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A coffee review app, similar to a social media app. Like and share coffee shops that you enjoyed and leave reviews.

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Repository files navigation


Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Product Spec
  3. Wireframes
  4. Schema



Our app is a coffee review, similar to a social media app. Users are able to like and share coffee shops that you enjoyed and leave reviews. They can also use their location to discover new coffee shops and see proximity on a map.

App Evaluation

  • Category: Food/Social
  • Mobile: Use Google Maps, Camera App, Locations
  • Story: Allows users to discover new coffee shops near them and share their opinions.
  • Market: Coffee Lovers
  • Habit: Users can use the app whenever in need of a new cafe or coffee shop location and want the opinions of other coffee lovers.
  • Scope: Viewing nearby coffee shops and showing reviews from other users. We hope that eventually users can review drinks from coffee shops after exposure.

Product Spec

1. User Stories (Required and Optional)

Required Must-have Stories

  • Show a list of cafes based off current location
  • Obtain reviews and comments based off cafe selected
  • Display review images in Carousel view
  • Obtain geographical information from user
  • Use phone to call cafes and Google Maps to give directions
  • Show user profile with user info and their favorite places
  • Connect to Foursquare/Yelp API and query based on keywords
  • Ability for user to create an account and edit profile information
  • Ability compose write reviews and delete reviews on their profile
  • Uses in-app camera through CameraX API to take photos for reviews
  • Show nearby cafes with searched name in a search view

Optional Nice-to-have Stories

  • Award users badges based off review count (Coffee bean on profile page fills with review count)
  • Show a map of the place with places to visit being displayed
  • Ability to have recommendations based on previously liked or recommended places.
  • Recommender system that learns from previous choices
  • Cache common requests reduce API calls

Video Walkthrough

Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories:

GIF created with LiceCap.

GIF created with LiceCap.

GIF created with LiceCap.

2. Screen Archetypes

  • Login/SignUp Screen
    • Ability to create an account
  • Feed/Timeline Screen
    • Lists recommended places to visit based on geographical location
    • Connect to Foursquare/Yelp API and query based on keywords
    • Show similar places based on the currently viewed page
  • Place detail View
    • Displays reviews (could be from Yelp or similar) of the place
    • Show place information through API
    • Cache commonly viewed details to reduce latency from API calls
  • Search View
    • Displays closest places in a list with pictures or in a grid
  • User Account
    • Displays user account, list of liked places, and options to change username and user information

3. Navigation

Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)

  • Search Places
  • Nearby Places
  • User Account

Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)

  • Login
    • Nearby Places
  • Nearby Places
    • Detail Screens
      • Reviews Feed
      • Comments
    • Profile (from Reviews Card)
  • User Page
    • Logout (to Login)
    • Detail Page of Reviews
    • Comments of reviews


[BONUS] Digital Wireframes & Mockups

[BONUS] Interactive Prototype




Property Type Description
objectId String An ID that is unique for each user
username String Display name for the app
password String Allows users to access account (private)
name String User's actual name
picture File User's profile picture
bio String A short description to get to know the user
reviewCount Number Keeps track of activity on the account


Property Type Description
objectId String An Id unique to each post
userId Pointer User that created the post
placeId String A unique Id representing the place (from Foursquare/Yelp API)
rating Number Rating for the review
review String User's opinions


Property Type Description
objectId String Unique ID for an uploaded image
reviewId String A reviewID to be fetched when showing a review
image File Image file of the image


Property Type Description
objectId String Unique ID for a comment
reviewId String A reviewId to be fetched when showing the comment under a review
userId String A userId to be fetched when showing user information in a review


  • Feed
    • GET average ratings from user reviews of the place
    • GET from Yelp API for places
  • Profile
    • GET username, picture, bio, reviews (text and images), comments
    • GET user reviews based on descending order of ratings
  • Place Detail
    • GET place information, reviews (text and images), comments
    • GET user information for reviews and comments
    • POST review (text and upload images)
    • POST comments on reviews
  • Review Detail
    • GET review (text and images), comments
    • GET user information
  • Login
    • POST for option to SignUp
    • GET user login information for authentication
  • [Create basic snippets for each Parse network request]
  • [OPTIONAL: List endpoints if using existing API such as Yelp]


A coffee review app, similar to a social media app. Like and share coffee shops that you enjoyed and leave reviews.







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