 {
var outerRenderCount = 0
var innerRenderCount = 0
type M = Map[Int, String]

val outerComponent = ReactComponentB[M]("Demo")
.backend(new Backend(_))

class Backend($: BackendScope[_, M]) {
val updateUser = ReusableFn((id: Int, data: String) =>
$.modStateIO(_.updated(id, data)))
def render = {
outerRenderCount += 1
$ { case (id, name) =>
innerComponent.withKey(id)(InnerProps(name, updateUser(id)))

case class InnerProps(name: String, update: String ~=> IO[Unit])
implicit val propsReuse = Reusable.caseclass2(InnerProps.unapply)

val innerComponent = ReactComponentB[InnerProps]("PersonEditor")
.render { (p, _) =>
innerRenderCount += 1
^.`type` := "text",
^.value :=,
^.onChange ~~> ((e: ReactEventI) => p.update(

val tests = TestSuite {

'shouldComponentUpdate {
'reusableState {
import SampleComponent1._

val pic1a = Picture(1, "asdf", "qer")
val pic1b = Picture(1, "eqwrg", "seafr")
val pic2 = Picture(2, "asdf", "qer")

val c = ReactTestUtils renderIntoDocument component(Props("n", None, pic1a))
def test(expectDelta: Int, s: Props): Unit = {
val a = renderCount
c setState s
assert(renderCount == a + expectDelta)
val (update,ignore) = (1,0)

test(ignore, Props("n", None, pic1a))
test(update, Props("!", None, pic1a))
test(ignore, Props("!", None, pic1a))
test(ignore, Props("!", None, pic1b))
test(update, Props("!", None, pic2))
test(ignore, Props("!", None, pic2))
test(update, Props("!", Some(3), pic2))
test(update, Props("!", Some(4), pic2))
test(ignore, Props("!", Some(4), pic2))
test(update, Props("!", Some(5), pic2))

'reusableProps {
import SampleComponent2._
val data1: M = Map(1 -> "One", 2 -> "Two", 3 -> "Three")
val data2: M = Map(1 -> "One", 2 -> "Two", 3 -> "33333")
val c = ReactTestUtils renderIntoDocument outerComponent(data1)
assert(outerRenderCount == 1, innerRenderCount == 3)
assert(outerRenderCount == 2, innerRenderCount == 3)
c setState data2
assert(outerRenderCount == 3, innerRenderCount == 4)

'option {
def test(vs: Option[Boolean]*) =
for {a <- vs; b <- vs}
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