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ListenUp - Music Sharing App

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Product Spec
  3. Wireframes
  4. Schema



An app for sharing songs with others.

App Evaluation

  • Category: Music
  • Mobile: Real-time and audio.
  • Story: A platform for music-lovers to share their favorite songs with other music-lovers.
  • Market: No theoretical limit. Practically it's how many rows we can create on a Parse backend without paying. Demographic is people that listen to music.
  • Habit: Consumption and creation app used as frequently as a music-lover decides to listen to music and keep up with other music-lovers.
  • Scope: A stripped down version of the app would be functional and still true to the idea. Although challenging, the product we intend to build is reasonable in terms of completing this app by the end of the program.

Product Spec

1. User Stories (Required and Optional)

Required Must-have Stories

  • [✅] User can sign up and log in to app
  • [✅] User can view other posted songs
  • [✅] User can listen to previews of songs
  • [✅] User can open the song in other streaming services
  • [✅] User can post songs
  • [✅] User can favorite songs
  • [✅] User can view their favorite songs

Optional Nice-to-have Stories

  • [✅] User can share streaming links from in the app
  • [✅] User can Sign In with Apple
  • [✅] User can switch between grid view and list view
  • [✅] User can filter by genre (or other tags, potentially)
  • [] User can comment on posted songs
  • [] User can open the app from the share page in other apps to quickly create a post

2. Screen Archetypes

  • Log-in & Sign up
    • User can sign up and log in to app
  • Feed
    • User can view other posted songs
    • User can listen to previews of songs
    • User can favorite songs
    • User can post songs
  • Favorites
    • User can view the songs they've liked
  • Safari View Controller
    • User can open the song in other streaming services

3. Navigation

Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)

  • Feed
  • Favorites
  • Settings

Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)

  • Log-in & Sign Up
    • Tab Bar View
      • Shows Feed, Favorites, Settings
  • Feed
    • Create Posts
    • Safari View Controller
  • Favorites
    • Safari View Controller


[BONUS] Digital Wireframes & Mockups

See Digital Wireframe above.

[BONUS] Interactive Prototype



propertyName Type Description
submittedPosts [Post] Array of posts that the user has submitted
upvotedPosts [Post] Array of posts that the user has upvoted
favoritedPosts [Post] Array of posts that the user has favorited; favoriting a post is more significant than upvoting a post (save vs upvote on reddit, for example)
downvotedPosts [Post] Array of posts that the user has downvoted
username String username for this user (managed by Parse?)
password String password for this user (managed by Parse?)


propertyName Type Description
id Int The ID of the post
song Song The song will be stored in the SongResult object (Description below)
songLink String URL SongWhip Link given by API
upvotes Int Number of upvotes for the post
downvotes Int Number of downvotes for the post
calculatedScore Int Difference between upvotes and downvotes
createdAt Date Swift Date describing time of creation of post
createdBy User User that created the post


  • Log-in & Sign up
    • (Create/POST) Create a new profile
    • (Read/GET) Read user credentials and find a match
  • Feed
    • (Read/GET) Query all posts with the highest calculated score as a sorter
       let query = PFQuery(className: "Post")
       query.limit = numberOfPostsLoaded
       query.findObjectsInBackground { posts, error in
           if let error = error {
           else {
               guard let posts = posts else {
                   print("An unknown error occurred.")
               // Do something with posts...
    • (Create/POST) Create a new upvote
    • (Delete) Delete a previous upvote
    • (Create/POST) Create a new downvote
    • (Delete) Delete a previous downvote
  • Create Post
    • (Read/GET) Search for a song using the iTunes Search API
    • (Create/POST) Create a new post
  • Favorites
    • (Read/GET) Query all posts which have been favorited by the user

Existing API Endpoints

We'll also be creating the following classes to manage our API responses from the iTunes Search API.

Base URL: ""

GET: "/search"

  • Options
    • term -> search term given by user
    • entity=song


propertyName Type Description
artistName String Name of the artist
trackName String Name of the track
collectionName String Name of the collection
trackCensoredName String Name of the track (non-explicit)
collectionCensoredName String Name of the collection (non-explicit)
previewUrl String URL Link to the 30-second track preview
artworkUrl[size] String URL Link to the track artwork
releaseDate Date Release date of the tack
primaryGenreName String The specific genre the track belongs to
trackName String Name of the track


propertyName Type Description
resultsCount Int Number of results returned by API
results [SongResult] Array of SongResult objects

Progress Tracking

Sprint 1:

  • Issue #3: User can sign up and log in to the app

Sprint 2:

  • Issue #4: User can view songs posted by others
  • Issue #6: User can open the song in other streaming services
  • Issue #8: User can post songs

Sprint 3:

  • Issue #5: User can listen to previews of songs
  • Issue #7: User can favorite songs
  • Issue #9: User can share streaming links from inside the app
  • Issue #12: User can view favorited posts
  • Minor Bug Fixes!
  • Revamped UI for Post Screen

Sprint 4:

  • Issue #10: User can switch between paged view and list view
  • Issue #11: User can filter by genre
  • Issue #23: User can have access to more settings
  • Minor Bug Fixes!
  • Revamped UI for Post Screen

  • Issue #24: User can Sign In with Apple
  • Revamped Login Screen!


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published
