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# hackathonEntryTeamD
Team D members:
Johaness Coetsee, discord: BigMan68#4678, (Programming Experience: beginner);
Jokūbas Kelpšas, discord: Jokūbas#9007, (Programming Experience: beginner);
Asta Romikaitytė, discord: pasta🌵#1519 (Programming Experience: beginner);
Gabrielė Mikalauskaitė, discord: pizame#1966, (Programming Experience: beginner).

Hello dear judges of WarwickHACK2021, we are Team D which consists of the best programming beginners You have ever seen. Team D, who are 4  greatest Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania) GIFTed Talent Academy students provides You with the amazing applet called “Covid Happiness tracker”! Initially we viewed Your Hackathon as the way to bond together as we are assigned to another project in our studies, but we saw a great opportunity to create something that’s gonna boost up our mental health as during the distance learning and the quarantine we got pretty depressed. We believe that with this applet we can help the society start moving and get their psychological health back on track again during these “I’m wearing pajamas the whole day” times.

Technical description:

We want to give applet users a broad understanding of our project.
The “Covid Happiness tracker’’ was created via “Apache Netbeans IDE”. It contains text boxes to refer to the thing you are going to characterize as well as the radio buttons and slider controls to pick the best options, matching your actions throughout the day. After marking the options, you can save your info into the history by clicking a button “Submit” at the bottom of the layout a report will also be generated commenting on your actions and higlighting places where you can improve.. The history could be found in the top right corner of the applet. It holds all every days score and can generate a report that advises on your average score.

How to run:

1. Extract the Netbeans Project from covidHappinessTracker zip
2. Extract the Jar Files from uCanAccess zip
3. Open covidHappinesstracker project in Netbeans IDE
4. In the left pane where the file navigation window is. Check in covidHappinesTracker's project there is a folder named "Libraries", right click this and select "Add JAR/Files" than proceed to add all the JAR files from the UCanAccess Folder.


Our WarwickTech Hackathon Entry 2021






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