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Joanna Jasnowska edited this page Jan 15, 2018 · 3 revisions

Login Modifier

Login Modifier allows to login into pages that have access secured with login form. If input element isn't available (for example it's not loaded yet) then Login Modifier will wait up to 10s for login input, then for password input and at the end for submit button to appear. If the login form isn't ready or logging in fails for any other reason, we will try again 3 times by default.

Login modifier checks if login-token-key cookie is present to decide if authentication was successful. If cookie with specified name is present, it assumes that credentials were valid.

Module name: login

! Important information
In order to use this modifier it must be declared before open module in test suite XML definition.
Parameter Value Mandatory Default value
login User's login no admin
password Password no admin
login-page Url to login page yes
login-input-selector Xpath expression for login input no //input[@name='j_username']
password-input-selector Xpath expression for password input no //input[@name='j_password']
submit-button-selector Xpath expression for submit button no //*[@type='submit']
login-token-key Name for cookie we get after successfull login no login-token
timeout Number of milliseconds (between 0 and 10000) that modifier will wait to login page response after submiting credentials. It is also used between reattempts to log in. no 5000
force-login Enforces login even when login cookie is present. no false
retrial-number Number of reattempts to log in. It's a way to deal with unpredictable problem with logging in. no 3
Example Usage
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<suite name="test-suite" company="cognifide" project="project">
    <test name="login-test">
            <login login="user"
                submit-button-selector="//*[@type='submit']" />
            <open />
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