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Fix to #39
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This release fixes #39

Fagalicious moved to a "google" type search results list, which broke the agent and made fixes very difficult and particularly ugly.

Fagalicious thankfully has once again changed how their site does search, removing the interim results list.
  • Loading branch information
CodyBerenson committed Feb 21, 2021
1 parent a8d64fe commit 2682dea
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Showing 580 changed files with 69,137 additions and 447 deletions.
691 changes: 244 additions & 447 deletions Fagalicious.bundle/Contents/Code/

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

246 changes: 246 additions & 0 deletions Fagalicious.bundle/Contents/Code/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
# General Functions found in all agents
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def matchFilename(self, filename):
''' Check filename on disk corresponds to regex preference format '''
pattern = re.compile(REGEX)
matched =
if not matched:
raise Exception("File Name [{0}] not in the expected format: (Studio) - Title (Year)".format(filename))

groups = matched.groupdict()
filmVars = {}
filmVars['Studio'] = groups['studio'].split(';')[0].strip() if ";" in groups['studio'] else groups['studio']
filmVars['IAFDStudio'] = groups['studio'].split(';')[1].strip() if ";" in groups['studio'] else ''
filmVars['CompareStudio'] = self.NormaliseComparisonString(filmVars['Studio'])
filmVars['CompareIAFDStudio'] = self.NormaliseComparisonString(filmVars['IAFDStudio']) if filmVars['IAFDStudio'] else ''

filmVars['Title'] = groups['title']
filmVars['ShortTitle'] = filmVars['Title']
filmVars['CompareTitle'] = [''.join(sorted(self.NormaliseComparisonString(filmVars['Title'])))]
filmVars['SearchTitle'] = filmVars['Title']

filmVars['IAFDTitle'] = filmVars['Title']
filmVars['IAFDShortTitle'] = filmVars['ShortTitle']
filmVars['IAFDCompareTitle'] = filmVars['CompareTitle']
filmVars['IAFDSearchTitle'] = filmVars['IAFDTitle']

filmVars['Year'] = groups['year']
filmVars['CompareDate'] = datetime.datetime(int(filmVars['Year']), 12, 31).strftime(DATEFORMAT) # default to 31 Dec of Filename year

filmVars['Compilation'] = "No"
filmVars['FoundOnIAFD'] = "No"

# For this title: (Raging Stallion Studios) - Hardcore Fetish Series - Pissing 1 - Piss Off (2009)
# Collections: [Hardcore Fetish Series, Pissing]
# Series: [Pissing 1]
# Short Title: Piss Off
collections = []
collections.append(filmVars['Studio']) # All films have their Studio Name as a collection
series = []
splitFilmTitle = filmVars['Title'].split(' - ')
splitFilmTitle = [x.strip() for x in splitFilmTitle]
splitCount = len(splitFilmTitle) - 1
for index, partTitle in enumerate(splitFilmTitle):
pattern = r'(?<![-.])\b[0-9]+\b(?!\.[0-9])$' # series matching = whole separate number at end of string
matchedSeries = re.subn(pattern, '', partTitle)
if matchedSeries[1]:
seriesFound = True
collections.insert(0, matchedSeries[0].strip()) # e.g. Pissing
series.insert(0, partTitle) # e.g. Pissing 1
if index < splitCount: # only blank out series info in title if not last split
splitFilmTitle[index] = ''
if index < splitCount: # only add to collection if not last part of title e.g. Hardcore Fetish Series
collections.insert(0, partTitle)
splitFilmTitle[index] = ''

filmVars['Collection'] = collections
filmVars['Series'] = series
filmVars['ShortTitle'] = ' '.join(splitFilmTitle).strip()
if filmVars['ShortTitle'] not in filmVars['CompareTitle']:
filmVars['SearchTitle'] = filmVars['ShortTitle']

# prepare IAFD Title and Search String
filmVars['IAFDTitle'] = unidecode(filmVars['ShortTitle']).replace(' - ', ': ') # iafd needs colons in place to search correctly, removed all unicode
filmVars['IAFDTitle'] = filmVars['IAFDTitle'].replace(' &', ' and') # iafd does not use &
filmVars['IAFDTitle'] = filmVars['IAFDTitle'].replace('!', '') # remove !

# split and take up to first occurence of character
splitChars = ['-', '[', '(', ur'\u2013', ur'\u2014']
pattern = ur'[{0}]'.format(''.join(splitChars))
matched =, filmVars['IAFDTitle']) # match against whole string
if matched:
filmVars['IAFDTitle'] = filmVars['IAFDTitle'][:matched.start()]

# strip standalone "1's"
pattern = ur'(?<!\d)1(?!\d)'
filmVars['IAFDTitle'] = re.sub(pattern, '', filmVars['IAFDTitle'])

# strip definite and indefinite english articles
articles = ['the ', 'a ', 'an ']
pattern = ur'^({0})'.format('|'.join(articles))
matched =, filmVars['IAFDTitle'], re.IGNORECASE) # match against whole string
if matched:
self.log('GENF :: test *******')
filmVars['IAFDTitle'] = filmVars['IAFDTitle'][matched.end():]
tempCompare = ''.join(sorted(self.NormaliseComparisonString(filmVars['IAFDTitle'])))
if tempCompare not in filmVars['IAFDCompareTitle']:

# sort out double encoding: & html code %26 for example is encoded as %2526; on MAC OS '*' sometimes appear in the encoded string, also remove '!'
filmVars['IAFDSearchTitle'] = String.StripDiacritics(filmVars['IAFDTitle']).strip()
filmVars['IAFDSearchTitle'] = String.URLEncode(filmVars['IAFDSearchTitle'])
filmVars['IAFDSearchTitle'] = filmVars['IAFDSearchTitle'].replace('%25', '%').replace('*', '')

# print out dictionary values / normalise unicode
for key in sorted(filmVars.keys()):
filmVars[key] = [self.NormaliseUnicode(x) for x in filmVars[key]] if type(filmVars[key]) is list else self.NormaliseUnicode(filmVars[key])
self.log('GENF :: {0: <22}: {1}'.format(key, filmVars[key]))

return filmVars

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def matchTitle(self, siteTitle, FILMDICT):
''' match file title against website/iafd title: Boolean Return '''
compareSiteTitle = ''.join(sorted(self.NormaliseComparisonString(siteTitle)))

testSite = 'Passed' if compareSiteTitle in FILMDICT['CompareTitle'] else 'Passed' if compareSiteTitle in FILMDICT['IAFDCompareTitle'] else 'Failed'

self.log('GENF :: Site Title "%s"', siteTitle)
self.log('GENF :: Title Comparison [%s]\tSite: "%s"\tFile: ["%s", "%s"]', testSite, siteTitle, FILMDICT['Title'], FILMDICT['ShortTitle'])

if testSite == 'Failed':
raise Exception('Title Match Failure!')

return True

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def matchStudio(self, siteStudio, FILMDICT, useAgent=True):
''' match file studio name against website studio/iafd name: Boolean Return '''
compareSiteStudio = self.NormaliseComparisonString(siteStudio)
dtStudio = FILMDICT['Studio'] if useAgent else FILMDICT['IAFDStudio']
dtCompareStudio = FILMDICT['CompareStudio'] if useAgent else FILMDICT['CompareIAFDStudio']

testStudio = 'Full Match' if compareSiteStudio == dtCompareStudio else 'Partial Match' if compareSiteStudio in dtCompareStudio or dtCompareStudio in compareSiteStudio else 'Failed Match'

self.log('GENF :: Site Studio "%s"', siteStudio)
self.log('GENF :: Studio Comparison [%s]\tSite: "%s"\tFile: "%s"', testStudio, siteStudio, dtStudio)

if testStudio == 'Failed Match':
raise Exception('Studio Match Failure!')

return True

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def matchReleaseDate(self, siteReleaseDate, FILMDICT):
''' match file year against website release date: return formatted site date if no error or default to formated file date '''
fileReleaseDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(FILMDICT['CompareDate'], DATEFORMAT)

# if a year has being provided - default to 31st December of that year
siteReleaseDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(siteReleaseDate + '1231', '%Y%m%d') if len(siteReleaseDate) == 4 else datetime.datetime.strptime(siteReleaseDate, DATEFORMAT)

# there can not be a difference more than 366 days between FileName Date and siteReleaseDate
dx = abs((fileReleaseDate - siteReleaseDate).days)

self.log('GENF :: Release Date "%s"', siteReleaseDate)
self.log('GENF :: Release Date Comparison [%s]\t %s days\tSite: "%s"\tFile: "%s"', 'Failed' if dx > 366 else 'Pass', dx, siteReleaseDate.strftime('%Y %m %d'), fileReleaseDate.strftime('%Y %m %d'))

if dx > 366:
raise Exception('Release Date Match Failure!')

# reset comparison date to above scrapping result
FILMDICT['CompareDate'] = siteReleaseDate.strftime(DATEFORMAT)
return siteReleaseDate

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def NormaliseUnicode(self, myString):
myString = unicode(myString)
myString = unidecode(myString)
return myString

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def NormaliseComparisonString(self, myString):
''' Normalise string for, strip uneeded characters for comparison of web site values to file name regex group values '''
# Check if string has roman numerals as in a series; note the letter I will be converted
myString = '{0} '.format(myString) # append space at end of string to match last characters
pattern = '\s(?=[MDCLXVI])M*(C[MD]|D?C{0,3})(X[CL]|L?X{0,3})(I[XV]|V?I{0,3})$'
matches = re.findall(pattern, myString, re.IGNORECASE) # match against string
if matches:
RomanValues = {'I':1, 'V':5, 'X':10, 'L':50, 'C':100, 'D':500, 'M':1000}
for count, match in enumerate(matches):
myRoman = ''.join(match).upper()
self.log('GENF :: Found Roman Numeral: {0}.. {1} len[{2}]'.format(count, myRoman, len(myRoman)))
myArabic = RomanValues[myRoman[-1]]
for i in range(len(myRoman) - 1, 0, -1):
if RomanValues[myRoman[i]] > RomanValues[myRoman[i - 1]]:
myArabic = myArabic - RomanValues[myRoman[i - 1]]
myArabic = myArabic + RomanValues[myRoman[i - 1]]
romanString = ' {0}'.format(myRoman)
arabicString = ' {0}'.format(myArabic)
myString = myString.replace(romanString, arabicString)

# convert to lower case and trim
myString = myString.strip().lower()

# normalise unicode characters
myString = self.NormaliseUnicode(myString)

# replace ampersand with 'and'
myString = myString.replace('&', 'and')

# standardise quotes replace "`" with straight quotes
myString = myString.replace("`", "'")

# strip domain suffixes, vol., volume from string, standalone "1's"
pattern = ur'[.](org|com|net|co[.][a-z]{2})|Vol[.]|\bPart\b|\bVolume\b|(?<!\d)1(?!\d)|[^A-Za-z0-9]+'
myString = re.sub(pattern, '', myString, flags=re.IGNORECASE)

return myString

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def TranslateString(self, myString, language):
''' Translate string into Library language '''
myString = myString.strip()
if language == 'xn' or language == 'xx': # no language or language unknown
self.log('GENF :: Library Language: [%s], Run Translation: [False]', 'No Language' if language == 'xn' else 'Unknown')
elif myString:
translator = Translator(service_urls=['', '', '',
'', '', '',
'', '', '',
'', '', '',
'', '', '',
'', '', '',
'', '', '',
'', '', ''])
runTranslation = (language != SITE_LANGUAGE)
self.log('GENF :: [Library:Site] Language: [%s:%s], Run Translation: [%s]', language, SITE_LANGUAGE, runTranslation)
detectString = re.findall(ur'.*?[.!?]', myString)[:4] # take first 4 sentences of string to detect language
detectString = ''.join(detectString)
self.log('GENF :: Detect Site Language [%s] using this text: %s', DETECT, detectString)
detected = translator.detect(detectString)
runTranslation = (language != detected.lang)
self.log('GENF :: Detected Language: [%s] Run Translation: [%s]', detected.lang, runTranslation)
except Exception as e:
self.log('GENF :: Error Detecting Text Language: %s', e)

myString = translator.translate(myString, dest=language).text if runTranslation else myString
self.log('GENF :: Translated [%s] Summary Found: %s', runTranslation, myString)
except Exception as e:
self.log('GENF :: Error Translating Text: %s', e)

return myString if myString else ' ' # return single space to initialise metadata summary field

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def log(self, message, *args):
''' log messages '''
if'ERROR', message, re.IGNORECASE):
Log.Error(PLUGIN_LOG_TITLE + ' - ' + message, *args)
Log.Info(PLUGIN_LOG_TITLE + ' - ' + message, *args)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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