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libExchanger() implements SPAKE2+ protocol.

It is an PBKDF2-based implementation of a SPAKE2+ protocol. It has followin features.

1) The code is be written in ANSI C.

2) The code compiles and run on Linux (64 bit) and OSX.

3) The code contains unit tests that can run independent of functional tests.

4) The code uses CMake as the build system.

5) Compile time flags are added to the CMake files to treat compiler warnings as errors. When compiling, there must be no warnings and/or errors.

6) There are no memory leaks. The code passes through Valgrind.

7) The CMake files enable Address Sanitizer and there are no errors when executed.

8) The code must be built as a shared library and contain a separate stand alone main program that links to this library.

9) If cryptographic functions are used, the code MUST link to OpenSSL 1.1.1 or above.

10) The main program demonstrates how the library could be instantiated as a server / client on two ends.

11) On the client side, a 6-8 digit pin should be used, then both sides exchange messages to compute a shared secret.



To build the library you need following tools and libraries installed in your system:

  • CMake v.3.12 or higher

  • OpenSSL development library, version 1.1.0g or 1.1.1f

  • Valgrind 3.13.0 or higher

  • Doxygen 1.8.13 or higher

Download the source code

git clone <Repo:libexchanger.git>
cd libexchanger
git submodule update --init

Compile the library

CMake is used as a build system for this project. Using CMake all build artifacts like object files, binaries, logs, etc., are stored in a folder where the CMake is being run. Thus, a recommended way of using CMake is to create a new directory and to run CMake from there. This allows to completely separate original sources from building artifacts and makes cleaning process as easy as possible. To cleanup the project it’s enough to remove the build files in the folder where CMake was run.

The project supports following build configurations:

  • Release - build project with compiler optimization and without debug information

  • Debug - build project with debug information (valgrind must be installed)

  • asan - build with Address Sanitizer features for real-time address checking

  • lsan - build with Address Sanitizer features for real-time memory leaks checking

  • ubsan - build with Address Sanitizer features for real-time checking for undefined behavior

To build the library using Release configuration use following commands:

mkdir Release
cd Release
cmake --DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
cmake --build .

To compile the documentation use the following command instead of the last command above: doxygen must be installed to build docs

cmake --build . --target docs

Now the Release directory contains client and server example binaries and unity_tests for testing the code.

All configurations use compiler flags -Wall -Wextra -Werror that enforce the compiler escalate all warnings as errors.

The library provides debug facilities via enabling numerous debug messages. This messages can be enabled by passing any combination of the following cmake parameters:

enables error messages and warnings in the library

enables the most other messages in the library

enables debug messages while concatenating arrays for creating TT and input for PBKDF2 function; its purpose is to separate output from concatenate arrays function from COMMON_DEBUG messages.

So, if all possible tracing is required, invoke cmake with the following parameters:

mkdir Debug
cd Debug
cmake --build .

specifies different from system-wide installation path for OpenSSL Library.

specifies exact numeric version of OpenSSL to be used and stops building in case of version mismatch.

Run examples

Example applications are provided after building the project with cmake --build . in the build directory. To create secret credentials on the server’s side invoke a server with a password parameter (-p parameter):

./server -p 345542

Now the secret data was stored in files w0.dat and L.dat in a Base64 format.

To start acepting incoming connections run the server without the password:


The client might be called in the following way, with only server IP address (-A parameter) and password (-p parameter):

./client -A  -p 345543

Below are another three example commands that show how to customize SPAKE2+ key derivation with example applications. Their order and meaning correspond to the three simple commands above:

./server -p '1234567' -s server -c client -a "Some additional data" -G P-384 -H SHA512 -M HMAC -P 12345
./server -s server -c client -a "Some additional data" -G P-384 -H SHA512 -M HMAC -P 12345 -d ./
./client -A -P 12345 -p '1234567' -s server -c client -a "Some additional data" -G P-384 -H SHA512 -M HMAC -m "Message to be sent" -f ./file_to_be_sent



Below is the full list of server options

./server usage:
  ./server <options>
  a) used only to initialize server with new password and exit:
    -p <password> - password, mandatory
  b) used only to accept connection:
    [-P <server port>] - UDP port number to open, default is 12345
    [-i <interface name>] - name of interface to be used, by default are used all interfaces (Linux only)
    [-d <directory>] - directory to store files and messages, default is /tmp
  c) used for both cases above and with identical set of options from below per "init & accept-connections" pair:
    [-a <additional string>] - default is "Use SPAKE2+ latest version."
    [-s <server id>] - default is "server"
    [-c <client id>] - default is "client"
    [-G <EC group name>] - One of "P-256", "P-384", "P-521", default is P-256
    [-H <hash function name>] - "SHA256" or "SHA512", default is SHA256
    [-M <MAC function name>] - "HMAC" or "CMAC", default is HMAC
    [-n <max number of processed clients>] - maximal number of processed clients,  default is 0 (unlimited)

Option -p switches the server into password initialization mode for w0.dat and L.dat creation. Without this option the server starts accepting connections, if w0.dat and L.dat are provided and correspond to the chosen cryptographic parameters.

Option -d specifies directory for storing received and decrypted files and messages under timestamped names client_file_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS and client_message_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS respectively.

Options -a, -s and -d accept arbitrary strings as parameters, while each of the options -G, -H and -M accepts only one of the allowed values.

Option -P specifies port used for accepting connections. Option -i specifies interface to be used for listening, if not specified all interfaces are listened.


Below is the full list of client options

./client usage:
  ./client <options>
    -p <password> - Password
    -A <Server address> - IP address to connect to
    [-P <server port>] - UDP port number to conect to, default is 12345
    [-s <server id>] - default is server
    [-c <client id>] - default is client
    [-m <message>]   - message to be sent, default is 'Super secret data from client'
    [-f <path to file>] - file to be sent
    [-a <additional string>] - default is Use SPAKE2+ latest version.
    [-G <EC group name>] - One of P-256, P-384, P-521, default is P-256
    [-H <hash function name>] - SHA256 or SHA512, default is SHA256
    [-M <MAC function name>] - HMAC or CMAC, default is HMAC

Options -p, -P, -a, -s, -c, -G, -H and -M must coincide with corresponding server invocation and have the same meaning as for the server. Protocol errors occur otherwise.

Option -A represents IP address of the server.

Option -m specifies a text message to be encrypted with the derived key and sent to the server. Supported length is 1000 symbols including mandatory terminating zero. If no option is specified, a default message is encrypted and sent.

Option -f specifies a file to be read, encrypted with the derived key and sent to the server. The file is processed in chunks of no more than 1000 bytes. No file is transmitted if the option is not specified.

Run tests

To run Unity and Vector (64-bit OS only) tests simply start the unity_tests application or ctest without parameters.

Run ctest -T memcheck to run Valgrind.

Alternatively valgrind -v --tool=memcheck --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all ./unity_tests can be run.

To start stress-test, run ./ from the build directory. This script initializes server, runs it ready for 1000 connections under Valgrind and runs 1000 clients for the server. This is a BASH script and is not included into Valgrind as a whole since BASH itself has Valgrind defects. However, this script enables running the server in processing phase under Valgrind and see if there are any leaks. Moreover the script supports nearly all options of client and server example applications like in the usage below

Usage: ./ <options>
    [-h] - print this Usage information
    [-v] - enable Valgrind memcheck for server invocation for multiple client processing
    [-p <password>] - Password
    [-A <Server address>] - IP address to connect to
    [-P <server port>] - UDP port number to conect to, default is 12345
    [-s <server id>] - default is server
    [-c <client id>] - default is client
    [-a <additional string>] - default is Use SPAKE2+ latest version.
    [-G <EC group name>] - One of P-256, P-384, P-521, default is P-256
    [-H <hash function name>] - SHA256 or SHA512, default is SHA256
    [-M <MAC function name>] - HMAC or CMAC, default is HMAC
    [-n <max number of processed clients>] - maximal number of processed clients,  default is 0 (unlimited)
    [-i <interface name>] - name of interface to be used, by default are used all interfaces (Linux only)
    [-d <directory>] - directory to store files and messages, default is /tmp
    [-m <message to server>] - message (default is Client invocation number) to be appended by invocation number

Run Sanitizer

Address Sanitizer works in runtime always if CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=asan is chosen. Normally Sanitizer produces list of errors after the program finishes, but all these errors have been fixed and there are no messages after that. Remember that project built with CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=asan fails Valgrind tests invoked with the command ctest -T memcheck.


Optimized implementation of Spake2+ Augmented PAKE protocol for embedded IoT devices.



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