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Adds a command to jekyll to import the content of a notino database to the _posts folder. Updates existing posts, but doesn't delete them.


Install the gem

Add the following to your site's Gemfile

gem 'jekyll-notion-import'

Add the following to your jekyll config:

  - jekyll-notion-import

Get your Notion integration token

Get a token from Notion by creating an integration and giving it read permissions on the database you want to import.

Add the token as an env var locally (via something like direnv), or if running this command remotely, add it to your build environment:

export NOTION_TOKEN=<token value>

Configure Jekyll to read from the database

In your _config.yml, add the section that defines the database. THis currently uses the same format as laid out here

Run the command

jekyll notion_import


Enrique Arias for

Orbit for Notion Ruby Client