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Speed & accuracy improvements to pseudo element rendering.
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Previously, pseudo elements would be processed as they were found in the DOM tree, which was
an expensive operation as each element's computed :before and :after style was checked for
'content' styles.

This commit traverses the user's stylesheets for :before and :after selectors, gathers the classes
affected, selects all elements that likely have a pseudo element present, then checks computed style.
If there is actually an element present, it is created but *not* appended to the DOM until after
all elements have been processed.

After all elements have been found and created, they are added to the DOM in a single batch, and the original
pseudo elements are hidden in a single batch. This prevents the layout invalidation / relayout loop that was
occuring previously, and in my tests speeds parsing by as much as 50% or more, depending on how many
pseudo elements your page uses.

Additionally, this commit contains a bugfix to the handling of ":before" pseudo elements; the browser effectively
inserts them as the first child of the element, not before the element. This fixes a few rendering inconsistencies
and complicated pages look almost perfect in my tests.
  • Loading branch information
ssafejava committed Sep 18, 2013
1 parent e115180 commit 8bea01b
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Showing 3 changed files with 305 additions and 101 deletions.
202 changes: 152 additions & 50 deletions build/html2canvas.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1041,36 +1041,162 @@ _html2canvas.Parse = function (images, options, cb) {
body = doc.body,
getCSS = Util.getCSS,
pseudoHide = "___html2canvas___pseudoelement",
hidePseudoElements = doc.createElement('style');
hidePseudoElementsStyles = doc.createElement('style');

hidePseudoElements.innerHTML = '.' + pseudoHide + '-before:before { content: "" !important; display: none !important; }' +
'.' + pseudoHide + '-after:after { content: "" !important; display: none !important; }';
hidePseudoElementsStyles.innerHTML = '.' + pseudoHide +
'-parent:before { content: "" !important; display: none !important; }' +
'.' + pseudoHide + '-parent:after { content: "" !important; display: none !important; }';


images = images || {};


function init() {
var background = getCSS(document.documentElement, "backgroundColor"),
transparentBackground = (Util.isTransparent(background) && element === document.body),
stack = renderElement(element, null, false, transparentBackground);

// create pseudo elements in a single pass to prevent synchronous layouts

parseChildren(element, stack, null, function() {
parseChildren(element, stack, function() {
if (transparentBackground) {
background = stack.backgroundColor;


Util.log('Done parsing, moving to Render.');

backgroundColor: background,
stack: stack

// Given a root element, find all pseudo elements below, create elements mocking pseudo element styles
// so we can process them as normal elements, and hide the original pseudo elements so they don't interfere
// with layout.
function addPseudoElements(el) {
// These are done in discrete steps to prevent a relayout loop caused by addClass() invalidating
// layouts & getPseudoElement calling getComputedStyle.
var jobs = [], classes = [];

function getPseudoElementClasses(){
var findPsuedoEls = /:before|:after/;
var sheets = document.styleSheets;
for (var i = 0, j = sheets.length; i < j; i++) {
try {
var rules = sheets[i].cssRules;
for (var k = 0, l = rules.length; k < l; k++) {
if(findPsuedoEls.test(rules[k].selectorText)) {
catch(e) { // will throw security exception for style sheets loaded from external domains

// Trim off the :after and :before (or ::after and ::before)
for (i = 0, j = classes.length; i < j; i++) {
classes[i] = classes[i].match(/(^[^:]*)/)[1];

// Using the list of elements we know how pseudo el styles, create fake pseudo elements.
function findPseudoElements(el) {
var els = document.querySelectorAll(classes.join(','));
for(var i = 0, j = els.length; i < j; i++) {

// Create pseudo elements & add them to a job queue.
function createPseudoElements(el) {
var before = getPseudoElement(el, ':before'),
after = getPseudoElement(el, ':after');

if(before) {
jobs.push({type: 'before', pseudo: before, el: el});

if (after) {
jobs.push({type: 'after', pseudo: after, el: el});

// Adds a class to the pseudo's parent to prevent the original before/after from messing
// with layouts.
// Execute the inserts & addClass() calls in a batch to prevent relayouts.
function runJobs() {
// Add Class
addClass(job.el, pseudoHide + "-parent");

// Insert el
if(job.type === 'before'){
job.el.insertBefore(job.pseudo, job.el.firstChild);
} else {

// Delete our fake pseudo elements from the DOM. This will remove those actual elements
// and the classes on their parents that hide the actual pseudo elements.
// Note that NodeLists are 'live' collections so you can't use a for loop here. They are
// actually deleted from the NodeList after each iteration.
function removePseudoElements(){
// delete pseudo elements
var pseudos = document.getElementsByClassName(pseudoHide + "-element");
while (pseudos.length) {

// Remove pseudo hiding classes
var parents = document.getElementsByClassName(pseudoHide + "-parent");
while(parents.length) {
removeClass(parents[0], pseudoHide + "-parent");

function addClass (el, className) {
if (el.classList) {
} else {
el.className = el.className + " " + className;

function removeClass (el, className) {
if (el.classList) {
} else {
el.className = el.className.replace(className, "").trim();

function hasClass (el, className) {
return el.className.indexOf(className) > -1;

// Note that this doesn't work in < IE8, but we don't support that anyhow
function nodeListToArray (nodeList) {

function documentWidth () {
return Math.max(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1831,20 +1957,25 @@ _html2canvas.Parse = function (images, options, cb) {

function getPseudoElement(el, which) {
var elStyle = window.getComputedStyle(el, which);
if(!elStyle || !elStyle.content || elStyle.content === "none" || elStyle.content === "-moz-alt-content" || elStyle.display === "none") {
var parentStyle = window.getComputedStyle(el);
// If no content attribute is present, the pseudo element is hidden,
// or the parent has a content property equal to the content on the pseudo element,
// move along.
if(!elStyle || !elStyle.content || elStyle.content === "none" || elStyle.content === "-moz-alt-content" ||
elStyle.display === "none" || parentStyle.content === elStyle.content) {
var content = elStyle.content + '',
first = content.substr( 0, 1 );
//strips quotes
if(first === content.substr( content.length - 1 ) && first.match(/'|"/)) {
content = content.substr( 1, content.length - 2 );
var content = elStyle.content + '';

// Strip inner quotes
if(content[0] === "'" || content[0] === "\"") {
content = content.replace(/(^['"])|(['"]$)/g, '');

var isImage = content.substr( 0, 3 ) === 'url',
elps = document.createElement( isImage ? 'img' : 'span' );

elps.className = pseudoHide + "-before " + pseudoHide + "-after";
elps.className = pseudoHide + "-element ";

Object.keys(elStyle).filter(indexedProperty).forEach(function(prop) {
// Prevent assigning of read only CSS Rules, ex. length, parentRule
Expand All @@ -1867,31 +1998,6 @@ _html2canvas.Parse = function (images, options, cb) {
return (isNaN(window.parseInt(property, 10)));

function injectPseudoElements(el, stack) {
var before = getPseudoElement(el, ':before'),
after = getPseudoElement(el, ':after');
if(!before && !after) {

if(before) {
el.className += " " + pseudoHide + "-before";
el.parentNode.insertBefore(before, el);
parseElement(before, stack, true);
el.className = el.className.replace(pseudoHide + "-before", "").trim();

if (after) {
el.className += " " + pseudoHide + "-after";
parseElement(after, stack, true);
el.className = el.className.replace(pseudoHide + "-after", "").trim();


function renderBackgroundRepeat(ctx, image, backgroundPosition, bounds) {
var offsetX = Math.round(bounds.left + backgroundPosition.left),
offsetY = Math.round( +;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2079,7 +2185,7 @@ _html2canvas.Parse = function (images, options, cb) {
return bounds;

function renderElement(element, parentStack, pseudoElement, ignoreBackground) {
function renderElement(element, parentStack, ignoreBackground) {
var transform = getTransform(element, parentStack),
bounds = getBounds(element, transform),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2109,10 +2215,6 @@ _html2canvas.Parse = function (images, options, cb) {
renderBorders(ctx, border.args, border.color);

if (!pseudoElement) {
injectPseudoElements(element, stack);

case "IMG":
if ((image = loadImage(element.getAttribute('src')))) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2153,20 +2255,20 @@ _html2canvas.Parse = function (images, options, cb) {
return (getCSS(element, 'display') !== "none" && getCSS(element, 'visibility') !== "hidden" && !element.hasAttribute("data-html2canvas-ignore"));

function parseElement (element, stack, pseudoElement, cb) {
function parseElement (element, stack, cb) {
if (!cb) {
cb = function(){};
if (isElementVisible(element)) {
stack = renderElement(element, stack, pseudoElement, false) || stack;
stack = renderElement(element, stack, false) || stack;
if (!ignoreElementsRegExp.test(element.nodeName)) {
return parseChildren(element, stack, pseudoElement, cb);
return parseChildren(element, stack, cb);

function parseChildren(element, stack, pseudoElement, cb) {
function parseChildren(element, stack, cb) {
var children = Util.Children(element);
// After all nodes have processed, finished() will call the cb.
// We add one and kick it off so this will still work when children.length === 0.
Expand All @@ -2185,7 +2287,7 @@ _html2canvas.Parse = function (images, options, cb) {

function parseNode(node) {
if (node.nodeType === node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
parseElement(node, stack, pseudoElement, finished);
parseElement(node, stack, finished);
} else if (node.nodeType === node.TEXT_NODE) {
renderText(element, node, stack);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2706,9 +2808,9 @@ window.html2canvas = function(elements, opts) {
useOverflow: true,
letterRendering: false,
chinese: false,
async: false, // If true, parsing will not block, but if the user scrolls during parse the image can get weird

// render options

width: null,
height: null,
taintTest: true, // do a taint test with all images before applying to canvas
Expand Down

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