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A property drawer base class that imitates Unity's custom inspectors but for property drawers.


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A property drawer base class that imitates Unity's custom inspectors but for property drawers.

I have always hated property drawers becuase they are overly complicated and lack the versitlity of Unity's custom inspectors. I got so tired of having to keep track of property rects and typing out verbose code that I made this simple class that simplifies property drawers and automatically keeps track of property heights and positions. It also includes some exta label options, spaces, and layout groups.

Inherit SimplePropertyDrawer as a base class instead of Unity's built in PropertyDrawer class to use.

NOTE: This class is intended to be used with the legacy property drawer, not UIElements.

Return Type Name Description
GUIContent BeginProperty( ref Rect aPosition, SerializedProperty aProperty, GUIContent aLabel ) Call this at the beginning of the custom property.
void EndProperty() Call this at the end of the custom property.
void DrawField( string aPropertyName, [string aDisplayName], [int aLabelWidth], [int aLimitFieldWidth], [Color aBackgroundColor] ) Draws a property field with the supplied property name using the base SerializedProperty.
void DrawField( SerializedProperty aProperty, string aPropertyName, [string aDisplayName], [int aLabelWidth], [int aLimitFieldWidth], [Color aBackgroundColor] ) Draws a property field with the supplied name using the supplied SerializedProperty.
void DrawLabel( string aString, [TextAnchor aAlignment], [int aFontSize], [Color aBackgroundColor], [int[] aPadding], [int aFixedHeight] ) Draws a label using the provided string and settings.
void DrawSpace( [int aHeight] ) Draws an empty space using the defualt space height or a specified height.
void DrawFoldout( bool aFoldout, string aLabel, System.Action aDrawAction, out bool aIsOpen, [bool aToggleOnLabelClick = true] Draws a foldout and it's content when opened.
void AddSize( int aWidth, int aHeight ) Call this whenever drawing a property field outside of DrawField() and DrawLabel() to calculate it's size into the drawer height and layout group dimensions.
void BeginVertical() Begins a vertial layout group.
void EndVertical() Ends a vertical layout group.
void BeginHorizontal Begins a horizontal layout group.
void EndHorizontal Ends a horizontal layout group.
void SetFieldWidth( float aFieldWidth ) Sets the width of fields. A value of less than 1 will result in the default field width.
void SetFieldHeight( float aFieldHeight ) Sets the height of fields. A value of less than 1 will result in the default field height.
float GetHeight( SerializedProperty aProperty, string aPropertyName ) Returns the height of a serialized property.
Example Useage

Example Class

public class Example {
  public int myInt;
  public float myFloat;
  public string[] myStrings;
  public int groupedInt;
  public float groupedFloat;
  public int groupedString;

Property Drawer

using UnityEditor;

[CustomPropertyDrawer( typeof( Example ) )]
public class ExamplePropertyDrawer : PropertyDrawerBase {
  private bool propertyFoldout = true;
    public override void OnGUI( Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label ) {

      BeginProperty( ref position, property, label );
      DrawLabel( "This is a label!" );
      DrawField( "myInt" );
      DrawField( "myFloat" );
      DrawField( "myStrings" );
      DrawFoldout( propertyFoldout, "My Grouped Fields", () => {
          DrawField( "groupedInt" );
          DrawField( "groupedFloat" );
          DrawField( "groupedString" );
      }, out propertyFoldout );
      DrawLabel( "Horizontal Layout", TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 20 )
      SetFieldWidth( 150 );
      DrawLabel( "Horizontal 1" );
      DrawLabel( "Horizontal 2" );
      DrawLabel( "Horizontal 3" );
      SetFieldWidth( 0 );



A property drawer base class that imitates Unity's custom inspectors but for property drawers.







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