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506 lines (384 loc) · 19.6 KB

File metadata and controls

506 lines (384 loc) · 19.6 KB

Chemotion_ELN Changelog



  • Features and Improvements:
  • Fixes



  • Features and Improvements:

  • Fixes:

    • An incomplete SVG file is generated after sanitizing the SVG
    • chemspectra on Reaction and ResearchPlan analyses
    • chemspectra display of XRD data
    • DataCollector: deletion of folder
    • Incorrect application root url in Jobs
    • client handling of attachment hyperlinks
    • misleading tooltip in the user list (Admin UI)
    • proper version of chemspectra app



  • Important for admin and developers:

    • change of environment variable: use PUBLIC_URL instead of HOST and SMTP_HOST
    • nodejs upd to 14.20.0
    • drop support for bionic
  • Features and Improvements:

    • ketcherservice: server generation of sample svg
    • Reaction coefficient: improve yield calculation (#544)
    • Metadata-converter: v0.6.0
    • Chemspectra: v0.10.15 (allow reprocessing, read Bruker processed files if present)
    • Inbox: delete multiple attachments at once (#571)
    • research-plan: improve context-menu in tables
  • Fixes:

    • SVG generation for sample and reaction: (#846)
    • Sample amount metric
    • report svg composer: skip image if image file does not exist.
    • chemspectra: duplicate image generation



  • Features and Improvements:

    • Download of large dataset as background job to avoid timeout (#785)
  • Fixes:

    • Reaction title on research-plan (#787)
    • Well-details scrolling (#669)



  • Features and Improvements:

    • dataset selection in chemspectra viewer dataset selection in chemspectra viewer #715
    • Screens:
      • Research Plans may be added to Screens
      • Associated Research Plans may be edited from Screens
    • Research Plans:
      • Wellplates may be added to Research Plans
    • Wellplates:
      • Add short label with user prefix and user's Wellplate count
      • Wells have multiple readouts now
      • Add title for readouts and display of multiple readouts in designer and list
      • Add attachments
      • Add import for well data from .xlsx and import template .xlsx
    • Collection Tag for research-plan screen (#774)
    • Chemspectra : Cyclic Voltametry (Warning: upd chem-spectra-app service to 0.10.14)
    • ResearchPlan link to reactions and samples (#666)
    • No reaction-svg when no material present (#691)
  • Fixes

    • report: fix the label can't be assigned issue #661
    • Reference Style improvement Reference Style improvement #695
    • Adjust docker setup to work on mac
    • prevent unecessary building of reaction svg on description text input (#759)
    • elemental composition value with 2 decimals (#739)
    • reference Manager issues (#708 #756 )
    • Missing attachment preview in research plan (#751)



  • Fixes
    • export dataset attachments with no hyperlink present
    • analysis: preview latest processed image
    • rails patch upd
    • npx audit fix



  • Features and Improvements:
    • fast input: sample creation
      • users can create samples by entering the CAS Registry Number or SMILES
    • SciFinder-n Search: integrate SciFinder-n into ELN and user can search in SciFinder for substances/reactions/references/suppliers by structure
    • analytics converter integration
    • OIDC signin



  • Fixes
    • Ketcher icons missing (since 1.1.3)



  • Fixes
    • npx-audit and Gem patches
    • migration
    • reaction prediction UI



  • Fixes
    • upd chemspectra client: XRD d-value
    • add product to reaction



  • Fixes
    • uniq sample short-label while creating reaction
    • customized toolbar refresh issue in quill editor
    • rendering of the group list when deleting multiple groups
    • permission to add elements to sync-collections



  • NB:

    • Admin: if applicable, chemspectra backend should be updated to version 0.10.13
    • Developers: reactjs updated to 17
  • Features and Improvements:

    • export sample: literature option for excel list #554
    • report: Add literature section in standard sample report #554
    • report: Add more information to standard reaction report #523
    • attachments-inbox: filename matching with sample’s “name” or “external name”. #537
    • attachments-inbox: case-insensitive matching #537
    • attachments-inbox: added labels “product” or “start material” if applicable #537
    • attachments-inbox: when the assignment is completed, send a notification to user’s message box #537
    • attachments-inbox: filename matching to support files from ELA system.
    • chemspectra: UV-vis layout extension (part of #531 )
    • chemspectra: Add further functions to XRD layout #532
    • wellplate designer: select info and colour to be displayed in well (#556, #558)
    • wellplate designer: print wellplate as pdf (#555)
    • name_abbreviation regexp validation is configurable
    • swagger documentation: visibility of endpoints doc customizable
    • rename tab 'literature' to 'references'. Please update the current profile_default.yml with the new one.
    • Admin user management: add multiple users from file.
  • Fixes

    • import collection failed due to some molecules cannot be created successfully cannot create molecule with given molfile
    • filtering product samples of reactions when filter is on on sample list
    • #584
    • Notification channels: correct wrong data format



  • Fixes
    • reseach-plan .docx export: convert SVG to PNG sample/reaction images
    • collection import with sample missing molecule_name: use default value
    • structure editors: added public/editors to ease set up
    • node post-install fx to resolve node_modules path when located outside of app (docker)



  • Fixes
    • DB migration: fix typo that could prevent updating from 0.9.1
    • structure editor: chemdrawjs-20 support
    • gate transfer: attachment checksum bckwrd compatibility



  • Improvements

    • LCSS display info only from ECHA source
    • QuillEditor: added special characters menu for ResearchPlan
  • Fixes

    • postinstall rewrite of some imports in citation.js to fix wbpk assets compilation
    • Reaction SVG refresh after editing or adding samples
    • Fix Cron Jobs for LCSS and Pubchem Info
    • dev: fix reaction seeds







  • Fixes
    • sync/share deletion permission
    • Admin: segment deletion



  • Features

    • Decoupled sample: molfile-less sample creation
    • Generic-element/segment (Beta): customizable data structure
  • Fixes

    • serialization of sdf-imported molecules with improper file encoding



  • Features

    • option to decouple sample from molfile defined molecule - enable user custom MW input (Admin has to enable the feature)
    • research-plan table: switch to using ag-grid - enable moving row/columns with d-n-d
    • nmr_sim ELN plugin installed by default
  • Fixes

    • Add configurable default profile for Element-Detail tab sortings
    • slow opening of reaction panel: rm debounce
    • green-chemistry: fix checkbox rerendering in table cell
    • Analytics atom count scenari
    • default favicon if none present



  • Features

    • sorting of tabs in Element-detail Panel (Sample, Reaction,...)
  • Fixes

    • mimemagic gem updated due to previous version forced retirement
    • research-plan table: cell focus input
    • slow opening of reaction panel: rm debounce





  • Features
  • minor UX improvements
  • admin UI for data-collector and noVNC connection
  • improve report UI performance



  • Features

    • Analysis type according to Chemical Ontology (owl)
    • export data from whole collections as zip (and import them)
    • server notification system to users. E.g: user get notified when:
      • the report generation is done
      • it needs to refresh the browsers page to reload the cached application (update)
    • Admin UI:
      • NB: migrations will seed a default admin account => you need to change its password email: , pw: PleaseChangeYourPassword
      • basic user management functions + direct notification to user
      • DataCollector device configuration
      • global notification to users
    • Green Chemistry calculator for reaction
    • RInChI integration
    • new reporting functions
    • sample/reaction large image preview from their element lists on hover
    • clone samples/reactions to one's Chemotion Repository account (
  • Upgrade Notes:

    • must do: change the default password of the default admin account (vide supra)
    • should do: reports are now stored as attachments run rake task data:ver_20180812115719_add_colums_to_attachment to ensure the retrievability of previously generated reports



  • Features

    • Element list: added time range filter / product filter
    • enhanced data collector, new configuration (Breaking change)
    • Export reactions as reaction smiles
    • Extract RSMI from docx embedded cdx object
  • Fixes

    • Report formating
    • shared collection from deleted account



  • Features

    • upg Rails to 4.2.10 nvm to 6.10.2
  • Fixes

    • Docker: node_modules as volume
    • collection_tag update after element re-assignmnet to former collection



  • Features

    • Export reaction smiles
    • reporting: revamp of UI
    • reporting: analysis metadata formating
    • user affiliations management
    • revamp of sample/reaction detail UI
    • select the sample molecule_name to display
    • fetch CAS from pubchem
    • uuid (qr code) for each element (sample, reaction, analyse)
    • export samples as sdf
    • adv search
    • Docker install
  • Fixes

    • search result element ordering
    • dependent destroy of collections-elements
    • sample density default set to 0
    • react production build



  • Features

    • Temperature Chart with unit converter (°C, °F , K) for reaction
    • Import molecules and create samples from a sd file (R group and polymer support are not supported)
    • Images in report doc are from eps files
    • rearrange the reaction list for a report by Drag-and-drop -ing
    • Text editing and formating tool bar for the reaction description
  • Fixes

    • upgrade to Ruby 2.3.1
    • The Upload of analyses files does not fail if the thumbnail creation does



  • Features

    • sharing data with a group of users
    • substructure search with fingerprint algorithm
    • multiple solvents for reactions
    • drag-and-drop of sample to reaction solvent
    • user-defined chemical structure templates
    • common chemical structure templates
    • synchronized collections
    • added full-screeen button to element view
    • database and attachments backups
    • better import feature
    • advanced export options
    • generate reports in .doc format
    • different naming for reaction product
    • add concentration to sample in solution
    • updates in reporting system
    • molecular weight calculation in real time Ketcherails v0.1.1
    • molecular weight calculation for selected structure part in real time Ketcherails v0.1.1
    • warning for user when editing parent/child sample: parent/child samples structures are not automatically updated
    • reactants are not appearing in the samples list anymore
    • added more details to sample analyses header
    • style and user interface improvements
    • zooming of reactions SVGs
  • Fixes

    • user created samples counter is not decremented on deletion
    • add material for reaction
    • do not show non-saved collection in collection tree
    • edit sample from reaction
    • better scaling of sample and reaction SVG images
    • multiple bug fixes



  • Features

    • ELN for (organic) chemistry ton to element view
    • database and attachments backups
    • better import feature
    • advanced export options
    • generate reports in .doc format
    • different naming for reaction product
    • add concentration to sample in solution
    • updates in reporting system
    • molecular weight calculation in real time Ketcherails v0.1.1
    • molecular weight calculation for selected structure part in real time Ketcherails v0.1.1
    • warning for user when editing parent/child sample: parent/child samples structures are not automatically updated
    • reactants are not appearing in the samples list anymore
    • added more details to sample analyses header
    • style and user interface improvements
    • zooming of reactions SVGs
  • Fixes

    • user created samples counter is not decremented on deletion
    • add material for reaction
    • do not show non-saved collection in collection tree
    • edit sample from reaction
    • better scaling of sample and reaction SVG images
    • multiple bug fixes



  • Features
    • ELN for (organic) chemistry