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CodeCats Bot

This is a bot I made to keep track of how much the CodeCats will be when the next batch comes out.

Running the bot yourself

To run the bot yourself, you need to do a few things.

  1. Install NodeJS and NPM (should come with NodeJS)
  2. Run npm install or npm i to install the Node modules
  3. Copy .env.emample to a new file called .env
  4. Replace YOUR_TOKEN_HERE with the token of your Discord Bot
  5. Optional: INVITE_LINK with the invite link of your Discord Bot
  6. Run node . or node index.js to start the bot!
If you want to have the bot run twice a day to store historical data, you must do the following:
  1. Fork this repository
  2. Replace YOUR_EMAIL_HERE in .github/workflows/no-message.yml with your github email
  3. That's all!
If you don't, just delete the .github folder!


There are only 2 commands for this bot

  • !grabstats The normal command that sends a nice embed
  • !grabstats verbose Does the same as !grabstats but also sends the raw stats JSON
  • !invite Sends the link to invite the bot to your server

Public Instance

Click here to invite this bot to your server!

If you are looking through the source code, you'll notice I haven't implemented any kind of proper command handling system. The only reason for that is that this is a smaill bot and I didn't feel like it needed it.


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