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Merge pull request #175 from Codium-ai/tr/review_adjustments
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Making the 'Review' Feature Great Again
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mrT23 committed Aug 6, 2023
2 parents bd86266 + 7367c62 commit a453437
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Showing 8 changed files with 220 additions and 64 deletions.
71 changes: 68 additions & 3 deletions pr_agent/algo/
@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
from __future__ import annotations

import re
import difflib
import logging
from typing import Callable, Tuple

from typing import Callable, Tuple, List, Any
from github import RateLimitExceededException

from pr_agent.algo import MAX_TOKENS
from pr_agent.algo.git_patch_processing import convert_to_hunks_with_lines_numbers, extend_patch, handle_patch_deletions
from pr_agent.algo.language_handler import sort_files_by_main_languages
from pr_agent.algo.token_handler import TokenHandler
from pr_agent.config_loader import get_settings
from pr_agent.git_providers.git_provider import GitProvider
from pr_agent.git_providers.git_provider import GitProvider, FilePatchInfo

DELETED_FILES_ = "Deleted files:\n"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -217,3 +218,67 @@ async def retry_with_fallback_models(f: Callable):
logging.warning(f"Failed to generate prediction with {model}: {e}")
if i == len(all_models) - 1: # If it's the last iteration
raise # Re-raise the last exception

def find_line_number_of_relevant_line_in_file(diff_files: List[FilePatchInfo],
relevant_file: str,
relevant_line_in_file: str) -> Tuple[int, int]:
Find the line number and absolute position of a relevant line in a file.
diff_files (List[FilePatchInfo]): A list of FilePatchInfo objects representing the patches of files.
relevant_file (str): The name of the file where the relevant line is located.
relevant_line_in_file (str): The content of the relevant line.
Tuple[int, int]: A tuple containing the line number and absolute position of the relevant line in the file.
position = -1
absolute_position = -1
re_hunk_header = re.compile(
r"^@@ -(\d+)(?:,(\d+))? \+(\d+)(?:,(\d+))? @@[ ]?(.*)")

for file in diff_files:
if file.filename.strip() == relevant_file:
patch = file.patch
patch_lines = patch.splitlines()

# try to find the line in the patch using difflib, with some margin of error
matches_difflib: list[str | Any] = difflib.get_close_matches(relevant_line_in_file,
patch_lines, n=3, cutoff=0.93)
if len(matches_difflib) == 1 and matches_difflib[0].startswith('+'):
relevant_line_in_file = matches_difflib[0]

delta = 0
start1, size1, start2, size2 = 0, 0, 0, 0
for i, line in enumerate(patch_lines):
if line.startswith('@@'):
delta = 0
match = re_hunk_header.match(line)
start1, size1, start2, size2 = map(int, match.groups()[:4])
elif not line.startswith('-'):
delta += 1

if relevant_line_in_file in line and line[0] != '-':
position = i
absolute_position = start2 + delta - 1

if position == -1 and relevant_line_in_file[0] == '+':
no_plus_line = relevant_line_in_file[1:].lstrip()
for i, line in enumerate(patch_lines):
if line.startswith('@@'):
delta = 0
match = re_hunk_header.match(line)
start1, size1, start2, size2 = map(int, match.groups()[:4])
elif not line.startswith('-'):
delta += 1

if no_plus_line in line and line[0] != '-':
# The model might add a '+' to the beginning of the relevant_line_in_file even if originally
# it's a context line
position = i
absolute_position = start2 + delta - 1
return position, absolute_position
13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions pr_agent/algo/
Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ def convert_to_markdown(output_data: dict) -> str:
"Security concerns": "馃敀",
"General PR suggestions": "馃挕",
"Insights from user's answers": "馃摑",
"Code suggestions": "馃",
"Code feedback": "馃",

for key, value in output_data.items():
Expand All @@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ def convert_to_markdown(output_data: dict) -> str:
markdown_text += f"## {key}\n\n"
markdown_text += convert_to_markdown(value)
elif isinstance(value, list):
if key.lower() == 'code suggestions':
if key.lower() == 'code feedback':
markdown_text += "\n" # just looks nicer with additional line breaks
emoji = emojis.get(key, "")
markdown_text += f"- {emoji} **{key}:**\n\n"
for item in value:
if isinstance(item, dict) and key.lower() == 'code suggestions':
if isinstance(item, dict) and key.lower() == 'code feedback':
markdown_text += parse_code_suggestion(item)
elif item:
markdown_text += f" - {item}\n"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,15 +100,15 @@ def try_fix_json(review, max_iter=10, code_suggestions=False):
- review: A string containing the JSON message to be fixed.
- max_iter: An integer representing the maximum number of iterations to try and fix the JSON message.
- code_suggestions: A boolean indicating whether to try and fix JSON messages with code suggestions.
- code_suggestions: A boolean indicating whether to try and fix JSON messages with code feedback.
- data: A dictionary containing the parsed JSON data.
The function attempts to fix broken or incomplete JSON messages by parsing until the last valid code suggestion.
If the JSON message ends with a closing bracket, the function calls the fix_json_escape_char function to fix the
If code_suggestions is True and the JSON message contains code suggestions, the function tries to fix the JSON
If code_suggestions is True and the JSON message contains code feedback, the function tries to fix the JSON
message by parsing until the last valid code suggestion.
The function uses regular expressions to find the last occurrence of "}," with any number of whitespaces or
Expand All @@ -128,7 +128,8 @@ def try_fix_json(review, max_iter=10, code_suggestions=False):
closing_bracket = "]}}"

if review.rfind("'Code suggestions': [") > 0 or review.rfind('"Code suggestions": [') > 0:
if (review.rfind("'Code feedback': [") > 0 or review.rfind('"Code feedback": [') > 0) or \
(review.rfind("'Code suggestions': [") > 0 or review.rfind('"Code suggestions": [') > 0) :
last_code_suggestion_ind = [m.end() for m in re.finditer(r"\}\s*,", review)][-1] - 1
valid_json = False
iter_count = 0
Expand Down
44 changes: 27 additions & 17 deletions pr_agent/git_providers/
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
import logging
import hashlib

from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional, Tuple
from urllib.parse import urlparse
Expand All @@ -10,6 +12,7 @@
from .git_provider import FilePatchInfo, GitProvider, IncrementalPR
from ..algo.language_handler import is_valid_file
from ..algo.utils import load_large_diff
from ..algo.pr_processing import find_line_number_of_relevant_line_in_file
from ..config_loader import get_settings
from ..servers.utils import RateLimitExceeded

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -148,31 +151,16 @@ def publish_comment(self, pr_comment: str, is_temporary: bool = False):
def publish_inline_comment(self, body: str, relevant_file: str, relevant_line_in_file: str):
self.publish_inline_comments([self.create_inline_comment(body, relevant_file, relevant_line_in_file)])

def create_inline_comment(self, body: str, relevant_file: str, relevant_line_in_file: str):
diff_files = self.get_diff_files()
position = -1
for file in diff_files:
if file.filename.strip() == relevant_file:
patch = file.patch
patch_lines = patch.splitlines()
for i, line in enumerate(patch_lines):
if relevant_line_in_file in line:
position = i
elif relevant_line_in_file[0] == '+' and relevant_line_in_file[1:].lstrip() in line:
# The model often adds a '+' to the beginning of the relevant_line_in_file even if originally
# it's a context line
position = i
position = find_line_number_of_relevant_line_in_file(self.diff_files, relevant_file.strip('`'), relevant_line_in_file)
if position == -1:
if get_settings().config.verbosity_level >= 2:"Could not find position for {relevant_file} {relevant_line_in_file}")
subject_type = "FILE"
subject_type = "LINE"
path = relevant_file.strip()
# placeholder for future API support (already supported in single inline comment)
# return dict(body=body, path=path, position=position, subject_type=subject_type)
return dict(body=body, path=path, position=position) if subject_type == "LINE" else {}

def publish_inline_comments(self, comments: list[dict]):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -384,3 +372,25 @@ def get_commit_messages(self) -> str:
commit_messages_str = ""
return commit_messages_str

def generate_link_to_relevant_line_number(self, suggestion) -> str:
relevant_file = suggestion['relevant file']
relevant_line_str = suggestion['relevant line']
position, absolute_position = find_line_number_of_relevant_line_in_file \
(self.diff_files, relevant_file.strip('`'), relevant_line_str)

if absolute_position != -1:
# # link to right file only
# link = f"{self.repo}/blob/{}/{relevant_file}" \
# + "#" + f"L{absolute_position}"

# link to diff
sha_file = hashlib.sha256(relevant_file.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
link = f"{self.repo}/pull/{self.pr_num}/files#diff-{sha_file}R{absolute_position}"
return link
except Exception as e:
if get_settings().config.verbosity_level >= 2:"Failed adding line link, error: {e}")

return ""
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion pr_agent/git_providers/
Expand Up @@ -344,4 +344,4 @@ def get_commit_messages(self) -> str:
commit_messages_str = "\n".join([f"{i + 1}. {message}" for i, message in enumerate(commit_messages_list)])
commit_messages_str = ""
return commit_messages_str
return commit_messages_str
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions pr_agent/settings/configuration.toml
Expand Up @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ require_focused_review=true
inline_code_comments = true
inline_code_comments = false
extra_instructions = ""

Expand Down
30 changes: 15 additions & 15 deletions pr_agent/settings/pr_reviewer_prompts.toml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
system="""You are CodiumAI-PR-Reviewer, a language model designed to review git pull requests.
Your task is to provide constructive and concise feedback for the PR, and also provide meaningfull code suggestions to improve the new PR code (the '+' lines).
- Provide up to {{ num_code_suggestions }} code suggestions.
{%- if num_code_suggestions > 0 %}
- Try to focus on important suggestions like fixing code problems, issues and bugs. As a second priority, provide suggestions for meaningfull code improvements, like performance, vulnerability, modularity, and best practices.
- Provide up to {{ num_code_suggestions }} code suggestions.
- Try to focus on the most important suggestions, like fixing code problems, issues and bugs. As a second priority, provide suggestions for meaningfull code improvements, like performance, vulnerability, modularity, and best practices.
- Suggestions should focus on improving the new added code lines.
- Make sure not to provide suggestions repeating modifications already implemented in the new PR code (the '+' lines).
{%- endif %}
Expand All @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ You must use the following JSON schema to format your answer:
"Type of PR": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["Bug fix", "Tests", "Bug fix with tests", "Refactoring", "Enhancement", "Documentation", "Other"]
"enum": ["Bug fix", "Tests", "Refactoring", "Enhancement", "Documentation", "Other"]
{%- if require_score %}
"Score": {
Expand All @@ -47,17 +47,17 @@ You must use the following JSON schema to format your answer:
{%- if require_focused %}
"Focused PR": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Is this a focused PR, in the sense that it has a clear and coherent title and description, and all PR code diff changes are properly derived from the title and description? Explain your response."
"description": "Is this a focused PR, in the sense that all the PR code diff changes are united under a single focused theme ? If the theme is too broad, or the PR code diff changes are too scattered, then the PR is not focused. Explain your answer shortly."
{%- endif %}
"PR Feedback": {
"General PR suggestions": {
"General suggestions": {
"type": "string",
"description": "General suggestions and feedback for the contributors and maintainers of this PR. May include important suggestions for the overall structure, primary purpose, best practices, critical bugs, and other aspects of the PR. Explain your suggestions."
"description": "General suggestions and feedback for the contributors and maintainers of this PR. May include important suggestions for the overall structure, primary purpose, best practices, critical bugs, and other aspects of the PR. Don't address PR title and description, or lack of tests. Explain your suggestions."
{%- if num_code_suggestions > 0 %}
"Code suggestions": {
"Code feedback": {
"type": "array",
"maxItems": {{ num_code_suggestions }},
"uniqueItems": true,
Expand All @@ -66,22 +66,22 @@ You must use the following JSON schema to format your answer:
"type": "string",
"description": "the relevant file full path"
"suggestion content": {
"suggestion": {
"type": "string",
"description": "a concrete suggestion for meaningfully improving the new PR code. Also describe how, specifically, the suggestion can be applied to new PR code. Add tags with importance measure that matches each suggestion ('important' or 'medium'). Do not make suggestions for updating or adding docstrings, renaming PR title and description, or linter like.
"relevant line in file": {
"relevant line": {
"type": "string",
"description": "an authentic single code line from the PR git diff section, to which the suggestion applies."
"description": "a single code line taken from the relevant file, to which the suggestion applies. The line should be a '+' line. Make sure to output the line exactly as it appears in the relevant file"
{%- endif %}
{%- if require_security %}
"Security concerns": {
"type": "string",
"description": "yes\\no question: does this PR code introduce possible security concerns or issues, like SQL injection, XSS, CSRF, and others ? explain your answer"
? explain your answer"
"description": "yes\\no question: does this PR code introduce possible security concerns or issues, like SQL injection, XSS, CSRF, and others ? If answered 'yes', explain your answer shortly"
? explain your answer shortly"
{%- endif %}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,11 +109,11 @@ Example output:
"General PR suggestions": "..., `xxx`...",
{%- if num_code_suggestions > 0 %}
"Code suggestions": [
"Code feedback": [
"relevant file": "directory/",
"suggestion content": "xxx [important]",
"relevant line in file": "xxx",
"suggestion": "xxx [important]",
"relevant line": "xxx",
Expand Down

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