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Matthew Troemner edited this page Nov 7, 2023 · 4 revisions

Facets Data File

For a typical LDPMgeo000-data-facets.dat file:

// Data Structure:
// Tet IDx IDy IDz Vol pArea cx cy cz px py pz qx qy qz sx sy sz mF
// One line per facet, ordering is Tet 1 (Facet 1-12),...,Tet N (Facet 1-12)
// Note: All indices are zero-indexed
  • Tet: Index of tetrahedra (integer)
  • IDx IDy IDz: Indices of facet vertices (ints)
  • Vol: Tet volume associated to facet (float)
  • pArea: Projected area of facet (float)
  • cx, cy, cz: Coordinates of facet center (floats)
  • px, py, pz: Normal to projected facet (floats)
  • qx, qy, qz: First projected tangential direction (floats)
  • sx, sy, sz: Second projected tangential direction (floats)
  • mF: Material Flag (integer); where,
    • 0 = Single-Phase LDPM
    • 1 = ITZ (for P-LDPM)
    • 2 = Binder (for P-LDPM)
    • 3 = Aggregate (for P-LDPM)

Face Facets Data File

For a typical LDPMgeo000-data-faceFacets.dat file:

// Data Structure:
// n x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 x3 y3 z3
// One line per face facet, first number is the tet node index
// Note: All indices are zero-indexed
  • n: Tet node index (int)
  • x1: X Coordinate for vertex 1 (float)
  • y1: Y Coordinate for vertex 1 (float)
  • z1: Z Coordinate for vertex 1 (float)
  • x2: X Coordinate for vertex 2 (float)
  • y2: Y Coordinate for vertex 2 (float)
  • z2: Z Coordinate for vertex 2 (float)
  • x3: X Coordinate for vertex 3 (float)
  • y3: Y Coordinate for vertex 3 (float)
  • z3: Z Coordinate for vertex 3 (float)
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