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Update README (dmlc#2204)
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I found the installation of the Python XGBoost package to be problematic as the documentation around compiler requirements was unclear, as discussed in dmlc#1501. I decided that I would improve the README.
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JoeNyland authored and Nan Zhu committed Dec 29, 2017
1 parent 966399e commit f2ac4a9
Showing 1 changed file with 58 additions and 54 deletions.
112 changes: 58 additions & 54 deletions python-package/README.rst
@@ -1,67 +1,71 @@
XGBoost Python Package

|PyPI version|


- Windows users: pip installation may not work on some Windows environments, and it may cause unexpected errors.

Installation from pip on Windows is therefore currently disabled for further investigation; please `install from Github <>`_ instead.
- If you want to run XGBoost process in parallel using the fork backend for joblib/multiprocessing, you must build XGBoost without support for OpenMP by ``make no_omp=1``. Otherwise, use the forkserver (in Python 3.4) or spawn backend. See the `sklearn\ <../demo/guide-python/>`__ demo.


Since this package contains C++ source code, ``pip`` needs a C++ compiler from the system to compile the source code on-the-fly.


On macOS, ``gcc@5`` is required as later versions remove support for OpenMP. `See here <>`_ for more info.

Please install ``gcc@5`` from `Homebrew <>`_::

brew install gcc@5


Please install ``gcc``::

sudo apt-get install build-essential # Ubuntu/Debian
sudo yum groupinstall 'Development Tools' # CentOS/RHEL


We are on `PyPI <>`__ now. For
stable version, please install using pip:

- ``pip install xgboost``
- Since this package contains C++ source code, ``pip`` needs a C++ compiler from the system
to compile the source code on-the-fly. Please follow the following instruction for each
supported platform.
- Note for Mac OS X users: please install ``gcc`` from ``brew`` by
``brew tap homebrew/versions; brew install gcc --without-multilib`` firstly.
- Note for Linux users: please install ``gcc`` by ``sudo apt-get install build-essential`` firstly
or using the corresponding package manager of the system.
- Note for windows users: this pip installation may not work on some
windows environment, and it may cause unexpected errors. pip
installation on windows is currently disabled for further
investigation, please install from github.

For up-to-date version, please install from github.

- To make the python module, type ``./`` in the root directory
of project
- Make sure you have
`setuptools <>`__
- Install with ``cd python-package; python install`` from this directory.
- For windows users, please use the Visual Studio project file under
`windows folder <../windows/>`__. See also the `installation
tutorial <>`__
from Kaggle Otto Forum.
- Add MinGW to the system PATH in Windows if you are using the latest version of xgboost which requires compilation:


From `PyPI <>`_

For a stable version, install using ``pip``::

pip install xgboost

From source

For an up-to-date version, `install from Github <>`_:

- Run ``./`` in the root of the repo.
- Make sure you have `setuptools <>`_ installed: ``pip install setuptools``
- Install with ``cd python-package; python install`` from the root of the repo
- For Windows users, please use the Visual Studio project file under the `Windows folder <../windows/>`_. See also the `installation
tutorial <>`_ from Kaggle Otto Forum.
- Add MinGW to the system PATH in Windows if you are using the latest version of xgboost which requires compilation::

import os
os.environ['PATH'] = os.environ['PATH'] + ';C:\\Program Files\\mingw-w64\\x86_64-5.3.0-posix-seh-rt_v4-rev0\\mingw64\\bin'


- Refer also to the walk through example in `demo
folder <>`__
- See also the `example scripts <>`__ for Kaggle
Higgs Challenge, including `speedtest
script <>`__ on this dataset.


- If you want to build xgboost on Mac OS X with multiprocessing support
where clang in XCode by default doesn't support, please install gcc
4.9 or higher using `homebrew <>`__
``brew tap homebrew/versions; brew install gcc --without-multilib``
- If you want to run XGBoost process in parallel using the fork backend
for joblib/multiprocessing, you must build XGBoost without support
for OpenMP by ``make no_omp=1``. Otherwise, use the forkserver (in
Python 3.4) or spawn backend. See the
`sklearn\ <../demo/guide-python/>`__

- Refer also to the walk through example in `demo folder <>`_.
- See also the `example scripts <>`_ for Kaggle
Higgs Challenge, including `speedtest script <>`_ on this dataset.

.. |PyPI version| image::

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