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Pocato - Your CLI Task Manager

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Welcome to Pocato, a simple command-line interface tool designed to help you manage your tasks and stay organized. The current release is a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and consists of just the core task manager application (todo app). The vision is to tightly integrate this task manager with the Pomodoro Technique and a calendar, creating a comprehensive productivity ecosystem. There are big plans for the future, including web and desktop applications, so stay tuned for exciting updates!


  • Task Creation: Easily create tasks with a title.
  • Task List: View a list of all your tasks, including their status.
  • Task Status: Mark task as started (but not completed), blocked, cancelled or paused.
  • Task Completion: Mark task as complete.
  • Task Deletion: Remove tasks that are no longer needed.

Installation (Linux)

To use Pocato, you need to have rust and cargo installed on your system. (If not, I recommend install both with rustup)

  1. Clone the repository and cd into the root of the project:
     git clone
     cd pocato
  2. Build with cargo:
    cargo build --bin "pct" --release
  3. Move to compiled app into the bin folder:
    sudo mv target/release/pct /usr/bin/
  4. Run tocapo with the 'help' command to learn all commands (or read Usage section below):
    pct help


Here are all commands to get you started:

Command + Description
pct add <Enter task name> Create a new task.
pct show Show all tasks the database.
pct show <Enter task ID> Show a specific task.
pct start <Enter task ID> Start a specific task.
pct block <Enter task ID> Block a specific task.
pct cancel <Enter task ID> Cancel a specific task.
pct pause <Enter task ID> Pause a specific task.
pct finish <Enter task ID> Check off a specific task.
pct delete <Enter task ID> Delete a specific task.
pct help Show the help menu.
------------------------------ ------------------------------


I value your feedback! If you encounter any issues, have suggestions, or want to report a bug, please feel free to create an issue in the GitHub repository.

Tech Stack

The CLI Task Manager App is built using the following technologies and tools:

  • Rust Programming Language: Rust was chosen for its strong emphasis on safety, speed, and performance, making it an excellent choice for building a reliable task manager.

  • Clap for CLI Parsing: Currently, Clap library is used for command-line parsing. Clap simplifies command-line argument parsing and provides a great user experience. Custom solutions may be explored in the future for better integration.

  • SQLite as Database: The application currently stores task data in an SQLite database. This choice was made for its simplicity and portability. Plans include migrating to PostgreSQL in the future to support a distributed task management system.

Stay tuned for updates as I continue to enhance and optimize the technology stack to provide you with a better task management experience.


While this MVP CLI version provides only the essential task management functionality, exciting plans are in store for the future:

  • Web Application: A user-friendly web application with an intuitive interface is in the works.
  • Desktop Application: A desktop version is planned for even more convenience.
  • Sync and Backup: Stay organized across devices with task synchronization and data backup.
  • Customization: Customize your task manager with themes and categories.

Keep an eye on our GitHub repository and website for updates and release announcements!


At the moment the project is licensed under CreativeCommons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC-ND). This project will be relicensed in the future under a different license. CC BY-NC-ND was chosen to keep all options for relicensing open. For details, please see the LICENSE file.

Thank you for choosing Tocapo! I hope it helps you stay organized and productive. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out in the GitHub discussion tab.

Happy task management! 🚀📋


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