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Terminal Setup

Steps for getting a customizable terminal config.

  1. Install Homebrew package manager for MacOS.

  2. Install iTerm2 terminal emulator.

  3. Install Starship cross-shell prompt.

  4. Install Oh My Zsh, a community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration.

  5. Install zsh-syntax-highlighting to enable syntax highlighting in the terminal.

  6. Edit the .zshrc config file to enable the installed prompts and plugins.

    • Open the terminal.

    • Open the .zshrc config file in a text editor:

      • vim ~/.zshrc
    • Now find the line starting with ZSH_THEME= and comment the line out by adding a # at the start of the line.

      • # example config
        # ZSH_THEME="robbyrussell"
    • Then enable the zsh-syntax-highlighting plugin. Find the plugin directive in the config file and add zsh-syntax-highlighting to the end of the list of plugins:

    • Finally enable the Starship prompt:

      • Scroll to the end of the config and paste the following:

      • eval "$(starship init zsh)"
      • Save config file.

  7. Install Powerline symbols/fonts for the Starship prompt.

    • Download the PowerlineSymbols.otf font pack from Github:

    • Double click / open the downloaded font pack. This will open a Font Book window.

      • Click on the Install font button to install the font onto your system.
    • Update the iTerm preferences to use the Powerline fonts.

      • Switch to an iTerm window and click on the iTerm2 menu item in the top left corner of the screen. Then select Preferences. Or use the shortcut keys command + ,

      • In the Preferences window, switch to the Profiles tab (in the top of the Preferences window).

      • Select a profile (if not using the Default profile).

      • Select the Text tab on the right section.

      • Find and check the option Use a different font form non-ASCII text. This should now display the Non-ASCII Font section under the checkbox.

      • In the Non-ASCII Font section, click the font selection box and select PowerlineSymbols.

  8. Restart the terminal or import the new settings:

    • source ~/.zshrc

Now you should have a terminal that looks something like this:


Powerline install notes for Windows (WSL)

iTerm is not available for Windows, Hyper is a good alternative. You will need to search Google for setting up zsh and oh-my-zsh in WSL.

Then, you'll need to install the Powerline fonts manually.

  1. Clone the repo from here:

  2. cd into the repo root and install the fonts with Powershell:

    • .\install.ps1
  3. Select a Powerline compatible font in your terminal emulator (Hyper, for example).


Custom terminal setup







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