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Yet another BDD specification library for .NET

Build status NuGet version

Penfold can be installed from NuGet. Run the following commands from the Package Manager Console:

PM> Install-Package penfold

Penfold runs on NUnit so it should already work with your favourite test runner. Create a class that inherits from Specification then write your specification in the constructor:

public class CalculatorSpecification : Specification
    public CalculatorSpecification()
        var calculator = new Calculator();

        before_each = () => calculator.Clear();

        describe["Addition"] = () =>
            context["adding two and three"] = () =>
                before = () => calculator.Key(2).Add(3);

                it["sets the total to five"] = () =>

                it["sets the history to:"] = () =>
                    log(calculator.History.ShouldEqual("2 + 3"));

Penfold supports both RSpec style specifications and Gherkin:

public class CalculatorFeature : Specification
    public CalculatorFeature()
        var calculator = new Calculator();

        comment = @"
            as a math idiot
            I want to use a calculator
            so I don't make mistakes with simple arithmetic

        Scenario["Addition"] = () =>
            Given["I have pressed clear"] = () => calculator.Clear();
            When["I key in two"]          = () => calculator.Key(2);
            When["I add three"]           = () => calculator.Add(3);
            Then["the total is five"]     = () => calculator.Total.ShouldEqual(5);
            Then["the history is:"]       = () => log(calculator.History.ShouldEqual("2 + 3"));

Have fun 😀