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Minimal client-server library for interacting with remote JVM instrumentation instances


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Instrumentation Server

A minimal client-server library that allows simple interaction with a remote process's Instrumentation API over a message system.


Maven dependency:

    <version>${serverVersion}</version> <!-- See release page for latest version -->

Gradle dependency:

implementation group: 'software.coley', name: 'instrumentation-server', version: serverVersion
implementation "software.coley:instrumentation-server:${serverVersion}"

Starting a new process

Example logic to programmatically launch a new process with the agent active:

// Extract the agent jar to some path
Path agentJarPath = // ...
// Start new process
String agent = "-javaagent:" + agentJarPath.toString().replace("\\", "/");
Process remote = new ProcessBuilder("java", agent, "-cp", "<classpath>", "<main-class>").start();
// Connect
int port = Server.DEFAULT_PORT;
Client client = new Client("localhost", port, ByteBufferAllocator.HEAP, MessageFactory.create());
if (!client.connect()) System.err.println("Connect failed!");

Connecting to an existing process

Example logic to programmatically connect to an existing JVM and load the agent:

// Extract the agent jar to some path
Path agentJarPath = // ...
// Use attach API to connect to remote VM.
// Options string is optional, but can be used to run the server on a unique port.
int openPort = SocketAvailability.findAvailable();
String optionsStr = "port=" + openPort;
for (VirtualMachineDescriptor descriptor : VirtualMachine.list()) {
    // Filter to only apply to a target VM
    if (!match(descriptor)) continue;
    // Attach to the VM
    try {
                .loadAgent(agentJarPath.toAbsolutePath().toString(), optionsStr);
    } catch (AgentLoadException e) {
    } catch (AgentInitializationException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    } catch (AttachNotSupportedException e) {
// Connect
Client client = new Client("localhost", openPort, ByteBufferAllocator.HEAP);
if (!client.connect()) System.err.println("Connect failed!");
// Send request + handle reply
MemberData memberData = new MemberData("java/lang/Integer", "MAX_VALUE", "I");
client.sendBlocking(new RequestFieldGetMessage(memberData), reply -> {
    // reply is asserted to be ReplyFieldGetMessage
// Handle general broadcasts
client.setBroadcastListener((type, message) -> { });


The Client class has four primary methods:

Method Usage
WriteResult sendAsync(AbstractMessage message) Send a AbstractMessage value, return wrapper of of write operation information.
ReplyResult sendAsync(AbstractRequestMessage message, Consumer<AbstractReplyMessage> replyHandler) Send a AbstractMessage value and handle a reply value (ideally of an expected type), return wrapper of the write operation and read operation for the handled response.
void sendBlocking(AbstractMessage message) Send a AbstractMessage value, return when the message has been sent.
void sendBlocking(AbstractRequestMessage message, Consumer<AbstractReplyMessage> replyHandler) Send a AbstractMessage value and handle a reply value (ideally of an expected type), return when reply has been handled.

The available request/response messages:

Request type Response type Description
RequestClassMessage ReplyClassMessage Get the byte[] of a class, wrapped as a ClassData type.
RequestClassloaderClassesMessage ReplyClassloaderClassesMessage Get the names of classes belonging to a given ClassLoader.
RequestClassloadersMessage ReplyClassloadersMessage Get the int loaderId values of all ClassLoader values.
RequestFieldGetMessage ReplyFieldGetMessage Get the String representation of a static field's value.
RequestFieldSetMessage ReplyFieldSetMessage Set the value of a static field's value.
RequestPingMessage ReplyPingMessage Ping pong.
RequestPropertiesMessage ReplyPropertiesMessage Get the System.getProperties() values.
RequestRedefineMessage ReplyRedefineMessage Redefine a class.
RequestSetPropertyMessage ReplySetPropertyMessage Set a value within the System.getProperties().
RequestThreadsMessage ReplyThreadsMessage Get thread information about all running threads.

The available broadcast messages:

Type Description
BroadcastClassloaderMessage Sent any time a new ClassLoader has been used.
BroadcastClassMessage Sent any time a class definition has been updated.


Minimal client-server library for interacting with remote JVM instrumentation instances







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