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Javier Ferrer edited this page Mar 26, 2019 · 3 revisions

πŸ‘‹ Welcome to the P2P Editor Wiki!

πŸ€” What you'll find in this Wiki?

We have the P2P Editor backlog managed as GitHub issues organized in a Kanban project. We even have defined some milestones 😬

However, there're a lot of ideas and moon shots we're thinking about while developing theis project. We don't want neither to lose these ideas on the road nor add this noise to the project backlog. Soooo…

🧠 Features brainstorm

πŸ‘₯ Pair programming experience

  • Let other users (not only the one who has opened the session) edit source code
  • Audio communication between the users connected to a session
  • Video streaming of the user with the control of the code editor

πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Editor improvements

πŸ“‚ Workspace improvements

  • Multi file editor
    • Doubt: A hypercore instance per file and another one for the file system?
  • Open/Save project to GitHub
    • Theia: GitHub Plug-in useful for generating SSH keys
    • Doubt: As Gists (less ceremony involved) or whole repositories?

πŸŽ₯ Code reviews

  • Session replay:
    • Export all data generated during session (timed code changes, audio, ΒΏvideo?, etc.) for future session replay
  • Open a session file for replay. A player will let you to navigate through the session
  • While exporting a file, create a torrent file (and push to some trackers?)

πŸ’‘ Inspiration