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Cone: The ConductorOne command line tool

Welcome to cone – a robust command-line tool from ConductorOne! Written in Go, cone is designed to streamline the use-case-specific tasks for developers, security teams, and other end users. cone is open source, under the Aapche 2.0 license.


Getting cone on your system is straightforward. You can choose one of the following two methods:

$ brew install conductorone/cone/cone

ConductorOne provides cone binaries for popular operating systems including macOS, Windows, and Linux on the x86 and ARM platforms. If your platform is not listed, please contact us or build from source.


To authenticate to Cone, run cone login <tenant-name or tenant-url>, passing in the name (such as or URL (such as of your ConductorOne instance and follow the prompts.

Getting started with Cone

Run cone help to see the full list of available Cone commands.

Check out the ConductorOne documentation for much more on Cone, including:

Contributing, support, and issues

We value your contributions and ideas, no matter how small. We aim to make cone a fantastic tool for everyone. If you encounter any issues, require support, or have suggestions, please open a Github Issue!

Check out our for more information.


cone is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.


For further information or assistance, feel free to contact us at

Reporting security issues

At ConductorOne, we prioritize security and take potential issues seriously. If you discover a security issue, please alert us as quickly as possible!

To protect our users, DO NOT create a public issue or pull request. Instead, send your report privately to the ConductorOne Security Team at

We greatly appreciate security reports, and we will publicly acknowledge your contribution once the issue has been resolved and poses no risk to users. Thank you for helping us ensure the security and integrity of cone!