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88 lines (60 loc) · 4.08 KB


File metadata and controls

88 lines (60 loc) · 4.08 KB

Positions Particles

This plugin prints out the position, momentum, mass, macro particle weighting, electric charge and relativistic gamma factor of a particle to stdout (usually inside the simOutput/output file). It only works with test simulations that have only one particle.

.cfg file

By setting the command line flag --<species>_position.period to a non-zero number, the analyzer is used. In order to get the particle trajectory for each time step the period needs to be set to 1, meaning e.g. --e_position.period 1 for electrons. If less output is needed, e.g. only every 10th time step, the period can be set to different values, e.g. --e_position.period 10.

Memory Complexity






The electron trajectory is written directly to the standard output. Therefore, it goes both to simOutput/output as well as to the output file specified by the machine used (usually the stdout file in the main directory of the simulation). The output is ASCII-text only. It has the following format:

[ANALYSIS] [MPI_Rank] [COUNTER] [<species>_position] [currentTimeStep] currentTime {position.x position.y position.z} {momentum.x momentum.y momentum.z} mass weighting charge gamma
Value Description Unit
MPI_Rank MPI rank at which prints the particle position none
COUNTER name of the plugin | always <species>_position  
currentTimeStep simulation time step = number of PIC cycles none
currentTime simulation time in SI units seconds
position.x _position.y _position.z location of the particle in space meters
momentum.x _momentum.y _momentum.z momentum of particle kg m/s
mass mass of macro particle kg
weighting number of electrons represented by the macro particle none
charge charge of macro particle Coulomb
gamma relativistic gamma factor of particle none
# an example output line:
[ANALYSIS] [2] [COUNTER] [e_position] [878] 1.46440742e-14 {1.032e-05 4.570851689815522e-05 5.2e-06} {0 -1.
337873603181226e-21 0} 9.109382e-31 1 -1.602176e-19 4.999998569488525

In order to extract only the trajectory information from the total output stored in stdout, the following command on a bash command line could be used:

grep "e_position" stdout > trajectory.dat

The particle data is then stored in trajectory.dat.

In order to extract e.g. the position from this line the following can be used:

cat trajectory.dat | awk '{print $7}' | sed -e "s/{//g" | sed -e 's/}//g' | sed -e 's/,/\t/g' > position.dat

Known Issues


This plugin only works correctly if a single particle is simulated. If more than one particle is simulated, the output becomes random, because only the information of one particle is printed. This plugin might be upgraded to work with multiple particles, but better use our HDF5 or ADIOS plugin instead and assign `particleId`s to individual particles.


Currently, both simOutput/output and stdout are overwritten at restart. All data from the plugin is lost, if these file are not backuped manually.