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Chase Willden edited this page May 4, 2016 · 2 revisions


Date is use to get the current date as well as any date passed through.

Supported Operations

### Date [Function] The base Date object. ```go Date date = new Date(); var date = new Date(epochTime); ``` #### getYear [Function] Get the numeric year from the date object. ##### Example ```go Date date = new Date(); int year = date.getYear(); ``` #### getMonth [Function] Get the numeric month from the date object. ##### Example ```go Date date = new Date(); int month = date.getMonth(); ``` #### getDay [Function] Get the numeric day from the date object. ##### Example ```go Date date = new Date(); int day = date.getDay(); ``` #### getHours [Function] Get the numeric hour from the date object. ##### Example ```go Date date = new Date(); int hour = date.getHours(); ``` #### getMinutes [Function] Get the numeric minutes from the date object. ##### Example ```go Date date = new Date(); int minutes = date.getMinutes(); ``` #### getSeconds [Function] Get the numeric seconds from the date object. ##### Example ```go Date date = new Date(); int seconds = date.getSeconds(); ```