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Introducing RN-Alertify, your go-to library for seamlessly integrating alert notifications into your React Native (RN) applications for both Android and iOS platforms. RN-Alertify simplifies the process of displaying alerts, ensuring a hassle-free experience for developers and users alike.


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React Native Alertify

Introducing RN-Alertify, your go-to library for seamlessly integrating alert notifications into your React Native (RN) applications for both Android and iOS platforms. RN-Alertify simplifies the process of displaying alerts, ensuring a hassle-free experience for developers and users alike.


  • Flexible Alert Configuration: Customize the appearance and behavior of alerts by leveraging a wide range of configuration options.
  • Title and Message: Display informative titles and descriptive messages to provide context within the alerts.
  • Alert Types: Choose from various pre-defined alert types, including success, error, info, and warning, to convey different levels of urgency or importance.
  • Duration Control: Set the duration for which alerts will be displayed before automatically closing, ensuring optimal visibility and user experience.
  • Indicator Options: Choose between different types of indicators, such as icons or progress bars, to visually enhance the alerts.
  • Custom Icons: Add custom icon components or elements to further enhance the visual representation of alerts.
  • Interaction Callbacks: Attach callback functions to handle user interactions, such as pressing or interacting with alerts.
  • Stay Open Option: Configure alerts to stay open until explicitly closed by the user, allowing extended visibility for critical information.
  • Dismissible Alerts: Enable alerts to be dismissed when pressed, providing users with control over their display.
  • Shadow Customization: Customize the shadow color and other properties of alerts to match your application's design language.
  • Progress Bar: Show a progress bar within alerts to indicate ongoing processes or tasks.
  • Loading Indicator: Display a loading indicator within alerts to indicate activity or loading states.
  • Animation Modes: Choose between different animation modes for the loading indicator, allowing for unique visual effects.
  • Swipable Alerts: Enable swiping gestures to dismiss alerts, offering intuitive and convenient user interaction.
  • Hide After Loading: Automatically hide alerts after completion of loading, streamlining the user experience.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure optimal rendering across different devices.
  • React Native Safe Area Support: Seamlessly integrate with the react-native-safe-area-context library to handle safe areas in your app, ensuring proper rendering across different devices.

These features provide extensive customization options and enhance the engagement and usability of rn-alertify, making it a powerful and versatile library for creating interactive and visually appealing alerts in your React Native applications.


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You can install React Native Alertify using either Yarn or npm.

yarn add rn-alertify


npm install rn-alertify


This library, rn-alertify, makes use of the react-native-safe-area-context library, which provides functionality for handling safe areas in React Native applications. We would like to acknowledge and give credit to the creators of react-native-safe-area-context for their valuable contribution to the React Native ecosystem.

If you find react-native-safe-area-context useful, we encourage you to visit the official documentation of react-native-safe-area-context to learn more about its features and usage. The creators have put in significant effort to develop and maintain this library, and your support and recognition are greatly appreciated.

If you dont have react-native-safe-area-context installed in your project, you can install it using either Yarn or npm.

yarn add react-native-safe-area-context


npm install react-native-safe-area-context


To use React Native Alertify, you need to wrap your app with the AlertProvider component, ensure that the react-native-safe-area-context library is installed, and that the SafeAreaProvider component wrap the AlertProvider component to work properly.

import { AlertProvider } from 'rn-alertify';
import { SafeAreaProvider } from 'react-native-safe-area-context';

const App = () => {
  return (
      <AlertProvider>{/* Your app content here */}</AlertProvider>


The AlertProvider component accepts the following props:

Property Type Description Default Value
children React.ReactNode The children components to be wrapped by the AlertProvider. -
theme AlertTheme The theme to be used by the AlertProvider. DefaultTheme
useDeviceTheme boolean Property to set if the AlertProvider should take the theme from the mobile device. false
preferredAppearance 'light' | 'dark' Property to set the preferred appearance of the AlertProvider. 'light'
commonConfig AlertCommonProps The common configuration to be used by the AlertProvider. {}

After wrapping your app with AlertProvider, you can use the alert by accessing the context using the useAlertContext hook.


Property Type Description Default Value
duration number The duration (in milliseconds) for which the alert will be displayed. 3000ms
showIndicator boolean Specifies whether to display the indicator (icon or bar) with the alert. true
dismissible boolean Specifies if the alert should hide when pressed. false
shadowColorByType boolean Specifies if the shadow color should be the same as the alert type color. false
loadingAnimationMode string Specifies the animation mode of the loading indicator. 'normal'
swipeable boolean Specifies if the alert should be swipable to dismiss. undefined
backgroundByType boolean Specifies if the alert background should be the same as the alert type color. false
hideAfterLoading boolean Specifies if the alert should hide after loading. false
titleStyle {disableMultiline: boolean, maxLines: number} Specifies the style of the alert container. undefined
messageStyle {disableMultiline: boolean, maxLines: number} Specifies the style of the alert message. undefined


Property Type Description Default Value
fontSize TextStyle['fontSize'] Specifies the font size of the alert title. 16
fontWeight TextStyle['fontWeight'] Specifies the font weight of the alert title. 'bold'
color TextStyle['color'] | { light: TextStyle['color']; dark: TextStyle['color']; } Specifies the color of the alert title. Note: This will override the color of the alert type. {light: 'black', dark: 'white'}
disableMultiLine boolean Specifies if the message should be displayed as a single line. -
maxLines number Specifies the maximum number of lines to display for message. -

Alert Context

import { useAlertContext } from 'rn-alertify';

const MyComponent = () => {
  const { showAlert, onClose, onOpen, isShowing } = useAlertContext();

  return {
    /* Your app content here */


The useAlertContext hook provides the following props:

Property Type Description
showAlert (params: AlertProps) => void Displays an alert with the specified properties.
onClose (callback: () => void) => void Executes a callback when the alert changes its state to closed.
onOpen (callback: () => void) => void Executes a callback when the alert changes its state to open.
setLoader (value: boolean) => void Triggers the loader based on the provided boolean value.
isShowing boolean Returns the current state of the alert.
isLoading boolean Returns the current state of the loader.
changeContent (params: AlertProps) => void Changes the content of the alert based on the provided properties after some action.
theme AlertTheme Return the current value of the theme to reuse in your app.

If you want to see more information and examples about each of these props, please refer to the API Methods section.


The AlertProvider component allows users to customize the theme by providing a custom theme object of type AlertTheme.


The AlertThemeProps object consists of the following properties:

Property Type Description
colors AlertThemeColors Color values for different elements in the alert.
fontSizes AlertThemeFontSizes Font-related properties for the alert.


The AlertThemeColors object defines color values for various parts of the alert:

Property Type Description
light AlertThemeColorSet Colors for the light theme.
dark AlertThemeColorSet Colors for the dark theme.


The AlertThemeColorSet object defines color values for a specific theme (light or dark):

Property Type Description
backgroundColor string Background color of the alert.
success string Color for success-themed alerts.
error string Color for error-themed alerts.
info string Color for info-themed alerts.
warning string Color for warning-themed alerts.
titleColor string Color for the title text.
messageColor string Color for the message text.
shadow AlertThemeShadow Shadow configuration for the alert.
loadingIconColor string Color for the loading icon.


The AlertThemeFontSizes object specifies font-related properties for the alert:

Property Type Description
fontSizeTitle number Font size for the title text.
fontSizeMessage number Font size for the message text.
fontFamily string Font family to be used in the alert.


The AlertThemeShadow object defines properties related to the shadow effect of the alert:

Property Type Description
shadowColor string Color of the shadow.
shadowOpacity number Opacity of the shadow.
shadowOffset { width: number, height: number } Offset of the shadow.
shadowRadius number Radius of the shadow.
elevation number Elevation value for the shadow (Android specific).

By providing a custom theme object that conforms to the AlertTheme interface, users can customize the colors, font sizes, and other visual aspects of the alert component to match their application's design and branding.

Customization Example

To customize the theme of the AlertProvider, you can provide a custom theme object of type AlertTheme. Here's an example of how you can define a custom theme:

import { AlertProvider, AlertTheme } from 'rn-alertify';

const customTheme: AlertTheme = {
  colors: {
    light: {
      backgroundColor: '#F5F5F5',
      success: '#008000',
      error: '#FF0000',
      info: '#0000FF',
      warning: '#FFA500',
      titleColor: '#333333',
      messageColor: '#666666',
      shadow: {
        shadowColor: '#000000',
        shadowOpacity: 0.3,
        shadowOffset: {
          width: 2,
          height: 2,
        shadowRadius: 4,
        elevation: 4,
      loadingIconColor: '#555555',
    dark: {
      backgroundColor: '#222222',
      success: '#00FF00',
      error: '#FF0000',
      info: '#FFFFFF',
      warning: '#FFA500',
      titleColor: '#FFFFFF',
      messageColor: '#CCCCCC',
      shadow: {
        shadowColor: '#000000',
        shadowOpacity: 0.5,
        shadowOffset: {
          width: 3,
          height: 3,
        shadowRadius: 6,
        elevation: 6,
      loadingIconColor: '#CCCCCC',
  fontSizes: {
    fontSizeTitle: 18,
    fontSizeMessage: 14,
    fontFamily: 'Roboto',

const App = () => {
  return (
    <AlertProvider theme={customTheme}>
      {/* Your app components */}

export default App;

In this example, we define a custom theme object customTheme with color values and font-related properties for both the light and dark themes. You can adjust the color values, font sizes, and other properties according to your preferences. Then, you can wrap your app components with the AlertProvider component and provide the theme prop with your custom theme object.

By using a custom theme, you can ensure that the alerts rendered by rn-alertify align with your application's design and branding.

API Methods


The showAlert method displays an alert with the specified properties.


import { useAlertContext } from 'rn-alertify';

const MyComponent = () => {
  const { showAlert } = useAlertContext();

  const handleButtonPress = () => {
      title: 'Hello',
      message: 'Welcome to React Native Alertify!',
      type: 'success',
      duration: 3000,

  return <Button title="Show Alert" onPress={handleButtonPress} />;

ShowAlert Props

Property Type Description Default Value
title string The title of the alert. -
message string The message content of the alert. -
type AlertType | 'success' | 'error' | 'info' | 'warning' The type of the alert. 'success'
duration number The duration (in milliseconds) for which the alert will be displayed. 3000ms
indicatorType AlertIndicatorType | 'icon' | 'bar' The type of indicator to display with the alert. 'icon'
icon React.ReactNode The custom icon component or element to display with the alert. null
showIndicator boolean Specifies whether to display the indicator (icon or bar) with the alert. true
onPress () => void A callback function to be called when the alert is pressed or interacted with. null
stayOpen boolean Specifies if the alert should stay open until the user closes it. false
dismissible boolean Specifies if the alert should hide when pressed. false
shadowColorByType boolean Specifies if the shadow color should be the same as the alert type color. false
showProgress boolean Specifies if the alert should show a progress bar. false
progressColor string Specifies the color of the progress bar. -
loadingAnimationMode 'normal' | 'divided' Specifies the animation mode of the loading indicator. 'normal'
swipeable boolean Specifies if the alert should be swipable to dismiss. false
backgroundByType boolean Specifies if the alert background should be the same as the alert type color. false
hideAfterLoading boolean Specifies if the alert should hide after loading. false
messageProps AlertMessageProps Specifies the message properties of the alert. undefined


The changeContent method allows you to change the content of the alert.


const { showAlert, isShowing, setLoader, isLoading, changeContent } =
const simulateAsync = (number: number) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      number > 0.5 ? resolve(true) : reject();
    }, 2000);

const handleClick = async () => {
  const random = Math.random();
    title: 'Loading',
    message: 'Please wait...',
  try {
    await simulateAsync(random);
      title: 'Success',
      message: 'You have successfully loaded the alert',
      type: 'success',
  } catch (e) {
      title: 'Error',
      message: 'Something went wrong',
      type: 'error',


The changeContent method accepts the same props as the showAlert method, see the ShowAlert Props section for more details.


The setLoader method allows you to handle the loading state of the alert.


const { showAlert, isShowing, setLoader, isLoading } = useAlertContext();
const simulateAsync = (number: number) => {
    title: 'Loading',
    message: 'Please wait...',
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      number > 0.5 ? resolve(true) : reject();
    }, 2000);

React.useEffect(() => {
  const random = Math.random();
}, []);


Property Default Value Type Description
value false boolean Specifies if the alert should show a loading indicator.


Note: The onClose method is under development and may cause problems. Use it with caution.

The onClose method allows you to register a callback function to be called when the alert's state changes to closed.

onClose(callback: () => void): void;

Use this function if you want to perform certain actions when the alert's state changes to closed.


onClose(() => {
  // Your code here


Note: The onOpen method is under development and may cause problems. Use it with caution.

The onOpen method allows you to register a callback function to be called when the alert's state changes to open.

onOpen(callback: () => void): void;

Use this function if you want to perform certain actions when the alert's state changes to open.


onOpen(() => {
  // Your code here


The isShowing property returns the current state of the alert.

isShowing: boolean;

You can use this property to check if the alert is currently being displayed.

if (isShowing) {
  // Alert is showing
} else {
  // Alert is not showing


The isLoading property returns the current loading state of the alert.

isLoading: boolean;

You can use this property to check if the alert is currently loading.

if (isLoading) {
  // Alert is loading
} else {
  // Alert is not loading

Please note that the onClose and onOpen methods are still under development and may have limitations or issues. Use them with caution and make sure to test thoroughly in your application.

If you find any issues with the library, please create an issue, specifying the problem and how to reproduce it, if is possible upload a screenshot or video of the issue.

I'll try to fix it as soon as possible.

Certainly! Here's an example of a "Contributing" section for your README:


Thank you for considering contributing to the React Native Alertify library! We welcome any contributions that help improve the library and provide a better experience for users. To contribute, please follow these guidelines:

See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.

We appreciate your contributions and will review the pull request as soon as possible. Together, let's make React Native Alertify even better!


This library was created by Esteban Estrada, a passionate developer who loves to learn new technologies and build cool things.

Esteban Estrada

Esteban Estrada is an experienced full stack developer. He is passionate about creating efficient and user-friendly solutions for developers. This library, rn-alertify, is one of his contributions to the React Native community.

You can connect with Esteban Estrada on LinkedIn and GitHub to learn more about his work and other projects.

Feel free to reach out to Esteban Estrada with any questions, feedback, or suggestions related to rn-alertify.


This library is open-source and available under the MIT License. You are free to use, modify, and distribute this library for personal or commercial purposes. However, it would be greatly appreciated if you provide support to the creator by giving credit and acknowledging their contribution.

Remember to follow the best practices and guidelines while using this library. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to contribute to the repository or reach out to the creator for support.

By using rn-alertify, you agree to comply with the terms and conditions of the MIT License.

Made with create-react-native-library


Introducing RN-Alertify, your go-to library for seamlessly integrating alert notifications into your React Native (RN) applications for both Android and iOS platforms. RN-Alertify simplifies the process of displaying alerts, ensuring a hassle-free experience for developers and users alike.



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