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Travis CI committed Apr 23, 2017
1 parent 2771b4b commit 7a48d1d
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Showing 8 changed files with 317 additions and 317 deletions.
Binary file modified de/latest/manual/.doctrees/environment.pickle
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified de/latest/manual/_images/strftime_simple.png
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Binary file modified de/latest/manual/_images/video_simple.png
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion en/latest/api/script/apidata.json

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

628 changes: 314 additions & 314 deletions en/latest/api/script/apiviewer.js

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion en/latest/api/script/cv.Version.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
{"attributes": {"isStatic": true, "name": "Version", "hasWarning": true, "packageName": "cv", "hasError": true, "fullName": "cv.Version", "type": "class"}, "type": "class", "children": [{"attributes": {}, "type": "constants", "children": [{"attributes": {"type": "String", "name": "DATE", "value": "2017-04-23T08:05:51.404797"}, "type": "constant"}, {"attributes": {"type": "String", "name": "VERSION", "value": "0.11.0-dev"}, "type": "constant"}, {"attributes": {"type": "String", "name": "REV", "value": "b22a4baaa6747f1d4be335265d9f1243ad23e7e9"}, "type": "constant"}, {"attributes": {"type": "String", "name": "BRANCH", "value": "HEAD"}, "type": "constant"}]}, {"attributes": {}, "type": "errors", "children": [{"attributes": {"msg": "Class documentation is missing.", "column": 17, "line": 2}, "type": "error"}]}]}
{"attributes": {"isStatic": true, "name": "Version", "hasWarning": true, "packageName": "cv", "hasError": true, "fullName": "cv.Version", "type": "class"}, "type": "class", "children": [{"attributes": {}, "type": "constants", "children": [{"attributes": {"type": "String", "name": "DATE", "value": "2017-04-23T10:03:38.453116"}, "type": "constant"}, {"attributes": {"type": "String", "name": "VERSION", "value": "0.11.0-dev"}, "type": "constant"}, {"attributes": {"type": "String", "name": "REV", "value": "8e1c9f24ec964903ea4c5786287486b69e8bed1c"}, "type": "constant"}, {"attributes": {"type": "String", "name": "BRANCH", "value": "HEAD"}, "type": "constant"}]}, {"attributes": {}, "type": "errors", "children": [{"attributes": {"msg": "Class documentation is missing.", "column": 17, "line": 2}, "type": "error"}]}]}
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion en/latest/api/script/qx.event.IEventHandler.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
{"attributes": {"fullName": "qx.event.IEventHandler", "packageName": "qx.event", "type": "interface", "name": "IEventHandler", "implementations": "qx.event.handler.Object,qx.event.handler.Appear,qx.event.handler.Pointer,qx.event.handler.Gesture,qx.event.handler.Element,qx.event.handler.UserAction,qx.event.handler.Mouse,qx.event.handler.Keyboard,qx.event.handler.Focus,qx.event.handler.Window,qx.event.handler.Application,qx.event.handler.Orientation,qx.event.handler.Touch,qx.event.handler.Input,qx.event.handler.Offline,qx.event.handler.Capture,qx.event.handler.DragDrop,qx.ui.core.EventHandler,,,qx.event.handler.Transition,qx.event.handler.ElementResize,qx.event.handler.Iframe"}, "type": "class", "children": [{"attributes": {"text": "<p>Event handler Interface.</p>\n\n<p>All custom event handler like mouse or keyboard event handler must implement\nthis interface.</p>"}, "type": "desc"}, {"attributes": {}, "type": "constants", "children": [{"attributes": {"type": "Number", "name": "TARGET_DOMNODE", "value": "1"}, "type": "constant", "children": [{"attributes": {"text": "<p>The event target must be a dom node</p>"}, "type": "desc"}, {"attributes": {}, "type": "types", "children": [{"attributes": {"type": "Integer"}, "type": "entry"}]}]}, {"attributes": {"type": "Number", "name": "TARGET_DOCUMENT", "value": "8"}, "type": "constant", "children": [{"attributes": {"text": "<p>The event target must be a document node</p>"}, "type": "desc"}, {"attributes": {}, "type": "types", "children": [{"attributes": {"type": "Integer"}, "type": "entry"}]}]}, {"attributes": {"type": "Number", "name": "TARGET_OBJECT", "value": "4"}, "type": "constant", "children": [{"attributes": {"text": "<p>The event target must be a qooxdoo object</p>"}, "type": "desc"}, {"attributes": {}, "type": "types", "children": [{"attributes": {"type": "Integer"}, "type": "entry"}]}]}, {"attributes": {"type": "Number", "name": "TARGET_WINDOW", "value": "2"}, "type": "constant", "children": [{"attributes": {"text": "<p>The event target must be a window object</p>"}, "type": "desc"}, {"attributes": {}, "type": "types", "children": [{"attributes": {"type": "Integer"}, "type": "entry"}]}]}]}, {"attributes": {}, "type": "methods", "children": [{"attributes": {"line": 58, "name": "canHandleEvent"}, "type": "method", "children": [{"attributes": {}, "type": "params", "children": [{"attributes": {"name": "target"}, "type": "param", "children": [{"attributes": {"text": "<p>The target to, which the event handler should be attached</p>"}, "type": "desc"}, {"attributes": {}, "type": "types", "children": [{"attributes": {"type": "var"}, "type": "entry"}]}]}, {"attributes": {"name": "type"}, "type": "param", "children": [{"attributes": {"text": "<p>event type</p>"}, "type": "desc"}, {"attributes": {}, "type": "types", "children": [{"attributes": {"type": "String"}, "type": "entry"}]}]}]}, {"attributes": {"text": "<p>Whether the event handler can handle events of the given type. If the\nevent handler class has a static variable called <code>IGNORE_CAN_HANDLE</code>\nwith the value <code>true</code> this function is not called. Whether the\nhandler can handle the event is them only determined by the static variables\n<code>SUPPORTED_TYPES</code> and <code>TARGET_CHECK</code>.</p>"}, "type": "desc"}, {"attributes": {}, "type": "return", "children": [{"attributes": {"text": "<p>Whether the event handler can handle events of the given type.</p>"}, "type": "desc"}, {"attributes": {}, "type": "types", "children": [{"attributes": {"type": "Boolean"}, "type": "entry"}]}]}]}, {"attributes": {"line": 71, "name": "registerEvent"}, "type": "method", "children": [{"attributes": {}, "type": "params", "children": [{"attributes": {"name": "target"}, "type": "param", "children": [{"attributes": {"text": "<p>The target to, which the event handler should be attached</p>"}, "type": "desc"}, {"attributes": {}, "type": "types", "children": [{"attributes": {"type": "var"}, "type": "entry"}]}]}, {"attributes": {"name": "type"}, "type": "param", "children": [{"attributes": {"text": "<p>event type</p>"}, "type": "desc"}, {"attributes": {}, "type": "types", "children": [{"attributes": {"type": "String"}, "type": "entry"}]}]}, {"attributes": {"name": "capture"}, "type": "param", "children": [{"attributes": {"text": "<p>Whether to attach the event to the capturing phase or the bubbling phase of the event.</p>"}, "type": "desc"}, {"attributes": {}, "type": "types", "children": [{"attributes": {"type": "Boolean"}, "type": "entry"}]}]}]}, {"attributes": {"text": "<p>This method is called each time an event listener, for one of the\nsupported events, is added using {@link qx.event.Manager#addListener}.</p>"}, "type": "desc"}]}, {"attributes": {"line": 85, "name": "unregisterEvent"}, "type": "method", "children": [{"attributes": {}, "type": "params", "children": [{"attributes": {"name": "target"}, "type": "param", "children": [{"attributes": {"text": "<p>The target from, which the event handler should be removed</p>"}, "type": "desc"}, {"attributes": {}, "type": "types", "children": [{"attributes": {"type": "var"}, "type": "entry"}]}]}, {"attributes": {"name": "type"}, "type": "param", "children": [{"attributes": {"text": "<p>event type</p>"}, "type": "desc"}, {"attributes": {}, "type": "types", "children": [{"attributes": {"type": "String"}, "type": "entry"}]}]}, {"attributes": {"name": "capture"}, "type": "param", "children": [{"attributes": {"text": "<p>Whether to attach the event to the capturing phase or the bubbling phase of the event.</p>"}, "type": "desc"}, {"attributes": {}, "type": "types", "children": [{"attributes": {"type": "Boolean"}, "type": "entry"}]}]}]}, {"attributes": {"text": "<p>This method is called each time an event listener, for one of the\nsupported events, is removed by using {@link qx.event.Manager#removeListener}\nand no other event listener is listening on this type.</p>"}, "type": "desc"}]}]}]}
{"attributes": {"fullName": "qx.event.IEventHandler", "packageName": "qx.event", "type": "interface", "name": "IEventHandler", "implementations": "qx.event.handler.Object,qx.event.handler.Appear,qx.event.handler.Pointer,qx.event.handler.Gesture,qx.event.handler.Element,qx.event.handler.UserAction,qx.event.handler.Mouse,qx.event.handler.Keyboard,qx.event.handler.Focus,qx.event.handler.Window,qx.event.handler.Application,qx.event.handler.Orientation,qx.event.handler.Touch,qx.event.handler.Input,qx.event.handler.Offline,qx.event.handler.Capture,qx.ui.core.EventHandler,qx.event.handler.DragDrop,,,qx.event.handler.Transition,qx.event.handler.ElementResize,qx.event.handler.Iframe"}, "type": "class", "children": [{"attributes": {"text": "<p>Event handler Interface.</p>\n\n<p>All custom event handler like mouse or keyboard event handler must implement\nthis interface.</p>"}, "type": "desc"}, {"attributes": {}, "type": "constants", "children": [{"attributes": {"type": "Number", "name": "TARGET_DOMNODE", "value": "1"}, "type": "constant", "children": [{"attributes": {"text": "<p>The event target must be a dom node</p>"}, "type": "desc"}, {"attributes": {}, "type": "types", "children": [{"attributes": {"type": "Integer"}, "type": "entry"}]}]}, {"attributes": {"type": "Number", "name": "TARGET_DOCUMENT", "value": "8"}, "type": "constant", "children": [{"attributes": {"text": "<p>The event target must be a document node</p>"}, "type": "desc"}, {"attributes": {}, "type": "types", "children": [{"attributes": {"type": "Integer"}, "type": "entry"}]}]}, {"attributes": {"type": "Number", "name": "TARGET_OBJECT", "value": "4"}, "type": "constant", "children": [{"attributes": {"text": "<p>The event target must be a qooxdoo object</p>"}, "type": "desc"}, {"attributes": {}, "type": "types", "children": [{"attributes": {"type": "Integer"}, "type": "entry"}]}]}, {"attributes": {"type": "Number", "name": "TARGET_WINDOW", "value": "2"}, "type": "constant", "children": [{"attributes": {"text": "<p>The event target must be a window object</p>"}, "type": "desc"}, {"attributes": {}, "type": "types", "children": [{"attributes": {"type": "Integer"}, "type": "entry"}]}]}]}, {"attributes": {}, "type": "methods", "children": [{"attributes": {"line": 58, "name": "canHandleEvent"}, "type": "method", "children": [{"attributes": {}, "type": "params", "children": [{"attributes": {"name": "target"}, "type": "param", "children": [{"attributes": {"text": "<p>The target to, which the event handler should be attached</p>"}, "type": "desc"}, {"attributes": {}, "type": "types", "children": [{"attributes": {"type": "var"}, "type": "entry"}]}]}, {"attributes": {"name": "type"}, "type": "param", "children": [{"attributes": {"text": "<p>event type</p>"}, "type": "desc"}, {"attributes": {}, "type": "types", "children": [{"attributes": {"type": "String"}, "type": "entry"}]}]}]}, {"attributes": {"text": "<p>Whether the event handler can handle events of the given type. If the\nevent handler class has a static variable called <code>IGNORE_CAN_HANDLE</code>\nwith the value <code>true</code> this function is not called. Whether the\nhandler can handle the event is them only determined by the static variables\n<code>SUPPORTED_TYPES</code> and <code>TARGET_CHECK</code>.</p>"}, "type": "desc"}, {"attributes": {}, "type": "return", "children": [{"attributes": {"text": "<p>Whether the event handler can handle events of the given type.</p>"}, "type": "desc"}, {"attributes": {}, "type": "types", "children": [{"attributes": {"type": "Boolean"}, "type": "entry"}]}]}]}, {"attributes": {"line": 71, "name": "registerEvent"}, "type": "method", "children": [{"attributes": {}, "type": "params", "children": [{"attributes": {"name": "target"}, "type": "param", "children": [{"attributes": {"text": "<p>The target to, which the event handler should be attached</p>"}, "type": "desc"}, {"attributes": {}, "type": "types", "children": [{"attributes": {"type": "var"}, "type": "entry"}]}]}, {"attributes": {"name": "type"}, "type": "param", "children": [{"attributes": {"text": "<p>event type</p>"}, "type": "desc"}, {"attributes": {}, "type": "types", "children": [{"attributes": {"type": "String"}, "type": "entry"}]}]}, {"attributes": {"name": "capture"}, "type": "param", "children": [{"attributes": {"text": "<p>Whether to attach the event to the capturing phase or the bubbling phase of the event.</p>"}, "type": "desc"}, {"attributes": {}, "type": "types", "children": [{"attributes": {"type": "Boolean"}, "type": "entry"}]}]}]}, {"attributes": {"text": "<p>This method is called each time an event listener, for one of the\nsupported events, is added using {@link qx.event.Manager#addListener}.</p>"}, "type": "desc"}]}, {"attributes": {"line": 85, "name": "unregisterEvent"}, "type": "method", "children": [{"attributes": {}, "type": "params", "children": [{"attributes": {"name": "target"}, "type": "param", "children": [{"attributes": {"text": "<p>The target from, which the event handler should be removed</p>"}, "type": "desc"}, {"attributes": {}, "type": "types", "children": [{"attributes": {"type": "var"}, "type": "entry"}]}]}, {"attributes": {"name": "type"}, "type": "param", "children": [{"attributes": {"text": "<p>event type</p>"}, "type": "desc"}, {"attributes": {}, "type": "types", "children": [{"attributes": {"type": "String"}, "type": "entry"}]}]}, {"attributes": {"name": "capture"}, "type": "param", "children": [{"attributes": {"text": "<p>Whether to attach the event to the capturing phase or the bubbling phase of the event.</p>"}, "type": "desc"}, {"attributes": {}, "type": "types", "children": [{"attributes": {"type": "Boolean"}, "type": "entry"}]}]}]}, {"attributes": {"text": "<p>This method is called each time an event listener, for one of the\nsupported events, is removed by using {@link qx.event.Manager#removeListener}\nand no other event listener is listening on this type.</p>"}, "type": "desc"}]}]}]}
Binary file modified en/latest/manual/.doctrees/environment.pickle
Binary file not shown.

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