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Jorge Reyes edited this page Jun 2, 2015 · 2 revisions

Once you have concatenated criterias together, you can execute the query via the execution methods. Please remember that these methods return the results, so they must be executed last.

Method Description Example
list(max, offset, timeout, sortOrder, ignoreCase, asQuery=false) Execute the criterias and give you the results. list(), list(max=50,offset=51,timeout=3000,ignoreCase=true)
get() Retrieve one result only. get()
count() Does a projection on the given criteria query and gives you the row count only, great for pagination totals or running counts. Note, count() can't be called on a criteria after list() has been executed. count()
// Get
var results = c.idEq( 4 ).get();

// Listing
var results ="name", "lui%")

// Count via projections of all users that start with the letter 'L'
var count = c.ilike("name","L%").count();

Note You can call count() and list() on the same criteria, but due to the internal workings of Hibernate, you must call count() first, then list().

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