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File metadata and controls

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#Sahi-API All Sahi-API functions are natively usable in Sakuli. For a complete documentation, see Sahi-API.


#TestCase TestCase - initializes the Sakuli object and sets the warning and critical time for this test case.


  • optCaseId String - optional ID to set the testcase ID to some specifc value. Default is the folder name.
  • optWarningTime number - threshold in seconds. If the threshold is not set or is set to 0, the execution time will never exceed, so the state will be always OK!
  • optCriticalTime number - threshold in seconds. If the threshold is not set or is set to 0, the execution time will never exceed, so the state will be always OK!
  • optImagePathArray Array.<String> - (optional) Path or Array of Paths to the folder containing the image patterns for these test cases.

Returns: - an initialized Sakuli object.

//new syntex since v1.2.0
var testCase = new TestCase(["own-case-id", 20, 30, "path-to/image-folder-name"]);

//old syntax < v1.2.0
var testCase = new TestCase(20, 30, ["path-to/image-folder-name"]);


##TestCase.addImagePaths(imagePaths) Adds the additional paths to the current image library of the TestCase. If a relative path is assigned, the current testcase folder will be used as current directory.


  • imagePaths string - one or more path strings

##TestCase.endOfStep(stepName, optWarningTime, optCriticalTime, optForward) A step allows to sub-divide a case to measure logical units, such as "login", "load report" etc. in its particular runtime. When a case starts, Sakuli starts a "step" timer. It gets read out, stored with the step name, and the timer will set to 0 each time endOfStep() is called. If the step runtime exceeds the step warning resp. critical threshold (second resp. third parameter, both of them are optional), the step is saved with state "WARNING" resp. "CRITICAL".


  • stepName String
  • optWarningTime number - (optional) threshold in seconds, default = 0. If the threshold is set to 0, the execution time will never exceed, so the state will be always OK!
  • optCriticalTime number - (optional) threshold in seconds, default = 0. If the threshold is set to 0, the execution time will never exceed, so the state will be always OK!
  • optForward boolean - (optional) indicate whether the result of the test step shall be immediately processed by the enabled forwarders. This means before the test suite has been executed to the end. If not specified in another way, this option is disabled! Default: false

##TestCase.handleException(e) Handles any Exception or Error. The handleException function calls the Java backend and stores the Exception for further processing.

Use it at the end of a catch-block.


  • e Error - any Exception or Error


try {
  ... do something
} catch (e) {

##TestCase.saveResult(optForward) Saves the results of the current test case for further processing.

Should be called in finally-block of the test case:


  • optForward boolean - indicate whether the result of the test case shall be immediately processed by the enabled forwarders. This means before the test suite has been executed to the end. If not specified in another way, this option is disabled! Default: false


try {
    ... do something
} catch (e) {
} finally {

##TestCase.getID() Returns the current id of this test case.

Returns: String - id
##TestCase.getLastURL() Updates and returns the URL of the last visited URL

Returns: String - last visited URL
##TestCase.getTestCaseFolderPath() Returns: String - the folder path of the current testcase.
##TestCase.getTestSuiteFolderPath() Returns: String - the folder path of the current testcase.
##TestCase.throwException(message, screenshot) Creates a new test case based exception with an optional screenshot at the calling time. Will be called from sakuli.js or in side of 'org.sakuli.javaDSL.AbstractSakuliTest'.


  • message String - error message
  • screenshot Boolean - enable / disable screenshot functionality

#Application Application Class - Represents an application.


  • applicationNameOrPath String - Path to the application file. Example: C:\Windows\system32\notepad.exe
  • optResumeOnException Boolean - Determines whether to ignore exceptions from this class. If this parameter is undefined, it will be false.

Returns: Application - an initialized object.

var editor = new Application("notepad.exe");
var editor = new Application("gedit");

Members Opens the created application. For application with a long load time you may need to change the default sleep time with setSleepTime(...).

Returns: - this Application object.
##Application.focus() Focuses the current application, if the application is in the background.

Returns: - this Application object.
##Application.focusWindow(windowNumber) Focuses a specific window of the application.


  • windowNumber number - identifies the window

Returns: - this Application object.
##Application.close(optSilent) Closes the already existing application.


  • optSilent boolean - (optional) if true, no exception will be thrown on errors and stop the test execution.

Returns: - this Application object.
##Application.kill(optSilent) Kill the already existing application hardly.


  • optSilent boolean - (optional) if true, no exception will be thrown on errors.

Returns: - this Application object.
##Application.setSleepTime(seconds) Sets the sleep time in seconds of the application actions to handle with long loading times. The default sleep time is set to 1 seconds.


  • seconds number - sleep time in seconds

Returns: - this Application object.
##Application.getRegion() Creates and returns a Region object from the application.

Returns: - a Region object.
##Application.getRegionForWindow(windowNumber) Creates and returns a Region object from a specific window of the application.


  • windowNumber number - identifies the window

Returns: - a Region object.
##Application.getName() Returns: - the name of the current application.
#Environment Environment - Represents the environment of the current test host.


  • optResumeOnException Boolean - (optional) if this parameter is undefined, it will be false.


##Environment.setSimilarity(similarity) Set a new default similarity for the screen capturing methods.


  • similarity number - value between 0 and 1, default = 0.8

Returns: - this Environment or NULL on errors.
##Environment.resetSimilarity() Resets the current similarity of the screen capturing methods to the original default value of 0.8.

Returns: - this Environment or NULL on errors.
##Environment.getRegionFromFocusedWindow() Get a Region object from the current focused window

Returns: - a Region object from the current focused window or NULL on errors.
##Environment.takeScreenshot(filename) Takes a screenshot of the current screen and saves it to the assigned path. If there ist just a file name, the screenshot will be saved in your current testcase folder. Supported formats: jpg and png


  • filename String - pathname/filename.format or just filename.format for example test.png.

Returns: Path - to the created screenshot OR null on errors


##Environment.takeScreenshotWithTimestamp(filenamePostfix, optFolderPath, optFormat) Takes a screenshot of the current screen and add the current timestamp in the file name like e.g.:


  • filenamePostfix String - postfix for the final filename Default: screenshot
  • optFolderPath String - optional FolderPath, where to save the screenshot. If null or empty: testcase folder will be used
  • optFormat string - optional format, for the screenshot (currently supported: jpg and png) If null or empty use property sakuli.screenshot.format

Returns: Path - to the created screenshot OR null on errors


saved under: mytestsuite/testcase1/2017_08_03_14_06_13_255_my_screenshot.png

##Environment.sleep(seconds) Blocks the current testcase execution for x seconds


  • seconds number - to sleep

Returns: - this Environment or NULL on errors.
##Environment.sleepMs(milliseconds) Blocks the current testcase execution for x milliseconds


  • milliseconds number - to sleep

Returns: - this Environment or NULL on errors.
##Environment.getClipboard() Returns: - the current content of the clipboard as String or NULL on errors
##Environment.setClipboard(text) sets the String parameter to the system clipboard


  • text String - text as string

Returns: - this Environment.
##Environment.pasteClipboard() pastes the current clipboard content into the focused area. Will do the same as "CTRL + V".

Returns: - this Environment.
##Environment.copyIntoClipboard() copy the current selected item or text to the clipboard. Will do the same as "CTRL + C".

Returns: - this Environment.
##Environment.cleanClipboard() Clean the content of the clipboard.

##Environment.paste(text) pastes the text at the current position of the focus/carret
using the clipboard and ctrl/cmd-v (paste keyboard shortcut)


  • text String - a string, which might contain unicode characters

Returns: - this Environment or NULL on errors.
##Environment.pasteMasked(text) makes a masked paste(String) without any logging.


  • text String - a string, which might contain unicode characters

Returns: - this Environment or NULL on errors.
##Environment.pasteAndDecrypt(text) combines pasteMasked(String) and decryptSecret(String).


  • text String - encrypted secret

Returns: - this Environment or NULL on errors.
##Environment.type(text, optModifiers) Enters the given text one character/key after another using keyDown/keyUp.

About the usable Key constants see documentation of Key. The function could also type UTF-8 unicode characters, if the OS supports it. The text is entered at the current position of the focus.


  • text String - containing characters and/or Key constants
  • optModifiers String - (optional) an String with only Key constants.

Returns: - this Environment or NULL on errors.
##Environment.typeMasked(text, optModifiers) Enters the given text one character/key after another using keyDown/keyUp. The entered text will be masked at the logging.

About the usable Key constants see documentation of Key. The function could also type UTF-8 unicode characters, if the OS supports it. The text is entered at the current position of the focus.


  • text String - containing characters and/or Key constants
  • optModifiers String - (optional) an String with only Key constants.

Returns: - this Environment or NULL on errors.
##Environment.typeAndDecrypt(text, optModifiers) Decrypt and enters the given text one character/key after another using keyDown/keyUp. The entered text will be masked at the logging. For the details of the decryption see decryptSecret(String).

About the usable Key constants see documentation of Key. The function could also type UTF-8 unicode characters, if the OS supports it. The text is entered at the current position of the focus.


  • text String - containing characters and/or Key constants
  • optModifiers String - (optional) an String with only Key constants.

Returns: - this Environment or NULL on errors.
##Environment.decryptSecret(secret) Decrypt a encrypted secret and returns the value at runtime. The decryption will only work like described at . There will be no logging with the decrypted secret during this step.

To create a encrypted secret see "".


  • secret String - encrypted secret as String

Returns: - decrypted String
##Environment.keyDown(keys) Press and hold the given keys including modifier keys
use the key constants defined in class Key,
which only provides a subset of a US-QWERTY PC keyboard layout
might be mixed with simple characters
use + to concatenate Key constants


  • keys String - valid keys

Returns: - this Environment or NULL on errors.
##Environment.keyUp(keys) release the given keys (see Environment.keyDown(...)).


  • keys String - valid keys

Returns: - this Environment or NULL on errors.
##Environment.write(text) Compact alternative for type() with more options

  • special keys and options are coded as #XN. or #X+ or #X-
    where X is a refrence for a special key and N is an optional repeat factor
    A modifier key as #X. modifies the next following key
    the trailing . ends the special key, the + (press and hold) or - (release) does the same,
    but signals press-and-hold or release additionally.
    except #W / #w all special keys are not case-sensitive
    a #wn. inserts a wait of n millisecs or n secs if n less than 60
    a #Wn. sets the type delay for the following keys (must be > 60 and denotes millisecs)
  • otherwise taken as normal wait
    Example: wait 2 secs then type CMD/CTRL - N then wait 1 sec then type DOWN 3 times
    Windows/Linux: write("#w2.#C.n#W1.#d3.")
    Mac: write("#w2.#M.n#W1.#D3.")
    for more details about the special key codes and examples consult the sikuliX docs


  • text String - a coded text interpreted as a series of key actions (press/hold/release)

Returns: - this Environment or NULL on errors.
##Environment.mouseWheelDown(steps) move the mouse pointer to the given target location and move the wheel the given steps down.


  • steps number - the number of steps

##Environment.mouseWheelUp(steps) move the mouse pointer to the given target location and move the wheel the given steps up.


  • steps number - the number of steps

##Environment.isWindows() Returns: boolean - true, if the OS is any instance of an Windows based OS
##Environment.isLinux() Returns: boolean - true, if the OS is any instance of an Linux based OS
##Environment.getOsIdentifier() Returns: string - identifier of the current OS
##Environment.runCommand(command, optThrowException) Runs the assigned command on the host and returns the result. Attention: this is OS depended feature! So be aware which os you are running, maybe us to check Environment#isLinux() or Environment#isWindows().


  • command string - OS depended command as String
  • optThrowException boolean - defines if an exception should be thrown, if the exit code != 0

Returns: - the result as CommandLineResult object, you can use the methods result.getOutput() and result.getExitCode()

var app;
if(environmen.runCommand('uname --machine') == 'x86_64'){
    //open app from other path
    app = new Application('/lib64/appname');
} else {
    app = new Application('/lib/appname');

##Environment.getEnv(key) Reads out the environment variable with the assigned key


  • key string - of environment variable

Returns: string - value or null
##Environment.getProperty(key) Reads out the property value with the assigned key


  • key string - of property

Returns: string - value or null
#Key All non-character keys are represented by Key constants which can be used in type functions.

The following Key values are available:


Press F1:


Close a window by typing the shortcut ALT + F4

// the second parameter is the held (="modifier") key
env.type(Key.F4, Key.ALT);

Open the file manager on Windows with shortcut WIN + e:

env.type("e", Key.META)

Do something application specific with shortcut CTRL + ALT + b (CTRL + ALT = ALTGR):

env.type("b", Key.ALTGR)

Closing an window over typing the short cut ALT + F4:

env.type(Key.F4, Key.ALT);

Using Key.ALTGR on Unix: TIP: To enable the key command ALTGR on unix systems please bind it to CTRL + ALT. For more information see - how-to-bind-altgr-to-ctrl-alt.


#Logger Logger - Logging functions to do 'debug, 'info', 'warning' and 'error' log entries.


##Logger.logError(message) make a error-log over Java backend into the log file. This won't stop the execution of the test case.


  • message String - as a String

##Logger.logWarning(message) make a debug-log over Java backend into the log file.


  • message String - as a String

##Logger.logInfo(message) make a info-log over Java backend into the log file.


  • message String - as a String

##Logger.logDebug(message) make a debug-log over Java backend into the log file.


  • message String - as a String

#MouseButton MouseButton - representing the possible mouse action button.

The following MouseButton values are possible:


Press and release the right mouse button for 3 seconds on a specified region:

var region = new Region().find("your-pattern.png");


#Region Region - Represents a region as a part of or the hole screen.


  • optResumeOnException Boolean - if true, the test execution won't stop on an occurring error. Default: false.

var screen = new Region(); //represents the hole screen


##Region.find(imageName) Finds an image inside this region immediately.


  • imageName String - name of the preloaded picture (if not set, the find operation will take place on the predefined region object.)

Returns: - the found Region or if the target can't be found null.
##Region.findRegion() Finds a target in this Region immediately;

Returns: - the found Region or if the target can't be found null.
##Region.exists(imageName, optWaitSeconds) Check whether the give pattern is visible on the screen.


  • imageName String - if set, the function search inside the given region for the image
  • optWaitSeconds number - if set, the function search for x seconds for the pattern.

Returns: - this Region or null makes a mouse click on the center of the Region.

Returns: - the Region or NULL on errors.
##Region.doubleClick() makes a double click on the center of the Region.

Returns: - the Region or NULL on errors.
##Region.rightClick() makes a right click on the center of the Region.

Returns: - the Region or NULL on errors.
##Region.mouseMove() Move the mouse pointer to the center of the Region and "hovers" it.

Returns: - the Region or NULL on errors.
##Region.mouseDown(mouseButton) Low-level mouse action to press the assigned MouseButton on the current position.


Returns: - the Region or NULL on errors.
Press and release the right mouse button for 3 seconds on a specified region:

var region = new Region().find("your-pattern.png");

##Region.mouseUp(mouseButton) Low-level mouse action to release the assigned MouseButton.


Returns: - the Region or NULL on errors.
Press and release the right mouse button for 3 seconds on a specified region:

var region = new Region().find("your-pattern.png");

##Region.dragAndDropTo(targetRegion) Drag from region's current position and drop at given targetRegion and using the left mouse.


  • targetRegion Region - target where to drop

Returns: - the Region or NULL on failure
move the bubble button 20px to the right:

var bubble = screen.find("bubble.png");

##Region.waitForImage(imageName, seconds) Blocks and waits until a target which is specified by the optImageName is found in the hole Screen within a given time period in seconds.


  • imageName String - name of the image pattern
  • seconds number - the maximum time to waitFor in seconds

Returns: - a Region object representing the region occupied by the found target, or null if the target can not be found within the given time.
##Region.paste(text) pastes the text at the current position of the focus/carret
using the clipboard and ctrl/cmd-v (paste keyboard shortcut)


  • text String - as a string, which might contain unicode characters

Returns: - this Region or NULL on errors.
##Region.pasteMasked(text) makes a masked paste(String) without any logging.


  • text String - a string, which might contain unicode characters

Returns: - this Region or NULL on errors.
##Region.pasteAndDecrypt(text) combines pasteMasked(String) and decryptSecret(String).


  • text String - encrypted secret

Returns: - this Region or NULL on errors.
##Region.type(text, optModifiers) Enters the given text one character/key after another using keyDown/keyUp.

About the usable Key constants see documentation of Key. The function could also type UTF-8 unicode characters, if the OS supports it. The text is entered at the current position of the focus.


  • text String - containing characters and/or Key constants
  • optModifiers String - (optional) an String with only Key constants.

Returns: - this Region or NULL on errors.
##Region.typeMasked(text, optModifiers) Enters the given text one character/key after another using keyDown/keyUp. The entered text will be masked at the logging.

About the usable Key constants see documentation of Key. The function could also type UTF-8 unicode characters, if the OS supports it. The text is entered at the current position of the focus.


  • text String - containing characters and/or Key constants
  • optModifiers String - (optional) an String with only Key constants.

Returns: - this Region or NULL on errors.
##Region.typeAndDecrypt(text, optModifiers) Decrypt and enters the given text one character/key after another using keyDown/keyUp. The entered text will be masked at the logging. For the details of the decryption see decryptSecret(String).

About the usable Key constants see documentation of Key. The function could also type UTF-8 unicode characters, if the OS supports it. The text is entered at the current position of the focus.


  • text String - containing characters and/or Key constants
  • optModifiers String - (optional) an String with only Key constants.

Returns: - this Region or NULL on errors.
##Region.keyDown(keys) Press and hold the given keys including modifier keys
use the key constants defined in class Key,
which only provides a subset of a US-QWERTY PC keyboard layout
might be mixed with simple characters
use + to concatenate Key constants


  • keys String - valid keys

Returns: - this Region or NULL on errors.
##Region.keyUp(keys) release the given keys (see Region.keyDown(...)).


  • keys String - valid keys

Returns: - this Region or NULL on errors.
##Region.write(text) Compact alternative for type() with more options

  • special keys and options are coded as #XN. or #X+ or #X-
    where X is a refrence for a special key and N is an optional repeat factor
    A modifier key as #X. modifies the next following key
    the trailing . ends the special key, the + (press and hold) or - (release) does the same,
    but signals press-and-hold or release additionally.
    except #W / #w all special keys are not case-sensitive
    a #wn. inserts a wait of n millisecs or n secs if n less than 60
    a #Wn. sets the type delay for the following keys (must be > 60 and denotes millisecs)
  • otherwise taken as normal wait
    Example: wait 2 secs then type CMD/CTRL - N then wait 1 sec then type DOWN 3 times
    Windows/Linux: write("#w2.#C.n#W1.#d3.")
    Mac: write("#w2.#M.n#W1.#D3.")
    for more details about the special key codes and examples consult the sikuliX docs


  • text String - a coded text interpreted as a series of key actions (press/hold/release)

Returns: - this Region or NULL on errors.
##Region.deleteChars(amountOfChars) delete a amount of chars in a field


  • amountOfChars number - number of chars to delete

Returns: - this Region or null on errors
##Region.mouseWheelDown(steps) move the mouse pointer to the given target location and move the wheel the given steps down.


  • steps number - the number of steps

##Region.mouseWheelUp(steps) move the mouse pointer to the given target location and move the wheel the given steps up.


  • steps number - the number of steps

##Region.move(offsetX, offsetY) Set a offset to a specific Region and returns the new Region object. The offset function will move the Region's rectangle x pixels to the right and y pixels down. The size of the rectangle will be the same.


  • offsetX number - x-value for the offset action
  • offsetY number - y-value for the offset action

Returns: - a Region with the new coordinates
##Region.grow(range) create a region enlarged range pixels on each side


  • range number - of pixels

Returns: - a new Region
##Region.grow(width, height) create a region with enlarged range pixels


  • width number - in pixels to grow in both directions
  • height number - in pixels to grow in both directions

Returns: - a new Region
##Region.above(range) Params

  • range number - of pixels

Returns: - a new Region that is defined above the current region’s top border with a height of range number of pixels.
##Region.below(range) Params

  • range number - of pixels

Returns: - a new Region that is defined below the current region’s bottom border with a height of range number of pixels.
##Region.left(range) Params

  • range number - of pixels

Returns: - a new Region that is defined on the left the current region’s left border with a width of range number of pixels.
##Region.right(range) Params

  • range number - of pixels

Returns: - a new Region that is defined on the right the current region’s right border with a width of range number of pixels.
##Region.setH(height) set the height, based form the upper left corner downsides


  • height number - in pixels

##Region.getH() Returns: - height as int value
##Region.setW(width) set the width, based form the upper left corner to the right


  • width number

##Region.getW() Returns: - width as int value
##Region.setX(x) set the X coordinate of the upper left corner.


  • x number

##Region.getX() Returns: - width as int value
##Region.setY(y) set the Y coordinate of the upper left corner.


  • y number

##Region.getY() Returns: - Y coordinate of the upper left corner
##Region.highlight(seconds) Params

  • seconds number - highlights this Region for x seconds or the default time

##Region.takeScreenshot(filename) Takes a screenshot of this Region and saves it to the assigned path. If there ist just a file name, the screenshot will be saved in your current testcase folder. Supported formats: jpg and png


  • filename String - pathname/filename.format or just filename.format for example test.png.

Returns: Path - to the created screenshot OR null on errors


##Region.takeScreenshotWithTimestamp(filenamePostfix, optFolderPath, optFormat) Takes a screenshot of this Region and add the current timestamp in the file name like e.g.:


  • filenamePostfix String - postfix for the final filename Default: screenshot
  • optFolderPath String - optional FolderPath, where to save the screenshot. If null or empty: testcase folder will be used
  • optFormat string - optional format, for the screenshot (currently supported: jpg and png) If null or empty use property sakuli.screenshot.format

Returns: Path - to the created screenshot OR null on errors


saved under: mytestsuite/testcase1/2017_08_03_14_06_13_255_my_screenshot.png

##Region.sleep(seconds) Blocks the current testcase execution for x seconds


  • seconds number - to sleep

Returns: - this Region or NULL on errors.
##Region.sleepMs(milliseconds) Blocks the current testcase execution for x milliseconds


  • milliseconds number - to sleep

Returns: - this Region or NULL on errors.
##Region.extractText() Returns: - from this region a extracted Text as String
#RegionRectangle RegionRectangle (extends Region) - Represents a region specified by the x and y coordinates, width and height as a part of the screen.


  • x number - – x position of a rectangle on the screen.
  • y number - – y position of a rectangle on the screen.
  • w number - – width of a rectangle in pixel.
  • h number - – height of a rectangle in pixel.
  • optResumeOnException Boolean - (optional) if true, the test execution won't stop on an occurring error. Default: false.


var notepadRegion = new RegionRectangle(0,0,100,100);
//represents a region which start at x=0, y=o (left upper corner) and have a size of 100px * 100px.
